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Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 9:50 am
by Abyl1
I'm sorry to say that the Tiny Emerald Whelpling is now removed from the game.

It has to be.

I spent hours this weekend trying to farm this guy and he NEVER dropped for me! :(

RNG sucks...

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 10:16 am
by Ruststorm
keep on trying...

It WILL drop... patience is a virtue and a pain...

go go go! RNG will be in favour of you sometime!

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 11:07 am
by Luciandk
I think you dont realize what a low drop it has. 0.09% chance according to wowhead.

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 11:46 am
by Furkel
I'll be totally honest, part of me wants to offer up encouraging words and tell you to keep at it, it'll drop eventually, you've just gotta BELIEVE and whatnot... and then there's the other part, wanting to scream something barely coherent about how you dare to complain about "hours" when it took me literally months. :)

(no but for real though, keep it up! The longer it takes, the happier you'll be when it DOES drop)

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 12:05 pm
by Abyl1
Yeah, I've been after this one for a very long time. I've spent multiple sessions circling that lake trying to get it to drop, this past weekend was just my most recent attempt!

I broke it up by parking a toon in Zangamarsh trying to get the firefly to drop, and another in Winterspring working on the cave. Nothing exciting dropped though...

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 1:41 pm
by Badpathing
<insert "omg it dropped for me on the 3rd kill" post>


But in all seriousness, I farmed the AH for mine after hours of emerald slaughter. I am a big believer in AH farming.

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 4:02 pm
by Kpb321
I know some people prefer to get the drops themselves but I agree with Badpathing. I'd much rather buy it on an AH than try to farm it. In the end it's going to take a lot less time and be a lot less of a headache to buy the pet.

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 11:17 am
by Guest
I bought the WHITE item from the auction house (it's not bind on anything) instead of the caged pet variety.

It was 150g.

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 7:32 am
by Shikon01
I love my whelping, but like many gave up the grind. Usually if I get too frustrated its AH here I come, but mine was a gift from my son :)

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 9:35 am
by Tiggindy
I haven't farmed for it since it was moved out of swamp of sorrows, but as with any of the drops, it can take a while. I farmed (with little to no rest XP) from level 31 to level 41 before I got it (back in vanilla). Of course, it balanced out by later getting one to drop in passing as I was headed to to the sunken temple. :p

Look on the bright side, you no longer have to deal with double RNG for it. It used to be that it only dropped from one of the two kinds of whelps there, which had a 1 in 3 chance of spawning at any of the spawn points, which was on top of the normal 1 in 1400ish drop chance of the tiny whelpling pets. (yes yes, old days, walking through snow, uphill both ways :lol: )

My advice is to only farm for an hour or two on any given day, so you don't get too sick/frustrated... unless you're mentally prepared for a mind-numbing marathon.

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 6th, 2014, 12:42 pm
by Scrump
It took me 96 total kills. Took something like an hour. Not too bad considering some of the horror stories I have heard.

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 10:05 am
by Shikon01
This is my favorite overall pet and I use it daily to level, do some dailies and wish I had more than one. I still periodically go out and do alittle grinding on the off chance I get lucky..hasn't happen yet :)

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 6:50 pm
by Yalina
Bought mine for 2k, never regretted it.

I spent too much time in Azshara to get the Azure Whelpling when it was first added - without getting the thing to drop - that my patience for long grinds went away. Especially ones that can be circumvented with gold.

Sure, there's a bit of pride when I look at my Firefly and remember that I farmed it myself, but the pets I bought off the AH aren't lessened because I wasn't the one who saw it drop. They're still awesome.

If you want to keep farming, don't drive yourself nuts with the monotony. Mix up the characters. Assign time limits. But keep an eye on the AH.

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 7:45 pm
by Shikon01
I agree the AH is my friend...a very good friend, but at times when I'm on an alt in whelping land I can't help myself but to spend a little time trying to score " that pet " it brings back good memories from my vanilla days as long as I don't spend too much time farming and end up in the rut of frustration, but I admit its the thrill of the chase and the warm fuzzy feelings I get when that blue pops up on the screen and into my bag :)

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 9th, 2014, 1:38 pm
by Memnochlv
Man oh man do I feel your pain, I'd been farming all four of them semi-regularly since vanilla (clearly not hours a day) and only recently managed to get the emerald and (this is the real kicker since I have some of the worst RNG in the game and always have on anything I consciously needed/wanted) then a couple of weeks later the dark. I of course thought, "well, I wish I'd gotten the crimson since it's a lower drop off of the same area for the dark, but oh well, still finally..".

If my information is correct, the crimson has the lowest drop rate of them all now? My GF bought me one off the AH, at which point I bought her an azure along with myself (wicked price drops with server merges), which was funny, since I'd rarely considered them before (of course 15k per vs 1.5k-2.5k per is a huge difference).

Anyhow, fight the good fight and finally get yourself one! And if you have the addon Rarity installed, it plays the same sound on drops as for achievements and I must say, it's rather nice and feels like it is such an accomplishment!

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 9th, 2014, 1:59 pm
by Shinii
In my opinion you got a few options

1st spend possibly endless hours farming (potentially 1 hour but it is RNG) in hopes of getting it

2nd instead of farming this farm gold instead and buy it. if you spend more time farming than u could earn in its value in gold then it might not be best way time is spent.

3rd find another pet to trade for it.

myself I have employed all 3 strats for many pets :P

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 10th, 2014, 9:26 am
by Abyl1
Well this weekend I was fortunate enough to have the green guy drop on the AH :) The azure and dark are selling for 20K each, crimson for 25K, this one was posted for 5k. More than I've ever spent for a pet, but worth it not to go back out to Feralas!

So I then decided to try my hand at the crimson. I've been running 60-90 minutes a session for the past week at this site, and was lucky to have 2 dark whelplings drop, but still no crimson. Tried the azure area a few times too, but that area was always full of other collectors so I didn't really put in enough time to be frustrated out there yet :)

Trying to sell the 2nd dark, and then will put that money towards the azure or crimson!

Funny, most of the whelps on Llane are being sold by a toon named "Ebay"...

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 12th, 2014, 10:37 pm
by Shikon01
These whelpings are rather cheap on bonechewer from looking at the prices some have quoted. Our realm suffered a merger so prices have really bottomed out for most pets. 1500 -5000g for the whelpings. Every now and then someone will throw a 10,000g tag on azure or crimson ( it usually sells at 2000 -5000g and the most expensive two ) but the average price is around 1500g for most whelpings .Hell, if you went on trade chat and asked for 10,000-15,000g for one of these they would laugh you off the realm, though sadly there was a time you could ask big bucks for them .Our AH is usually loaded w/ pets and I mean the goods ones. About twice a week it will get low around maint time and someone will load it up w/ every pet for 2500g no matter what it is lol then the rest of the time when market is overloaded its really low for example, lil bling 39g, raven,800g, most aquas under 100g, most vendor pets 1-10g. Its hard to make gold on pets unless u buy low and stone them then you can turn a decent profit .Most of the leashes pets ( blues ) go from 100-1500g which isn't bad and I bought all of mine lol !! I have seen soul trader 118,000 -125,000 on average, DM rabbit, kites and spectral tiger high over 50,000g. Most tcg pets average around 3500 - 8000g which isn't bad and the best price is probably for wind rider at 3500g. Might be worth checking out if looking for some hard to find pets on the cheap. :D This past weekend someone ( same person ) had like 10 wind riders up for 2000g each I was like damn :o I'm adding the DM pets...where I use to make my gold they usually list after the faire for 1000 -1500g how sooo disappointing :|

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 13th, 2014, 1:36 am
by Ruststorm
Shikon01 wrote:Most tcg pets average around 3500 - 8000g which isn't bad and the best price is probably for wind rider at 3500g. Might be worth checking out if looking for some hard to find pets on the cheap. :D This past weekend someone ( same person ) had like 10 wind riders up for 2000g each I was like damn :o |
I'm stunned here... Are those Wind Rider Cubs even cagable? :O

Re: Tiny Emerald Whelpling

Posted: February 13th, 2014, 1:46 am
by Wakamaru
I'm stunned here... Are those Wind Rider Cubs even cagable? :O
Mine isn't cagable, I just double checked. I'm baffled here too.