Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Strat

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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Darolyn » January 21st, 2015, 11:40 am

I've been using the Mirror Strider/Proto Whelp strat.

It must be my luck. When my carry is lvl 20+, it goes without a hitch 90% of the time. The other 10%, the carry can mop up.

When I'm starting out a lvl 1 carry, the Proto gets a crit from Sloppus and goes down. Over 50% of the time. A lvl 1 Carry can't mop it up.

Of note was my lvl 11 Puddle Terror managing to finish off over 200HP on Sloppus. I cheered.

So, while this strategy may be fool-proof, I'm going to state for the record it obviously isn't Daro-proof. ;)

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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Stormseeker » January 21st, 2015, 4:09 pm

While not as fast as the mirrorstrider/proto whelp strat I'll repost my strat from last time this group was up that is still faster than the tidal wave spam (by far) but still can take a fair amount of rng and still pull it off. RNG just makes it longer but then again that's the case for RNG in general so. Most times it takes me 22-25 rounds to win so not bad and your carry pet takes no damage.

Just thought I'd throw my idea out there since i found one that works well for me. I use Snarly with rip, surge, and blood in the water. 2nd pet is a P/P Emperor Crab with snap, renewing mists, and shell shield. Carry pet can be any. Takes about 25 rounds so not fast but leaves plenty of room for misses and even some room for other team to get crits.

1: rip
2: blood in the water
3: surge (mr. terrible dies)
4-6: surge (you can take a chance and try to rip then blood in water but if he attacks 2nd round like he has for me once or twice then surge would be better.) *snarly dies here*
7: carry pet selected then switched for Emperor Crab
8: shell shield
9: renewing mists
10: snap
here on out spam snap until you need to renew shield and mists. since crab is faster than sloppus you'll get them up without taking any extra damage. Also note that on round carroteye dies i don't renew mists since not needed and I know i'll kill him. Guess you could but not needed.

even with other team getting 3 crits and my crab missing 4 times in a row (stupid rng) my crab had plenty hp left every time. At least 3/4 health. Like i said not the fastest but certainly is safe and doesn't take 30+ unless rng is just really horrible. I might try to see how surge works for crab but 90 points per round on sloppus I think would add up too much in the end and first attack not needed since you're faster than him.

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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Morlis » January 21st, 2015, 4:29 pm

Darolyn wrote:So, while this strategy may be fool-proof, I'm going to state for the record it obviously isn't Daro-proof.

To be fair the original poster's foolproof team was not using the Mirror Strider and Emerald Proto Whelp. The Strider and Proto are prone to crit issues causing failure to flow correctly. As long as everyone behaves this is a fairly fast method, but a crit by ether side in the wrong spot can cause this strat to go off track.

I have used the Mirror and Proto team with decent success but it is far from foolproof. If Mr. Terrible gets a crit on his 1st or 2nd hit I immediately abandon the match, heal and start over (I feel the effort to get the win is not worth the time). Crits later in the match I attempt to overcome and sometimes the crit falls in a spot that causes no harm at all to the flow.

So Darolyn I feel your pain when a low level is left to fend for him/herself and pet treat timers are ticking by. :cry:
Last edited by Morlis on January 21st, 2015, 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Darolyn » January 21st, 2015, 4:41 pm

Morlis wrote: To be fair the original poster's foolproof team was not using the Mirror Strider and Emerald Proto Whelp. The Strider and Proto are prone to crit issues causing failure to flow correctly. As long as everyone behaves this is a fairly fast method, but a crit by ether side in the wrong spot can cause this strat to go off track.

I have used the Mirror and Proto team with decent success but it is far from foolproof. If Mr. Terrible gets a crit on his 1st or 2nd hit I immediately abandon the match, heal and start over (I feel the effort to get the win is not worth the time). Crits later in the match I attempt to over come and sometimes the crit falls in a spot that causes no harm at all to the flow.

So Darolyn I feel your pain when a low level is left to fend for him/herself and pet treat timers are ticking by. :cry:
And here I was trying to be witty. I actually came to this thread thanks to a friend, straight to the Strider/Whelp strat, so I never noticed that it wasn't the original!

Fail, Daro, Fail.

Apparently posting isn't Daro-proof, either! ;)
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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Morlis » January 21st, 2015, 5:12 pm

Darolyn wrote:Apparently posting isn't Daro-proof, either! ;)
I am not immune to this, just the other day I listed off a bunch of what I thought were "must have" pets that were all obtained from drops, player made or NPC sold and it turned out the original post was asking about "must have" wild pets. So my fail was I didn't fully read and comprehend what was asked. I just started rambling off pets I thought were useful. Teach me to post with 5 minutes left at work. :lol:
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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Kel » January 21st, 2015, 7:12 pm

Or, for gits and shiggles, you can just use the Water Spirit for the whole battle. Just spam Tidal Wave till the back 2 pets are dead, then proceed with killing Mr. Terrible.

I'm not saying it's fast by any means. But you can swap in your carry at any point. I'd think you could carry two pets with this method as well. And it IS fool-proof, Daro-proof or any other proof! ;)
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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Darolyn » January 22nd, 2015, 1:44 am

Kel wrote:Or, for gits and shiggles, you can just use the Water Spirit for the whole battle. Just spam Tidal Wave till the back 2 pets are dead, then proceed with killing Mr. Terrible.

I'm not saying it's fast by any means. But you can swap in your carry at any point. I'd think you could carry two pets with this method as well. And it IS fool-proof, Daro-proof or any other proof! ;)
Yup. Thinking this is actually Daro-proof. A little silly, though. have to remember to swap in the carries, and use geyser and whirlpool whenever they're off CD. I'm watching television while just hitting 1 over and over.

Takes 50-60 rounds, but if you're not actually paying attention to the fight....
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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Vetteranger » January 22nd, 2015, 4:53 am

I tried many strategies. Like some others mentioned, killing the back line pets first was just too slow for me. I eventually melded a couple of strategies and came up with a fight I never lost and which killed all three quickly.

After letting your trainee pet take a hit, swap in an Emperor Crab. Cast Whirlpool on cooldown, Healing Wave as often as makes sense, and Surge anytime you have plenty of health - or Mr. Terrible's shield is down. Try to get in a heal just before the killing Whirlpool hits. After two or three fights you'll get a feel for that. The Crab should finish the fight with 350-450 health left when you time the last heal correctly.

When Carroteye comes out, Surge. He'll hit your crab for about 250 damage, then Cast your Whirlpool. You'll then get in a second surge and die. But you've done about 700 damage plus the coming Whirlpool damage. Even if your Crab is killed immediately, don't worry.

Then comes in the Emerald Proto-Whelp, which I decided on all by myself, but was pleased to see mentioned above. The EPW dominates the last two pets. Just use Breath on Carroteye until he dies. If needed, throw in an Ancient Blessing on the turn before you're going to kill him. Finishing that leg of the battle with 1000+ health is all you need. Don't Proto-strike ... you want it available for Sloppus.

If you didn't get any Crab damage against Carroteye, you'll need to heal an extra time along the way, and you can afford an early Proto-Strike, as the cooldown will be done by the time you get to Sloppus.

When Sloppus comes out, use Proto-Strike. This causes his hit chance reduction move to miss, and you are now clear to burn him up. Generally you can just use Breath until he is dead. However, if Sloppus gets a crit or you get nervous, you can always throw in an Ancient Blessing to calm your nerves. Essentially, after Sloppus gets in his 400 bonus point attack, your're going to get to Breath twice without taking damage. One of those Breaths will be with the Dragonkin bonus damage, and Sloppus is toast.

I used a Guardian Crab (H/H) and a Destruction EPW (P/P) for this battle.

This strategy not only never loses, but is efficient in terms of real time spent each battle. While the crab part of the fight takes a while, the EPW will burn down the last two foes VERY quickly.

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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Khorah » March 7th, 2015, 3:39 pm

OK.. this "could" be a fluke. However, I tried the usual tidal wave scenario and it was getting through Mr. Terrible's DS and killing me with the bounce back :shock:

I changed up to Vetteranger's strat and eased through it, but wanted to give you guys a heads up..

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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Jerebear » March 7th, 2015, 4:17 pm

Khorah wrote:OK.. this "could" be a fluke. However, I tried the usual tidal wave scenario and it was getting through Mr. Terrible's DS and killing me with the bounce back :shock:

I changed up to Vetteranger's strat and eased through it, but wanted to give you guys a heads up..
See my post earlier in this thread: ... 03#p100703

Remember they nerfed them since then so the amount of damage blocked is lower. I'm not sure any pet hits low enough now.
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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Iamnotapet » March 7th, 2015, 10:22 pm

With the nerf in 6.1 this is no longer worth levelling pets with but to get them done quickly...

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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Orlendis » February 15th, 2016, 9:25 am

What I can't figure out on why this is even worth it to get exp for the leveling pet. I did this strat word for word, killed off both of my 25's, and with only my leveling pet alive (a level 2) killed the final pet up and won. My winnings was a whopping 77 exp. My level 2 pet didn't even get to level 3.

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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Paladance » February 15th, 2016, 10:21 am

See the post above. Most of the previous ones were made when leveling was still available. Then the exp was taken away just as you can see. ;)

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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Khorah » February 15th, 2016, 11:06 am

^-- this
You used to be able to get "normal" exp (or close to it) for the garrison battles, but Blizz wanted us to go out into the wilds more so they nerfed most of the garrison battles, though some such as Squirt do still give normal exp.

The main draw now are the leveling stones for completing the battle, plus charms to buy MORE leveling stones or upgrade stones if you need em :geek:

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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Paladance » February 15th, 2016, 1:49 pm

Khorah wrote:The main draw now are the leveling stones for completing the battle, plus charms to buy MORE leveling stones or upgrade stones if you need em :geek:
And you can have a swarm of spirit pets at your garrison all the time.

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Re: Fool-proof Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus Two-Pet Stra

Post by Yazhi » February 15th, 2016, 2:24 pm

This is quite an old and potentially outdated thread now. Rather then re-start this, I'd advise to create a new thread to avoid any potential confusion/incorrect information :)

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