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Recommend wild pets

Posted: January 18th, 2014, 5:52 am
by Iibis
I have a bit of dislike for wild pets, it just feels that all those beetles, cockroaches, moths etc only clutter the pet journal with their identical ability sets. I'm looking for recommendations on which wild pets are actually useful. Which are you using and what breed?

These are what I have at lvl 25 and what I'm currently using mostly in celestial/daily tamer teams:

Flayer Youngling S/S, Kun-Lai Runt P/P

Emerald Proto-Whelp P/P, Infinite Whelpling P/P, Nether Faerie Dragon P/P (S/S), Wild Crimson Hatchling

Crow S/S, Dragonbone Hatchling P/P, Luyu Moth P/S*, Sandy Petrel B/B (i should replace this with a better bird), Silky Moth S/B*, Skywisp Moth P/S*, Szechuan Chicken S/S, Tainted Moth H/S*, Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling P/P, Yellow Moth P/P
*Moths are pretty much only used if I'm leveling pets in the Vale of Eternal Blossom.

Scourged Whelpling P/S, Unborn Val'kyr B/B

Arctic Hare B/B, Grasslands Cottontail S/S, Rapana Whelp H/B

Minfernal H/H

Electrified Razortooth, Fel Flame (H/H)

Amethyst Spiderling H/S

Dancing Water Skimmer H/B, Eternal Strider P/S, Garden Frog B/B

Cogblade Raptor S/S, Fluxfire Feline P/S

So as you can see, there's only a small fraction of wild pets that I utilize to even a small degree. Do you have some other wild pets that you love and use a lot and for what purpose? I suppose my daily tamer teams are solid (thanks to the 5.4 guide here!), so mainly thinking in terms of leveling other pets / pvp battles.

Re: Recommend wild pets

Posted: January 18th, 2014, 9:00 am
by Luciandk
Id advise a HH scourged whelpling instead. Undead wants to be as slow as posible for their racial. And with high hp you have more staying power before your undead turn. Plus the whelp also got the slow tail attack that benefits from being last. So in my book PS is a poor choice.

Re: Recommend wild pets

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 6:09 pm
by Dakaf
Luciandk wrote:Id advise a HH scourged whelpling instead. Undead wants to be as slow as posible for their racial. And with high hp you have more staying power before your undead turn. Plus the whelp also got the slow tail attack that benefits from being last. So in my book PS is a poor choice.
I like the HH Valk as well. For the same reason. I do have both breeds though. Definitely worth the hunting for that pet!

Re: Recommend wild pets

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 9:49 pm
by Tuatha
I agree with the above. Scourged Whelpling should be h/h, imo.
Iibis wrote:Critter:
Arctic Hare B/B, Grasslands Cottontail S/S, Rapana Whelp H/B
I'm not sure on the Grasslands, you may want h/p. A s/s Grasslands is 325. The desirable aspect of a rabbit is the s/s with 357 speed, so s/s on the arctic hare. Again, my opinion.
Minfernal H/H
Don't confuse hard to get with good. This guy can be used in the CT, but personally I don't, and I don't use him for anything else either. Don't strain yourself over him.
Electrified Razortooth, Fel Flame (H/H), Cogblade Raptor S/S
Cogblade is a Mechanical. Just fyi if you're saving stones or something.

Re: Recommend wild pets

Posted: January 20th, 2014, 3:59 am
by Luciandk
The higher hp a magic pet have, the less useful its racial become.

And hp is irrelevant on a valkyr, since you spend most of your time dead. And if 2 valkyrs face each other and using haunt, the slower of them will die.

Re: Recommend wild pets

Posted: January 29th, 2014, 2:07 pm
by Iibis
Thanks for all the comments! All comments focused on what I currently have and not what other good things there would be out there, so I'm still looking for those suggestions outside my list :)

What I have are mainly because of PvE guide setups, so I do for example use the Minfernal in an explode team, hence the health breed. I actually have P/P upgraded (accidentally >_>) as well, but I don't use it, so it's not on the list.

H/H Scourged Whelpling I do have now (I have so many undead stones so why not), but the P/S breed has worked well in the daily it's used. The other breed of the Val'kyr would be nice, but I have only seen one after getting my first one, and it was the same breed. I occasionally log on alts that are parked for Val'kyr spawns but I don't have high hopes.

I've leveled the Grasslands Cottontail because it has the highest power with the optimal speed for dailies. I have upgraded the Spring Rabbit which is S/S anyways.

Thanks for noticing the Cogblade Raptor in the wrong category. Oh and the ones I list are all rare. :)

Re: Recommend wild pets

Posted: January 29th, 2014, 4:17 pm
by Athonx
i agree with you. I don't really see the point in having 20 different types of beetles in my journal. but they're are some that i like having and other i go out of my way to capture. i think the next ones i go after will be the stone armadillo and the valk, there are others but i forget atm. but yeah, a lot of the wild pets just seem superfluous.

Re: Recommend wild pets

Posted: January 29th, 2014, 7:24 pm
by Hootstwo
I think Kunlai runt is well worth having.