Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

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Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by Hermy » January 1st, 2015, 8:29 am

I have not seen a single one of these yet, from the random bags, and I've probably opened around 100 of them so far. Am I alone here? My poor little wet buddies are feeling left out! :shock:

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Re: Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by Graven » January 1st, 2015, 9:08 am

You're not alone. The bags do not drop aquatic stones for some reason. :roll:

Strangely, I tend to buy 20-30 of the random bags at a time, and when I open them all I only seem to have 8 stone types, instead of the 9 I would expect if aquatic are the only ones not included.

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Re: Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by Hootstwo » January 1st, 2015, 7:58 pm

I've still got 40ish of the aquatic stones left back from when I leveled toons and pets in Pandaria vs aquatic pets. I leveled 2 or 3 toons to 90 from level 1 on aquatic pets.

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Re: Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by Wakamaru » January 1st, 2015, 8:17 pm

Hootstwo wrote:I've still got 40ish of the aquatic stones left back from when I leveled toons and pets in Pandaria vs aquatic pets. I leveled 2 or 3 toons to 90 from level 1 on aquatic pets.
I have a mess of Flawless Aquatic Battle-Stone's as well from when I was leveling pets on dailies, but I think that the OP was referring to the Aquatic Battle-Training Stone's from the Big Bag of Pet Supplies and Mystery Bag that we get from our Garrison's.

I have also not seen any Aquatic Battle-Training Stones yet from either bag in our Garrison menagerie yet. Looking on WoWhead under the contents on the Mystery Bag, there is no Aquatic Battle-Training Stone listed. Also, on the page for the Aquatic Battle-Training stone it does not show where the item is from.

This is currently a bug and hopefully Blizzard fixes it soon :)

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Re: Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by Hermy » January 2nd, 2015, 3:05 pm

I'm glad it's not just me!

I'll just have to give them some extra slippery snuggles so they don't feel so neglected. :D

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Re: Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by GrosBonda » January 7th, 2015, 10:22 pm

did anyone get any answer on why ?
did they just forgot the aquatic Battle-Training Stone or there is a logic behind it ?

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Re: Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by Awq » January 8th, 2015, 2:55 am

I don't mind!
I own stockpiles of Aquatic upgrade stones. If this is any indication, the same will happen with Aquatic level stones.
There simply aren't many (good/unique) Aquatic pets :P

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Re: Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by Rendigar » January 8th, 2015, 7:35 am

GrosBonda wrote:did they just forgot the aquatic Battle-Training Stone or there is a logic behind it ?
Someone at Blizzard lost their A key the day the list fo the bag was compiled. IE: probably a simple oversight.
Awq wrote:I don't mind!
I own stockpiles of Aquatic upgrade stones. If this is any indication, the same will happen with Aquatic level stones.
There simply aren't many (good/unique) Aquatic pets :P
I'd have to disagree with that one, there are just as many as unique critters (at least %-wise) - there's only a couple striders, but there are HOW many roaches, crickets, and rabbits? At least we can by the general-purpose stones to level them. Or you can just use your aquatic pets as the carry pets on your daily and use the stones from the random bags for the rest. That way your aquatics get some extra TLC and field time. :D

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Re: Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by Graven » January 8th, 2015, 4:23 pm

Awq wrote:I don't mind!
I own stockpiles of Aquatic upgrade stones. If this is any indication, the same will happen with Aquatic level stones.
There simply aren't many (good/unique) Aquatic pets :P
How does this make any sense? If the aquatic training stones are not dropping, how will you ever amass a "stockpile" of them? :?

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Re: Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by Stormseeker » January 8th, 2015, 4:47 pm

Graven wrote:
Awq wrote:I don't mind!
I own stockpiles of Aquatic upgrade stones. If this is any indication, the same will happen with Aquatic level stones.
There simply aren't many (good/unique) Aquatic pets :P
How does this make any sense? If the aquatic training stones are not dropping, how will you ever amass a "stockpile" of them? :?
They are talking about the stones that upgrade a pet from a lesser quality to Rare quality. Not the stones that give a pet levels.

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Re: Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by Graven » January 9th, 2015, 2:50 pm

Sorry but your reply makes similarly little sense. :lol: I know the difference between the two types. ;)

The thread is about the leveling stones, and he posted to compare them to the upgrade stones.
He said he thinks that, like with the upgrade stones, he will end up with more of the leveling stones than he needs, because he doesn't have many fun aquatic pets to use them on.
I'm saying if they don't drop at all (daily and "mystery" bags are the only source for these stones and they don't contain aquatic ones) then this is obviously impossible.

Sorry, I thought my post was fairly easy to understand, but maybe this will help to clear things up. :? :roll: :D

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Re: Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by Awq » January 9th, 2015, 4:06 pm

Ah. I'll try to explain my viewpoint.

What I am saying is that I personally do not mind the lack of aquatic stones. When they do bugfix it, I will receive battle-stones that I do not want.

There are a few families that I do not want to level/upgrade. I pretty much have all undead pets (that I can own) in all desirable breeds. And I do not want to level many aquatics. So when they do bugfix it I will receive wasted aquatic stones.

It's just my personal opinion. I tried to explain how this bug is actually favorable for me! I am aware that this bug is frustrating for others.

*I made the assumption that Blizzard will eventually fix this bug.

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Re: Aquatic Battle-Training Stone?

Post by Mylissa » January 13th, 2015, 3:02 pm

I was noticing the same thing! why is there no aquatic lvling stones??
Hope they fix this with the new patch. Guess it'll be a bit longer to lvl my aquas! :(

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