Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

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Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Emerald01 » February 3rd, 2013, 5:19 pm

I searched the forum and couldn't find anything. I have defeated him, but largely by luck and multiple tries.

Darkmoon Faire
Master Pet Tamer: Jeremy Feasel
Daily: defeat him
Drop: Chance of getting Darkmoon Eye

Honky Tonk - Mechanical - hits really hard
Fezwick (monkey) - Beast
Judgment (eye) - Magic

Conventional wisdom would indicate using (in corresponding order)
~An Elemental (Core Hound Pup & Lil' Ragnaros are what I have)
~Mechanical or Flying - Mech might be good if you expect to go from Fezwick to Judgment (I have Gull, Luya Moth, Gilnean Raven, Rabid Nut Varmint 6000)
~Dragonkin or Mechanical (I have Celestial Dragon & Rabid Nut Varmint 6k)

Then there is selecting the abilities you want each of your pets to use.

I am going to experiment with the above today and post my results if I can. I would love to hear any advice that has helped other people defeat these Epic pets.


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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Ysabell » February 3rd, 2013, 5:43 pm


I use the strat listed there using Lil' Ragnaros and Mech Pandaren Dragonling along with a lowbie carry pet to level.

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Khema » February 3rd, 2013, 6:14 pm

i use my fel flame and my corefire imp and a lower lvl for the last one.

alternately jade dragon hatchling .. fel flame and a lower lvl

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Poofah » February 3rd, 2013, 6:43 pm

Infinite Whelpling is great for this fight -- he kills the eye pretty easily, then Early Advantage hits the tonk for a ton. You just have to make sure you're low enough on health, because Early Advantage checks whether your health is lower than the opponent's *after* it does its first hit. FFF or Enchanted Broom does a good job mopping up the monkey.

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Quintessence » February 3rd, 2013, 7:39 pm

I use a mix and match of mechanical and elemental against Jeremy Feasel, but ever since last month's bug (using Decoy while up against the monkey kept kicking me out of battle) I've switched to a pretty set team.

Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling vs. eye (Breath, Decoy, Bombing Run)
Fel Flame vs. tonk (Burn, Immolate, Conflag)
Fluxfire Feline vs. monkey (Pounce, Wind-Up, Supercharge)

I keep whichever pet I used last, in for the first round against the monkey to take the stun. After that, I switch to the Fluxfire Feline who can pretty much one shot Fezwick.
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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Emerald01 » February 3rd, 2013, 7:59 pm

Hm. Except for Lil Ragnaros, I don't have any of the pets most of you mentioned. The few I do have are very low level. Guess I'll have to work on that.

Gilnean Raven was a really bad choice. The "Nevermore" ability is fun, but the 20 round cooldown leaves you with only two abilities for the rest of the fight. Rabid Nut didn't do much, but lasted better than I expected. I might have to hit up my default team. Growly, Turtle and maybe a spider of some kind. Self-heals seem to help me a lot with battles.

Which abilities do you guys choose to use for the pets?

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Kintarah » February 3rd, 2013, 9:20 pm

I've read a strategy on wowhead that involves using a Lil XT or Personal World Destroyer to quake the backline pets to or close to death, interspersed with repair, tanking the eye which does reduced damage to mechanicals. I'm wondering if adding a Wild Golden Hatchling to pre-thunderstorm might make it even more fun.

Looking forward to trying it out, anything to avoid that monkey ...

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Emerald01 » February 3rd, 2013, 9:45 pm

Just had success with
Lil Ragnaros: Sulfuras Smash, Magma Trap, Flamethrower (primarily the latter two)
Rabid Nut Varmint 6k: Metal Fist, Extra Plating, Rabid Strike
Sea Gull: Slicing Wind, Cyclone, Lift off

Pleasantly surprised at how well it went. I just switched to the appropriate pet whenever Jeremy switched. :)

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Gilneas » February 3rd, 2013, 10:25 pm

I use Lil Rag (Sulfuras, Conflagarate, Flamethrower), Lil Deathwing (Tail Swipe, Darkness, Elementium Bolt) primarily. I use a Mini Thor to mop up the monkey, but its typically just 1 maybe 2 hits. Today my Lil Rag died as the monkey did.

I try to get him to open with the Eye and start off with Lil DW. Send off an elementium bolt, tail swipe til the bolt lands and the Eye is dead. Should leave Lil DW alive with his dragonkin racial proc'd for the tonk. I typically will Call Darkness with the racial proc up, which eats up a large chunk of the tonk's health. Tail swipe till Lil DW dies. Rag should be able to finish off the tonk with most of his health. After the monkey's stun, I get up a flamethrower, followed by a conflagarate which is often enough.

If I get some misses or he gets some crits/uses his abilities in a different order, Lil Rag dies prior to getting the buffed Conflagarate off on the monkey. But a single rocket from Mini Thor is enough to kill the monkey at that point.

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Gendou » February 4th, 2013, 12:06 am

[pet]Lil' Deathwing[/pet]: Tail Sweep, Roll, Elementium Bolt

[pet]Lil' Ragnaros[/pet]: Sulfuras Smash, Conflagrate, Flamethrower

Carry Pet:: ???


Tamer opens with Eye.

Lil DW: Elementium Bolt, Roll, Tail Sweep

Eye has less than 100hp remaining, is swapped out for Tonk.

Lil DW: Tail Sweep until dead.

Carry: Swap in for free round. Eat a hit if you can, or swap out if you can't.

Lil Rag: If Tonk is low on HP: Flamethrower, Conflagrate. Otherwise Sulfuras until low on HP, then FT/Conf.

Tonk dies, Eye is swapped back in. Kill it.

Monkey is swapped in. Kill it.

Works best with L22-25 Carry Pets that can give and take a few hits themselves.

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Gromagrim » February 4th, 2013, 4:26 am

I use someone else's strat, I think I read it on here, but I'm afraid I don't know who to credit for it;

Pet 1: Lil Deathwing (Tail sweep, Roll, Elementium Bolt)
Pet 2: Levelling pet
Pet 3: Fluxfire Feline (Prowl, Windup, Supercharge)

Lil Deathwing uses the follwing: Bolt, Roll, Tail Sweep. The Bolt hits hard with the buff from Roll, stuns the enemy pet which should be on very low health. Second pet switches in, Tail Sweep till Lil Deathwing Dies.

Depending how RNG helped you, you should be up against 0, 1 or 2 very low health enemy pets + The Monkey.

If there's still pets to kill, bring on the FFF and prowl them down. Once they're dead and the monkey switches in, automatically switch in your lowbie. The Monkey opens with a no-damage stun. The lowbie eats this, then switch in the FFF. You should have plenty of time for a Supercharge, Windup, Windup which will kill the monkey.

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Moksu » February 4th, 2013, 8:26 am

Anyone got "poor peoples" versio of 2maning this guy? since can't spend euros to get those store pets :(

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Knotrandall » February 4th, 2013, 10:10 am

Moksu wrote:Anyone got "poor peoples" versio of 2maning this guy? since can't spend euros to get those store pets :(
It's possible to 2 man this with a fel flame and clockwork gnome, although I'm sure other mechanical pets could probably work too if you don't do archeology.

Start out with fel flame against the tonk (restart if you don't get the tonk first). You should be able to beat the tonk with ~1/2 health left by using immolate, conflagrate and burn. If you're lucky you should be able to get a good chunk of the eye's health down before the fel flame dies. Switch in the clockwork gnome (the eye's attacks are weak against mechanical) and start setting up turrets and punching it until it dies. The monkey will stun you but just pass, the turrets will keep attacking. It will be a close battle and sometimes you'll die, but your backup 3rd pet should easily be able to handle the last hit or 2 to win.

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Radnok » February 4th, 2013, 11:53 am

I use Landro's Lil XT (CCG loot card), emperor crab, and marsh fiddler. So far I have only lost once using this combination. Assuming Jeremy opens with the Eye, it will work nearly every time. Unless the Eye gets in a lucky hit on the XT. Using this set up, by the time the Monkey comes up, it has lost over half of its health due to the use of the Tantrum ability. It's a good combo, assuming you have either of the Lil' XT pets (Loot card/Pet Store).
Radnok (Alliance/Kilrogg)
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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Fresh » February 4th, 2013, 2:47 pm

I use 2 fel flames, their two dragonkin abilities and conflag destroy everything

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Gilneas » February 4th, 2013, 3:20 pm

Moksu wrote:Anyone got "poor peoples" versio of 2maning this guy? since can't spend euros to get those store pets :(
You can use the Dark Whelp instead of Lil Deathwing. They are very similar. Instead of Lil Rag you can use any of the elementals with hard-hitting abilities, particularly the ones with Conflagarate (Searing Scorchling, Pandaren Fire Spirit, Fel Flame, etc).

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Cinnamara » February 4th, 2013, 8:20 pm

While fire is excellent against the Tonk, don't forget that snow works just as well. I like using my Tiny Snowman - an elemental with a different set of abilities. Call down Blizzard and you get a 100% chance to Stun. If Tonk is the last pet, it's pretty much an instant kill as he is frozen for a round. If not, then he switches out and your snowman can still take out or severly hurt monkey or the eye.

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Drudatz » February 5th, 2013, 7:10 pm

Moksu wrote:Anyone got "poor peoples" versio of 2maning this guy? since can't spend euros to get those store pets :(
just use Anubisan Idol/Leveling Pet/Fluxfire Feline.

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Re: Strategies for the Darkmoon Daily battle

Post by Tekulve2012 » February 6th, 2013, 12:31 pm

I use Mag.crawdad / Terr.turnip and whatever leveling pet you want

Just use Turnip's sunny day and Crawdad's wish all on the Eye pet Feasal that has - it's weak and allows you to swap
these two pets in and out (sunny day 'backline' attacks enough to wipe out the tonk and monkey without ever facing them every time)

a bit slow but always works

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