Menagerie Daily

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Uduwudu » July 25th, 2016, 11:16 am

Georgeann wrote: ...
The fact they lowered the amount of charms you can recieve but then reduced the dailys(weelys now) to. They posted to buy all the items that will be out in the new Legions with charms totals is 1700 charms. At this rate i'll maybe have 100 by the time legion comes out. I do hope this is a glitch and hope they fix it fast. So we dont loose out. I do enjoy battling :?
I think what they meant to do was stop people from levelling their pets without fighting. The idea was to level your pets honestly, and sadly, this was not happening half the time.

I make a point of taking my pets to a spot or two at 23 so I can take them to 25, and other than using a stone to make them Rare, any pet under level 5 can not get a rock of any kind ... they should fight, besides the fact that it's easy and only a few fights. And you learn patience, when you have to play the Fungal Abomination ... it's not fun, but it gets there!

By the time Legion comes out, I think this game will have lost an old timer, that has been here since the first month of this game. These malicious nerf's and killing of things, is just too emotionally draining ... like you spend your life and realize 30 years later, that it was not worth it. Even if it was a game, then all you can tell yourself is ... what a waste of time?

That's bad, and means that the game itself has lost its soul, and needs to die! Anything that useless ... in one's life ... you decide!

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Xariah » July 28th, 2016, 12:45 am

Has anyone seen anything official said about this yet? I just came back to the game about a month ago and thanks to my 15 level 100's with level 3 menageries I was able to stock up about 1900 charms before this happened, but I'm still really irritated about this. Like others, I'm really considering asking for my money back on the xpac and quitting. It was so horribly dishonest for them to say they were cutting the charms in half and then make the quest account wide. People could have at least prepared better if they had been honest.

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Gráinne » July 28th, 2016, 10:30 am

Uduwudu wrote:I think what they meant to do was stop people from levelling their pets without fighting. The idea was to level your pets honestly, and sadly, this was not happening half the time.
I feel this too.

Like so many other things in Warlords, the Garrison Pet Charm system gave you progress without actually playing the game.

This was bad. It was bad for gearing, it was bad for gold, it was bad for professions, and it was bad for pets. It tore a hole in the meaning of the game.

Instead of playing our pets, we did joyless grinds on the one day every few weeks when Squirt showed up.

Most of the best pets in the game don't come from playing pets - in one notorious case, it didn't even come from anything related to WoW.

Why should we then feel that the pet game is worth playing?

For myself, I've barely used Pet Charms or levelling stones. I captured and levelled most of my pets before Warlords. I've bought a couple of burgers, and used yellow stones for the last level or two. The rest came from my Pandaria bags. I have used Squirt, though.

But none of these Warlords-stones things were fun, and none of these Warlords-stones things were satisfying. Pandaria tamers were a travelling grind, but they were satisfying.

Pet Charms as a way to plug holes in progress - to upgrade something to Rare, or level a few pets - was fine. Pet Charms and Gold as the primary mode of progress is game-killing. Good riddance!

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Bandx » July 28th, 2016, 4:51 pm

Since pet charms are going to be currency to purchase pets & other items going forward (I believe this is correct), I suspect that if one hasn't horded some pet charms it might end up making one wish they had.

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Mahgra » July 28th, 2016, 5:38 pm

I've been waiting days for most of my characters to be able to do the dailies :cry:

And if it's only one daily per account, I'm going to yell at someone.. give me back all my gold I spent just for the garrison upgrades on all of my characters for the pets. They need to come out and either say it or fix it.. :|

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Uduwudu » July 28th, 2016, 9:51 pm

Mahgra wrote:I've been waiting days for most of my characters to be able to do the dailies :cry:

And if it's only one daily per account, I'm going to yell at someone.. give me back all my gold I spent just for the garrison upgrades on all of my characters for the pets. They need to come out and either say it or fix it.. :|
As of right now it's account only, and that means that any of your characters can have the dailies available to them. If you have a lot of them, I recommend checking them since the Warlords weekly can be on any of the characters, as well as the extra fight (with the 10 rox) ... and then, go on the 6 dailies you can do to grab 12 more Pet Charms. But make sure you check your characters to see if you have the quest, which also gives you some Pet Bandages.

All in all, I end up with about 14 to 17 Pet Charms daily, which is OK for getting one Blue Rock and nothing else. Or if you want to upgrade 4 or 5 Pets, it's all good. I'm making sure I have all the blue stuff done first and now I have 130 Blues to bring up to 25, for example, for me.

I'm curious as to how others are handling the changes. It really just means you have to do a little fighting to upgrade your pets better, since the freebie fights are also being nerf'd, I'm willing to bet!

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Quintessence » July 30th, 2016, 4:17 am

This was pointed out on the Bnet Pet Battle forums -- official 7.0.3 Patch Notes:
The quests “Scrappin’”, “Battle Pet Roundup”, and “Mastering the Menagerie” now offer reduced rewards, and are now restricted to once per-account, per-day.
So there you have it. It's official. Menagerie dailies are now account-wide as of the pre-Legion patch.

Side note: This is just IMO but I think Blizzard could have handled this specific situation with the Menagerie dailies in 7.0.3 much better.

The [url=]patch notes that were released when 7.0 went live[/url] did not include anything related to Pet Battles.

And then we have a second patch notes page where it has a section just for Pet Battles (linked above the quote).

It's hard to say if one came first or if one was edited at a later date, or if it was just human error that the main patch notes page didn't include the change to Menagerie dailies.

Still, it would have been nice had a Blizzard representative pointed out the section on Pet Battles on the alternate patch notes page. It would have saved everyone a lot of headache and wondering.
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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Daditz » July 30th, 2016, 11:10 am

I decided several months ago to do the daily and horde the pet charms, in hopes they would roll over. I have over 19,000 in my bank. I am hoping to use them to upgrade pets epic, was 200 charms in beta. I am glad I did, it looks like it will be quit hard to get 200 charms to upgrade a pet to epic. I was doing pet daily on 17 - lvl 100 toons a day, getting 150+/- charms a day, now- if you can get the daily- I might get 50.

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Uduwudu » July 31st, 2016, 9:31 pm

Quintessence wrote:This was pointed out on the Bnet Pet Battle forums -- official 7.0.3 Patch Notes:
The quests “Scrappin’”, “Battle Pet Roundup”, and “Mastering the Menagerie” now offer reduced rewards, and are now restricted to once per-account, per-day.
So there you have it. It's official. Menagerie dailies are now account-wide as of the pre-Legion patch.
Hmmm ... I have not seen "Scrappin" or "Battle Pet Roundup" on any of my characters daily. These 3 quest names are for exactly the same thing and they now give 4 or 5 Pet Charms.

The daily for the 6 Battle Masters, is something or other "warlords" and then the occasional extra that has the 3 upgrade rocks, I have to look for the quest name. There is also another quest by one of these NPC's that gives the 10 upgrade rocks, and I don't think is the same as the previous one.

I'll post as I get them, if I can remember to write them down. At this moment, if they are Alliance or Horde, is a mystery for your account, but one character shows up with them ... though the dailies other than the Roundup, are a mess, and so inconsistent as to make it difficult to find. I have to log everyone of my 10 characters sometimes. I'll be removing the Pet Menagerie from some of them to help simplify the confusion.

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Quintessence » July 31st, 2016, 10:14 pm

Uduwudu wrote:Hmmm ... I have not seen "Scrappin" or "Battle Pet Roundup" on any of my characters daily. These 3 quest names are for exactly the same thing and they now give 4 or 5 Pet Charms.
"Scrappin" (H) and "Battle Pet Roundup" (A) are the dailies that the Menagerie NPC gives when your Menagerie building is sub-level 3. These dailies reward just Pet Charms IIRC.

After upgrading your Menagerie to level 3, these quests turn into “Mastering the Menagerie”, which rewards both Pet Charms and the bag.

From what I understand, all Menagerie dailies (regardless of building level) are account-wide now. Once you complete ANY of the Menagerie dailies, that's it for your account for that day.

It's probably recommended that you complete the daily on a character with the highest level Menagerie (level 3) to collect the "best" reward (charms + bag).
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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Kel » August 1st, 2016, 5:14 pm

The only thing this change has done is punish those who are newer to the game. The ones who have been around a while have horded charms. I've heard from some who literally have thousands of charms tucked away. So, just like life, the only thing we've done is make the rich richer and the poor poorer. I don't think this was a good idea. It's like saying "We're reducing the amount of gold you can get" but not doing anything about those who already have billions of gold. We're only making the divide larger. The guys who have thousands of charms can only do so much with them before they simply run out of a need for them. But those who need them will now need them 5 times as bad. Not a good call, not a good call at all.
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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Uduwudu » August 1st, 2016, 8:40 pm

Bandx wrote:Since pet charms are going to be currency to purchase pets & other items going forward (I believe this is correct), I suspect that if one hasn't horded some pet charms it might end up making one wish they had.
Which would be really bad for the honest player ... they get punished?

Time out ... I hope that is not the case! However, the game allowed it to happen, so ... it can't be considered cheating.

I do have an issue, as mentioned above, I have two paying accounts, and I was not expecting them both to be considered "one account", and I have a feeling that here there was a lot more taking advantage of the situation than otherwise. I did do the dailies on all my toons, but other than that, my pets fought almost all of 23-25 spot, and always 1-5 spots. In fact, one time I took something like 15 level 6 pets to Stonetalon, to level them all to 10. This will show that I have a huge list of pets now 18-19 that still need leveling ... we're talking 30 to 40 of them!
Kel wrote:The only thing this change has done is punish those who are newer to the game. The ones who have been around a while have horded charms. ...
While I do not think that is "dishonest", since it was available to the game for sometime, I can not fault everyone on that, but it does create a massive discrepancy, and the inability for anyone playing the Pet Battle thing well, and developed it nicely, but did not have all their pets at Blue and 25, because they started the whole thing a year behind everyone.

I find this whole thinking, a bit malicious and pathetic, by people that don't play the game, and have no idea what it takes in time constraints and dedication to get that far, and then one day pull the plug and say ... tough poop. Eat it! I almost think that a tier'd result would make more sense, so those playing the Pet Battles seriously would not quit frustrated that they no longer can upgrade/level things at a reasonable pace.

All in all, this is typical. Every expansion has gone back to make sure they lowered the value and rewards from before, in order to force people to buy the new expansion. One of these days, they will have made a serious mistake, just like EQ did, and kill the part of the game that a lot of folks loved, but was dismantled by folks that never played the game, or had any appreciation for the game playing itself, except to make sure that you could not get the piece that was necessary for you to get your epic gear. That jerk of a butler finally got his due, but the game was already hurt by someone on a rampage against anyone making add-ons. This was not an issue for WoW, but it became an issue, when people were selling things for 100k Gold, and it was obvious that the majority of those players were serious farmers running bots ... which was what EQ is now doing, trying to survive and making it look like it has more players than it really has.

The server congregations, merely means that there were not enough players to justify the extra servers, which at one time, was another machine onto the network. Now it's all virtualized, and the combination of 2 or 3 servers is trivial.

I do believe that on a higher level of conceptualization, that these folks lacked sight and foresight, and the desire to see this through fairly, and instead just did a knee jerk reaction that should not have happened. If someone is paying for 2 or 3 accounts, so what? They pay for it ... but noooooooo ... it's all one account now. So, what you pay for on one account is not the same value as the other. I really do not think that is good business, but a BigMac in NY does not cost the same as it does in LaGrande in Oregon, so there you have it ... the huge disparity and design by people that think code is made to control you, not to create a fun game!
Last edited by Uduwudu on August 1st, 2016, 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Uduwudu » August 1st, 2016, 8:45 pm

Daditz wrote:...
... now- if you can get the daily- I might get 50.
Not any more! You get one menagerie daily plus 6 fights one in each zone. (Talador, Spires, Frostfire, Nagrand, Shadowmoon and Gorgrond).

That adds up to a total of 16 or 17 Pet Charms daily. PERIOD.

The other two are weeklies and that is one for 10 Upgrade level rocks, and the other is 3 Upgrade level rocks, and none of these show up on any other toons.

This was my greatest frustration, because I have 2 paying accounts, and I felt cheated because one account has less benefits than the other, but if I say something, they will come back with ... well you can use the pets on both accounts, right?

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Beyonder » August 2nd, 2016, 7:09 am

Daditz wrote:I decided several months ago to do the daily and horde the pet charms, in hopes they would roll over. I have over 19,000 in my bank. I am hoping to use them to upgrade pets epic, was 200 charms in beta. I am glad I did, it looks like it will be quit hard to get 200 charms to upgrade a pet to epic. I was doing pet daily on 17 - lvl 100 toons a day, getting 150+/- charms a day, now- if you can get the daily- I might get 50.
Everything I have read states that they scrapped the epic pet level in Alpha, back in FEB 2016.

One thing I would like to know is how there are still TCG pets for sale in the AH for half the price they were when the cards were in production. They stopped making them over 2.5 years ago. How is this possible. I know that some have figured out how to dupe items, are they also duping the TCG loot also?

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by FuxieDK » August 2nd, 2016, 8:31 am

Bandx wrote:Has this 'daily' become a weekly now? Some of my toons are not being offered the quest today. I can't find any reference to this question. thanks
It's account shared now...

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Ranok » August 2nd, 2016, 10:53 am

Beyonder wrote:One thing I would like to know is how there are still TCG pets for sale in the AH for half the price they were when the cards were in production. They stopped making them over 2.5 years ago. How is this possible. I know that some have figured out how to dupe items, are they also duping the TCG loot also?
A year or so ago when the market was glutted with cheap TCG pets was so dramatic it was obvious there was some illicit way to get the pets. A little harder to be sure this time, one theory is that folks had been hoarding the pets until player population built back up with the Legion pre-launch, assuming prices would go up too, then had to start dumping them when prices dropped instead. I tend to support the duping theory myself.

One possibility with TCG pets in particular assumes that the codes on the cards had been generated using some sort of algorithm, that it wasn't purely a collection of random numbers. Figuring this out would allow creating lists of codes that could then be redeemed if they hadn't already been used. In fact, using google you can find websites that claim to have card code generators for particular pets like Spectral Tiger (I don't actually look at any of these sites because I'm scared of malware). Interestingly Landro Longshot, the goblin in Booty Bay that does the code redeeming, has been broken for weeks and won't redeem anything.

Then there's Viscuous Horror. It's not a TCG pet but its price has dropped too, just not as drastically as the TCG ones.

Spectral price change a lot bumpier and seeing level 1's as cheap as 35K on some realms, and lot of AH and Trade Chat sellers with 3 or more of them, sort of suspicious.

Bottom line, who knows what the heck is going on ?

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Beyonder » August 3rd, 2016, 4:06 am

That explains a lot, I did not know that. Thank you for the info.

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Re: Menagerie Daily

Post by Eddie » August 4th, 2016, 7:17 am

All of my garrisons have a level 3 menagerie buildings. I can still pickup Mastering the Menagerie every day, but only on one character... on any one of my characters, but can do it only once each day instead of the previous multiple times a day, once on each of my characters.

It looks to me that in patch 7.0.3 Mastering the Menagerie was made account-wide.

I suspect that given that there is about to be a lot of new expensive battle pet content for us to spend out tags on, that this being account-wide might not be a bug. If so, It is a very disappointing decision on Blizzard's part.

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