King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Mehetabel » December 11th, 2014, 7:27 am

I've used a team I found on wowhead with great success!

[pet]Sunreaver Micro-Sentry[/pet] (Fel Immolate, Call Lightning)
[pet]Zandalari Anklerender[/pet] (Hunting Party, Leap, Black Claw)
[pet]Zandalari Kneebiter [/pet](Hunting Party, Leap, Black Claw)
Scenario one: If Queen Floret hasn't switched to King Floret

Turn 3: Swap to an Anklerender
Black Claw
Hunting Party
Black Claw
Hunting Party
Leap if need be (I've only needed it once).
Note - If Queen Floret switches to King Floret after Turn 3, just swap out Sunreaver to take the hit, then swap back to the Zandalari and continue on from wherever you were in the Black Claw/Hunting Party combo

Scenario two: If Queen Floret has switched to King Floret

Turn 3: Fel Immolate
Turn 4: Pass
Black Claw
Hunting Party
Black Claw
Hunting Party

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Melfice » December 11th, 2014, 7:32 pm

I used Syd the Squid, Pandaren Water Spirit, and Purple Puffer to beat them.

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Dekafox » January 8th, 2015, 8:54 am

Mehetabel wrote:I've used a team I found on wowhead with great success!

[pet]Sunreaver Micro-Sentry[/pet] (Fel Immolate, Call Lightning)
[pet]Zandalari Anklerender[/pet] (Hunting Party, Leap, Black Claw)
[pet]Zandalari Kneebiter [/pet](Hunting Party, Leap, Black Claw)
Scenario one: If Queen Floret hasn't switched to King Floret

Turn 3: Swap to an Anklerender
Black Claw
Hunting Party
Black Claw
Hunting Party
Leap if need be (I've only needed it once).
Note - If Queen Floret switches to King Floret after Turn 3, just swap out Sunreaver to take the hit, then swap back to the Zandalari and continue on from wherever you were in the Black Claw/Hunting Party combo

Scenario two: If Queen Floret has switched to King Floret

Turn 3: Fel Immolate
Turn 4: Pass
Black Claw
Hunting Party
Black Claw
Hunting Party

I actually hybrided this with Quintessence's strat. I replaced the sentry with a Ruby Droplet, used the bubble to soak the first Fist from the King(and healed the rest), then swapped to the first raptor and went to town on them. Never had to swap back to the Ruby Droplet before they died, but it should be able to clean up after them.

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Kendrah » January 8th, 2015, 10:01 am

I use: Sen'jin Fetish, Infected Squirrel, and Sumprush Rodent.

With the Fetish: use either WM or Shadow Slash until he uses RI, after which use Rot. If you have another round then use WM. Use stamped. This'll kill the first one. You'll probably get off the third round of stamped. After stamped, use Rabid Strike. The squirrel will probably die now. With the Sumprush, use tale slap.

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Bobbyjoe » January 8th, 2015, 12:23 pm

I use an all slime/oozeling team.

[pet]Viscidus Globule[/pet] - H/S - Acid Touch / Creeping Ooze
[pet]Jade Oozeling[/pet] - P/P - Creeping Ooze
[pet]Filthling[/pet] - B/B - Creeping Ooze

the Magic family racial blocks part of the damage, ensuring they last for at least 3 rounds each.

I just put up the DOTs until my pet dies. Rinse and Repeat.

I would think any of other slime/oozeling pets would suffice as well.

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Erdinger » January 9th, 2015, 11:30 am

In battles where the king swaps in on round 2 and RNG isnt too nasty, it worked pretty well for me (3 out of 3 times) to use the Draenei Micro Defender and the Arctic Hare.

DMD opens with his low dmg attack, then takes a big hit from the Queen but stays alive, casts reflective shield, takes about 2500 dmg from the King but reflects back half that number, and ends his part in the battle with a valiant, if a bit suicidal, explode.
King has some hp left but a burrow and a flurry from the hare takes him out. Hare gives the newly widowed Queen all it got, leaving her at very little hp for the 3rd pet (a strider in my case, but didnt need to pump) to finish off this initially frustrating, then very satisfactory daily :)

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Darolyn » January 24th, 2015, 6:00 am

I tried about a billion combinations of my lvl 25s until I found something that worked on the first try. It's nearly time for reset, and I'm exhausted, so I'm not going to test it, just throw it out there.

Pandaren Water Spirit (1,2,2)
Mirror Strider [H/S] (1,2,2)
Chuck (Only Surge Matters Here, and any pet with surge would work, a Power breed might have even more luck...I'm thinking H/P would be a good breed to try since speed doesn't matter, but Chuck was the first 25 in my lineup with surge, so he got the job)

PWS puts up Whirlpool and Geyser. Water Jet until PWS is dead.
Mirror Strider puts up Cleansing Rain, then Pump until dead. (King Floret should have died after Pump X2, Queen Floret should take Pump X2 before Strider dies)

Both PWS and Mirror Strider should have eaten a Fist of the Forest.

Chuck comes in, does nothing more than surge.

Done like dinner.

Note: Other breeds of strider/skimmer may work better, but this got the job done, and I have my quest finished just before reset. Good enough in my books.
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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Aur » February 7th, 2015, 11:28 am

Darolyn wrote:Done like dinner.

Note: Other breeds of strider/skimmer may work better, but this got the job done, and I have my quest finished just before reset. Good enough in my books.
This worked great for me today.Also, I think any [ability]Cleansing Rain[/ability] + [ability]Pump[/ability] pet will do the trick as long as it is faster than 281 speed. I used a [pet]Bucktooth Flapper[/pet] with [ability]Tail Slap[/ability] as my 3rd pet. Mine was only level 23 at the time and still did well. I leveled him up on these guys.

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Rendigar » February 7th, 2015, 1:03 pm

From a wowhead comment by KevWoW, a way to get a little XP (not a great fight for it) for a pet with 450+ health. It's also a loss if they get any crits against you in most places, but I think it's worth repeating here. If you don't care about levelling then just bring something like a level 25 sumprush rodent or other anti-elemental. I like it because it uses the Puddle Terror, and it's fun to get to use the new pets:

Puddle Terror (1,2,2), Pandaren Water Spirit (1,2,1), carry pet (450+ health)

Open with Puddle Terror
  • Clobber (will force a swap) > Water Jet > Dive (will get missed by Fist of the Forest)
    Water Jet > Water Jet > Clobber (will force a swap)
    Water Jet > Dive (will get missed by Fist of the Forest)
Queen will RI and the almost dead King swaps back in, Dive will go off and kill the King after he misses
  • Water Jet (at this point Puddle Terror will die)
Swap to Pandaren Water Spirit
  • Dive > Whirlpool > Water Jet --
    If everything went correctly Whirlpool will go off next turn and the PWS will die to her Fist of the Forest

    Swap to carry pet and do 1 attack - Whirpool should finish the Queen off.
This is definitely one of those fights where they have to do the exact right things or it can go haywire, but it was fun enough to get through my 6 menagerie dailies that I am still doing.

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Crowclaw » February 7th, 2015, 1:11 pm

Legs, Syd the Squid and a level 23 Frostshell Pincher worked great. Keep dropping Whirlpools after one lands and have fun.

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Kozia » February 8th, 2015, 3:46 am

A strategy I've found works well is a variation of one I found on wowhead as I didn't have all pets suggested:

Start with electrified razortooth: Rip -> Blood in the water -> Devour - Razortooth dies

Then send in Zandalari Anklerender: Black claw -> hunting party

If they haven't switched places:

Amethyst spiderling (or any spider with the following abilities): Brittle webbing -> spiderling swarm

If they did switch places, you might have to throw in a couple of strikes from the spider to finish off the first pet.

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Cuitlahuac » May 8th, 2015, 8:43 pm

Sorry to post in an older thread, but I wanted to share a simple strat that is an easy team to build. Emperor Crabs, 2, 1, 1. Simply start with shell shield>renewing mists and spam surge, reapplying shield and heal as they expire. I have never gotten more than halfway into the second crab's hp when the second Floret dies. This strat is admittedly boring - I usually like to make my team a Pandaren Water Spirit 1,2,2 and go geyser>whirlpool>water jet til PWS dies then bring in my first crab who usually solos the remaining enemies with hp to spare. A little more fun and shorter as well, but a team of three crabs is effective as well. They're easy to get as I said, they come in as backline pets on the west coast of the Dread Wastes in Pandaria, usually against the porcupine/hedgehogs that spawn around the Beasts of Fable boss in Dread Wastes.

Good Luck and have Fun!

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Daktar » May 9th, 2015, 1:18 am

Have tested this strategy quite a few times and havent had a scenario where it didnt work.

Eternal Strider P/S -- Water Jet - Cleansing Rain - Pump
Pandaren Water Spirit H/S -- Water Jet - Whirlpool - Geyser
Arctic Fox Kit P/S -- Bite - Howl - Leap

R1 Pump
R2 Cleansing Rain
R3 Pump
R4 Water Jet (Strider may die here)
R5 Water Jet
R6 Water Jet (Queen Dies)
R7 Geyser
R8 Whirlpool
R9 Swap to Fox
R10 Howl (King dies if crits)
R11 Bite (King Dies)

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Ranok » May 9th, 2015, 2:09 am

Had 9 different toons battle the Florets tonight and never saw King swap in on second move. Also never lost a fight. Assume developers can't stop tweaking the menagerie but RNG seems to not be the nightmare it used to be.

Basically used Howl Bomb on both of them. Pandaren Water Spirit does the usual Geyser/Whirlpool, swap to a Fox that uses Howl and Flurry, Queen dead. Dazzling Dance then back to Pandaren and repeat -- Geyser/Whirlpool, swap to Fox, Howl, and sometimes Flurry. Sometimes Fox dies, sometimes Pandaren dies, but always seems to work.

Had a Strider on the team too just in case but didn't need him.

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Re: King and Queen Floret (BAH!!)

Post by Onedozeneyes » May 9th, 2015, 8:17 am

Hydraling solo'ed them both for me. The one time Hydra died out of 6 tires I cleaned up with Syd. I wish they'd make it hard again :(

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