When opponents constantly leave

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When opponents constantly leave

Post by Derad » August 14th, 2013, 12:47 am

Who disagrees that should be an automatic win? We all know that this does not happen once in awhile; it happens far too often and the constant slacker is not held accountable. That is bull. They hold us up, check out our team and then regroup and come back to kick our butts unfairly and on this Bizz has been NO help in the past or present. I like a good fight. I don't always win. And when ya keep it fair at the upper levels, you gota have some luck there too. This has been taken away from every honest player that pays money to play this game; and it's wrong.

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Worgenbait » August 14th, 2013, 9:52 am

Quite honestly, I'm happy when people run upon seeing me, it's a source of pride. Almost half the PvP battles I've won is because they see me coming and split. Just makes the ones I have to fight to win that much better, and I'm proud of my 85% winning percentage in ones I do fight in.

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Maizing » August 14th, 2013, 10:01 am

When your opponent forfeits, it is an automatic win for you. Did you think that you were not getting that win?

I can think of no reason to get upset about opponents fleeing the battle unless you did not realize that it counts as a win for you.

Now there was a short time after Blizzard introduced some new code when it did not count as a win if the opponent fled less than a minute after the battle started (this was to prevent people from win trading to get xp for leveling), but that was fixed. Now it still counts as a win, you just don't get xp if the battle lasts less than a minute... and it is still possible to cheese the "No Time to Heal" achievement.

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Worgenbait » August 15th, 2013, 1:33 am

As an aside, it looks like they geared up to face my sandstorm team today. 3 different opponents prepared for it. Switched to my lightning team I haven't used yet after 3 losses and proceeded to wipe the floor with the PvPers on my server again. I may not like the PvP battles, but I pride myself on being the best at it, on my server at least. lol

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Azrile » August 19th, 2013, 7:06 pm

Maizing wrote:When your opponent forfeits, it is an automatic win for you. Did you think that you were not getting that win?

I can think of no reason to get upset about opponents fleeing the battle unless you did not realize that it counts as a win for you.

Now there was a short time after Blizzard introduced some new code when it did not count as a win if the opponent fled less than a minute after the battle started (this was to prevent people from win trading to get xp for leveling), but that was fixed. Now it still counts as a win, you just don't get xp if the battle lasts less than a minute... and it is still possible to cheese the "No Time to Heal" achievement.

If your opponent flees, you get credit for a win, but your actual character does not get experience. While this is a slight negative, getting a quick win for stuff like achieves is worth it.

Honestly though, there are just really bad players and cowards who quit really easily. I have seen teams, and thought, ´ok, this will be a decent fight´ and then they just quit. I´ve also had players quit mid-battle when even the slightest thing goes wrong for them ( a miss), even though they aren´t even really losing the match yet.

I honestly think there is a lot of win-trading going on. It is the only thing I can think of as to why someone forfeits against a team that isn´t really OP to them. they were trying to get matched up with their friend, and when they didn´t, they quit.

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Sanzul » August 20th, 2013, 6:06 am

Azrile wrote:I have seen teams, and thought, ´ok, this will be a decent fight´ and then they just quit.
It could be that they're after the number of victories achievements and just don't bother with what looks like a long and even fight. Instead of wasting time on a long battle that could go either way, just forfeit, try again and hope for an easier match.

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Iamwhatis » August 20th, 2013, 12:52 pm

If someone forfeits in the first minute they should get a 5 minute delay before they can queue for the next battle.

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Mawder » August 20th, 2013, 5:44 pm

NO. I do this from time to time when I want a rematch against someone who beat me because of very lucky circumstances, or I made a game changing mistake, or the match was really even and I had a really fun time.

They should offer a "Rematch" option that if both players agree too, you get rematched (with the same pets)

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Rosalyne » August 20th, 2013, 6:08 pm

Iamwhatis wrote:If someone forfeits in the first minute they should get a 5 minute delay before they can queue for the next battle.
Why? It doesn't have any impact on you except to waste less than 30 seconds of your time and give you an easy win.

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Worgenbait » August 21st, 2013, 2:23 am

Mawder wrote:They should offer a "Rematch" option that if both players agree too, you get rematched (with the same pets)
Only problem with this is people would use this to exploit the PvP system. Just get a friend who rolls over for you, and rematch constantly, and easy 30-50 wins an hour.

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Domie » August 21st, 2013, 7:51 am

I think people should be allowed to leave at the start of the fight if they want, i do it sometimes when my opponents plan is just to stall the game out as long as they can.
I dont have a problem with people trying to stall the game, i just dont enjoy playing against it, so i sometimes decide to leave a battle if i see them using pets like mr pinchy and anubisath idol. And talking about the anibisath, there is some teams that just cant push through a sandstorm, so i wouldnt be surprised if a lot of people decide not to play against them.

Also if i just got beat to oblivion by someone, and get matched up against them again. There is really no reason to take a fight i can not win, its not that i have a problem with losing, but a game is not fun if you know you are going to lose before you start :)

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Ligre » August 21st, 2013, 9:48 am

Pretty much what Donnie said.

I was doing random PvP pet battles last night, and over the course of about 4 hours on and off, I must have seen the same Lil' Rag/double Direhorn team 10-15 times. Words cannot even come close to expressing how cheesy that team is, and how often that player wins the RNG battle with Horn Attack. I could run triple Mech against that and still lose while he has at least one pet standing up at the end. I think I ended up forfeiting once or twice to him/her/it.

Also, now that I think about it, yah the Direhorn nerf may help a little...but the more I think about it, the more I think it's not gonna be enough. That 50% stun effect on the opponent's current turn should really be reduced to 33% or 25%. You'll still be able to get pretty spammy with Trihorn Charge on a 1 turn CD...since Horn Attack has the same CD. Primal Cry...eh, whatever...I guess they can't tone everything down on Direhorns. People might cry, lol.

Oh well...back to the drawing board...

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Iamwhatis » August 21st, 2013, 11:02 am

Iamwhatis wrote:If someone forfeits in the first minute they should get a 5 minute delay before they can queue for the next battle.

Because I want the character experience and if they quit I have to re queue.

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Saasan » August 21st, 2013, 3:39 pm

Unless I misunderstood, I think Derad is upset not that he/she doesn't get a win when the opponent forfeits, but that without punishment for forfeiting there is no reason for Player 2 not to queue, check out the team of Player 1, forfeit, rebuild and requeue with a tailor-made team to destroy Player 1's team. Cheap, "guaranteed" wins for little extra time. Too my knowledge, I've not seen this done, but then not many people run from me! :lol:

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Re: When opponents constantly leave

Post by Aubreebree » August 21st, 2013, 6:10 pm

Honestly I get a lot of people who leave when they are about to lose, so I would be really sad if I was deprived of a win from someone who rage quits. It's never fun going against something you know you are going to lose to, so I understand why some people just leave.
On the other hand, the lack of people queueing for pet battles does make it easier to just leave and come back with a counter team and that sucks. I went up against a guy that has a crawling claw named "Thing" and I have gone against him for the longest time (at least 2-3 times a day for the past while) and one day I finally beat him, so I am afraid to queue without that pet team in case I go against him again. Is this fair? No, it isn't fair.
All that being said, most people would BM someone they go against to keep them from getting a win every time they were about to lose if forfeits just turned into ties/not wins. I agree with Iamwhatis that if you surrender within the first 1 minute, there should be a debuff that prevents you from requeueing within the next however amount of time. 5 minutes seems too short to me, but I can't really say that 10-20 minutes is a good amount of time either.
I also love Mawder's idea of a rematch button! It could pop up when you are ported back from the pet battle and there could be an auto-disable if you don't like the idea of rematching or if you want to switch out your pets and try your luck again each time you lose. Also, if you leave within the first minute, rematching options wouldn't show up even though you would have to use the same pets. To address the problem that Worgenbait brings up, rematching should only be allowed ONCE with someone- possible once per battle or once per a certain timeframe. Or maybe each day you have X amount of rematches and so once you use them, you can't rebattle. Although, it would be a shame if one person wanted a rematch but you couldn't because you were out of tokens.
There is a lot to think about, and there are only so many precautions that can be taken I guess. Honestly my biggest problem is just that there are not enough people pet battling in the PvP queue to get a good array of opponents and not the same 3 people over and over again :/

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