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Qiraji Gaurdling Crz issues

Posted: June 21st, 2013, 5:54 pm
by Tatra
I'm wondering if this is just the lucky 3 servers i am on with these guys. Basically last night i was able to get a gaurdian on Magtheridon's crz, helped out a member of warcraftpets get theres but after the first 10 min people were going around and just killing the spawns. On another server with totally different crz everyone who was there on alliance were slaughtered and all pets were killed with out anyone taming them. This is still going on with that crz, garithos is the realm and anyone who has that crz and not horde i really feel for them. So then i took a look at a pve server group i was on, and people were not being killed just all the pets were being killed. Logged on today and nothing has changed on those 3 different crzs. Was just wondering if this was just those 3 or is everyone having the same issue. Also i will be keeping my eye out for the gaurdling on my main realm and if anyone is having an issue ill check and invite them to group as i find the pets.

Re: Qiraji Gaurdling Crz issues

Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 11:38 am
by Marikari
thats an awful thing to do :/ some folk just have zero respect :( i must admit i havent seen it but i was around those zones at strange times of the morning so very few if any people about (i'm on EU)

Re: Qiraji Gaurdling Crz issues

Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 1:28 pm
by Peanutty
What's happened is people were posting their frustrations at not being able to get one right away on the battlenet forums. Other players came in and basically said "Oh look this is a new way to grief people and make them rage" and then deliberately set out to do just that.

Only advice I can give really is to just wait it out a few days. Even the most bored of trolls can't do this forever.

Re: Qiraji Gaurdling Crz issues

Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 2:02 pm
by Rivelle
Honestly, it's just people being jerks.

They have the "If I can't have one, can't nobody have one" mentality...or they're just griefing others because they find it funny.

It's not just specific servers/CRZs either. I have a character on a server that does not have CRZ enabled and people from other servers were creating DKs there, getting them out of the starter zone and going to Silithus to camp for the pet. I was on this morning and was just starting to head over to check for the pet myself when one of my guildies asked if anyone needed one. He tried to protect it for me but by the time I got there, he had killed a 58 DK who was after it and in response, the DK killed the pet spawn.

Your best bet really is just to try to get on at an off-hour for the most prevalent time zone in your CRZ group.

Re: Qiraji Gaurdling Crz issues

Posted: June 23rd, 2013, 7:11 am
by Mirimu
Well I am on an Oceanic realm and every other Amerian made low level toons and DKs to snag it early - which was annoying but c'est la vie.

However in the above post the thing that stuck in my mind was this minding pet and killing the competion while you made your way there. He had a right to the spawn as much as anyone and sadly he was there before you but having a high level friend kill him to save the pet for you would have had me raging too. That instance is different to the others who posted regarding people griefing for the sake of appeasing their immature needs.

Re: Qiraji Gaurdling Crz issues

Posted: June 23rd, 2013, 7:26 am
by Doobjanka
Peanutty wrote:Only advice I can give really is to just wait it out a few days. Even the most bored of trolls can't do this forever.
I don't know about this. Every time I go through the Blasted Land portal I see scores of skeletons and people camping, and that was a hotspot three expansions ago!

Re: Qiraji Gaurdling Crz issues

Posted: June 23rd, 2013, 2:14 pm
by Peanutty
Doobjanka wrote:
Peanutty wrote:Only advice I can give really is to just wait it out a few days. Even the most bored of trolls can't do this forever.
I don't know about this. Every time I go through the Blasted Land portal I see scores of skeletons and people camping, and that was a hotspot three expansions ago!
Haha, that's kinda true. Well maybe in a few days they'll get bored and go back to "welcoming" people to the portal? ;)

Re: Qiraji Gaurdling Crz issues

Posted: June 23rd, 2013, 2:23 pm
by Colar
There were lots on Emerald Dream, and I saw only 1 other beside myself that is from ED server. Rest were in via CRZ. I spent over an hour before I snagged one, a green quality H/S pet.

I killed only 1 ally there, a level 59 DK that seemed out of place for some reason. A level 90 ally was killed by other horde, he was AFK. Other than that 2, no PVP happened and virtually no Qiraji was killed senselessly.

Re: Qiraji Gaurdling Crz issues

Posted: June 23rd, 2013, 4:30 pm
by Dakaf
I'm on a lower pop battle group, but I have yet to even see one. I just really hope that the camping will die down over the next few weeks. If there are a lot of people without and its starting to get near the end of the season, I think they will up the spawn rate. There will be so many collectors quitting if they don't get one all summer.

Re: Qiraji Gaurdling Crz issues

Posted: June 24th, 2013, 1:42 pm
by Rivelle
Mirimu wrote:Well I am on an Oceanic realm and every other Amerian made low level toons and DKs to snag it early - which was annoying but c'est la vie.

However in the above post the thing that stuck in my mind was this minding pet and killing the competion while you made your way there. He had a right to the spawn as much as anyone and sadly he was there before you but having a high level friend kill him to save the pet for you would have had me raging too. That instance is different to the others who posted regarding people griefing for the sake of appeasing their immature needs.
That's true, but not really much different than if my guildie had been there ready to tag the pet for himself, instead of waiting to see if I could get there before someone else went for it.

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), the non-CRZ'd realms are the last of their type so the people on them don't usually take kindly to strangers randomly showing up to "steal" rares/battle pets whether that be from someone inviting them from another realm or all the new 58 DKs.

Now that it's been a few days since it's been out, I'm not sure how it is on the more populated realms but it seems to have calmed down a bit on people searching for it on lower populated realms and therefore also less ganking (and pet ganking).