Struggling in Northrend

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Re: Struggling in Northrend

Post by Gendou » January 28th, 2013, 2:34 pm

Minoke wrote:How does this combo work? You said that Wind-Up breaks through defenses like the mech death-heal? It doesn't multihit - how does it work? Wind-Up, Prowl/Supercharge, Wind-Up? Is that it? Why is it so OP? I know that Wind-Up hits like a truck, but it's not THAT powerful, is it?
L25 Windup/Supercharge/Windup combo hits for 2000-3000 with a Rare FFF, which is enough to one-shot any tamer pet in the game if it connects.

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Re: Struggling in Northrend

Post by Minoke » January 28th, 2013, 2:39 pm

But a mechanical won't fade - it'll heal back to 25% after it hits, right? Or is the hit so brutal that the mech can't come back?

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Re: Struggling in Northrend

Post by Gendou » January 28th, 2013, 2:50 pm

Minoke wrote:But a mechanical won't fade - it'll heal back to 25% after it hits, right? Or is the hit so brutal that the mech can't come back?
It seems that particularly brutal hits bypass the resurrection mechanic for Mechanicals.
That may be a bug, however. The best (and most consistent) way to kill a Mechanical is with an elemental Conflagrate.

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Re: Struggling in Northrend

Post by Minoke » January 30th, 2013, 4:09 pm

Well... Fluxfire doesn't have Wind-Up anymore on PTR, but an ability called Flux that deals AOE damage to the entire enemy team, and Supercharge got nerfed. Is it still worth using? Or would that Darkmoon Zeppelin be better with its Decoys?

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Re: Struggling in Northrend

Post by Dragonwizard » January 30th, 2013, 4:24 pm

Minoke wrote:Well... Fluxfire doesn't have Wind-Up anymore on PTR, but an ability called Flux that deals AOE damage to the entire enemy team, and Supercharge got nerfed. Is it still worth using? Or would that Darkmoon Zeppelin be better with its Decoys?
Well that is a different change from what they originally said in the patch notes. Looks like I will just stick with my rare P/S then and stop trying to find a rare S/S. Thanks for the info.
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Re: Struggling in Northrend

Post by Gendou » January 30th, 2013, 4:26 pm

Minoke wrote:Well... Fluxfire doesn't have Wind-Up anymore on PTR, but an ability called Flux that deals AOE damage to the entire enemy team, and Supercharge got nerfed. Is it still worth using? Or would that Darkmoon Zeppelin be better with its Decoys?
They nerfed Decoy as well, giving it an eight-round cooldown. :cry:

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Re: Struggling in Northrend

Post by Minoke » January 30th, 2013, 4:27 pm

They just put it in the updated patch notes on MMO-C today.

So... is Fluxfire still worth using? I have an uncommon S/S that, if I continue to use, I'll zap to rare. If not, what mechanical would be good? And if Decoy was slammed into the ground... now what?

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Re: Struggling in Northrend

Post by Gendou » January 30th, 2013, 4:30 pm

Minoke wrote:So... is Fluxfire still worth using? I have an uncommon S/S that, if I continue to use, I'll zap to rare. If not, what mechanical would be good? And if Decoy was slammed into the ground... now what?
I would say keep using the Fluxfire. It's great now, and 5.2 won't drop until the end of February at the earliest.
Besides, who knows what might get changed in the interim? Maybe they'll revert some of the changes.

As for when 5.2 drops? I've no idea. There's certainly going to be some trial-and-error on my part to figure out what to do on tamers I used to count on Fluxfire Feline to defeat. Hopefully with all of the abilities being nerfed, the few buffs they're doling out will be useful.

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Re: Struggling in Northrend

Post by Corah » January 30th, 2013, 7:03 pm

I use a Clockwork Gnome, a Water Waveling and whatever I'm looking to level from 24 to 25.

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Re: Struggling in Northrend

Post by GilroyKilroy » January 30th, 2013, 8:03 pm

Minoke wrote:If not, what mechanical would be good?
Mini Thor is one of my main team pets.

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Re: Struggling in Northrend

Post by Bonhomous » January 31st, 2013, 11:00 am

Yesterday I went around and completed the Spirit Tamers in Pandaria. They were relatively easy. I remembered getting to Northrend and pulling my hair out for days as I struggled to defeat these tamers. Major Payne led to tears. The one who's name I don't know in Dragonblight caused bad words to come out of my mouth.

Here are pets that I've found useful:
Jade Owl - it's magic with flying attacks, lethal against aquatics - it can be purchased in the AH, or get a friend with the jewelcrafting pattern to make it for you.
Clockwork Gnome - although don't use it against a spider with brittle web - each shot of your turret damages you
Flayer Youngling - Take the time to go farm a rare one. Humanoid with beast attacks will destroy critters (and most anything else as well) if you don't want a flayer youngling, then get the kun-lai runt or the stunted yeti
Yellow-Bellied Bullfrog - any frog really - get a couple. They have the flies and the tongue lash that are good attacks vs undead plus they heal themselves nicely.
Celestial Dragon is a great counter to flying pets - takes some pet collecting to get though, so if you're not there the Nether Faerie Dragon is a good option.
Snarly - this is a pet you get from doing fishing dailies outside Shattrath. This is my first pet to lvl 25 and I still use him all the time.
Water Waveling - everyone has their own favorite elemental, this is mine.
Rapana Whelk - strong vs elementals. i know you're talking about northrend tamers, so I don't know if you're lvl 90 and can get to the Dread Waste in Pandaria, but if you can then this snail is great. If not, then darkshore and ashenvale also have some snails - you'll just have to spend more time leveling them.
I don't use beast, because i have a humanoid with beast attacks.

Ok, I didn't really mean to get that detailed, but it just sort of spilled out. One other thing I'd like to mention. . .GET RARES!
I was unable to defeat Major Payne until I got a rare mechanical pet. My uncommon mechanical squirrel was no help.
Spend the time to farm for them. Don't be satisfied with an uncommon fluxfire feline, keep farming until you get the rare. don't use a stone on a FFF - first of all, I personally have never seen an upgrade mechanical stone yet, and I've seen a lot of stones and second, they're farmable, why waste a stone on something you can get.

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Re: Struggling in Northrend

Post by Tahsfenz » February 1st, 2013, 4:18 am

Another great humanoid, which I use a ton, is the curious Wulvar pup. Has beast attacks & humanoid, which make him good against dragonkin or critters. Though I did just get a scourged whelpling to 25, so he works great on dragons too.

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