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Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 2nd, 2013, 8:44 pm
by Ruzgofdi
So there seems to be some kind of problem with buying and selling of pets on the AH.

Anyone here run into this?

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 3rd, 2013, 2:55 am
by Blackorange
This has happened to me. i recieved a pet cage in the mail after putting stuff in the AH but i dont remember what pet it was. i couldnt learn it and i couldnt find out what pet it was. SO i put it back in the AH for 2k gold and it actually SOLD. i dont know what that was but i was 2k richer. i hope it wasnt a rare pet

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 3rd, 2013, 6:29 am
by Tahsfenz
What addons are you using? Maybe if we have a few people with the same issue, we can narrow it down.

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 3rd, 2013, 7:03 am
by Arji
I've been asked by a friend to help open one of these cages.
I tried to open it for him and also only got "Internal Error"

I do see a couple of them at the AH now.

I can list my Add Ons later on. I know for sure I have several Pet Add Ons and at least one AuctionHouse Add On.

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 3rd, 2013, 7:28 am
by J_whiskey
I had this happen with two pets I bought off the AH. Three others I had bought at the same time did not have any problems. I submitted a ticket and was told they are aware of the problem. When I asked if I would get the items restored to me or if I would have to wait I recieved the pets in my mailbox a short time later.

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 4th, 2013, 3:08 am
by Cendir
I put up some pets for sale as normal. Soon after got the message one of my auctions had sold, only, it told me I sold a Pet Cage. I sent the guy a message, told him what pet it was (since not sure it was listed as a pet or cage when he bought it), and to petition it.

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 4th, 2013, 1:35 pm
by Crazypants
My last few AH sales have just shown a pet cage sold. Oh man i hope ppl are getting their pets they are buying from the AH from me. :?

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 4th, 2013, 10:33 pm
by Ishildur
Pigswill wrote:My last few AH sales have just shown a pet cage sold. Oh man i hope ppl are getting their pets they are buying from the AH from me. :?
This has always shown this way in auctioneer and TSM for me after the item has been sold and collected, I never see that I've sold a specific pet. If I look up what I've sold in the past I have Pet Cage after Pet Cage, never Whiskers or Scooter. That part is normal if that's what's happening to you, it looking that way after sales go through and money is collected. The system being bugged and showing just that generic function at the caging/posting/using of the auction is abnormal though.

It seems they never managed to put the pet's ID (name) and state (breed and level) in the way normal items are handled, so it's never been possible to register that via addons as far as I've seen. It's some sort of metadata that registers that that the addons I've used at least haven't been able to capture. Seems to me it's like a mask if you will, underneath every "lil bad wolf, breed so and so, lvl so and so" is really a Pet Cage item with some added data that tells us and the game what it's supposed to turn into in your pet journal. The pets being stripped of the info identifying what they are on the AH is quite serious since that's the only way it seems the game can tell what they are, I hope they manage to fix it soon.

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 6th, 2013, 9:46 am
by Gendou
I pulled some pets from the guild bank and they turned into cages.
I submitted a ticket, and they said it was a known bug and closed the ticket without fixing the pets.
Apparently we have to wait for a hotfix or patch or something for the issue to be resolved?

It's not a huge deal (a couple of Feline Familiars), but I had wanted to give them to a couple of friends who were returning to the game after an extended absence (and who have just started pet battling). If I'd lost a RwL pet or something even more rare, I'd likely be a little more impatient with the fine grinding of the Wheels of Justice.

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 6:36 pm
by Velgana
I just came accross this issue today when I was trying to sell an extra imp on the AH. I'll just put my sad looking pet cage in my guild bank and hope for a fix soon. :(

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 8th, 2013, 3:36 am
by Avalee
Saw one yesterday in the AH. It had a picture of a cage, no name and the itemlevel was 245843 or something like that.

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 9th, 2013, 6:13 pm
by Nastard
I've been having this issue too. I tend to list a couple dozen pets on the AH at a time, and 8 of them were returned as "Pet cage." I placed 4 in my inventory before I realized there was an issue. The other 4 in my mailbox still have their original pet name in the mail description, but clicking on the actual mail only shows "pet cage."

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 9th, 2013, 11:01 pm
by Ysat
Ishildur wrote:
Pigswill wrote:My last few AH sales have just shown a pet cage sold. Oh man i hope ppl are getting their pets they are buying from the AH from me. :?
This has always shown this way in auctioneer and TSM for me after the item has been sold and collected, I never see that I've sold a specific pet. If I look up what I've sold in the past I have Pet Cage after Pet Cage, never Whiskers or Scooter. That part is normal if that's what's happening to you, it looking that way after sales go through and money is collected. The system being bugged and showing just that generic function at the caging/posting/using of the auction is abnormal though.

It seems they never managed to put the pet's ID (name) and state (breed and level) in the way normal items are handled, so it's never been possible to register that via addons as far as I've seen. It's some sort of metadata that registers that that the addons I've used at least haven't been able to capture. Seems to me it's like a mask if you will, underneath every "lil bad wolf, breed so and so, lvl so and so" is really a Pet Cage item with some added data that tells us and the game what it's supposed to turn into in your pet journal. The pets being stripped of the info identifying what they are on the AH is quite serious since that's the only way it seems the game can tell what they are, I hope they manage to fix it soon.
I'm not quite sure that is correct for the more recent versions of TSM and auctioneer. The addons can register these items when they read them from the auction house, but not record that data - or more importantly for those automating sales - sort by "subcategory" ie breed id/level. This means when you view your sales data on bean counter or in the accounting module you see "pet cage" Older versions of auctioneer did not play well with Pet cage and you get the experience I have this morning where everything is a surprise parcel.

As an aside, to track that data you can use a specific group to see each pet - ie name your TSM group "blue moth". That lets you see moth sales but not H/H B/B Etc, in my experience few players are at this time specifically ah shoping for *most* breeds this way, rather filling out collections. You then look at sales of each TSM category.

It seems to have happened in the last 12 hrs or so, so I presume there is or will be a hot fix coming for it, it is the kind of thing that they tend to respond quickly to. .. Now to work out if I bid on mystery surprise....

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 8:30 am
by Rainbowk
And the "pet cage" issue escalates. This morning I went into my Pet Guild bank only to find THREE more "pet cages". I believe all three new ones are from Archaeology. I did NOT have any on sale in the AH, did not mail them to anyone or receive them in the mail. Blizzard really needs to fix this.

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 9:54 am
by Breehit
I am not sure I understand...if you click on the pet cage and "learn" the pet, doesn't the actual pet go back into your pet journal? :?:

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 9:57 am
by Gendou
Rainbowk wrote:And the "pet cage" issue escalates. This morning I went into my Pet Guild bank only to find THREE more "pet cages". I believe all three new ones are from Archaeology. I did NOT have any on sale in the AH, did not mail them to anyone or receive them in the mail. Blizzard really needs to fix this.
Yeah,I've found that any pets in the guild bank are turned into cages when you take them out of the bank.
Breehit wrote:I am not sure I understand...if you click on the pet cage and "learn" the pet, doesn't the actual pet go back into your pet journal? :?:
No, it just vanishes and then you don't have any proof you ever had it in the first place. :cry:

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 10:23 am
by Rainbowk
Gendou wrote:
Rainbowk wrote:And the "pet cage" issue escalates. This morning I went into my Pet Guild bank only to find THREE more "pet cages". I believe all three new ones are from Archaeology. I did NOT have any on sale in the AH, did not mail them to anyone or receive them in the mail. Blizzard really needs to fix this.
Yeah,I've found that any pets in the guild bank are turned into cages when you take them out of the bank.
Breehit wrote:I am not sure I understand...if you click on the pet cage and "learn" the pet, doesn't the actual pet go back into your pet journal? :?:
No, it just vanishes and then you don't have any proof you ever had it in the first place. :cry:

Actually no, they were "pet caged" in the guild bank before I removed them.

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 7:57 pm
by Rainbowk
Thank you to GM Seronyth, for thier time and effort in locating the "pet cage" pets that were broken in my inventory. They returned Spectral Porcupette Sinister Squashling and Pocket Reaver to my inventory

Edit: Logged in today to find 5 of the 6 pets they have restored to be 'pet caged' again. /sigh

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 15th, 2013, 4:04 pm
by Sparkwidget
I have been having this issue as well. I missed Children's Week but was dying for an Egbert. They're rather spendy on my my server (averaging about 1k or more) and I was saving up for one when, low and behold, I found it for 700g. Thinking it was such a steal and I didn't want to miss out on the great deal, I blew almost all my money right then and there to get it. And then he showed up as a pet cage and I got the internal error. Now he is sitting in my bank all alone collecting dust until Blizz fixes it. Poor little thing. :(

Both GMs that I spoke to about it were less than helpful and simply directed me to look at the site for updates on the forums. It's not even listed in the known issues area nor is the much on the site that I can find, and my own forum post in the bug report area has gone unanswered by Blizzard for quite some time, despite bumping it a couple times. Tried learning Egbert again a day or two ago, still no luck. Has anyone heard anything on a timeline for fixing this? Or found any workarounds, etc.?

Re: Pet Cage Auction House Bug

Posted: June 15th, 2013, 4:40 pm
by Ethlin
I put about 100 random pets on the AH (Luckily nothing worth more then maybe 50G) and two of the non-selling ones returned as pet cages. For lulz I tried relisting them but apparently you can't list them now (hotfix I assume).