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Varzuk won't teach me the crane

Posted: September 27th, 2012, 4:20 pm
by Bindibear
I just rolled a panderan so I could learn the Jade Crane Chick. Varzuk says I already know the training, so he won't give me training. However, he also says I don't know the training, so he won't teach me the chick. Anyone else experienced this? Anything I can do to fix it?


*edit* I can log onto my one goblin and learn the crab, but not the panderan...

Re: Varzuk won't teach me the crane

Posted: September 27th, 2012, 4:25 pm
by Plucky
Same here, made a Pandaren Monk a few days ago and got her to Stormwind after pledging my alliegence, i couldn't get the crane neither...haven't tried other races though, how long and winded does the Worgen area last soon as you get your Worgen form or is there a definite end..?

Re: Varzuk won't teach me the crane

Posted: September 27th, 2012, 4:34 pm
by Bindibear
The Warcraft Pets guild informs me it's a known issue with Panderians. So park by the pet trainer and hope for a hotfix?

Every other race has worked for me so far.

The Worgen starting area isn't half as bad as the Goblin! They're both a set length, it'll run way past the time you get your form shift. I'm usually 15-16 by the time I get out of the Goblin zone, I imagine Worgens are similar.

Re: Varzuk won't teach me the crane

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 1:50 pm
by Jadax
I finished the Goblin area at just under Lv12 this week. Not too bad.

Can't learn the crab though -_-

Re: Varzuk won't teach me the crane

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 2:15 pm
by Lysi
I'm confused, is every race supposed to get a pet? My human, who I actually bought the training with, wasn't offered anything. My panda got the crane.

Re: Varzuk won't teach me the crane

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 2:18 pm
by Jadax
Lysi wrote:I'm confused, is every race supposed to get a pet? My human, who I actually bought the training with, wasn't offered anything. My panda got the crane.
All the old races could get a pet from the trainer, but they were all old vendor pets. The Draenei one was an old moth, for example.

Re: Varzuk won't teach me the crane

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 2:29 pm
by Lysi
Oh, so it's kind of how the newer races get racial pets? I guess I should stop by with my goblin and worgen. Thanks!

Re: Varzuk won't teach me the crane

Posted: September 30th, 2012, 1:38 pm
by Gogo
A question about the racial pets... I am horde and have begun leveling a worgen (alliance obviously) to try and get the Gilnean Raven pet.

Should I learn the pet on my worgen? (i.e., will it show up on all my other characters?) and then delete the character?

Or should I buy it and try and transfer it to my horde character via the Auction House?

Maybe I''m stressing about nothing, but I'd rather not do it wrong. Please let me know what would work best! :)

Re: Varzuk won't teach me the crane

Posted: September 30th, 2012, 2:19 pm
by Quintessence
Jujubi2 wrote:A question about the racial pets... I am horde and have begun leveling a worgen (alliance obviously) to try and get the Gilnean Raven pet.

Should I learn the pet on my worgen? (i.e., will it show up on all my other characters?) and then delete the character?

Or should I buy it and try and transfer it to my horde character via the Auction House?

Maybe I''m stressing about nothing, but I'd rather not do it wrong. Please let me know what would work best! :)
Yes, you can learn the Gilnean Raven on your worgen and then delete the character without any consequence. The pet should still remain in your collection and Pet Journal. :)

Keep in mind that there is a bug where some character (most often newly created ones) can't learn the race-specific pet, even if your account already has Pet Battles trained. The trainer just doesn't seem to recognize alts as having the ability and refuse to sell the pet. Developers are looking into this, though.