The Weather Channel

Create a WEATHER channel on your realm. Have all your toons on it and spread the word. It can be used to monitor weather effects. It may not be 100% effective due to cross realm effects, but if youre on an alt, or doing other things, isn't it better to hear someone broadcast a sandstorm in Tanaris, or snow in Storm Peaks than to have no news and no chance at all? Does anyone else have an opinion on this?
Re: The Weather Channel
This sounds like a pretty boss idea, not gonna lie. Ive been in a couple spots where Ive been alone in a sandstorm and wanted to have a way of tipping people off, but no other collectors that I knew of were around to inform. Though it would increase competition substantially since you'd have all those people -rushing- to get to Jaguero or the peaks or what have you, it's good to at least give people the -chance- to get one.
My server isnt quite populated enough with collectors, but I think others that ARE would really benefit.
My server isnt quite populated enough with collectors, but I think others that ARE would really benefit.
Re: The Weather Channel
This sounds like a brilliant idea. There used to be a /bookclub channel, when the achievement "Higher Learning" (and Dalaran) was all the rage. Hopefully, this will help people nab even a poor version of some pet they are missing.