Strongest single target nuke pvp
ok i have done some searching and there hasn't been any straight answers. I'm looking for the strongest instant cast nukes in the game. the reason im looking for instantcast is alot of pets have dodge mehanix. so i ask you wise battlepet community. What are the strongest instant nukes in the game?
Re: Strongest single target nuke pvp
[ability]Cataclysm[/ability], [ability]When Elekks Fly[/ability] and [ability]Surge of Power[/ability]
Re: Strongest single target nuke pvp
wow ty stat surge is exactly what im looking for
Re: Strongest single target nuke pvp
Pair [pet]Chrominius[/pet] with [pet]Pandaren Water Spirit[/pet] for classic howlbomb. Cast Geyser, Whirlpool. Swap to Chrominius. Howl, and Surge of Power. Will rip apart all but the strongest boss pets.Rekore wrote:wow ty stat surge is exactly what im looking for
Re: Strongest single target nuke pvp
Awesome as you can probably tell im very new to battlepets and thank you again
Re: Strongest single target nuke pvp
Single target nukes are relatively weak against pets with avoidance.
I would recommend:
A) Pets with heals (you can heal while they use their avoidance)
B) Pets that are faster than the avoidance pet
C) Pets with buffs (you can buff while they use their avoidance)
D) Pets with AoE
E) Abilities that take 2 turns (they use avoidance; you use deep breath)
F) See it as a free swap
I would recommend:
A) Pets with heals (you can heal while they use their avoidance)
B) Pets that are faster than the avoidance pet
C) Pets with buffs (you can buff while they use their avoidance)
D) Pets with AoE
E) Abilities that take 2 turns (they use avoidance; you use deep breath)
F) See it as a free swap
Re: Strongest single target nuke pvp
I often face this one player that run with three pets with these kind of nukes. In pvp against any opponent worth his salt it is not very good at all.
After you use Surge of Power you will stand there for two turns doing nothing. If your opponent has avoidance or a heal then you will have wasted your turn and just given your opponent a couple of free turns(which is very bad).
That said there is uses for these type of attacks. Often they can be devastating when the match is down to the last two pets and you can finish your opponent off with one big hit. But you have to make sure they have no avoidance or that it is on cooldown. And in PVE they definetly have their uses.
It is NOT a good idea to start a match with this kind of attack, even though it is awesome to see those huge numbers. You won't be able to kill your opposing pet and then you are behind from the start. I guess it could intimidate lesser experienced players.
If I had to give a suggestion on a huge nuke to use then go with the Iron Starlette. Wind-Up + Supercharge + Wind-Up kills one opposing pet right out, except magic pets that will just laugh in your face. But again you need to be sure that your opponent does not have any avoidance. The good thing about the Iron Starlette is that you can do Wind-Up once, then do some Powerballs to gain speed. Then wait for your opponent to use avoidance and let loose. A speedy Iron Starlette is a very scary last pet to face.
After you use Surge of Power you will stand there for two turns doing nothing. If your opponent has avoidance or a heal then you will have wasted your turn and just given your opponent a couple of free turns(which is very bad).
That said there is uses for these type of attacks. Often they can be devastating when the match is down to the last two pets and you can finish your opponent off with one big hit. But you have to make sure they have no avoidance or that it is on cooldown. And in PVE they definetly have their uses.
It is NOT a good idea to start a match with this kind of attack, even though it is awesome to see those huge numbers. You won't be able to kill your opposing pet and then you are behind from the start. I guess it could intimidate lesser experienced players.
If I had to give a suggestion on a huge nuke to use then go with the Iron Starlette. Wind-Up + Supercharge + Wind-Up kills one opposing pet right out, except magic pets that will just laugh in your face. But again you need to be sure that your opponent does not have any avoidance. The good thing about the Iron Starlette is that you can do Wind-Up once, then do some Powerballs to gain speed. Then wait for your opponent to use avoidance and let loose. A speedy Iron Starlette is a very scary last pet to face.
Re: Strongest single target nuke pvp
No its a rather week pet in pvp if it doesnt crit it cant even kill a magical crawdad with Wind-Up + Supercharge. If you wanna go for a strong pet use a Dread Hatchling with Call Darkness, Nocturnal and Shadow Talon. This pet has speed and powerVek wrote:If I had to give a suggestion on a huge nuke to use then go with the Iron Starlette. Wind-Up + Supercharge + Wind-Up kills one opposing pet right out, except magic pets that will just laugh in your face. But again you need to be sure that your opponent does not have any avoidance. The good thing about the Iron Starlette is that you can do Wind-Up once, then do some Powerballs to gain speed. Then wait for your opponent to use avoidance and let loose. A speedy Iron Starlette is a very scary last pet to face.

Re: Strongest single target nuke pvp
If you are new to pet battling,
my advice to you is this : single nuke power on one hit is misleading.
I got a magic number for you.
Try to figure out which pet can do about 300-330 damage for each round while it can go first compare to your opponent.
If you can figure out above, you will be the winner.
my advice to you is this : single nuke power on one hit is misleading.
I got a magic number for you.
Try to figure out which pet can do about 300-330 damage for each round while it can go first compare to your opponent.
If you can figure out above, you will be the winner.