Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Polynices » February 26th, 2013, 8:51 pm

Wargazm wrote:Obviously you are not very experienced as your facts you are stating are 100% incorrect. Make sure you know the facts before stating them in a public forum where others may believe what you say has truth to it.
Don't be a condescending jerk. Before accusing someone of being wrong, consider that perhaps you failed to understand the point they were making.

OF COURSE, you can queue with any team and the game will match you up with someone eventually. A team for capturing wild pets probably includes a Terrible Turnip which you might not want as part of your PvP team. A team for leveling includes a lowbie (by definition) that is there for XP not because it's necessarily any good at PvP battles. Exactly like I said, being team locked while queuing and not being able to have an optimized PvP team "standing by" discourages players from combining queuing for pet battles with other popular pet battle activities: hunting and XPing.

I'll try putting it more simply: I like using a optimized team of 3 pets for PvP battles. I like hunting for rares (or breeds) that I don't already have without risking an accidental kill (which means I'm using my Turnip). You can't do both of those things at once. It would be awesome if you could. Perhaps more people would pet battle if they could.

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Wargazm » February 26th, 2013, 9:25 pm

Polynices wrote:
Wargazm wrote:Obviously you are not very experienced as your facts you are stating are 100% incorrect. Make sure you know the facts before stating them in a public forum where others may believe what you say has truth to it.
Don't be a condescending jerk. Before accusing someone of being wrong, consider that perhaps you failed to understand the point they were making.

OF COURSE, you can queue with any team and the game will match you up with someone eventually. A team for capturing wild pets probably includes a Terrible Turnip which you might not want as part of your PvP team. A team for leveling includes a lowbie (by definition) that is there for XP not because it's necessarily any good at PvP battles. Exactly like I said, being team locked while queuing and not being able to have an optimized PvP team "standing by" discourages players from combining queuing for pet battles with other popular pet battle activities: hunting and XPing.

I'll try putting it more simply: I like using a optimized team of 3 pets for PvP battles. I like hunting for rares (or breeds) that I don't already have without risking an accidental kill (which means I'm using my Turnip). You can't do both of those things at once. It would be awesome if you could. Perhaps more people would pet battle if they could.

As I said you must not be very experienced. I -have over 400 uniques-won over 2200 pet battles total and have never used a turnip and very very rarely ever had an accidental kill. That is why you are packing a lowbie. When the targets health gets low but not in taming range put the lowbie in to bring him down the last bit needed then swap back. Or use a reflector pet. Learn to swap. It sounds as if you are the typical unskilled sloppy player born through constant pve action using canned teams for simple collecting that needs to pvp to learn how to use your comps. You are more wrapped up in what you "CAN"T" do rather than learn to adapt and develop a strategy to do it with.You made your point by using the words "cant" and being locked" Neither of which is true. Attitude is important in life-and can't is in your attitude not in the facts.

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Stabya » February 27th, 2013, 8:57 am

As I said before, I cant wait until 5.2 hits

While the first thing I am going to do, is try to collect all the new 5.2 pets, I will take another look into PVP which should be more fun now that the FFF and some O/P abilities are nerfed

But Blizz, PLEASE add more rewards for PVP. Occasionaal battle stone drop chance is a small but positive step

take MORE Steps!

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Breanni » February 27th, 2013, 9:21 am

Polynices and Wargazm -- let's take it down a notch. You both make valid points. But we'll be forced to lock this thread and begin issuing warnings if you can't respectfully post your opinions.

Remember, this forum is intended to be a welcoming venue for everyone to share their thoughts without being belittled. If you believe someone is posting misinformation, you can offer clarification without being condescending. And if you feel that someone is being disrespectful, there's no need to be disrespectful back. Report it to a mod and move on.


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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Vinven » March 3rd, 2013, 2:08 pm

I absolutely love pvp pet battles.

They are a good way to test how effective any teams are that you put together.

Being able to beat an npc is easy, they are predictable. Beating a human isn't always, humans can learn and adapt.

When I win a pet battle against another human, the victory is such a thrill.

I would definitely agree that doing pvp pet battles helps you become a better battler.

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Raptorbait » April 4th, 2013, 10:32 pm

I suck at pvp pet battles even moreso than world pvp :?

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Stabya » April 5th, 2013, 8:34 am

Sucking at pet pvp is harder to do than sucking at Player PVP

SUCKING really means, I dont know what pets to use.

Otherwise its a turn based game, with only 3 of a possible 6 abilities to pick from.

All you need to know is what pets and teams are good for pvp, and if you go out and lost 20 straight battles, you should be able to write down the pets and compositions you see and start getting better

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Bistromath » April 5th, 2013, 9:39 am

Stabya wrote:Sucking at pet pvp is harder to do than sucking at Player PVP

SUCKING really means, I dont know what pets to use.

Otherwise its a turn based game, with only 3 of a possible 6 abilities to pick from.

All you need to know is what pets and teams are good for pvp, and if you go out and lost 20 straight battles, you should be able to write down the pets and compositions you see and start getting better
I belive this is to much of a blanket statement. The reason i say this is some people may not be "good" at pet pvp, due to the limited amount of pets they currently have at 25. Pet battles tend to be more trial and error depending on the time of day you're playing. I live on the South Carolina and play on a PST server so when i log in in the mornings, and even bother doing PvP pet battles, i tend to fight the same few people over and over, and with that given enough fights they will counter my team and when they do ill change up. Saying people suck is highly disrespectful.

How about instead of talking down at players who dont pvp that well, try to help them understand the pros and cons of each pet species and how to use them with other pets in tandom. Its better to past down helpful knowledge, then to make posts about how you rarely ever loose.

I dont really do to much PvP aspect of the Pet system yet just becasue they're really is no reason to do them other than to get a few achivements. However, when 5.3 comes out i will pvp more just to get the new pvp pet.

Also i really wish you could chat with your opponent during pvp battles.

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Stabya » April 5th, 2013, 3:19 pm

Saying people suck is highly disrespectful.

How about instead of talking down at players who dont pvp that well, try to help them understand the pros and cons of each pet species and how to use them with other pets in tandom. Its better to past down helpful knowledge, then to make posts about how you rarely ever loose.
Not sure im following you.

Ickypic said he sucked, so I guess technically he was being highly disrespectful to himself and talking down to himself.

What I meant is... if you think you suck, the good news is, that unlike Player PVP, it is easy to improve at pet PVP because it is not so much a hand eye coordination thing, and you can learn from the opponants you face to get better quickly.

The Excuse that I suck at Arena's carry's alot more weight than I suck at PVP pet battling, because Pet battling can be easily improved with a larger collection and just observing your losses and who you lose to.

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Ril » April 5th, 2013, 7:53 pm

the pve aspect (collecting and levelling) is so overwhelmingly large that pvp isn't appealing at all as long as there still are wild pets out there to be collected. even moreso since we don't need to pay attention to rarity only, but also to breed. then there's the levelling and farming too. i, as well as, i assume, a great majority of pet collectors out there, prefer focussing on the collecting part because of the much greater reward (big collection vs a number in statistics) and because collecting is the actual fun part.

once every pet is caught and levelled to 25 i would be considering pvp. until then it's not worth the time and effort to come up with strats and everything. on top of it there are a lot of changes we need to adapt to every patch.

honestly, i'm glad. because pet pvp is likely to be just as unbalanced as real pvp. only a small number out of all possible comps is ever going to be viable.

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Corleggy » April 7th, 2013, 8:25 pm

So I just started doing pvp battles(had 23 wins from early on before this that's it) and was wondering what kind of post 5.2 tips there were.

I'm just trying to get a decent feel for it before 5.3 and wouldn't mind some progress towards that 5k wins achieve.

So far I've been using magical crawdad, minfernal and swapping the 3rd not sure what would work best there.

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Stabya » April 8th, 2013, 8:39 am

The mortal Enemy of the Magical Crawdad is the Raven, who can call Darkness and half the Healing - then NUKE the Crawdad

While there are several pets you can use in your third slot, it wouldnt hurt to have a weather changer.

Someone who can call moonfire or sandstorm would be nice

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Iskren » April 14th, 2013, 12:48 pm

Hi folks my 1st post here but i check this side for months now ;p
I ll share little knowledge with you and i consider my self above average pet battler :-)
I had a very hard time after they nerfed most OP pets recently but i am finally on track with a new great teams ;p
so here is it the list of the pets i use and i find them really great in pvp battles:
Main team is Anub: with Crush, Sandstorm and Rapture...no need to explain why here ...damm Anub is still boarderline OP! Also its a very safe 1st pet to play with( still be careful if enemy has strong undead pets)
Crow S/S or P/S cuz that S/S can be a little overkill for a flying pet BUT....if u are not 100% sure what u are doing and even if u are i ll suggest you to use S/S cuz that little guy is a mass killer...unless u goona kill some pet that counter your other pets hard i suggest u save Crow for the last pet u are going to loose.
Spectral Porcupette : for 1st tier both are good option but usually i go for Bite(its my only strong vs critters in my team and i value this a lot). 2th tier is where things get really interesting. Its a 289speed pet and goes 1st like 80% of the cases and Spirit Spikes(Spectral Strike is a good option but limits you a lot cuz u depend on darkness and sometimes u are playing a lot with sandstorms ...well all depends but for me Spikes is overall the better pick). For 3th tier i goes for Spectral Spine(50% chance enemy to miss 50% of the time sometimes is a game changer:)
So this is my main team and let me recap it : 2 weather effects , 1 super fast + 1 fast pet,6 different type of dmg, protection agains dots , Spirit Spikes - if played well this stays for 2 rounds and can bring devastation to enemy team, magic pet to swap for really hard hitters, healing debuff and ability to own Magical Crawdad teams very easy, 3 strong pets on there own and i don't depend on using combo skills (the only really combo is darkness + nocturnal strike and this is super easy to do cuz of Crow 325 speed even when under 50% hp)

So this is my main team atm but not too long time ago Scourged Whelping was there instead of Spectral Porcupette
I know many players out there are looking for a good to go team well Crow + Anub + Spectral Porcupette is one of those team ....i cant remeber the last time i lost without killing at least 2 enemy pets.

Another great combos :
Anub +Rant +Crawling Craw
Anub +Fast rabbit +Scourged Whelping
Anub +Fast rabbit +Crawling Craw
Anub +Crow + Rant (little risky cuz u have 2 humanoids:)
Anub +Crow+Scourged Whelping
All of those teams are tested and if u play them well you ll have well above 50% win rate ;D!

p.s. pls rate my main team :-) and i ll looking for advice should i change my S/S craw for S/P

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by G0c1gary » April 14th, 2013, 5:38 pm

i do some pvp and i have not never run into you guys so what level of pets are you using to battle?

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Re: Learn to PVP to improve your strategy

Post by Tatra » April 21st, 2013, 12:52 am

i love to pvp to get ready for a tournament like the global pet battle league. when i get the team ready for it that is all i pvp with learning what works best and what doesnt with people reaction, not computer reaction. the only thing i dont like about pvp is i run into it every so often is a person using a combo of pets from the battle.com forum. i really hate that combo and cant wait till it gets nerfed but hey i usually will beat it and it makes me a better pet battler doing this.

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