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Posted: September 10th, 2013, 5:31 pm
by Shiranui
Anyone want to go with me to farm Garnia to try for the pet, I'm at her spawn point now will be here all day asking folks if they want to go - horde side - Miauen#1509

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 12th, 2013, 9:59 pm
by Tiggindy
I'm alliance, so sorry.

I was hanging out there most of the day myself. 10 spawns (9 of them closer to the 60 minute mark rather than the 30), no luck for me.

I also parked my lock up there to summon peeps if necessary, cause the albatross ride takes between 6 and 7 mins.

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 13th, 2013, 12:50 am
by Azrile
Tiggindy wrote:I'm alliance, so sorry.

I was hanging out there most of the day myself. 10 spawns (9 of them closer to the 60 minute mark rather than the 30), no luck for me.

I also parked my lock up there to summon peeps if necessary, cause the albatross ride takes between 6 and 7 mins.

Yeah, i finally put an alt up there. I had been checking with my main, but that flight is too long for doing it that way.

honestly, that mob(and pet) has really made me appreciate the shared looting feature. I never again want to go back to the days where 10 dks and 10 pallys are dropping their aoes at the spawn point...

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 13th, 2013, 1:39 pm
by Shiranui
Have alliance char & horde been up here past few days if anyone wants to swap servers with me let me know we can swap kills.

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 13th, 2013, 2:12 pm
by Kpb321
Yeah. I parked my warlock alt up there. So far only one kill and no pet but I did get a weight of eternity for a 535 armor item =)

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 5:28 am
by Doobjanka
I've tracked Garnia most of the day, and on my server (Madoran) there appears to be a 45 minute respawn. I'm starting to track the others now.

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 6:06 am
by Index
Just killed him for the 14th time. No luck, but someone in the group got the pet :(

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 6:33 am
by Simmias
46 times, no pet.
Guy kills him once, gets the pet =(

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 11:42 am
by Mizix
Doobjanka wrote:I've tracked Garnia most of the day, and on my server (Madoran) there appears to be a 45 minute respawn. I'm starting to track the others now.
I kinda confirm that timer: seems around 40-45 mins. However I am not sure that rares on the isle have a fixed respawn timer, because I've seen Spirit of Jadefire respawn 10 minutes after I had killed her :S

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 11:42 am
by Guest
4 days of camping this lady and no pet yet, though I have met an awesome amount of pet people. I could use all the help I could get! - I'm -usually- horde when I'm farming. ~ K

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 12:53 pm
by Wrathofnature
Mizix wrote:
Doobjanka wrote:I've tracked Garnia most of the day, and on my server (Madoran) there appears to be a 45 minute respawn. I'm starting to track the others now.
I kinda confirm that timer: seems around 40-45 mins. However I am not sure that rares on the isle have a fixed respawn timer, because I've seen Spirit of Jadefire respawn 10 minutes after I had killed her :S
Some of the rares seem to respawn more often then others. I once killed imperial python, then while going on a loop looking for rares I found another imperial python. Can't have been more than 5 mins since the last one died.

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 1:32 pm
by Peanutty
Garnia seems to spawn roughly 50 min after the previous one. If you're parking a toon in her area I would log in at around 45 min mark and wait. I timed it on and off for about 2 days (sometimes logging in right as she spawned) and I think I only missed it once because I logged in a bit late.

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 6:12 pm
by Balazaar
I've been camping Garnia all day and it s 30 to 60 min respawn timer. Hasn't varied once from that all day.

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 6:43 pm
by Azrile
Wrathofnature wrote:
Mizix wrote:
Doobjanka wrote:I've tracked Garnia most of the day, and on my server (Madoran) there appears to be a 45 minute respawn. I'm starting to track the others now.
I kinda confirm that timer: seems around 40-45 mins. However I am not sure that rares on the isle have a fixed respawn timer, because I've seen Spirit of Jadefire respawn 10 minutes after I had killed her :S
Some of the rares seem to respawn more often then others. I once killed imperial python, then while going on a loop looking for rares I found another imperial python. Can't have been more than 5 mins since the last one died.
Imperial python is on a completely different mechanism. What happens with that one, is every time a Death Adder is killed, it has a chance (5%ish) to respawn as an Imperial Python. This is the same mechanism used for the crane, frog, turtle, crab and yak. I was farming the crabs at the place north of the horde base where there are 6 of them together. I was able to get two of the rare crabs to spawn at the same time. I have also tanked two rare turtles (same name) at the same time when other people were mass farming the turtles on the beach.

I havenĀ“t figured out the mechanism(time) for some of the others yet. There is a definite 30 minute mark where they have a high chance to spawn at... but there seems to be some fudge time with that. Also, there are some that are linked that spawn together. I am at leafmender, and as soon as it spawns there are messages in chat about other spawning.

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 8:46 pm
by Tiggindy
Simmias wrote:46 times, no pet.
I'm not feeling so bad about my 0 for 29 now.
Guy kills him once, gets the pet =(
I've seen that twice.

And one of the guys keeps showing up to try to get another one to put on the AH. :x

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 10:07 pm
by Shiranui
Swapping between A & H for past few days; a few people got theirs, I got an extra a little bit ago, will keep trying for more.

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 15th, 2013, 11:43 pm
by Guest
After 5 days of camping on and off I finally got my Ruby Droplet, from a friend ... I must have killed that lady 30+ times. He actually got his first today and then a 2nd one dropped 2-3 kills later. (I told him to leave but he wouldn't without me having a pet first) <3 Flaskbar! Left a couple toons up at the lake to help with others still looking.

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 16th, 2013, 2:01 am
by Harnzy
got mine on the 3rd kill :D

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 16th, 2013, 4:43 pm
by Balazaar
I'm on my 3rd day of camping Garnia. My luck is terrible. Not a single pet has dropped for me from any rare kill.

Re: Garnia

Posted: September 16th, 2013, 5:25 pm
by Index
just posting this, as a guildy thought I was nuts, but also insanely accurate ;)

She was sitting camping, and I made a comment that the majority of spawns were at 52 minutes past the hour. I made the comment at 49 minutes past and she replied "we'll see" 3 minutes later, Garnia spawned ><

This was on Azjol EU, and I can honestly say I've noticed this spawn timer on most of the kills.