Battle timer?

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Joined:January 21st, 2014
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Battle timer?

Post by Sprung » September 1st, 2017, 6:11 am

Hi Guys,

Happy Friday to you all!

Last night I rolled an AOE PvP team via the PvP Battle finder, this battle went on for 357 rounds....

Both players had one pet left each alive. I had a Sunborne Val'kyr they had a Blossoming Ancient.

357 rounds you ask?

This was honestly one of the funniest pet battle I've ever had. My opponent for some bizarre reason kept using Sunlight / Sunny Weather which increased my health to 2197 meaning my 25% heal + the extra 25% healing from sunny weather was causing restoration to heal for over 680. Combined with Holy Justice (stun) resulted in a total stalemate situation. (I was hitting for only 100 due to the build around AOE.)

Why this fight went on for so long and was so hilarious, I was hoping they would realise their error and kill / win. My opponent literally just needed to not use sunny weather and they would have won.

Anyway this got me thinking, this was pretty ridiculous. Would the community support a round limit at which point a draw would be called? If so how many rounds would be suitable?

Of perhaps a time limit rather than hard round limit?

Thanks in advance and have a great weekend.

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Re: Battle timer?

Post by Rosqo » September 1st, 2017, 7:11 am

Dampening would eliminate this problem entirely. Have it start to come into effect from about round 30/40

Joined:January 21st, 2014
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Re: Battle timer?

Post by Sprung » September 1st, 2017, 7:22 am

Hi Rosqo.

Dampening? Interesting. I googled it. This would make PvP a lot more fun imo.

Do you know if this is something that blizzard are working on?

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Re: Battle timer?

Post by Gráinne » September 1st, 2017, 8:29 am

Blizzard haven't said anything about working on it.

It is a problem, though, and can happen in many situations that don't involve healing teams proper. A battle that comes down to crab vs crab, for example, is a draw.

In chess, either side can claim a draw after 40 moves without a capture or pawn move. Something on those lines, like X rounds without a death, could be applied here, except that in this game, a draw is actually a loss for both sides. (Does that seem right to you?)

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Re: Battle timer?

Post by Rosqo » September 1st, 2017, 10:23 am

Anything to prevent the stalemate matches would be welcome though. Dampening would always provide a winner

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