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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Hydramith » February 8th, 2013, 7:17 pm

Nordrassil Wisp is an amazingly overlooked pet by most. It's great for those pesky trainers with stunning or chain abilities, since Flash will make the enemy miss a lot.
Additionaly even though it seems counterintuitive, use Flash, Light and Soul Ward for more survivability, keeping Soul Ward up for the turn where the blind isn't available. (Yes, this means skipping 1 turn, but it's worth it)


Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Guest » February 8th, 2013, 7:39 pm

Glad I can post more than one! I swear it’s like asking a Mom who her favorite child is.

Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling


Let’s start with this little fellow, Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling, bought off a vender in Netherstorm.

It took me a bit to figure out why this guy was killing things so fast, then I realized his Flamethrower ability is a “Burning” effect which means his Conflagrate hits twice. This is a fantastic killing blow ability for mechanical pets. Does more damage in general and if you kill it with the first attack, after it self-rezzes the second one will finish it off.

Trainer Tip: Nicki Tinytech in Hellfire Peninsula, can easily be soloed by a level 25 dragonhawk letting you level two lowbies through (though I wouldn’t try level 1s)

Imperial Moth


I love all my moths picked Imperial Moth because of its unique look, also love the fact it starts with Moth Dust so I don’t have to remember to switch to it. Moths are excellent leveling pets, especially with the water bugs around the lakes of Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I leveled quite a few pets there, only moving on after no longer needing the aqua stones. I would have two moths and the pet I was leveling, by the time I had killed and/or injured my dozen moths I could heal and start again.

Trainer Tip: Hyuna of the Shrines in Jade Forest, if you use Cocoon Strike on the very first move of Dor the Wall and every time it refreshes (even if you get lucky and sleep works) and you will take zero damage from the head butt and slowly whittle the turtle down. During the 3 non-damage attack is a great time to put a lowbie pet in for experience.

Nether Faerie Dragon


Nether Faerie Dragon was one of my very first level 25s he was an essential for many trainer battles, I’ve gradually spread out my team but he’s still my go to pet. With his speed and evanescence he can dodge two attacks most times. He started out as a flying pet and was changed to a dragon in a patch. That hurt him a little bit but he’s still awesome and looks pretty.

Trainer Tip: Key in many trainer battles, he can solo Farmer Nishi in Valley of the Four Winds. With Siren, Evanescence to avoid his first and only damage attack, swap in your pet to level, put back in the Faerie Dragon, cast Moonfire to change the weather and then Arcane Blast until dead. For Toothbreaker use Moonfire, pass (he’ll be underground just eat the small damage done) Evanescence so the next two attack miss (including the small heal) and Arcane Blast until dead. For the worm, once again start with Moonfire, Arcane Blast, Evanescence (he just burrowed), Arcane Blast until dead.



Are you still reading? *grins* This is my go to pet to level my babies out in the wild … start out with the Turkey, cast his sleep coma, this will put your target asleep for 2 turns (1 if it’s a critter) put in your baby you want to level, can be a level 1 even, do not attack it will still count, then put in whatever level 25 pet you use to kill things. If it’s a non-critter you won’t even lose a turn!

Good Luck Everyone! ~ Koori

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Waveryn » February 8th, 2013, 7:40 pm

Truly a rare pet since 1.4 % have it and the grind to get it takes time, but do not believe the haters saying it is a lame pet :mrgreen: The singing cricket truly does sing, the trick is to have the little bugger at your side and in Chat type /sing /(your favorite song title here) and yes it will sing your favorite song to you. Not only does it sing great but is one of the most awesome battle pets, it has such special abilities like no other cricket in the game and is definitely worth the work and the achievement to add such a powerhouse to your collection.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Djmustard » February 8th, 2013, 7:48 pm

http://www.warcraftpets.com/wow-pets/me ... de-raptor/

The [Cogblade Raptor]

Skill Set 1.Batter

The team:A Call Lightning user [Mechanical Yeti]/[Thundering Serpent]/[Dragon Kite], and another Cogblade Raptor/Call Lightning User

This lil guy is incredibly fast(Breed 5) allowing him to almost always get off a 2-3 hit Batter. Overtune is there to allow him to outspeed even the fastest of flyers with their flying boost. Repair is there to make sure he retains bulk and is hard to kill, especially since mechanic.

The plan is to set up Call Lightning with one of the pets listed above, in order to gain the mechanical boost, and the Lightning Damage. Batter ensures for multiple hits allowing not only Extra damage through Lightning DoT, but 25% extra damage through the Mechanical boost! This allows him to sweep through pets rather quickly. But as always there's a catch. Cogblade in't to bulky on his own, but that's where repair comes into play. Repair will continue to repair even after death(Mech Racial), which enuseres at least 1 full repair if timed correctly. Overall Cogblade is one of my favorite pets to use. Hopefully y'all will get as much use out of hm as me :).

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Bogwan » February 8th, 2013, 7:58 pm

Anubisath Idol, I use for an easy daily pet leveling system with trainers.
I have an alt planted in Winterspring to run a daily pet battle for a battle-stone. I take a level 5-10 pet that I want to level along with Anubisath Idol and a random level 25 pet. I open the fight up with the pet to be leveled, swap it out and let Anub or the other level 25 finish the job for a quick few levels.
Then I switch to my main in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and I take the same team but have Anub first for the Aki fight.
Open with sandstorm, swap in pet to be leveled for one hit, swap out and Anubisath Idol will finish the rest of the team off solo usually, if he comes up a hair short, you have the backup level 25.
Both fights combined usually equals approximately 6,000+ XP for the leveling pet, they take just a few minutes to complete, and in just a few days your pet is 25 without really trying.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Akalia » February 8th, 2013, 8:28 pm

In the battle to defeat the Pandaren Thundering Spirit, after several battles I figured out the most effective way to beat him.
Flayer Youngling - <3 this guy, kicks butt on any critter and reflect is really handy
Rapana Whelk - any snail will do, this is my best snail
Elfin Rabbit - This rabbit has to have over 300 speed at max lvl, it can be any rabbit, this just happens to be my fastest one.

Start with Flayer Youngling with Reflect (if he starts with either his ele or his critter you can use this guy to start the fight). The Earth Ele will try to stun him, which won't work, then he'll swap out. Rampage kills the critter that swaps in easily. Pull out your Rapana Whelk - you want Ooze touch, Shield and Dive on him. He'll easily take out the Elemental and being a critter breaks the shield a turn early.
Lastly, and key to this strategy is using a fast rabbit on the Beast - the annoying rat!! This guy was the bane of my existence til I figured out the rabbit strategy. Use Flurry, Dodge and Burrow as your skills. This rabbit must have over 300 speed to go first. Dodge every burrow, he burrows right after he buffs, so dodge as you see the buff go off and you'll avoid those crazy hits he does. Burrow during his stone rush, flurry the rest of the time. It's EZ mode, I am able to beat this spirit first time every time with this strategy.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Hackers » February 8th, 2013, 8:29 pm

While Peddlefeet doesn't look like a Mini Tyrael, an upgraded rare one is a nice substitute.

The abilities have different names but he has the same moveset. He comes in breed 5 (S/S) which is arguably better for battling than Tyrael's breed 3 (B/B). He's not alone in having a moveset similar to a hard to get Collector's Edition pet. Voodoo Figurine and Sen'jin Fetish will substitute for a Diablo 3 CE Fetish Shaman. Lil' Smokey, Clockwork Rocket Bot, and Blue Clockwork Rocketbot will substitute for a Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty CE Mini-Thor. So don't despair about those pets that you may not be able to get anymore!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Kielush » February 8th, 2013, 9:05 pm

Emerald Proto-Whelp not only looks cool but is also very powerful against tamers and wild pets, I usually use him and one other 25 strong against the opponent to level lower pets. If you use the correct moveset this pet does extremely well. The abilities I use are Emerald Bite (decent strength main dps ability), Emerald Presence a shield that is crucial to this setup and helps negate a lot of damage, and Emerald Dream a multi round heal when used correctly can almost heal through anything. So in short always keep Emerald Presence up, use Emerald Dream before your health gets too low keeping in mind it is a multi round heal and spam Emerald Bite in between. This pet is fairly easy to aquire in Scholazar Basin and I feel a great addition to every collection. Happy hunting and good luck to all! 8-)

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Riyomorii » February 8th, 2013, 9:06 pm

Disgusting Oozeling

Want to kill your opponent by ramping up damage over time? Disgusting Oozeling's skill set of Absorb-Corrosion-Acidic Goo packs a punch and your opponent would not know what hit him.
Pair this with Celestial Dragon's Moonfire for Moonlight weather to not only increase Corrosion's damage but also to increase Absorb healing, making Disgusting Oozeling a really tanky pet by itself!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Harassment » February 8th, 2013, 9:11 pm

[pet]Lil' Smoky[/pet] is one of my all time favourites.
I can still remember running through Gnomeregan and obtaining the schematic for this little guy.
He was one of my first pets and still one of my favourites.
While [pet]Lil' Smoky[/pet] doesn't appear to be very strong, he can be a force to be reckoned with setting up a minefield.


PS : sorry for the broken image, but since I have under 8 posts, I'm unable to type the full link.
Last edited by Harassment on February 8th, 2013, 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Lokifela » February 8th, 2013, 9:12 pm

Aqua Strider is one of the better pets I've come across to use in pet battles. They have a whopping 374 speed at max level, making it one of the fastest pets you can acquire. You will need an aquatic pet in your team, especially in Pandaria, where a lot of the trainer battles have strong Elemental type pets. Another great thing about the pet is that it has Soothe, which works great for leveling low level pets in high level areas.

Yeah, it may have the same move set as all the other strider pets, but with its high speed stat it's definitely my favorite of the bunch.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Elledaie » February 8th, 2013, 9:15 pm

Major Payne is called that for a reason! :P I had a bit of trouble on this tamer for a little while until I figured out how to get some excellent burst to down his little Baby Blizzard bear, Grizzle. Pull out your trusty Clockwork Gnome and select Metal Fist, and Launch Rocket in the first and third slots. The second slot doesn't really matter. Use Launch Rocket for the first round, then pound him with Metal Fist until he hibernates. then use Launch Rocket. If Grizzle doesn't die to that burst, you'll make short work of him after. I've never had an issue with him coming out of hibernate alive.

You can use Launch Rocket to quickly down Jeremy Feasel's Fezwick quickly as well, even if you end up eating the stun. The elemental Dark Phoenix can make short work of his Darkmoon Tonk: Select Burn, Immolate, and Conflagrate. For the first round use Immolate. Then use Conflagrate. His Immolate being on the Darkmoon Tonk will cause Conflagrate to do double damage. Use Burn as filler for a round or two, until he's dead.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Loneeagle » February 8th, 2013, 9:27 pm

i've found a good combo for leveling a third pet if you are facing the wild pets in pandaria especially in valley of the four winds as pretty much all the pets there are critters or aquatics,
use anubisath idol to drop the sandstorm then switch to Anodized Robo Cub for critters and use bite and maul to take em down quick, switching back to Anubisath Idol for aquatics and reaplying sandstorm

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Zanthe » February 8th, 2013, 9:47 pm

[pet]Lil' Ragnaros[/pet] is great against Mechanical pets! Get the enemy pet down to around 700 hit points using Sulfuras Smash and then Flamethrower. Ensure that the enemy pet is "Burning" from Flamethrower, then use Conflagrate. The initial hit from Conflagrate will kill the Mechanical pet. Then the mechanical pet will, of course, come back to life. At this point, since the target was "Burning", Conflagrate will hit a second time, killing the Mechanical enemy pet for good!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Chubzpets » February 8th, 2013, 11:00 pm

In my opinion the most powerful pet in the game is the Flayer Youngling. He can be used to solo two of the pandaren elemental pet bosses. Combine that with one or two very low level pets and you can ding up to 6 levels in a single battle (>5000xp with the [item=]safari hat[/item])! This is how to solo the Pandaren Water Spirit boss.
Choose the second option for each of his three attacks before starting the fight. Make sure you start versus his goldfish. If he starts with his water strider forfeit and try again. First cast Triple snap (he will cast a delayed bomb effect you'll do 0-500dmg), then cast 'pass' (he will submerge and be unhittable), and then cast reflection. He will re-emerge and hit hard with his two round ability and his three round bomb ability, and you will reflect them. At this point you will be at 100% health and he will be at ~30%. Finish him off with rampage, with your humanoid passive heal you should still be around 80% health when he dies.
Next you will face his water strider that the Flayer Youngling is strong against. Use triple snap until rampage is off cooldown. If you get lucky you will actually GAIN health during the water strider fight.
Finally you will fight the pandaren water spirit. Use whatever makes sense at this point, depending on dodges and misses you should start that combat between 30 and 90% health and generally have no problem killing him especially if you use reflection on his bombs.
I will often sub in a low level pet on the water strider as his DPS is piss poor. If you only do this one combat every day you can get a level 4 pet to 25 in about a week, don't try it with anything lower than level four as the water strider's wave will ruin the fun.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Kittish » February 8th, 2013, 11:01 pm

Chicken, a common pet and easily overlooked, is a terrific choice when going up against pesky aquatics. Start with Squawk to reduce incoming damage, then Peck your opponent into oblivion! It's especially useful against the crocolisk hatchling team fielded by Morulu the Elder in Shattrath.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Shaixne » February 8th, 2013, 11:11 pm

Pet Leveling

I figured I would try and explain my method of madness to leveling pets from 1-25.
I use the term Guardian a lot, however it's merely the nickname I give my boosting pets, so don't get it confused with the Guardian Cub! ;)

Starting off, I level the chosen pet from level 1-12/13 in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms using primarily the Guardian Disgusting Oozeling or Flayer Youngling. To manage this you simply let your little one fight first. Use one ability, and even if it misses, you then swap to your Guardian. Patience is key as the pet you want to level may get one-shotted a lot in the start, so stay near a stable master and stock up on some Bandages.
By only relying on 1 Guardian while you level the little one like this, the xp will not get cut by much. Should the Guardian die before the 3 opponents are defeated, you use your 2nd Guardian. But only then. :)

At level 12 / 13 I introduce the little one to the Pandaria Trainers. Yes, this is where the fun begins.
I nowadays more or less exclusively "boost" with the following set of pets (Listing in pairs of two, the third would be the boosted pet :) ) on all trainers in Pandaria, including 3 out of 4 Spirit trainers (with Earth I swap out the 1st with Anubisath Idol instead)

[pet]Lil' Deathwing[/pet] / Disgusting Oozeling / Little one
Flayer Youngling / Disgusting Oozeling / Little one

Now, in the case you do not have either of these, the following are just as good alternatives: Toxic Wasteling and Celestial Dragon

To make sure I don't make this into a short novel I won't go in depth with the tactics I use on each trainer. Instead, I'll list the abilities I use and in what order I most commonly use them for the 4 Guardian pets I use. That should hopefully get you off on a good start!

Deathy: Elementium Bolt - Roll - Tail Sweep
Oozeling: Acidic Goo - Corrosion - Absorb
Flayer: Reflection - Rampage - Blitz/Triple Snap
Celestial: Moonfire - Breath - Ancient Blessing (as needed)

Lastly, do not tear your hair out! It will take a bit of practice, and 1 of your Guardians will commonly die during the boost on each trainer (Resulting in better xp for your little one in the end anyways :3 ). However, once you find your pace with this or a similar method you will be able to level up several pets in virtually no time at all. Currently 1 tour across Pandaria this way (Without daily reset) allows me to level up 3 pets from 1-25, sometimes even 4, and generally pick up about 1-4 battle stones as well if I am fortunate via the reward bags.

Thank you for reading and hope this helps! Happy leveling. :D

Last edited by Shaixne on February 9th, 2013, 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Lilhottie » February 8th, 2013, 11:14 pm

For PvE, pets that are very powerful tend to be more useful. For example, against Major Payne, I use an upgraded Warbot with Missile, Minefield, and Launch Rocket.

Force Major Payne to start with his Mechanopeep, and lay a Minefield and then set up a rocket and launch it. Switch out to another pet to finish the mechanopeep or stun it. (Sinister Squashling is excellent with his Stun Seed and Leech Seed), and force Grizzle to come on the field and take 1000 odd damage from the Minefield. He immediately hibernates, allowing you to set up another rocket and kill him without taking any damage.

Finish off the Mechanopeep with your Warbot, and then use your elemental or a snail, and kill the plant and you can level a lowbie against arguably the hardest trainer in the game!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Taurnek22 » February 8th, 2013, 11:16 pm

Soul of the Aspects

Combining Call Darkness with this little guy's Surge of Light is a sure-fire way to frustrate both PVP opponents and Tamers alike. Nothing like a good stun to give you a tactical advantage over any opponent!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Elende » February 8th, 2013, 11:26 pm

Celestial Dragon

My beautiful girl Celeste is the anchor of almost all my battle teams! Her Breath and Moonfire make quick work of just about anyone, and Ancient Blessing keeps her alive through the tough fights! I usually keep her Starfall up rather than Moonfire, though, for changing any weather effects, healing her comrades, and putting a bit of hurt on the entire opposing team. (Note: Starfall does not kill a caged pet when you use it after it is captured-- even if the heart-stopping X shows up on its portrait!)

I also used her for almost all of my wild pet captures. Her Breath does a very predictable, moderate amount of damage with each hit-- usually pops the cage up after 3 or 4 rounds; and if not Starfall tips the balance!

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