Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

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Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Jayleenae » July 3rd, 2013, 12:26 am

On a lark, I decided to start doing battles to find some rare pets on a different toon, since it made more sense to gather coins that way instead of dailies (and instead of on a toon that has over 600). Problem is, my main is showing keybound numbers on the abilities, while my alt isn't. This is confusing and annoying me because I now have to click on the abilities instead of just leaving my left hand on the number row.

I currently have the following addons installed (for pets): PetBattle Teams, PetTracker. I also have Dominos and Carbonite. I've gone through the settings for these, as well as the default Blizzard interface, but for the life of me, I cannot locate this setting anywhere. Either I'm totally missing it, or there's something else installed that I'm not realizing.

I've attached an image of the keybindings that I can see on my main's Battle Pet UI. The numbers are visible in the top right corner of each ability.

Any help would be awesome. This is seriously driving me nuts, I've now spent at least 2 hours googling and fussing with settings to try to fix it! 2 hours that would be better spent upgrading my collection! Thanks in advance!
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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Nivrax » July 3rd, 2013, 5:58 am

Wild guess, but could it be somewhere around Vehicle Bar?

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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Teacake » July 3rd, 2013, 7:51 am

I was not aware that key bindings in the pet battle interface could be changed. What happens on the alt when you press 1, 2, or 3 on your keyboard? Nothing at all?

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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Delinda » July 3rd, 2013, 8:11 am

I have the same issue like you. My main has one set of key bindings (1 2 3 on num pad), one alt has 1 2 3 4, another has 1 2 on num pad and the third button isn't assigned to any key at all. I have not idea how to fix the issue. I use Dominos as the action buttons bar.

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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Maizing » July 3rd, 2013, 8:56 am

Personally, I use the add on Battle Pet Binds so I don't even bother with the default UI for my key binds anymore, but I don't remember having the problem you are having even before I discovered that add on.

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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Jayleenae » July 3rd, 2013, 9:42 am

Teacake wrote:What happens on the alt when you press 1, 2, or 3 on your keyboard? Nothing at all?
Yep, nothing. I had to click the entire time I used that toon for pet battles. I kept trying to default to using the number row, but nothing would happen. :/

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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Jayleenae » July 3rd, 2013, 9:43 am

Nivrax wrote:Wild guess, but could it be somewhere around Vehicle Bar?
Not sure how to make changes to the vehicle bar. I did check settings for it in dominoes, but nothing jumped out at me.

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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Jayleenae » July 3rd, 2013, 9:45 am

Maizing wrote:Personally, I use the add on Battle Pet Binds so I don't even bother with the default UI for my key binds anymore
I might do that to fix this, just because it's super annoying, but at the same time I'd like to avoid using more addons, especially if there's something within a current addon or the default UI that does it! It's just figuring out what settings are different. I think my next step is checking each alt and seeing if they're all like that, then setting all addons to be exactly the same between my main and my alt. (they have some small variations in addons since my main is a hunter and this alt is a holy priest).

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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Teacake » July 3rd, 2013, 11:29 am

Jayleenae wrote: my main is a hunter and this alt is a holy priest
Well there's your problem right there. Clearly the holy priest should be your main. Then everything would work out, all the time. Your UI would be perfect, highway traffic would open up for you, you could make 20 minute brownies in 17 minutes.

But on topic, what a weird thing! Do you have character specific key bindings on those alts? Not that you'd want screw up your bindings just to test to see if that was the problem, but it was all I could think of. I do pet battles on a lot of alts and have never had that happen, and I use the same key bindings for everybody.

Or, since the alt in question is a healer, do you have a healing addon that might be assigning things to those keys and not releasing those binds when you go into a pet battle?

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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Jayleenae » July 3rd, 2013, 11:56 am

Teacake wrote:
Jayleenae wrote: my main is a hunter and this alt is a holy priest
Well there's your problem right there. Clearly the holy priest should be your main. Then everything would work out, all the time. Your UI would be perfect, highway traffic would open up for you, you could make 20 minute brownies in 17 minutes.
Dammit! I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE MAIN CHANGED TWO EXPACS AGO! ^_^ That's what I get for being super serious about a hunter and then making a joke priest named after fake meat.

Teacake wrote:But on topic, what a weird thing! Do you have character specific key bindings on those alts?
Realized this morning that I hadn't checked keybindings so I logged in while getting ready for work and checked my hunter's keybinds. Nothing in the listing jumps out as "separate UI for pet battles". Then my game crashed and I didn't bother rebooting it up to check my priest.

Teacake wrote:I do pet battles on a lot of alts and have never had that happen, and I use the same key bindings for everybody. Or, since the alt in question is a healer, do you have a healing addon that might be assigning things to those keys and not releasing those binds when you go into a pet battle?
This is my first time doing it on an alt, although now that I think of it, I *have* done temp characters for zone-specific pets and cross-faction achievements. And now that I think of it, this is the first time I've not had the keybindings... so maybe you're right that one of my healing addons is borking it up (Healbot or Decursive). I don't have the number keys bound in healbot, but I do have a Naga mouse which uses the keypad buttons on the mouse. I'll definitely try shutting off Healbot and Decursive to see if that's triggering it. So far, I've done two hunters on the hordeside with minimal to no addons (Orgrimmar and Blood Elf start zone pets) and at least two other random throwaway characters. It has to be the priest addons I think.

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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Eutectic » July 3rd, 2013, 12:22 pm

I use the default UI in conjunction with a SteelSeries WoW mouse, YMMV.

My pet battle binds always seem to match the first few binds on "Bar1" on the left side.

It's 1-2-3 on a new char because those are default for a new toon. 1 being auto attack and 2-3 being low level starter spells

Try changing the bindings for the first three slots of Action Bar 1 and see if it changes the bet battle bindings

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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Teacake » July 3rd, 2013, 12:28 pm

Jayleenae wrote:a joke priest
:o You wound me. Priests is srs bsns.

I wouldn't be surprised if between the Naga thumb pad (does it count as both keys and mouse buttons?) and Healbot they're screwing it all up. I'm too cool for Healbot but I can confirm that Clique doesn't interfere at all and that's another mouse-based-binder.

I hope you don't find that the solution is to disable Healbot every time you want to do pet battles on that character. How impractical and annoying would that be?

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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Jayleenae » July 3rd, 2013, 12:47 pm

Teacake wrote:
Jayleenae wrote:a joke priest
:o You wound me. Priests is srs bsns.
My priest is named Tofurky. Totes serious. I actually rolled her up as a twig on the noses of my guildies who kept teasing me about being veg*an, and I said I'd make a toon that they'd have to see the name of in gchat all the time. Tried two other priests, hated it, thought I didn't like priesting, but it turned out I disliked the race. I was shocked when not only did I like playing holy (after I found a race I liked looking at) but that I leveled her to max *and* did 5 mans and raids. >> Not bad for what started out as a joke!

Teacake wrote:I wouldn't be surprised if between the Naga thumb pad (does it count as both keys and mouse buttons?) and Healbot they're screwing it all up.
Healbot's been a bit wonky lately and I've had issues with it in general, so it wouldn't shock me either if that's what was going on. The thumb pad functions as either the number row or the number keypad... I have it set for the keypad to avoid conflicting with my number row, but since it's squirrely to begin with, it might be what's messing it up. I'll check on my death knight and see what that looks like first, and if the key bindings are there, then I'll shut off healbot and see what's up.

Teacake wrote:I hope you don't find that the solution is to disable Healbot every time you want to do pet battles on that character. How impractical and annoying would that be?
SUPER ANNOYING. I wouldn't be able to queue for LFR or 5 mans either if it's shut off. I don't think groups would be too happy if I said "BRB LOGGING GOTTA TURN THIS BACK ON". Considering last LFR I accepted, I wound up in the middle of a boss fight in shadow spec when I'd queued as a healer, I like to have everything set and prepared before clicking yes on the queue pop (usually I do spec change for those specific cases, but I forgot the one time and lo, I would wind up in the middle of a damn boss fight in the wrong spec.)

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Re: Help! Can't find keybindings on battle UI!

Post by Jayleenae » July 3rd, 2013, 11:35 pm

So I did some testing. Not happy.

Hunter, DK, and other "throwaway" toons I have all have the keybound numbers. Throwaway toons have no addons installed, hunter and DK have a bunch.

Priest: turned off Healbot and Decursive, two of the main addons that aren't used by my hunter/DK. Numbers still missing. Screenshot all the turned-on addons on my hunter, matched them to my priest exactly, still no keybindings. Shut off Dominos, no keybindings.

What. The. Hell.

Only saving grace right now is I finished my coins for this week on my priest, so I should go do them on my DK. But still annoyed. :(

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