Menagerie Speed Kills

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Formerruling » May 24th, 2015, 9:23 pm

For Brutus and Rukus I use Inflation Bomb x2. Pandaren Water Spirit, Lil Bling

Geyser->Whirlpool->Swap in lil Bling->Inflation.
Swap back to Water Spirit->Geyser->Whirlpool->Inflation. Done
(Bit slower, but not breed specific, no multi-of-one-pet, and both are commonly used)

For Carroteye Fight I kill the plants with Emperor Crab (P,P) which is fast due to only taking 1 turn to heal to be able to do it, and Nexus Whelpling to Sear off the debuff and sweep down the ooze.

For Kromli I use Unborn - Doom->Shock til first dies. Then you usually have time to Doom again then Unholy. Then have Ghostly Skull use Ghostly Bite to finish second (might have to Slash once or twice to line it up).

I don't have Syd for Tirs/Fiero, usually Emperor Crab can solo them and I have a back up aquatic in case Cataclysm actually lands on the crab.

As for the traveling trainer I've confirmed that every possible battle can be soloed by Emerald Proto-Whelp so I just do that.

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Sepsis » May 25th, 2015, 6:57 pm

Jerebear wrote:How do you get the Zandalari to survive the RI'd Fist of the forest on Round 3?
I was wondering about this, I did the fight a dozen times at least and never had this happen. I was starting to think they changed things. I'll give it another look when it comes around again.

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Solitha » May 25th, 2015, 9:39 pm

Sepsis wrote:Alrighty, I took some time after raiding to work on todays challenge of Grubbles, Scrags, and Stings.
I found two strategies; the first requires Murkalot which not everyone will have, but is fastest at 6 rounds. The second can vary depending on crits, but it's usually 8 rounds.

Team 1:
Murkalot 2/1/1
Blackfuse Bombling (P/P) Armageddon
Nexus Whelpling (P/P) 1/1/1

1) Righteous Inspiration
2) Armageddon
3) Arcane Storm
4-6) Mana Surge
This can be done with an H/H Blackfuse Bombling, but not quite as reliably. I sometimes have to add a round with Murkalot doing a last round on Stings.

Of note, though, is that the Nexus Whelpling should be shown ?/2/2.

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Sepsis » May 25th, 2015, 10:07 pm

Solitha wrote: Of note, though, is that the Nexus Whelpling should be shown ?/2/2.
Thanks for catching that, I edited my original post.

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Slowhands » May 26th, 2015, 6:13 am

Solitha wrote:On Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, and Sloppus; wouldn't Breath be better than Tail Sweep? For Lift-Off to work, the player's pet has to be faster than Sloppus, but Tail Sweep is better for slower pets.
On R7 crimson whelpling has a team debuff; Carroteye's [Quicksand] which slows the active pet by 50%. So [Tail Sweep] gets bonus damage and can finish the Carroteye. It takes two [Breath] to kill Carroteye without crit shot.

Solitha wrote:I think I'm missing something here. When this strat works it's excellent, but when Ikky does get killed in round 3, I tried putting in the Kneebiter. His debuff doesn't last long enough to switch to the crab, and Hunting Party has a long cooldown. What am I missing?
I tested with just Toothy & Zandalari Kneebiter(S/S) and both worked well.

When Ikky dies on R3 (could be dead on R2 but that's 0.25%)
Toothy : Water Jet (Queen dies) - Rip - Blood in the Water - swap to crab - Blood in the Water <8 rounds win>
Kneebiter : Bloodfang (Queen dies) - Black Claw - Hunting Party (continues 2 rounds) - Bloodfang <8 rounds win>

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Jerebear » May 26th, 2015, 6:49 am

Sepsis wrote:
Jerebear wrote:How do you get the Zandalari to survive the RI'd Fist of the forest on Round 3?
I was wondering about this, I did the fight a dozen times at least and never had this happen. I was starting to think they changed things. I'll give it another look when it comes around again.
Note that it could be that the king and queen act differently versus your team due to the AI scripts. I wasn't able to try this team to see, but I do know when I run my normal teams against them, the opening moves 90% of the time are:

Fist of the Forest
Righteous Inspiration (switches to Queen)
Double Damage Fist of the Forest

That 3rd attack is normally able to one shot any pet that isn't magic, mech, or critter. Zandalaris have low health and are beasts, so I was curious. As I said above though, perhaps the AI scripts act differently versus your team (we don't know what triggers the AI).
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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Smaointe » May 28th, 2015, 3:39 am

I'm lovin this thread ^_^ It's a godsent for anyone with quite a bunch of alts ;)

Your Eleanor rabbit kill is nice :) but if anyone have Howl Bomb team it can be faster! Same as with mentioned earlier by Solitha note on Stitches Jr., here you also only need Pandaren Water Spirit and Chrominius.

1. Geyser
2. Whirpool - Pandaren Water Spirit dies
3. bring out Chrominius > Howl
4. Surge of Power - Eleanor dies (fight is basically over here, just need to wait few seconds for it to autoplay to the end)
5. Chrominius auto pass while Eleanor ressurects and dies again

This works every single time, even with worst RNG! :3

PS. Slowhands's Ikky n Nuts strategy is nice too, but it adds more to total amount of pets required to the 'minimal pet list'. That's why I wrote this ^_^

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Solitha » May 30th, 2015, 8:43 am

Ok guys, check me on this, because I'm calling shenanigans on QoL vs Nexus Whelpling P/P.

Problem 1: NW can't survive 4 rounds. Fire Quills hits 2-3 per round used for 148 each. Heat Up is reflexive damage from any hit for 148, which includes both Mana Surge's initial and secondary damage. NW only has 1400 health, which means he can only take 9 non-critical hits and survive.

Round 1: Heat Up reflexive damage from Arcane Storm (1)
Round 2: Fire Quills 2-3x, Heat Up 2x from Mana Surge (4-5 this round, 5-6 cumulative)
Round 3: Fire Quills 2-3x, Heat Up 2x from Mana Surge (4-5 this round, 9-11 cumulative)
Round 4: If NW has survived this long, one Fire Quills kills him before his turn.

Worst case scenario would be QoL getting all criticals and killing NW in the beginning of round 3.

Problem 2: QoL can easily survive NW's average damage through 4 rounds, much less 2 or 3. Arcane Storm does 649. Mana Surge averages (812+541)/2=676.5 on its initial hit, and a flat 270 on its secondary hit. QoL has 4000 health. I'll round up to be generous.

Round 1: 4000-649=3351
Round 2: 3351-677-270=2404
Round 3: 2404-677-270=1457
Let's assume NW could actually survive. The Dragonkin buff kicks in for his next turn.
Round 4: 1457-1016-405=36

Let's be nice and give NW his maximum non-critical damage and maximum survival.

Round 1: 4000-649=3351
Round 2: 3351-812-270=2269
Round 3: 2269-812-270=1187
Round 4: NW dies before casting.

The only way NW wins solo is if he hits multiple criticals. He absolutely must do 1187 additional critical damage by the end of round 3 to have any hope of winning solo. Even with a secondary NW P/P, chances are very low that you'll win in 4 rounds. No other Mana Surge pet can hold a candle to NW's power, nor are they dragons (for that extra buff). Conclusion: You MIGHT win in 3. With 2 NWs you MIGHT win in 4. It's much more likely to require 5+.

Howl Bomb with its reliable 5 rounds is a serious contender here.

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Alfonzzo » May 30th, 2015, 9:02 pm

Quentessence of Light

[pet]Sprite Darter Hatchling[/pet] (2/2/1)

1: [ability]Moonfire[/ability]
2: [ability]Arcane Blast[/ability]
3: [ability]Life Exchange[/ability]
4: Arcane Blast
5: Arcane Blast
6: Arcane Blast - Dead

another 6 turn strategy, but w/o the pet swap, it feels a bit faster.

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Karls1s » May 30th, 2015, 9:06 pm

just did quintessence with trunks
moonfire, when eleks fly keep up with eleks fly dead by the 5th or 6th round I had demidos and chrominus backing him up but trunks never died
usually got 2 misses

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Topaz » May 31st, 2015, 1:29 am

Ive Been using this 5 turn strat for quintessence-
Unborn Valk (b/b) X/2/2
Chrominius 2/1/2
1)Curse of Doom
2)Unholy Ascension
3)Arcane Explosion
5)Surge of Power

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Arudar » May 31st, 2015, 3:25 am

Solitha wrote:Ok guys, check me on this, because I'm calling shenanigans on QoL vs Nexus Whelpling P/P.
I don't think you are supposed to solo it with NW. The original strat from Vapid on page one contained two pets:
Vapid wrote:Quintessence of Light
Nexus Whelpling, Azure Whelping, any.
Arcane Storm, Mana Surge. Rinse and repeat.
The Azure Whelpling was however lost in Daktar's summary on page 2:
Daktar wrote:Quintessence of Light

4-5 rounds Vapid front page strat

Nexus Whelpling P/P 1/2/2
NW will usually die after second or third tick of Mana Surge, you then swap to AW and finish with Surge of Power if QoL is low enough, or another Arcane Storm followed by Surge of Power if needed. Still 4-5 rounds.

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Solitha » May 31st, 2015, 5:41 am

Arudar wrote:NW will usually die after second or third tick of Mana Surge, you then swap to AW and finish with Surge of Power if QoL is low enough, or another Arcane Storm followed by Surge of Power if needed. Still 4-5 rounds.
Thanks, that really didn't make it through in any previous post, since the AW doesn't have Mana Surge to rinse and repeat with :)

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Ilostmahbucket » May 31st, 2015, 9:27 am

Speed kill strategy for: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 011803, and Protectron 022481? Anyone have a reliable one?

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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Jerebear » May 31st, 2015, 2:47 pm

It's not 100%, but rarely fails:

Molten Corgi with Bark, Super Back, Inferno Herding
Electrofied Razortooh with Rip, BitW, Devour (any pet with equal or higher devour damage will work here)

R1: Bark
R2: Bark
R3: Super Bark (will bring first bot to 1 HP)
R4: Inferno Herding (forces mech racial and backlines pet to avoid armageddon)

R5: Bark
R6: Bark
R8: Super Bark (bring second robot to 1 HP)
R9: Inferno Herding (forces mech racial and backlines pet to avoid Ion Cannon)

R10: Bark (kills first robot)
R11: Bark (kills second robot)

R12: Bark
R13: Super Bark (should die from reflective damage here)
R14: Devour (forces mech racial on third robot)
R15: Devour continues (kills third bot)

The only times this fails is if there are nasty crits or if the first robot uses club on all 3 first rounds. I have never actually seen him use club all 3 rounds but it is at least a possible option. So far he has always mixed in a batter turn in the first 3 rounds.

The PASS round is important to keep damage verses the corgi down. Attacking that round forces reflective damage which normally mucks up the process.

There are probably faster strats, but this has worked well for me so far.
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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Jerebear » May 31st, 2015, 9:50 pm

Monkeygreen wrote:
Ilostmahbucket wrote:Speed kill strategy for: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 011803, and Protectron 022481? Anyone have a reliable one?
I know it seems a bit counter-intuitive, given they're beasts, but I use three fast spiders that have Strike, Brittle Webbing and Spiderling Swarm. Mine are two S/S Desert Spiders and an H/S Amethyst Spiderling: 1, 2, 2. Comes in at a fast (not many animations to sit through) nine rounds and is extraordinarily reliable.

1) Brittle Webbing
2) Spiderling Swarm
3) Strike (Blingtron dies, sometimes without getting an Explode off)
4) Brittle Webbing
5) Strike (Spider 1 dies)
6) Spiderling Swarm (Protectron #1 dies without getting Ion Cannon off)
7) Brittle Webbing
8) Strike (Spider 2 dies)
9) Spiderling Swarm (Protectron #2 dies)

Very, very rarely you might need a round 10 strike to finish it off.
Nice strat!

If you swap turns 2 and 3 so that you strike before you swarm, you should greatly reduce (maybe eliminate) the chance of him casting Armageddon. You'll always do enough damage to force the mech racial before Armageddon can be cast (and he'll still kill himself on R3 with Brit Web reflective damage) and if you crit early, Swarm will finish him with 2 hits.
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Re: Menagerie Speed Kills

Post by Alfonzzo » May 31st, 2015, 11:09 pm

Sepsis wrote:Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 011803, and Protectron 022481
There are already plenty of 10 round strategies out there so it took some pushing to get anything faster. I managed an 8 round team but its quite vulnerable to RNG, I shall post it in case anyone wants to try it.

Strat 1:
Baby Ape (P/P) w/ Barrel Toss
Chrominius 1/1/2
Any >276 speed critter killer
I like the p/p Baby Ape to versus the first 2 pets. The RNG issue seems to be if Blingtron 4999b hits with Batter more than 4 times in two turns, but this seems to be fairly rare.

For the remainder of the fight, i like
Grizzly Squirrel (P/S) Woodchipper/?/?
Frostwolf Pup (P/S) ?/?/Maul

Turn 1-4 Barrel Toss (if Ape dies to Armageddon, restart)
5: Woodchipper
6: Woodchipper
7: swap to Frostwolf Pup
8: Maul

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