The naming of pets...

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Asenter6 » September 28th, 2012, 12:31 pm

Serraphina wrote:
Ruzgork wrote:
Serraphina wrote:That would be because I totally typoed. I meant Lashtail Hatchling :P
Sorry. Still not getting the connection.
Just a cute little hyper red thing. Currently she's sort of a placeholder until something better comes along.

I get the reference once you said Lashtail. It's the red raptor, and she's very ginger. Though as I was thinking of it, the singing sunflower would work as well via the Van Gogh episode.

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Asenter6 » September 28th, 2012, 12:35 pm

RallyC wrote:Since more info has risen up about the naming of pets I figure I'll share my thoughts on it. In more recent news it seems that pets are now account bound so all characters have the same pets. This is cool as it makes collecting time much shorter for multiple characters (once you get it with one char you don't have to farm for hours to get it again for another toon), however, there are some things I'm curious about. In the topic Preview of Pet Journal & Account Wide Collections by Quintessence there's the line
- Atm, duplicate pets are combined into one that's available to all toons on your account. (Example: I have a Perky Pug on my druid and a Perky Pug on my shaman. I don't get two Perky Pugs. Instead they're combined and I only have access to one through the Pet Journal.)
So this raises the question: are all characters then sharing the same pets? To clarify, is my Hunter's white kitten going the share the name and LVL of my Druids white kitten? I wouldn't think it'd be this way as it takes away from the joys of having each character's pet be a little different and unique to the character that owns it. For example as I stated in the topic start I was considering naming the white kitten "Peacebloom." I guess I should have been more clear because what I meant was that's my Druid's name for that pet. My Hunter has a different personality so I was leaning to the name "Mouse" for her kitten. Yet if they are indeed sharing the same kitten I can't do this... :(
Does your acct have more than one White Kitten? I noticed we have doubles (or more) of some pets. Of course, the first thing I did was cage up my doubles and auction them off.

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Lysi » September 28th, 2012, 12:37 pm

Bellaryl wrote:I'm surprised that no one mentioned naming their Firefly "Serenity".

I named all my whelplings after gemstones, my dragonhawks after flowers, a few Firefly references, a few Dr Who references. Blizz wouldn't allow me to name my Feline Familiar "Mephistopheles", so I chose "Azreal". All my dino hatchlings were named after real carnivorous dinosaurs (except for the Pterrodax - his name is "Pterrible"). Just as "Mister" is not available, neither is "Mother". So "Mudder Clucker", my Ancona Chicken, proudly struts around. One of my parrots is named Buffet, the other is Margarita. Thank goodness I can change those names around at will in case I get a brainstorm and find something I like better.

I don't have as many pets as some, but I spent a good 2 hours coming up with names for my various pals. It gives guildies and players alike a chuckle, since I use GupPet and summon random pets all the time.

I found Pet Battles first, and have 3 pets I'm leveling up. So...that explains why I'm still level 85 and sitting in Orgrimmar.
Bellaryl, I named one of my hunter pet fireflies Serenity, so I didn't use it for the small one. I like to have them out together. I wonder why it wouldn't let you use Mephistopheles? My brother had a cat named Mephistopheles once. =^..^=
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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by RallyC » September 28th, 2012, 12:39 pm

Hmm I actually haven't come across a problem naming pets yet, guess I'm just lucky. I can sorta see why Snowball is out since there's the "ball" part that someone could make a gross joke outta. Lady and Princess though... Maybe because depending on the pet the names were given to it could offend someone? I'm really not sure :? .

Anyhow I named a few more:

Toxic Wasteling: Love
Spirit of Competition: Sakura
Lost of Lordaeron : Beldame

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Asenter6 » September 28th, 2012, 12:41 pm

Mairin wrote:
Lysi wrote:I'm getting a bit tired of all the rules. I couldn't name a pet "Snowball" because it contains mature language--it's a classic pet name, and the name of an item in the game, but entirely inappropriate, lol. I figured I wouldn't be able to use "Admiral" because it's a military title, and I know that's not allowed. But it didn't occur to me I wouldn't be able to use "Lady" either. Another classic pet name unusable! I'm sure I'll run into more of that, too. But I do enjoy being able to name small pets, it adds more personality to the game. :)
It didn't seem to like going with Mr or Mister at the start either which again are not exactly uncommon pet names. Snowball is just really silly though...
I tried naming my fox hunter's pet Fawkes. That apparently has mature language, as well.

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Asenter6 » September 28th, 2012, 12:44 pm

Lysi wrote:
Bellaryl wrote:I'm surprised that no one mentioned naming their Firefly "Serenity".

I named all my whelplings after gemstones, my dragonhawks after flowers, a few Firefly references, a few Dr Who references. Blizz wouldn't allow me to name my Feline Familiar "Mephistopheles", so I chose "Azreal". All my dino hatchlings were named after real carnivorous dinosaurs (except for the Pterrodax - his name is "Pterrible"). Just as "Mister" is not available, neither is "Mother". So "Mudder Clucker", my Ancona Chicken, proudly struts around. One of my parrots is named Buffet, the other is Margarita. Thank goodness I can change those names around at will in case I get a brainstorm and find something I like better.

I don't have as many pets as some, but I spent a good 2 hours coming up with names for my various pals. It gives guildies and players alike a chuckle, since I use GupPet and summon random pets all the time.

I found Pet Battles first, and have 3 pets I'm leveling up. So...that explains why I'm still level 85 and sitting in Orgrimmar.
Bellaryl, I named one of my hunter pet fireflies Serenity, so I didn't use it for the small one. I like to have them out together. I wonder why it wouldn't let you use Mephistopheles? My brother had a cat named Mephistopheles once. =^..^=
Yup, I have a yellow firefly named Serenity, as well. :)

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Lysi » September 28th, 2012, 12:45 pm

RallyC wrote:Hmm I actually haven't come across a problem naming pets yet, guess I'm just lucky. I can sorta see why Snowball is out since there's the "ball" part that someone could make a gross joke outta. Lady and Princess though... Maybe because depending on the pet the names were given to it could offend someone? I'm really not sure :? .
Lady and Princess aren't excluded because they're offensive, they're excluded because the naming rules are the same as the rules for naming characters. And putting a "title" in your character name is not allowed, since titles are something you can earn in the game through combat or achievements. Princess is excluded for the same reason Captain is excluded.
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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Vhale » September 28th, 2012, 12:56 pm

I was finally able to put pet battles aside and I am 2 bubbles fro 86. Woo! Must get Brewfest Trinket... but it's keeling me.

I made a habit years ago of stealing guildmates and friends names for my hunter pets. It's led to some fun group confusion :3

My first theft was Izkendar (from Everquest), which became my red dragon in UO. I carried the name to a red raptor in WoW. My nephew couldn't think of a name for his hunter, so he stole it. Then he got a red whelping to drop a couple weeks later in 30 minutes when I has been farming the things for 5 years, since alpha :evil: I never did get that whelp to drop. I broke down and got one off the AH. It is now Izkendar. /bow

My other one is a friend named Bitter from Warcraft 2, our GM in alpha/Vanilla. He named his priest Bitter and would 2-box it in our groups while tanking and healing. He had said he was going to quit when retail came out, then changed his mind. Before he came back though, I had taken my lvl 13 orc, walked all the way to Ironforge on a pvp server and caught myself a snow leopard to name Bitter. Needless to say, when I'd yell out on vent that Bitter was dying, he'd get upset with me that he thought it was his priest :3 But Bitter has also been Eyechaki, Sian Rotam (sp), a Ghost Saber and will probably be a snow leopard cub.

I warned my current guildies about my little habit and offered them the opportunity to pick pets for themselves :3 The most popular seems to be the bombling. Three people requested that one! But people enjoy hearing how "they" are doing in pet battles.

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Ruzgofdi » September 28th, 2012, 1:04 pm

Asenter6 wrote:
Lysi wrote:
Bellaryl wrote:I'm surprised that no one mentioned naming their Firefly "Serenity".
Yup, I have a yellow firefly named Serenity, as well. :)
Named my Firefly Serenity also. Its on my main team right now, along with a Grunty named Jayne and a Personal World Destroyer named Gorram. Tiny Flamefly is named Kaylee, and I have strong leanings to name a Gazelle fawn (which everone says is one of the better healing pets) Simon.

I've been hitting pop culture at random for names. Sometimes I've worked within a series for a specific thing (Snakes = Cobra leaders and soldiers, Cats = The cast from Heathcliff, Feline Cubs = Thundercats). Other times, I've been a bit more random (I have raptors named Grimlock, Dino, Denver, and Allo).

I don't know what I'm going to do with my 7th different variation of roach...

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Kingdms » September 30th, 2012, 12:20 pm

I'm naming pets as I train them. Unfortunately I'm incredibly slow at coming up with suitable names, and have only thought of a few thus far. At the moment I have:

Little Black Ram -- Sepulcher
Azure Whelpling -- Zetheragos
Voodoo Figurine -- Hangnail

That's it. I am shame-faced.

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Cropher » October 2nd, 2012, 7:36 am

A few of mine-

Hare - March
Pet Bombling - Bob (I just had to)
Lost of Lordaeron - Boojum
Darkmoon Zeppelin - Luftmorder
Snow Cub - Kimba (for those old enough to remember...)
Celestial Dragon - Haku (even though he's actually a river dragon)
Irradiated Roach - Hal
Clockwork Gnome - Bertie (to go with my Jeeves, you see)
Emerald Boa - Kaa (yes, he's a python, but I decided on it for the first rare tree python or emerald boa I got)
Rat - Templeton
Grasslands Cottontail - Mopsy

Etc., etc. - so far I'm only giving "rare" captures names.

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Kaiyou » October 2nd, 2012, 7:10 pm

Here's some of the names I've given my pets:

Celestial Dragon: Aurora
Hyacinth Macaw: Lil Blu(goes with my hunter pet)
Dark Phoenix Hatchling: Gene
Snow Cub: Chip(named after real life cat)
Darkmoon Cub: Lil Pepper(goes with my hunter pet)
Polly: Laidy Pecknpaw
White Tickbird Hatchling: Hawkeye
Phoenix Hatchling: Jean

Just a few :). In case anyone was wondering, the name Laidy Pecknpaw is from American Dad. I added the I in there since you can't use lady. And yes, I have 2 pets named Jean/Gene, just spelled differently. There is a reason behind that, lol.

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Myrikenes » October 2nd, 2012, 8:59 pm

I was thinking about renaming, but than I kinda thought about the fact that I know them for ages by their current race and that maybe they don't want to be named by be.
But that is a personal thing.
I also don't name my hunter companions and if I would get a pet in real life like a dog I would probably don't name him either.
But thats just for now. Maybe my spectral kitten will talk to me one day and tell me its name. ^^

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Imthedci » October 3rd, 2012, 12:03 am

I was going to name my Gold Mini Jouster and Blue Mini Jouster 'Player One' & 'Player Two' respectively. Unfortunatlely, 'Player' is on the list of names not allowed, so I had to go with 'Controller One' & 'Controller Two'. ;)

Cropher wrote: Lost of Lordaeron - Boojum
For the Snark was a Boojum, you see. :mrgreen:

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Cropher » October 4th, 2012, 8:21 pm

For the Snark was a Boojum, you see. :mrgreen:
Snark is the name of my Restless Shadeling. :D

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Rubberbiscuit » October 6th, 2012, 11:21 pm

Ive only named a few things so far, just rares and RP pets.
spirit of comp- Sha Loa
clockwork gnome- Rivet
small frog- Lil Squishy
water snake- Venom
Pandaren monk- Lao Shen
Jade crone chick- Lotus Blossom
Blighted squirrel- Niblet
baby ape- Hurley Burley
little black ram- Billy
winters little helper- Candy Cane

My worgen death knight has 2 RP pets. the Gilean raven called Sorrow and the giant sewer rat called Blackdeath (which Im amazed I got away with even though it makes sense for a sewer rat!!).

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Re: The naming of pets...

Post by Gwenolyn » October 6th, 2012, 11:45 pm

Corehound: Zaphod
Argent Gruntling: Tobias Funke (probably can't use <analrapist>)

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