Terrible Turnip - Why is it worshipped as a god by so many?

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Terrible Turnip - Why is it worshipped as a god by so many?

Post by FuxieDK » August 1st, 2013, 11:59 pm

Why is the Turnip worshipped by so many people? I really don't see why.

Yes, it have an ability that can't kill opponent, but come on, how often have you killed a pet, you were trying to capture? Personally, sitting on 519 pets, I have accidently killed TWO pets, I was trying to capture. Not really a problem.

Yes, it have an ability, that raise the max health by 25%, which (roughly) raise the limit where an opponent can be captured from 35% to 42%.. However, you either use 2-3 attacks to get opponent below 35%, or you use the ability and 2-3 attacks to get it below 42% (of base health, not new max health).. To me,it just seems you use an extra round for no reason, makig the fight longer, which means opponent gets a free attack on you (= increasingthe risk your pet dies, and you loose another round).

Can anyone explain to me, the great fuss about this pet? So far, I've levelled my own to ~20....

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Re: Terrible Turnip - Why is it worshipped as a god by so ma

Post by Peanutty » August 2nd, 2013, 12:47 am

Well it's definitely not a god...

It's a good capture team pet for the reason you already listed, because it can't (usually) kill a wild pet you're trying to capture. I've accidentally killed more than a few pets while trying to capture them, usually due to a weak attack somehow critting the thing to death. It's heartbreaking to find a very rare pet that you've camped for weeks, only to have that happen - if it even happens once in a case like that it's too much.

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Re: Terrible Turnip - Why is it worshipped as a god by so ma

Post by Gilneas » August 2nd, 2013, 12:51 am

FuxieDK wrote:Yes, it have an ability that can't kill opponent, but come on, how often have you killed a pet, you were trying to capture? Personally, sitting on 519 pets, I have accidently killed TWO pets, I was trying to capture. Not really a problem.
Its just easier to use it in your capture team for lower level pets, instead of bringing along something of appropriate level/power to not kill what you're looking for. No point in risking it when you have the option, especially if its something you've taken a lot of time searching for.

Capturing stuff is just what its good at (and having cute little sons of the root!).

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Re: Terrible Turnip - Why is it worshipped as a god by so ma

Post by Domie » August 2nd, 2013, 2:34 am

I havnt seen anyone worship it, but its clearly the best choice if you want to capture pets that arent very close to max level, hunting for a pet for hours just to get an accidental crit is a huge waste of time, accidently killing one is probaly going to make you lose more time than one extra attack on all the other pets would take.
Its also pretty demoralizing to accidently kill a pet you hunted for a long time, so even assuming it wont save you any time, it saves you some fustration.

If you have this at max level, i cant see a reason why you wouldnt use it to catch pretty much all pets under level 20.

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Re: Terrible Turnip - Why is it worshipped as a god by so ma

Post by Violetfemme » August 2nd, 2013, 5:59 am

The best reason I can give as to why to take it along to wild pet battles (besides the previously mentioned move that can't kill an opponent) is the other moves that are good for taking down the other wild pets that join my capture pet in a battle. I am on a PvP server, so if I go after a capture with pets that are about the same level as the wild team, I get pulled out of battle by PvP. It's nice to be able to look for a lower level pet (in a major PvP area - like when the Guardlings first spawned) and know that I can do some serious damage pretty fast to the other wild pets, but can't kill the one I want to capture - and to know I can do it quickly.
I do not like the Turnip for PvP, though I have used it's Weakening Blow along with Leech Seed to kill an opponent. But I have so many more powerful pets to PvP with, that this one does not get out much! I do not worship it! :)

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Re: Terrible Turnip - Why is it worshipped as a god by so ma

Post by Deathyz » August 2nd, 2013, 8:10 am

I killed an Unborn Valkyr by accident with a crit. Reason enough for me to worship Ivan (the Terrible Turnip (named taken from a friend)).

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Re: Terrible Turnip - Why is it worshipped as a god by so ma

Post by Graven » August 2nd, 2013, 12:40 pm

I wouldn't say worship, but it certainly has some use. It's on my generic pet capture team; the sunlight/weakened blows combo just makes things easier. I bought mine back when it was fairly new and cost several k, of course now you can see them in the AH for as little as 50g but that's just the way it goes.

On a side note, I maxed out my farm and all the reps at Halfhill, but even after all these months I don't think I've seen one actually drop from a harvested crop.


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Re: Terrible Turnip - Why is it worshipped as a god by so ma

Post by Azrile » August 3rd, 2013, 1:37 am

The question is.. why wouldn´t you have it on your capture team? There is no real reason to have any other pet in its place.

Capturing low level pets is extremely easy, why not use a pet that takes away the only possible bad thing that can happen.

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Re: Terrible Turnip - Why is it worshipped as a god by so ma

Post by Mehetabel » August 5th, 2013, 8:34 am

FuxieDK wrote:but come on, how often have you killed a pet, you were trying to capture?
Rather a few times, as it goes.

I always have my turnip on my capture team simply for ease of not having to worry about a crit taking out the pet I want. It just makes life easier, so why wouldn't I use it?

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Re: Terrible Turnip - Why is it worshipped as a god by so ma

Post by Kpb321 » August 5th, 2013, 12:11 pm

I'm not sure many would say that they worship the Terrible Turnip but it does have a unique and very useful ability with weakening blows. Sure you never "need" to have weakening blows to capture a pet but when you are trying to capture a pet that could represent hours of camping you really don't want to risk accidentally killing it by critting on an attack.

I was recently capturing pets in deepholm while working towards 500 pets and I ended up killing 3 or 4 pets that I wanted to capture which reminded me why the turnip is so nice. None were huge losses as they aren't rare spawns and weren't necessarily blue quality or good breeds but it was annoying none the less.

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