1,001 Pet Battle Tips

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Eradar » February 10th, 2013, 8:24 pm

[pet]Lil' XT[/pet] goes well with Wild Golden Hatchling. I like to use the hatchlings Call Lightning followed by Cyclone then switch to XT and use Tympanic Tantrum to cause alot of damage to the enemy team.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by MorseAmalgam » February 10th, 2013, 8:29 pm

Azure Whelpling - If you're grinding for this pet, some of the best mobs to grind on are the Winterfall Furbolg. They give rep with Timbermaw (For They Love Me In That Tunnel as well as some patterns for completionist tailors, leatherworkers, alchemists, enchanters or blacksmiths and are the only source of Stave of Fur and Claw, the "replacement" for an item from a removed questline in Ashenvale) and have a chance to drop extremely difficult to find leatherworking patterns that completionist leatherworkers will pay top dollar for. Specifically, Winterfall Ursa drop Pattern: Frostsaber Tunic and are very close to Everlook, allowing you to check for Anodized Robo Cub in between farming sessions.

You can also do the Wintersaber Trainer dailies if you're Alliance to net you a mount (Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber) while trying for the Azure Whelpling.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Dranoz » February 10th, 2013, 8:45 pm

Murkimus the Gladiator: Getting this lil guy is easy, even if you're terrible at pvp! Just sign up for the annual PVP realm tournament and get 2 friends (preferably 2 that also collect pets) to do so with you. Create your toons and join a team together. Then, once the fighting begins, get naked and RP walk across the arena! Rinse and repeat until you have 50 bouts under your....well not belt per se, but you know. After that you just wait....and wait a lil more until BAM! there he is in all of his gladiatorial glory!

Biggest problem you'll have will be if you run into another team that is only in it for the pet and is naked rp walking towards you....then it's sexy time!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Pixelbane » February 10th, 2013, 8:54 pm

Frosty - Is a great companion for the Kun-Lai Runt, starting with Frosty Ice Tomb followed by Call Blizzard. Continue refreshing Blizzard until Frosty sweeps or eventually dies; then it is time to call in your backup, the Kun-Lai Runt. If the target is under the stun of Ice Tomb open up with Takedown (2x damage to stunned targets), if not use Deep Freeze (100% chance to stun when target is chilled) first then use Takedown.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Contre » February 10th, 2013, 8:58 pm

Hard counters are pets with a typing and attack set that is devastating to another pet. For instance, Emerald Whelpling is insanely strong against flying types: it takes -33% from flying attacks while doing +50% to flying types with magic attacks.

Other counters:

Scooter the Snail or another snail is very strong against elementals with Dive and the -33% from elemental attacks.

Jade Owl takes -33% from aquatic while doing +50% with flying attacks.

Yellow-Bellied Bullfrog dominates undead pets.

Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling is excellent against magic typing, with strong tanking to boot with decoy.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Antaeus » February 10th, 2013, 9:00 pm

A tip to anyone out there trying to farm minfernal, instead of camping it for hours you can take the flight path from mount hyjal down to wildheart point. Make a /tar minfernal macro and bind interact with target.

When the flight path is over Shatter Scar Vale you will see plenty of the minfernals, as you will be in a different realm to normal, spam the two keybinds and if you're close enough the pet battle will initiate. Once the battle is over you will disconnect however the pet will be there when you get back in to game.

If you aren't getting close enough using this flight path you can use either Astranaar(for ally) or Orgrimmar(for horde) and fly to Whisperwind. Happy Hunting :)

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Feathered » February 10th, 2013, 9:02 pm

My tip is for the Darkmoon Trainer!

My current (and only group) I use is:

De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion, Little Fawn and Wind Rider Cub

I start off with my De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion to take on the eye using Extra Plating, Repair when my health gets around 700HP. This will normally allow me to take out pet one and some HP towards the tonk.

I then bring in my Little Fawn against the tonk. I use Headbutt right away then put up [ability]Nature's Ward[/ability] then continue with hoof until its the tonk is down, leaving my next Headbutt for when it revives. This normally allows for me to get a few hits in on the monkey. >.<

Last but not least I use my Wind Rider Cub to finish off the annoying monkey. I start with Lift-Off to start and Slicing Wind for 2-hits until there's no more monkey!

I've used this group every Darkmoon Faire with success everyday. Finally got my Darkmoon Eye this faire as well! :D

Happy hunting!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Yersiniapestis » February 10th, 2013, 9:35 pm

Rabid Nut Varmint 5000

You might be hesitant to waste two turns on Repair with a pet with a low health pool. Fear not! Because this pet is mechanical, he will come back to life when killed.The best part is that dying does not interrupt the repairing process.

TL;DR - If a mechanical pet uses Repair then dies, the pet will still be healed at the end of the 2 round wait.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Ambyotic » February 10th, 2013, 9:37 pm

So, my favorite pet to use in my arsenal is the Twilight Spider. 1) Because it's purple :) and 2) because it kicks major butt while still self-healing.

I use Poison Spit, Brittle Webbing and Leech Life. I apply the dot, Poison Spit, and then Brittle Webbing, which causes damage on your opponent each time your opponent attacks. I keep those abilities up while using Leech life every other round. Brittle Webbing, or any webbed ability, causes the Leech Life to hit for double if applied, and give your pet double health back! :)

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Braend » February 10th, 2013, 10:28 pm

A beautiful team for the Darkmoon daily: Celestial Dragon, Crimson Geode, and Mechanical Squirrel.

He almost always leads with Darkmoon Eye, and the dragon does a beautiful job of burning it down and keeping health up. I can usually get the Darkmoon Tonk to half health, before bringing the geode to finish the job. Then it's a banana-dodging, Wind Up race to the win.

That blasted monkey... :evil:

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Kethriel » February 10th, 2013, 10:39 pm

I found when I was going for the Kirin Tor Familiar that the best time to get the books is when the server resets.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Venzio » February 10th, 2013, 10:55 pm

Dung Beetle
The dung beetle. Many see this little titan on their maps and scoff, thinking to themselves, "Ha! Dung beetles! What a loser pet!" But dung beetle knows that those people are just idiots, and misinformed, so dung beetle don't care, dung beetle don't give a monkey's uncle. See if you actually knew the power of the dung beetle, you'd be out there getting one yourself. In fact, all the pros have a whole team of dung beetles. Let me explain why the dung beetle is so powerful. First, you have those markings. Not only do the markings on the dung beetle's back boost it's power by 9,001, they also intimidate the opponent, often forcing them to leave before the battle has even started. Then you have the eyes....the eyes that peer into your soul, almost as if to say, "don't mess with me"...And next you have the mouth. Those pincers have been known to snap up to 10 elek necks in one fell swoop. Last, you have his shell. Not even superman's invincible skin can compare to this shell, deflecting arrows, cannon balls, orcs, and even titan technology. Of course, lets not forget dung beetle's attacks.The dung beetle is able to survive the most devastating of attacks with Survival, and even CALL UPON THE WRATH OF THE GODS THEMSELVES TO INSTANTLY ANNIHILATE IT'S FOES!!!! with Apocalypse. All of this, combined with the soul of 10,000 warriors, - (Oh, didn't I tell you? The dung beetle's soul is composed of 10,000 fallen soldiers.) - creates the perfect weapon, and coincidentally, the perfect pet.
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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Flower » February 10th, 2013, 11:20 pm

Flayer Youngling
Use reflect on any stampede type ability so that the 100% damage increase debuff goes onto the opponent pet... watch your damage skyrocket! :)

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Caedhros » February 10th, 2013, 11:23 pm

When doing the daily Darkmoon Faire pet battle, I've been using a team of Terrible Turnip, Netherwhelp, and Robo-Chick. I start with the Netherwhelp, but depending on if he has the Darkmoon Eye or his Tonk first I may have to swap. The Netherwhelps Breath ability is usually plenty to take out the eye on its own and do a few attacks on the Tonk. On the Tonk I use the Terrible Turnips Leech Seed, then Sons of the Root to knock it down low. Toss on another Leech Seed to knock the Tonk into its self-rez, then Weakening Blow to knock it to 1 health, where the 2nd tick of Leech Seed will finish it off. Once his monkey comes out just try to live as long as you can, then the Robo-Chick comes in to Batter it's way to victory.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Knolan » February 10th, 2013, 11:55 pm

[pet]Lil' Ragnaros[/pet]

Conflagrate can be used with Flamethrower for double damage, while Sons of the Flame can be used as a dodge. since once casted Lil Rag will be underground and safe from attack while two of the Sons will attack each round.

and outside of battle, Lil Rag makes a great cooking fire since he will follow and never time out

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Insanityx » February 11th, 2013, 12:13 am

When looking for rare TCG pets including Spectral Tiger Cub go on over and take a look at the Achievements and Guild Advancement forums. You will find threads based solely on buying and selling TCG pets. Also, remember you can learn pets and cage them on another server, this allows you an easier method of pet trading!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Shiftywarloc » February 11th, 2013, 12:17 am

[pet]lil' tarecgosa[/pet]

Such an overpowered pet, Basically good to open with arcane storm, then go all out with Surge of power. Surge of power provides a massive hit against the enemy and if its a low level its almost a one shot.

Some pets when used against will instantly get the pet bellow Catching %.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Thelandira » February 11th, 2013, 12:17 am

If you like to use pets with a heal, like the Emperor Crab, it is wise to find one that has a high power breed id. The power stat not only gives you really strong hits, but it also increases the amount your pet will heal itself for. More power will also increase the strength of "shield" type abilities.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Covspets » February 11th, 2013, 12:30 am

Gregarious Grell

He is an all around good pet for leveling other pets. His Cauterize ability comes in handy against pets that hit hard. I usually prefer to start with Immolate. Even if a flying class puts up a block, there's still a chance it will hit.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Stayc » February 11th, 2013, 1:06 am

purple puffer use surge and whirlpool. This guy hits hard and surge gives him the advantage of going first, drastically reducing incoming damage. whirlpool can be cast on enemies underground and in the air.
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