I have been unsuccessfully camping out for three weeks now on different alts on my main server Barthilas (Oceanic)
As far as I can tell there is only one CRZ pool, no matter what time I enter Icecrown its the same, I have tested this by putting characters in place at different times of day and night and then logging in on one, killing something then quickly logging all the others in to see if I can find the body. I always can. So that tells me that possibly due to Oceanic realms being few but all high population we are all linked together. So to enter different CRZ's I figure I would need to either level a character on a new realm or transfer. I would rather not unless I get really desperate. I have done late nights and early mornings sitting up camping and throughout the day as well. No success, I have only ever seen the spawns when flying over on the taxi.
My new strategy is to try to be online 24 hours after a restart which many pet collectors say has been their success story. Being Oceanic the time difference means that's normally midnight or so, so its doable. I just need to know what time the restart happens then start logging in around that time.
My question to those who have their whelp is: in your experience is it best to login before the time and just hang out for an hour or so? Do they all spawn at the same time or are they staggered? I am yet to see anyone else camping out BUT most of my alts have done no quests in the area so its possible level 90s are phased to me.
My second question is if you think this strategy is a waste of time, can you recommend a pool of low pop servers for me to transfer to? I looked at the Brazilian ones but I am English speaking so I felt that might hinder me if I wanted to ask around for help from other players...