Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

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Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Morlis » January 16th, 2015, 10:03 am

Re-posting from another thread a few days ago.

Today's (1/16/15) Pet Battle, Strat largely borrowed from Jerebear with a few of my tweaks.

Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Need the following:
Sapphire Cub (Pounce, Screech, Prowl)
Electrified Razortooth (Rip, Blood in the Water, Devour)
Leveling pet (can be level 1, doesn’t even need to hit)

Blingtron 4999b (Start with Sapphire Cub)
R1 to R4 - Pounce
Blingtron dies

Protectron 022481
Decision time... Cub have more than 335 HP? Then do Plan A otherwise Plan B

Plan A
R5a - Screech
R6a - Prowl
R7a - Screech (Cub dies here)

Plan B
R5b - Pounce
R6b - Screech (Cub dies here) Skip to R8

R8 - Bring in Electrified Razortooth > Rip
R9 - Blood in the Water (022481 Fail-safe activates (mech Revives))
R10 - Devour (022481 dies)

Protectron 011803
R11 - Devour part 2 automatic
R12 - Rip
R13 - Rip
R14 - Blood in the Water (should activate 011803’s Fail-safe)
R15 - Pass or any attack (doesn't matter 011803 will use Ion Cannon first, razor dies)
R16 - Leveling Pet rotates in automatic, if it does 105+ damage 011803 dies
R17 - 011803 will die from bleed regardless of how much damage leveling pet does

Potential Problems:
If Blingtron does 3 Club attacks and 1 crits the Cub will die, it’s a do-over. (rare)
If Cub crits pounce on round 1 or 2, Blingtron will use Armageddon which could kill low level pets and possibly the Cub, another do-over. (very uncommon) Not a do-over if they both live.

My tweaks:
I added the Plan A and B options to avoid the Cub doing to much damage. As strange as that sounds, if the Cub does to much on the 2nd Bot it will activate ion cannon on the Razor and cause a serious break down in battle flow.
Also I added the second Rip at round 13, this ensured that the 3rd bot activated Fail-safe so the leveling pet could be level 1 and never take damage or even have to attack, the rip damage will kill it.
  • Morlis Alliance Kael'Thus 60 Shadow Priest (main account)
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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Morlis » January 16th, 2015, 10:04 am

Tried it a few times before I left for work, and it does work as I outlined it. :D

*edited to add a few thoughts*
I also remembered that there was another reason I wanted to make sure the Sapphire Cub didn't do to much damage. If it all went according to plan when Razortooth rotates in 2nd bot has about 960 hp left. When Razortooth finishes him he leaves the 2nd battle with near full health. As long as you have over about 1250 HP for the 3rd bot, barring any unfortunate RNG problems, Razortooth will have time for the second rip that I added.

You might be wondering why 335 hp for the Sapphire Cup is the magic number? He will need to take 1 Metal Fist attack for plan A to work and it can crit for 334 HP of damage, so he needs to survive that. If you are feeling lucky and want to run the risk that Bot 2 doesn't crit that Metal Fist, you need over 223 HP, first time I lost cub to a crit I never again took the risk, I always go to plan B if Cub is under 335. Beside plan B is a faster finish by 1 round. :)

Durring Plan B if Cub Crits his pounce it can cause problems for Razortooth, which is why I really prefer plan A because a crit on screech won't do to much extra damage. You absolutely have to get screech on Bot 2 to make him slower than Razortooth.

If the carry pet is around 9 or higher you could leave out that second rip at round 13, this would be a similar finish to what Jerebear originally posted. Basically the ion cannon will go off before Bot 3 goes down for the first time and activates Fail-safe (mech revive), which is why the pet will need some levels to do enough damage before the cooldown on Ion cannon is over. With the second rip in place the bleed damage alone will kill him so the carry pet can be level 1 and never need to hit.

I personally leave the 2nd rip in every battle regardless because if I don't my flow gets off and I screw something up.
  • Morlis Alliance Kael'Thus 60 Shadow Priest (main account)
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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Echinacea » January 16th, 2015, 12:19 pm

Morlis wrote:Tried it a few times before I left for work.....
damnit, i totally forgot to set my 8 and 10 hour garrison quests before work

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Morlis » January 16th, 2015, 1:34 pm

Echinacea wrote:damnit, i totally forgot to set my 8 and 10 hour garrison quests before work
hehe I have done that. :lol:
  • Morlis Alliance Kael'Thus 60 Shadow Priest (main account)
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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Abbotta » January 16th, 2015, 3:43 pm

I always have trouble with this one and my Sapphire Cub isn't high enough to be of any use.

I did a quick run just for the charms this morning with my Harbinger, my Molton Corgi and my newly minted level 25 Terrible Turnip. I've really only just power-leveled to 25 and used him as a healer between battles at Celestials, I had no clue that [ability]Weakening Blow[/ability] was never going to kill that last guy. Shows how little I knew about my turnip's abilities. Luckily I had enough life left in him to use [ability]Sunlight[/ability] to finish the battle else I was cooked.

500 pets and in reality I probably know how to properly use about 40 of them and the rest are just stats in my collection. That needs to change. I know I will never use all 500 pets but variety is nice.

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Winstonwaterston » January 16th, 2015, 8:43 pm

I tried this strategy for about an hour today and I confirm that it works, subject to the caveats that Morlis noted. I never had Blingtron kill the cub, but three times Blingtron cast Armageddon. It was annoying because I was using this as a chance to get all my level one pets to level 9.

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Aenara » January 31st, 2015, 10:48 pm

My thanks to the OP and Jerebear. This combo is fantastic! I never would have tried the Sapphire Cat with it's crazy speed and low health. But the Screech synergy with an Electrified Razortooth is amazing.

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Aur » January 31st, 2015, 11:49 pm

I leveled up a dozen or so pets on these guys today using the Sapphire cub & Razortooth. What I found was that it was the most consistent when I opened on the 2nd bot with a Pounce. Cub takes no damage as Protectron puts up a shield. Then use Screech either once or twice until dead. This strat meant that the Razortooth's Blood in the Water would always kill the 2nd bot and he would devour on the bot's mech round. The 2nd devour then lands on the 3rd bot preventing any issues where the Razortooth didn't do enough damage to the 3rd bot and not trigger Ion Cannon.

Only once did I get an unlucky crit killing my Cub too early, and only once did an Armageddon trigger cause the flow to fail. The rest of the time even if Armageddon is triggered the strat worked fine. I never had a problem with the carry pet dying to Armageddon because a pet high enough to be able to kill off the last Protectron should have enough HP to survive. I think the lowest level I used was non-beast lvl 9. Oh, and once an unlucky Ion Cannon crit from the 2nd Protectron killed my Razortooth. I didn't find the RNG to be bad at all. The main issues I had was Ion Cannon triggering on my carry pet and the above change seems to fix that. The idea is similar to what is posted in the OP, but no need to count HP.

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Spinachdip » February 1st, 2015, 12:51 am

teroclaw works well on this. can solo their team most of the time.. just bring in a kunlai if not to clean up.

natures ward then claw spam.. use dodge when theyre about to die / run their nuke. did it 3 times today (again) .. teroclaw solo everytime.

good luck!

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Rendigar » February 1st, 2015, 11:11 am

Adding to Morlis' strategy to avoid another failure condition, will put the steps here for one-stop shopping (though w/the XP nerf I don't know why I spend 4 hours testing a strat...)

Sapphire Cub (2,2,2), Electrified Razortooth (1,2,1), carry pet (any level, see notes)

vs Blingtron 4999b
Pounce spam until Blingtron dies (if you get a crit on turn 1 or 2, forfeit and reset)

vs Protectron 022481 (Cub actions based on health so as to not over damage or under damage 022481)
Cub health < 335 then: Pounce > Screech (cub dies)
Cub health from 335 to 708 then: Screech > Prowl > Screech (cub dies)
Cub health > 708 then: Screech > Pass > Prowl > Screech (cub dies)
Swap to Electrified Razortooth > Rip > Blood in the Water (bleed kills 022481 if not forfeit and reset) > Devour (022481 dies)

vs Protectron 011803
Devour finishes > Rip > Rip > Blood in the Water (Fail-Safe triggers for 011803, he should end the round at 339 health)
If 011803 did not activate Fail-Safe then forfeit and reset otherwise pass as 011803 will Ion Cannon, killing Razortooth
Carry pet comes in and does whatever for 2 rounds - the 3 bleed ticks since Ion Cannon was fired will always kill 011803.

if Blingtron does 3 club attacks and crits on 1 of them (instead of doing at least 1 batter) then the Cub will die.
If Cub crits on round 1 or 2 then your carry pet needs to be around level 4+ to survive Armageddon (unless magic or mechanical) otherwise it is a reset (and it may be worth resetting anyway, as the extra damage to Razortooth can kill him early).
If Cub crits on a Pounce or prowled Screech and Razortooth crits on a Rip vs 022481 then it could force an Ion Cannon shot, this is extremely rare (and only getting 1 of 2 crits wont push 022481 far enough) - this is a reset, though.
If Razortooth crits on the 2nd part of Devour vs 011803 he will Ion Cannon earlier than desired. 1 Rip is not enough to kill him and 2 Rips will force the early Ion Cannon. If carry pet is level 6+ (I didn't have any low enough to test) then you can just do Rip > Blood in the Water > get Ion Cannoned dead and clean up with the carry + bleed ticks.

Definitely not the smoothest leveling battle in the Menagerie, because you have to watch for all the critical hit issues. And Multiple enemy crits can still kill the Razortooth early and there's nothing that can be done for it. RNG is RNG, but at least there are no crit buffs available to them so it should be very uncommon/rare.

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Axarien » February 15th, 2015, 9:19 pm

Brilliant! Thanks!

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Taerie » February 15th, 2015, 10:56 pm

I'm definitely going to give this a try! I solo this with a ruby droplet but I feel like it takes foooorever. I almost skip this battle completely- loathe it so much.

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Minivivi » July 9th, 2016, 2:51 pm

Morlis wrote:
Echinacea wrote:damnit, i totally forgot to set my 8 and 10 hour garrison quests before work
hehe I have done that. :lol:

This works BRILLIANTLY! Thank you.

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Falconbc » July 9th, 2016, 6:58 pm

umm, just use blossoming ancient, ..sunlight...photosynthesis...poisoned branch x 4, repeat till all pets are dead...carry a lil rag just in case you need it but 99% of the time you won't.

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Vakeetah » July 10th, 2016, 6:08 am

Falconbc wrote:umm, just use blossoming ancient, ..sunlight...photosynthesis...poisoned branch x 4, repeat till all pets are dead...carry a lil rag just in case you need it but 99% of the time you won't.
A [pet]Blossoming Ancient[/pet] is already an awfully slow pet, but to make things worse, these robots gain the Critter type through their Robouflage buff - becoming resistant to Elemental (and thus, [ability]Poisoned Branch[/ability]) so this is a good way to take 20 minutes to finish a Menagerie encounter! :lol:

(on the same line, that makes [pet]Lil' Ragnaros[/pet] a terrible backup pet... Bringing Elementals is good, but they should deal Beast -or at least not Elemental- damage.
- Thanks to Paladance for the sig!

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Paladance » July 10th, 2016, 2:47 pm

I was fine with a [pet]Sapphire Cub[/pet] and a shale hatchling today, though I've always preferred alementals because they hit so hard.

They need a bit of the cooldown/sacrifice management, tho.

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Falconbc » July 10th, 2016, 11:34 pm

well , Vakeetah , i never said it was the fastest or the best , i just said it works , if 6-7 minutes is too long then don't use, it was merely a suggestion ,and maybe instead of being oh so critical here, you should be out working on you're very impressive pet score of 3718,lol, that's whats truly laughable here! LOL :lol:

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Re: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Post by Rioriel » July 11th, 2016, 4:07 am

Think I just smash them all in the face with [pet]Molten Corgi[/pet].

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