Breeds for Legion Pets

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Gráinne » October 6th, 2016, 7:51 am

Yes, I agree with Vakeetah. P/P is the only way to go here.

This is an [pet]Emerald Proto-Whelp[/pet] in terms of best abilities, or can be configured as one. Sleeping Gas is pretty useless now, and I don't see Toxic Skin competing with the shield, so the only reason to deviate from the most common EPW moveset would be Healing Flame, and that favours a P/P as well.

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Avarre » October 8th, 2016, 3:40 am

What about Fel Spiders?

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Vakeetah » October 8th, 2016, 2:39 pm

For [pet]Felspider[/pet] I'd aim for P/S. The S/S offers insane speed (341) but there's nothing in its skillset that benefits from being so fast - so rather reallocate those points into Power. 305 Speed is still a reasonable value, and with 305 Power you can get slightly better healing from [ability]Leech Life[/ability] or more damage from [ability]Puncture Wound[/ability].

I guess one could make a case for B/B due to its higher health (since the [pet]Felspider[/pet] is so fragile) but I'm very unconvinced about it, due to how taxed its other stats get in the process.
- Thanks to Paladance for the sig!

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Lolfixheal » October 21st, 2016, 8:51 am

Great that someone else made a post, its scary to see so few people having an interest in pet breeds and thus optimizing pets. Guess its our specialized interest, it can be hard enough getting nearly thousand rare 25 pets as it is. I took some advice from this thread (in particular Vakeetah), used wowhead to filter movesets and just good old Lolfix standards and 'logic' when I collected my Legion pets. Heres what I've chosen for Legion:


Dust Bunny S/S - thou P/S is probably preferably as Smoke Bomb always goes first, I just happend to find a rare S/S 1st bunny clicked. Standard S/S 2-turn dodge is still better than 1-turn dodge in my book so not that impressive new move. Still new moveset. EDIT: I'm herpderp, didn't realize its for entire team so disregard previous comment.
Blind Rat S/S - the cousin of Frostfur Rat but with Lullaby instead of Refuge so new moveset. S/S just seemed the choice, apply what you want, Lullaby, petswitch. Alternatively P/P breed for heavy hitter but doesn't guarantee to go first with those defensive moves.


Albatross Chick P/B - no fast breeds and racial gives us speed anyway so might as well dish a bit more damage out.
Coastal Sandpiper P/S - Quicksand slows the enemy and your trait gives you speed as well. The moveset seems very random shake n baked together so a more balanced P/S breed seems to be the choice here. Quick Attack wouldn't benefit from speed and Sand Storm + Flock would benefit from damage.
Fel Spider P/S - very unique tossed around moveset. Has poison fang instead of poison spit. It got Fel Immolate and a Puncture. Any breed doesn't give much health to this pet and no ability directly benefits of going first so P/S is best balanced. Alternatively S/S to apply the dots and die.. horribly.
Fledgling Kingfeather P/P - regular bird moveset but with Preen which looks like a nice ability. Healing on 3 round CD to keep you above 50% for racial speed and extra damage for your slot1 and slot3 attacks. This pet can attain the magical 341 attack so thats what we're going to grab.
Fledgling Oliveback S/S - same as the Fledgling Kingfeather but with the 341 in speed so even after sub 50% health you're the baws.
Juvenile Scuttleback P/S - we got so many (5?) P/P and H/H crabs from Draenor so when we're finally being offered a semi-breed in P/S we are going to take it!
Olivetail Hare H/P - regular rabbit of which we got enough S/S so I picked a H/P so I got 3 of those in my collection. So pick H/P or H/S or S/S.
Slithering Brownscale P/S - regular snake of which we got plenty P/S and S/S and things in between so here again pick either S/S or P/S.


Auburn Ringtail P/S - regular Bandicoon moveset from MoP so pick either P/S or S/S depending on what you got from Pandaland. I had two S/S and one P/S so I picked another P/S. One Powerball boosts 289 speed to 346 but with Counterstrike you don't want to be fast so its handy to have both breeds available.
Gleamhoof Fawn P/P - your normal Fawn pet should be S/S 341 speed making the Gleamhoof Fawn's 325 speed irrelevant. A S/B Gazelle Fawn is almost identical as well so opt-in for a cute little powerhouse P/P since that is available.
Shimmering Aquafly P/S - only two semi-breeds available and 305 as topspeed. I prefer the P/S over the H/S due to the moveset having a heal.
Spring Strider H/S - the breeds are very similar around the 289-305 speed range and power and health not varying much either. I choice H/S due to it being a semi-breed, but if you find a rare S/B > H/B that should be fine as well. Depending on what striders you got from MoP you can fill in the blanks.
Terror Lava H/H - maggot moveset with Worst Fear instead of Leap. This pet will not be fast so pick extra health for a good long fight.
Vale Flitter P/P - moth variation moveset with Call Lightning where the usual breed option is P/S. In this case we can choose a more powerful version whilst still being fast due to racial, so P/P it is.


Black-Footed Fox Kit S/B - very small difference in breed, but I took S/B just to reach the 305 speed and slightly better statbudget.
Burrow Spiderling S/S - regular spider but with Burrow so that allows it to dodge an attack if it goes first. Alternatively a P/S would be fine as well. The pet doesn't have much life so getting as much damage off before it dies is key. Taking Burrow won't allow you to take Leech mind that.
Coralback Fiddler S/S - woot woot, a fast crab? Lets just grab and bag it shall we.
Echo Batling P/S - regular bat moveset. Two semi-breeds available and I personally like power on any flier due to the racial. It allows you to get even harder hits in before you're toast sub 50% health.
Hog-Nosed Bat P/P - yes sir a 341 attack bat! The normal Bat from EPL/Tirisfal Glades can come as S/S 341 speed. This way you have a fast, a powerful and a well rounded one.
Long-Eared Owl S/S - this pet alongside 3 other single-breed pets in Legion introduces a new moveset. The P/P breed of this pet is already provided by Fledgling Warden Owl and the P/S breed is already provided by the Northern Hawk Owl. With 309 speed available its faster than its brethren.
Mist Fox Kit S/B - get that 289 speed without sacrificing much power and health.
Mudshell Conch H/P - lets face it, a snail will never be fast so stack up health, power and dump the speed. The H/P provides it all.
Spiketail Beaver H/P - weird moveset that doesn't really do much and its certainly unique to this pet. The pet can't be fast so stack health and power with a H/P breed.


Stormstruck Beaver P/P - this one doesn't need explanation else you're in the wrong thread.
Golden Eaglet P/S - remember how we took a 341 P/P and a 341 S/S of the Preen birds in Azsuna? Here we fill out the gap with a well-balanced P/S breed rocking 289/289.
Rose Taipan S/S - it reminds you of the Death Adder Hatchling but its not. The whole moveset yells speed alright so S/S it is.
Tiny Apparition H/H - the usual B/B and H/H only breeds available for Undead pets. The speedpoints are almost always wasted but the B/B offers a bit more power, but at the cost of marginally higher health drop. I usually find the health route the best due to the endurance/leech like abilities in undead movesets. Notice its identical to the Lost of Lordaeron pet.


Crystalline Broodling H/H - out of the four Suramar broodlings, this one has a handful of breeds available. The H/H and P/S gets my attention, but seeing the other three broodlings are all around 289-305 mark for power and speed, it becomes less appetizing picking a P/S here. Spiders don't have much life and here is a H/H option so that is what I've taken.
Thornclaw Broodling H/P - the disgust for B/B breeds opts me in for a H/P, but do note that the B/B will be at 292 speed which will be faster than 289 plateau on the Viscious Broodling and Leyline Broodling. Something to keep in mind if you pick H/H > P/S Crystalline Broodling.

Hope you all enjoy and that we can continue to discuss breeds. Remember that "correct" breed is more important on good usable pets, than it is on pets we would probably never use. My experience catching these pets throughout Legion is that due to the few spawning nodes, its really hard to grind/farm the chosen breed as a rare. I must have seen a total of 8 rares only and only one of them was a breed I hunted. I suggest, if you're into breeds, that for Legion you simply catch the chosen breeds you want and then stone them if its a pet that doesn't appear much. Terror Lava could save you a stone because its only 2 available breeds and they are not that hard to find, but a P/P Kingfeather you might as well just stone the first P/P you see. Use own judgment.
Last edited by Lolfixheal on November 2nd, 2016, 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Uduwudu » October 21st, 2016, 9:26 am

Lolfixheal wrote:Great that someone else made a post, its scary to see so few people having an interest in pet breeds and thus optimizing pets.
Lovely list and I went back and checked ... of all the Pets listed I had 15 of them, and 9 fit the suggestions and the other 6 might get changed/updated as time goes by. The two Manafiends were missing, so that would be 17 of them. I printed this so I have it by me, as the comments are really helpful in making a decision.

Generally, I often went for the best combination of Hit Points and Speed, with the midland stats left behind, and then going for the obvious one, like S/S and such for Snakes and Squirrels and Rabbits as usual, however, we already have so many of those, that I am not sure another one is going to help any.

As for the "correct" breed, I have some misgivings about that usage ... because one stat maybe great against one Pet, and stinks against another, and all of a sudden the "correct" scale moves enough ... thus, the reason why some of us carry two different ones of certain pets. For example, I really love having both Unborn Val'kyr's in my list and they be different. They don't do the same damage, or defense, at any time, and their abilities can be used differently, unless all you do is use the bomb, and waste the rest of the abilities she has. My point is to emphasize the flexible nature of some of these things, and how we can adjust when we need to ... although this might be a moot point in PvP, because you can have an idea of what pets are there but preparing for them is often an issue ... ooopppppssss ... that guy pulled out a nasty curve ball!

In general, for regular PvE, though, almost any pet can do this, except in the bigger fights against the Battle Masters and such, when the fast snake, is not enough ... and you need a small damage guy that can do it for you ... hello Clockwork Gnome (for that one fight!!!) ... it kinda beats up the choices some, I keep thinking.

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Gráinne » October 22nd, 2016, 12:32 am

I see that Disco uses a P/S Dream Whelpling with all the "other" choices - Onyx Bite, Toxic Skin, Healing Surge - in his latest video. There's more than one way to talent a dragon, I guess. :)

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Peanutty » October 22nd, 2016, 1:22 am

Uduwudu wrote:The two Manafiends were missing
The Manafiends only come in 1 breed, so there's no point in mentioning them regards to choices.

Generally, I often went for the best combination of Hit Points and Speed, with the midland stats left behind, and then going for the obvious one, like S/S and such for Snakes and Squirrels and Rabbits as usual, however, we already have so many of those, that I am not sure another one is going to help any.
Uduwudu wrote:As for the "correct" breed, I have some misgivings about that usage ... because one stat maybe great against one Pet, and stinks against another, and all of a sudden the "correct" scale moves enough ... thus, the reason why some of us carry two different ones of certain pets. For example, I really love having both Unborn Val'kyr's in my list and they be different. They don't do the same damage, or defense, at any time, and their abilities can be used differently, unless all you do is use the bomb, and waste the rest of the abilities she has. My point is to emphasize the flexible nature of some of these things, and how we can adjust when we need to
Same here, though I understand what they meant. You don't always want or need to go with an "optimal" breed, and there's really no point in having 10 S/S rabbits, so what I go for is a variety once I've finished optimizing (i.e. make sure I have the fastest type of rabbit as an S/S, then mix it up with the others). It gets trickier for those of us who don't want duplicates, so I just have to make the best choice I can and sometimes alter it down the line if needed.

And once in a while, the breed doesn't matter at all, because if someone close to me gifts me a pet, I don't care how good or bad the breed is, I'll happily use it just as it is! :)

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Uduwudu » October 26th, 2016, 10:44 am

Peanutty wrote:
Uduwudu wrote:The two Manafiends were missing
The Manafiends only come in 1 breed, so there's no point in mentioning them regards to choices.
I think ... let me reiterate ... I think ... that this has changed. So I went to get an Erudite Manafiend for my neighbor, and they are no longer all Rare, like they were earlier in the release of Legion (when I got them), and it appears that the Erudite now has more than one Breed, as well as quality. I'll recheck to ensure. But P/S for both is fine as it is although the Eldrich Manafiend is more useful with the second bomb ... or should I call it bump!

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Lolfixheal » October 26th, 2016, 11:20 am

Ingame + wowhead I only see the two manafiends as single breeds and they come in any quality grey-white-green-blue. Was like that week1, was like that last I checked and captured them (1-2 weeks ago).

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Paladance » November 8th, 2016, 4:03 am

Any idea for an [pet]Albino Buzzard[/pet]? As far as I know it's an "almost regular" bird of prey and it's only a matter of keeping them differentiated.

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Rabbia73 » November 9th, 2016, 11:35 pm

I can see you said "almost regular', but when I skim through (could have missed it, sure) the Journal I can't see another pet with the same move-set. I take it by 'almost' you mean it isn't quite the same, but close enough, to others.

For mine, given how many pets we can now have etc it's still unique, even so. Anyway assuming the pet is essentially unique such that filling in holes isn't really in play, I'd first lean to the H/P as I normally do for flying pets. However the H/H may also be good - to get off that other round of Cyclone, for example. So I'd say either or both of those, depending on how you'd envisage using it/them.

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Paladance » November 10th, 2016, 2:38 am

Thank you.

[pet]Autumnal Sproutling[/pet] baffles me… apparently there are several ways.

Quick preview:
[ability]Lash[/ability] | [ability]Club[/ability]:
S/S | P/P
[ability]Nature's Ward[/ability] | [ability]Leech Seed[/ability]:
P/P | either, but a bit for P/P
[ability]Sons of the Root[/ability] | [ability]Fist of the Forest[/ability]:
either, but a bit for S/S | P/P

Apparently, we need to appeal to a particular moveset. But which one?

My other three [url=]sproutlings[/url] are S/S except a Sun Sproutling that is P/P. Each of 4 has slight differences that decide about the final decision. Sun Sproutling would have been an S/S aswell, but [ability]Lash[/ability] is common to all these elementals.

So be it P/P, I guess. Especially assuming that you get an S/S Forest Sproutling. :)

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Re: Breeds for Legion Pets

Post by Lolfixheal » November 10th, 2016, 8:23 am

For the Albino Buzzard I would probably consider the H/S to land on the 305 speed. When sub 50% health you would still be fast (subjective depending what you're against). It has the lift-up for dodging 1 turn crap. If not H/S, then just H/P. I very much like power in general and when you can combine it with racial, you can quickly do a dent before everything goes to shit.

The Autumnal Sproutling is annoying as it can come in many different breeds, but I too would only look at SS and PP. The pet reminds us of the WoD series of sproutling type pets, but it doesn't have the exact same moveset. Many of the abilities are the same however. It costs 100 pet charm and I was lucky to get a PP off the bat, so I kept it like that. I'm not interested in the lottery game here. To be fair I do have my Forest Sproutling SS, Nightshade Sproutling SS, Sun Sproutling PP. Half half. One could draw a parallel to the Zandalari raptor pets and have same discussion SS vs PP. Both viable in my opinion. Nature's Ward is being used more and more and is a potent ability, better than others (Sun Sproutling "only" has Photosynthesis).

As Paladance lines it out, half the moveset favors SS, the other half PP. And healing is increased by PP as well, making the choice even harder. Could be a pet you SS and Lash once, get heal up, Lash again, Sons, 2x ticks underground, back up, repeat.

Regarding the two Blizzcon pets, the addon is a bit wonky right now, but I wouldn't be surprised they are single breeds after all. I hope so at least. Its rather disappointing the split ability got moved, but its a failure what they replaced them with. Very little separates the two pets now, almost copy paste moveset.

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