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What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 2:10 am
by Syrrie
I'm just curious to see what other people's pet totals are like post patch. XD

Personally I'm sitting at 726 in the pet book right now, which honestly surprised me. :oops:

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 2:28 am
by Lysi
I'm not done yet. But I have 777 pets now, so I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't log into anyone else, for luck. XD

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 2:38 am
by Emberdione
I stopped halfway through because I hit over 500... I know they say we can go up to 1500, but stilll...

I can't wait to cage pets so I can organize mine!

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 7:53 am
by Jadax
I only ever collected on one toon, really, so 178 :P Although, my Horde Balloon and Moonkin only seem to count in the achievement panel, and not in the pet journal.

180 vs 178. It's odd :P

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 8:56 am
by Plucky
I just hope that when Blizzard adds even more Mount/pet achievements, that they set them at a bar so high that people who only plays as a single faction can get them, and not forcing people to play both just to scrape a few more numbers up. (in an ideal world, it should also have a lowered number...just to account for the sheer rarity of Event Mounts...or the totally grindy PvP mounts)

EDIT: Im at 162 unique pets, though i have 225 total pets.....i know 7 of them are Westfall Chickens at least. :D
Shame we can't see the rarity of Pets prior to pet battles. :x

Now chances are People would be farming rarer pets like the Crimson Whelping due to AoE looting (which is good), however since we can't see the rarity of the pets we have, that means mass farmed spawn pets such as the Raptor Hatchlings may be hard to sell temporally...they'll probably be a glut of pets in the AH, waiting for people to buy them...and throw them away when they discover their rarities...

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 9:20 am
by Paladiac
I have logged into each of my 8 toons now, and I have 967 pets - I was trying to get at least 150 pets on each toon, (which only my main succeeded in) and 125 on two others.

My question, which I do not see with the Blizzard notes - is what happens if I get new pets - such as the TB Fox Kit that still has not dropped for me, but I am working on tokens to purchase it. Will I be able to learn it - or do I have to basically delete a bunch of pets to get me under the 500 mark to learn it?

Has anyone seen or heard anything on this issue?

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 9:50 am
by Quintessence
Paladiac wrote:I have logged into each of my 8 toons now, and I have 967 pets - I was trying to get at least 150 pets on each toon, (which only my main succeeded in) and 125 on two others.

My question, which I do not see with the Blizzard notes - is what happens if I get new pets - such as the TB Fox Kit that still has not dropped for me, but I am working on tokens to purchase it. Will I be able to learn it - or do I have to basically delete a bunch of pets to get me under the 500 mark to learn it?

Has anyone seen or heard anything on this issue?
From what I've heard, yes, you will need to drop below 500 before you can learn it, but can anyone confirm?

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 4:54 pm
by Taizzaa
I'm at 1605. I have more than 1 account and on my main account all 10 toons were over 100 pets so I expected a lot. Now I have a massive job ahead of me :( but I get to keep/sell my extra rarer pets :)

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 5:12 pm
by Domie
Cant belive people have so many pets :D

I only have 226 now, since i only collect on one char, there is some event and quest pets and so i have on multiple chars.

But having 500+ pets really shows how much you love the pet collecting, i must say, im impressed! :)

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 11:32 pm
by Lysi
Hqwallace wrote:I bought the DDE for MOP just now, and yes, I had to delete duplicate pets until I was below 500 in order to learn the Lucky Quilen Cub pet. It showed up as going into my pet journal in the general chat, but I got an error message that said I had too many pets. That was lots of work, but totally worth it.....he is so adorable! :)
Thank you for the info! Do you know if you can have more than 3 of some and still learn a new one, as long as you're under the 500? I'd guess you could as long as you don't have 3 or more of that particular pet (and I won't, just want to earn and learn the fox).

Either way I've got a lot of work ahead of me thinning the heard, grand total 1073 pets. Not only did I decide at one point to get all the easily bought pets for everyone, but certain fun pets, like the Westfall Chicken, the Jubling, the Singing Sunflower, etc, I just had to run out and get them for everyone!

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 30th, 2012, 7:13 am
by Guest
Oh wow, lots of big numbers!

266 here, only really collected on one character though.

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 30th, 2012, 3:20 pm
by Radnok
358 - including 8 pets collected after the patch. I only had two characters that were serious pet collectors, and several others that had one or two interesting pets that those two main ones don't have.

Like everyone else, I am looking forward to caging and organizing.

Has anyone else noticed that some identical pets have different stats?

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 31st, 2012, 2:30 am
by Syrrie
It's nice to know I'm not the only crazy-obsessed collector out there. XD

But yeah, looking forward to caging and selling/giving away many pets come Sept. 25th. Though I was browsing through the pets and I'm wondering if some aren't bugged right now as some say not tradable but aren't unique and similar pets are tradable, like the Northrend children week's pets are marked as non-tradable but outland and old world children's week's pets are marked tradable. Another example off the top of my head is the clockwork gnome from archy is not tradable but the pterrodax hatchling is. I'm hoping it's just a bit buggy, or at least for some kind further clarification from Blizz on what exactly will disqualify a non-wild pet from being tradable.

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 31st, 2012, 5:58 am
by Doobjanka
I logged enough toons on to go over 500 and then removed all the easily acquired ones so I dropped down to 495.

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 31st, 2012, 6:21 am
by Quintessence
Radnok wrote:Has anyone else noticed that some identical pets have different stats?
Yea, I noticed that too. Only a few of them have different stats, though. And they only vary ever so slightly (by one or two points).

I wonder if it's a bug since the ones that have different stats are from vendors/quests. I'm not sure it makes sense that static pets can have different stats.

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 31st, 2012, 6:46 am
by Samboda
Quintessence wrote:
Radnok wrote:Has anyone else noticed that some identical pets have different stats?
Yea, I noticed that too. Only a few of them have different stats, though. And they only vary ever so slightly (by one or two points).

I wonder if it's a bug since the ones that have different stats are from vendors/quests. I'm not sure it makes sense that static pets can have different stats.
I noticed that too, while releasing some of the extra pets i had from vendors, so i left one of each diferent variation (more health, more attack, more speed)

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: August 31st, 2012, 10:12 am
by Lysi
Given Blizzards love of RNG, I'm guessing they did it on purpose! I haven't really followed the pet battle info here since I don't know if I'll want to play or not, so just confirming, I should keep the common pets with the highest stats in case I want to play?

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: September 1st, 2012, 2:48 pm
by Feathered
Logged on to all my toons and ended up around 600 pets and started deleting all my extra balloons and such that cant battle. I need to have a night dedicated to sorting O.o

Re: What's your total post-patch?

Posted: September 1st, 2012, 6:10 pm
by Gosu2009
sorry I have not been updated but can someone tell me why can we have upto 3 of any kinds of pets?
what is the point of having 3 x crimson whelplings in your collection?