Disappointed with Beasts of Fable

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Re: Disappointed with Beasts of Fable

Post by Formerruling » March 12th, 2013, 11:52 am

My Nitun Strat - two spiders. Brittle webbing -> Swarming -> Swap -> Swarming. If he still has decent life reapply the webbing and bite til dead, most of the time he is down far enough tho 1-2 bites get him.

I also hear the new raptors with Blackfang -> Hunting party basically does the same thing shredding any of the critters in 3-4 attacks.

On the beasts I found a similar strat using yeti and tonk. Lightning Storm -> fist til almost dead -> Ion Cannon -> die amd bring tonk out -> Shock and Awe or Ion cannon depending on life left. Kills any of the beasts in minimal rounds

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Re: Disappointed with Beasts of Fable

Post by Amethice » March 20th, 2013, 5:08 pm

Maizing wrote:I made 3 teams... one for each legendary family.

Critter: Stunted Yeti, Flayer Youngling and Kun-Lai Runt
Aquatic: Amber Moth, Luyu Moth and Yellow Moth
Beast: Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, Anodized Robo Cub and Darkmoon Tonk

Each team works just fine for each legendary pet type... though some take all 3 pets and others I take out with just 1 or 2.
I did similar, but with slight variations:

Critter: Kun-Lai Runt, Flayer Youngling and Harbinger of Flame. They are all humanoids (so less critter damage), and having Impale speeds things up towards the end. On most fights, I just need the Runt and the Harbinger.
Aquatic: Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling, Snowy Owl and Vampiric Batling. Wildhammer is there for the Lift-Off, plus Peck is a good single-hit attack which is useful against pets like the turtle which shields. Vampiric Batling (any bat works, I just love my sadly-now-unobtainable batling due to it being an undead with Reckless Strike, meaning that even if I'm going to die a get a couple more big attacks in due to the undead racial. Snowy Owl (or Brilliant Kaliri) is there fore the same reason I have the Harbinger in the critter team - Predatory Strike to finish off the fight a tad quicker.
Beast: Darkmoon Tonk, Cogblade Raptor, Personal World Destroyer. Probably the least polished team of the three, but the Tonk hits like ... a tonk, really. Shock and Awe hits hard and has a stun chance, and Ion Cannon is a good big hit when you know you're going to die anyway. Tonk is generally my first pet, starting off with a S&A, the missiling away until I know I'm one hit from death. If I've had time to get another S&A in before then, great. When I know I'll go down and self-repair after the next hit, fire off the ion cannon. World Destroyer has the useful combo of Supercharge and Metal Fist. Raptor has the 2-3 attacks when going first, as well as a speed enhancement move.

But that's the thing really, those three teams will take down ALL the fabled with no risk of failure. Even a string of bad luck I'll still pull off a victory. I agree with the sentiment of many others - I'd have preferred not to have to do ALL ten for a single bag every day. Why not just give us a selection of 3-5 to fight each day for a bag, if you don't want to saturate us with too many bags?

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Re: Disappointed with Beasts of Fable

Post by Gromagrim » March 27th, 2013, 8:16 am

Yeti calls Supercharged Lightning, punches till dead, gnome comes out and chews them down with turrets. That's the beast strat for all bar Gorespine, who's armoured skin negates all the small damage. For him it's double Ion Cannon to the face

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Re: Disappointed with Beasts of Fable

Post by Keltoroq » March 27th, 2013, 9:04 am

If most are easy now with Rare pets imagine when you have elite pets :D. Or god forbid legendary haha

But ye Gorespine is pretty annoying. Hands down worst one to defeat. Or maybe that's because i gotta do it without mechanical pets lol. Gotta level me one of those.

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Re: Disappointed with Beasts of Fable

Post by Tahsfenz » March 27th, 2013, 7:25 pm

I'm for the most part done doing this quest. I got 3 extra pandas for trade. They said you do this quest if your after stones. In the past week, I've gotten zero stones and my wife got 1. Not much incentive for the supposed stone daily.

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Re: Disappointed with Beasts of Fable

Post by Gromagrim » March 28th, 2013, 10:07 am

Hopefully the datamined quests which split the daily into thirds will make it into live, doing three or four pets is much more palatable than ten a day.

Also they're geographically close pets too, you dont' have to do Nitun and Gorespine on same day!

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Re: Disappointed with Beasts of Fable

Post by Maizing » March 28th, 2013, 12:09 pm

Gromagrim wrote:Hopefully the datamined quests which split the daily into thirds will make it into live, doing three or four pets is much more palatable than ten a day.

Also they're geographically close pets too, you dont' have to do Nitun and Gorespine on same day!
That sounds great! Do you have a source with more details on the datamined quests?

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Re: Disappointed with Beasts of Fable

Post by Gromagrim » March 30th, 2013, 9:16 pm

Source is right here, posted by Wain;

http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/f ... f=2&t=3506

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