Racial Rankings

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Re: Racial Rankings

Post by Helbrecht » December 8th, 2015, 4:10 pm

You're conflating racial abilities with damage strengths and weaknesses, but really those are two different lists. What's your list look like if you only consider the racial abilities?

I think the dragonkin racial is actually pretty good; lots of dragons have non-dragonkin attacks, so they're not necessarily even at a disadvantage against undead.

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Re: Racial Rankings

Post by Lyraat » December 9th, 2015, 12:04 am

Helbrecht wrote:You're conflating racial abilities with damage strengths and weaknesses, but really those are two different lists. What's your list look like if you only consider the racial abilities?
Aye. Big difference between just racials and overall family strength. Aquatics, for example, are very much in demand due to the prevalence of undead pets. But their racial is atrocious: 50% dot reduction? Pathetic. The elemental racial only comes into play for a very select group of abilities. Outside of those specific weather conditions, it doesn't factor into the battle at all.

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Re: Racial Rankings

Post by Milotha » December 13th, 2015, 7:01 am

The problem is some racials are useful no matter what you are up against: undead, mechanical, humanoid, beast, dragonkin, flying. These contain the more powerful racials. Then there are the elemental, aquatic, critter, and magic whose usefulness is more dependent upon the enemy team. Among the more useful racials: undead, mechanical and humanoid are always active and provide a heal like effect.

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