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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Quintessence » September 28th, 2013, 9:03 am

In regards to the Unborn Val'kyr, I believe many find it to be a staple on their "boss pet" teams and not completely useless (in PVE or PVP).

The PVE strategy utilizes the Unborn Val'kyr quite heavily, along with the Pandaren Water Spirit and Chrominius. Situations where most use this "nuke team": against Beasts of Fable battles and against the Celestial "boss pets" in the Celestial Tournament.

I don't PVP, so I can't comment on how it performs in queued matches, but I believe that it can be quite powerful when used correctly in an appropriate situation.
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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Brisela » September 28th, 2013, 9:10 am

I am a pvper and completed both legendary pet brawler(5000 pvp wins) and deadly pet brawler(1000 pvp wins with level 25s) on 9/8. I could tell you started the whole process in late December 2012. I have done every pet achievement wow has to offer. Unborn is a powerful pvp pet. He gave me the most wins in contribution to both pvp achievements. I won't explain in detail how to use him and which abilities and breed etc and what his teammates should be here. Let me assure you unborn is a powerful pvp pet and i do lots of pvp :D


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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Rioriel » September 28th, 2013, 9:12 am

Aw bless.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Ebil » September 28th, 2013, 10:06 am

Coming on here and calling other people's comments stupid and complaining about a -3 makes you seem just like the people on the official forums. Most likely there are people that found your comment to be helpful but did not up rate for whatever reason.

Reading that someone got a pet after 3000 hours of farms is helpful in the way that it lets others know that they are not alone in having bad luck. It gives people hope to keep farming after that pet or to keep farming that gold to buy it off of the AH. Just like you judge those comments as worthless someone else judged yours as worthless and rated it as such. But the comment section is not this community, it is the forum its self so judge it by the forums. There are people here gives tips, trading pets, or holding rare spawns to help others overall it is a wonderful community with less drama on forums.

As for the Unborn Val'kyr if you read some threads in the pet battle section you will find that a lot of people find the pet well worth the camp for a few of her abilities so that would be why people have a problem with your comment. It seems that you are giving out bad information about how viable the pet is when it comes to PvP which is not helpful.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Laraven » September 28th, 2013, 2:58 pm

Different strokes, for different folks! The better question is Why ask why?

I wrote the best wowhead green post on Alani to help people obtain Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent, it was down voted quite a bit in the beginning, but still went green and continues to get up voted.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Drrum » September 28th, 2013, 6:03 pm

It's possible some people just voted your post down because of the "don't bother" comments about the pet itself. In general, I think negative comments are more likely to get a downvote. While those "yayyy I got mine" posts aren't particularly helpful either, they're positive in a way that gives others hope they may get theirs soon too. I don't necessarily agree with that kind of voting, just sayin' maybe that's what is going on.

You didn't solicit an opinion about this, but my response to your assessment of Val'kyr is that not every good pet is an overpowered death machine. Some pets have more subtle abilities that sneak up on a particularly challenging team to win the day. Val'kyr has this potential when you use her with measured strategy. She is in my first string line-up on a variety of fights, including the Celestials Tournament. She's a much sought-after pet as well as very hard to find.

Anyway, I'm really glad you finally got yours and I hope you level her up and give her a chance! Don't worry about downvotes. They're pretty meaningless in the end.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Mehetabel » September 28th, 2013, 6:19 pm

I think basically that people who are looking for tips on catching a pet don't really want to see a "don't bother" kind of comment saying it's not really worth it. At the end of the day pet collectors are out there to get every single pet possible so to the vast majority of us, we don't want to see negative comments like that as we NEED to have it, good pet or bad, hard to find or common as an old boot. We want POSSITIVE comments as we'll be out there to catch it no matter what and we want tips that will make us feel more hopeful about finding it.

Also, a lot of pet collectors (like myself) are collectors first and foremost. I don't give a fig about how good/bad pets are in pvp as I do as little of it as possible. The Val'kyr is an AWESOME looking pet with very cute interaction animation and I have to say is one of my favourite wild-caught pets.

Oh yeah, and if you've ever done the Celestial Tournament . .. well, there are at least a couple of fights in there where the Unborn Val'kyr is incrediably helpful. So I wouldn't call her useless at all.

To be fair I'd probably have down rated your comment too.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Soulerous » September 29th, 2013, 4:03 am

I agree with the above. Your comment was probably downvoted because it sounded negative and discouraging.

Also possibly because you are completely wrong about the Unborn Val'kyr being weak. It is actually very strong and very useful.

You shouldn't feel bad about having a comment downvoted, though. It is no personal insult, it just means people disagree.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Milkywind » September 30th, 2013, 4:24 am

speaking of valk, I happened across a team with a valk pre 5.4 in PVP.

I leveled the exact same team and my win rate shot up to around maybe 65% of the time. Now with the valk changes, my win rate has now skyrocket to 90%. The only teams that really counters me are a team with 2+ aquatics, team with 2+ flyers, or a team with a magical crawdad (still possible to win, but really hard).

But then I have my darkness team to counter counter those teams (and other teams to counter counter counter). Sometimes you face the same person if u queue immediately again after your match (especially late in the night or early in the morning)

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Avalee » September 30th, 2013, 6:00 am

I agree with Mehetabel. Even if the pet is totally useless and looks boring (Like just another snail), a lot of people here will still want to have it. No matter how expensive or difficult it is to get.

Now I've fought a few times against a valkyr (winrate around 50%) and I must say, they were the most interesting battles I did. On both sides it requires insight and strategy to win. I hope we get to see more of these kind of pets.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Yellowlab » September 30th, 2013, 3:13 pm

I think you are just being overly sensitive about the subject. No one meant any offense, they just didn't all agree.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by TippyKitt » September 30th, 2013, 9:19 pm

Soulerous wrote: Also possibly because you are completely wrong about the Unborn Val'kyr being weak. It is actually very strong and very useful.
This is pretty much why I would have down voted you too if I'd seen it. Because the comment is wrong and not helpful.

On the whole I agree with you. Comments like "yay i got it!!!!!11111" are not helpful and I'd down vote those in a heart beat because they dont serve to help me decide if its worth the grind to get it or just buy it. I prefer to see comments about best breed or the best way/time to farm for it ect.

But knowing that the Val'kyr is actually a worthy member of most BoF teams and seeing the negativity in the comment you left I'd say it was about as helpful as those above comments. Including misinformation and negativity will undoubtably get a down vote. I dont mean to imply any deliberate misinformation, heavens no. But people who do know its not right information will probably want to get rid of the comment as quickly as possible so that new people wont ride off this pet as bad when it isn't.

I'm not saying that down votes just to be jerks never happen. I've seen it happen several times on this very site and I can sympathize when you think you ARE right it may seem like someone just dosn't like you as a person. Because it does happen. But in this instance, thats just not the case.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Anasa » October 2nd, 2013, 2:00 pm

Sul0kana wrote: It's really not of any use actually. It's just super-rare, that's all. It's not strong, it doesn't solo anything, it dies SO quickly. If it wasn't for the hunt of raritys, I'd not recommend to try to catch her. AT ALL."
I would have downvoted your comment because you're dead wrong.

She is one of the most powerful pets in the game right now, by almost any measure. She may not be to your taste, but empirically she's amazing, and everyone should absolutely go out of their way to find one.

Was her lackluster performance for you due to her not being rare?

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Sanzul » October 2nd, 2013, 4:19 pm

Considering that I use my Unborn Val'kyr for both trainer and beast of fable battles every day, along with using it in the tournament, it's definitely not just a very rare pet. It's a very versatile and useful little undead pet. Whether or not it's worth the effort to get is debatable ([pet]Ghostly Skull[/pet] also has [ability]Unholy Ascension[/ability]), but saying it's useless is just plain wrong.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Anasa » October 2nd, 2013, 5:43 pm

Sanzul wrote:Considering that I use my Unborn Val'kyr for both trainer and beast of fable battles every day, along with using it in the tournament, it's definitely not just a very rare pet. It's a very versatile and useful little undead pet. Whether or not it's worth the effort to get is debatable ([pet]Ghostly Skull[/pet] also has [ability]Unholy Ascension[/ability]), but saying it's useless is just plain wrong.
Yeah, but nothing else has [ability]Haunt[/ability], which has been even more of a winner for me.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Iibis » November 3rd, 2014, 7:29 am

Most downvoting for posted teams I suppose comes from people trying them and not being able to do it with the team. I've seen that in wowhead too. If the suggested team isn't working with 99.9% certainty, it will get downvoted by people for whom the strategy fails. Also simply posting a team isn't helpful if you don't tell which abilities / breeds you used, which again results in failed attempts = negative voting.

If you think a comment isn't contributing, you can use the downvote button.

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Re: Explain this to me, Community.

Post by Kendrah » November 3rd, 2014, 11:41 am

Sul0kana wrote:but what exactly was wrong with the comment?
You REALLY, REALLY like the Unborn Val'kyr, do you?
Unborn was/is one of the most powerful PVP pets (if not the most powerful PVP pets) in the game. They nerfed her greatly with the recent patch but she made the staple PVP team that was very hard to beat. She also had applications in PVE that make her very useful.

Her actually attacks aren't what make her powerful. It's the combination of CoD and haunt in PVP. CoD is powerful and haunt makes her untouchable while she's haunting them. Before this had no CD so it was a free pet swap as well as a strong debuff for all classes except the water folk. Then when the debuff was over, she'd pop back up alive with the same HP as before and could rehaunt immediately. Now there's a CD on that. For PVE, CoD, haunt, and UA have their places. I still use the pet in some of the fights and originally the Unborn made up the fabled beastie nuke team for easy killing.
