Gorespine - Beast of Fable

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Nysticia » June 12th, 2013, 1:28 pm

Gendou, your strat is so amazing .. im flying by the legendarys today .. its so great ! Much Kudos to you for posting it :) Im in <3 with it !

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Aerozia » June 19th, 2013, 7:33 pm

i use clockwork gnome, rocket chicken, son of animus.

He's usually dead with just the gnome alone, maybe one attack from the chicken, poor animus never sees any fight time.

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Keavy » June 24th, 2013, 8:58 am

One does not need an army of mechs for Gorespine, Kafi or Greyhoof.
I use just one mech, Cogblade Raptor, along with Zandalari Kneebiter.

Zandalari Kneebiter
1) Black Claw
2) Hunting Party

Cogblade Raptor
1) Batter

Gorespine = Dead!

Other Zandalari Raptors with the same abilitys should be fine too, just haven't lvl mine yet.

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Memnochlv » July 5th, 2013, 5:00 am

The only team I use for Beasts of Fable is as follows (keeping in mind with bad RNG you may have to try some battles a few times):

Roach/Beetle:1,2,2 (only survival and apocalypse are necessary) (been using Cockroach til I find a better one)
Turkey:1,1,1 (only food coma is necessary) (I personally use the Highland's Turkey
Anubisath Idol :1,1,1

Roach or Beetle of any kind: cast apocalypse first round, switch to next
Turkey: Cast food coma, switch to next
Anubisath Idol: depending on whether it's a critter or not, you could skip another round, your goal is to eat down that apocalypse countdown. Sandstorm, deflection as necessary with special abilities, hit with crush (hopefully not missing) to regen health, if he dies, I usually swap back to the turkey depending on time left and try for another food coma, when it's down to the roach (and you get to know the battles and how hard things hit and in what order they cast) I cast survival when it's 2 rounds left.

^^^ The above works on ALL beasts of fable, though sometimes the fight might take a few tries. Sometimes RNG will destroy, sometimes it will not. I've read some say Apocalypse never misses in 5.3, this isn't true, it did on me earlier today, and has happened other times recently as well (though not terribly often to be honest, maybe a couple of times a week). I have noticed it doesn't often miss them if it doesn't also miss me, though even if it does, this strat goes to crap. The other to watch out for is No-No, the Civet in the Vale, if his Dam is up that he builds, it actually blocks the Apoc strike as well. I don't recall from whom on WoWHead's forums, but this strategy is not my own, I just got it from someone else on the forums and thought I'd pass it along.


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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Petitfour » September 27th, 2014, 11:50 am

Just beat Gorespine yesterday with three firefly battle pets (I don't have any max level mechanicals or undead currently).
I did this after failing with the roach apocalypse method (I couldn't keep my pets alive long enough for a meteor), and using the Howl method, etc. I had an inspiration on this and gave it a shot and it worked like a charm first time.

I used Effervescent Glowfly, Mei Li Sparkler and a Shrine Fly. All three were rares, max level.

I used Glowing Toxin first, followed by Scratch and Cocoon Strike (everytime Glowing Toxin runs out, reapply)

Glowing Toxin takes 6% of max health per round, runs three rounds, which is 18% of the health of Gorespin (3x is 54% of total health, though I think I was able to get a fourth hit of Toxin in total-one fly got in a second toxin right before dying). With Scratch and Cocoon Strike I was able to do enough extra damage to take him down while protecting my pets long enough to do enough extra damage to take him down.

I did this after failing with the roach apocalypse method (I couldn't keep my pets alive long enough for a meteor), and using the Howl method, etc. I had an inspiration on this and gave it a shot and it worked like a charm first time.

Good Luck!

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Re: Gorespine - Beast of Fable

Post by Sycophantic » October 8th, 2014, 1:34 am

[pet]Blossoming Ancient[/pet]
[pet]Blackfuse Bombling[/pet]
[pet]Darkmoon Zeppelin[/pet]

These three pets are able to take out any of the beasts of fable pets in 5 turns or less.
*Save for the 2 pets with heals.*

Turn 1: [ability]Sunlight[/ability]
Swap to Blackfuse, cast [ability]Explode[/ability]
Bring out the Zeppelin, if the enemy pet has more than 888hp left use [ability]Missile[/ability] till they hit 888hp and cast [ability]Explode[/ability] again.

You win!

For the carp that heals I recommend a team of Crows/Ravens, and for the cricket a single Zandalari Raptor will do.

These teams will save you loads of time.

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