Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Synergy6 » August 30th, 2013, 10:29 am

Papazol wrote:
GilroyKilroy wrote:I'm probably prepared ;)
Nope, you aren't.
Dude. Stop being a douche. At least tell us why you think we aren't ready. At least that will be constructive and helpful.

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Ril » August 30th, 2013, 1:47 pm

Synergy6 wrote:
Papazol wrote:
GilroyKilroy wrote:I'm probably prepared ;)
Nope, you aren't.
Dude. Stop being a douche. At least tell us why you think we aren't ready. At least that will be constructive and helpful.
he is probably just a troll. i came here because it wasn't one of the many tournament posts that guy littered this forums with. one glance at synergy6's collection should be enough to see that he is, indeed, prepared in the sense that he has a huge number of level 25 pets.

anyways, i came here to discuss strategies but obviousely most people couldn't test the tournament due to the lack of pets on the ptr. does anyone know of strategy discussion on other platforms? would be glad to get some directions.

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Azrile » August 30th, 2013, 1:48 pm

Sanzul wrote:
Azrile wrote:There is also a really good opportunity to use wild jade(gold) hatchlings with lightning storm along with a turrets pet and stuff like that.
Another option is the Sunreaver Micro-Sentry, as it's a mechanical with Call Lightning. The downside is that it doesn't have any spamable mechanical attack. The Tranquil Mechanical Yeti is probably the best pet for mechanical lightning generation, as it comes with Metal Fist, Call Lightning, and a choice of Ion Cannon or Supercharge. The yeti is initially uncommon, though, so you'll have to spend a stone on upgrading it.
Azrile wrote:For instance, the second pet from Shadmaster Krynn is basically a Call lightning + dot mechanical pet... in which case an elemental pet with a shield is perfect ( shale spiders).
Other options would be the Living Sandling, Ashstone Core, Jade Tentacle, and Lava Crab.
Yeah, I actually have the sunreaver as one of my potential teams. While he doesn´t have another mechanical attack, he does have a dot which is really nice with lightning storm. He is actually the pet I use for pvp on my LS-turrets team.

For your second part. Yep, i have some of them on my sheet. What I did was went through my pets, and chose 10 that I didn´t have at 25 that will be useful, and got them to 25 this week using the dailies ( lava crab actually made it yesterday). I am going to try to have 2 or 3 different teams ready for each battle. But I am a bit overprepared with 250ish lvl 25s right now.

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Ligre » August 30th, 2013, 11:32 pm

Wow, nice. I think I just broke 100 a few days ago, heh. Very impressive indeed @ 250.

I have a significant amount of pets to level still, as the new patch approaches. I do, however, think I should be ready to go in there and not be a doormat for the new NPCs. :)

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Azrile » August 31st, 2013, 1:50 pm

Ligre wrote:Wow, nice. I think I just broke 100 a few days ago, heh. Very impressive indeed @ 250.

I have a significant amount of pets to level still, as the new patch approaches. I do, however, think I should be ready to go in there and not be a doormat for the new NPCs. :)
That is the good thing about it being a weekly quest. Even if you get crushed the first day, you have 6 more days to level the appropriate pets without missing out on your weekly reward. Usually it only takes 1 perfect pet to make a whole team fall apart..

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Synergy6 » August 31st, 2013, 3:01 pm

Source: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9499911372?page=10
Posted by FenixDown
Comps I plan to use for the celestials are as follows.

Yu'la :

- Gregarious Grell (Punch, Phase Shift, Cauterize)
- S/S Flayer Youngling (Blitz, Deflection, Kick)
- Peddlefeet (Bow Shot, Perfumed Arrow, Shot Through the Heart)

Zao :

- Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling (Flyby, Decoy, Bombing Run)
- Darkmoon Zeppelin (Missile, Decoy, Bombing Run)
- Darkmoon Tonk (Missile, Shock and Awe, Ion Cannon)
(the setup on MPD may be wrong, as I forgot the actual redesign on it's abilities)

Xuen :

- Sunreaver Micro Sentry (Fel Immolate, Haywire, Call Lightning)
- Tranquil Mechanical Yeti (Metal Fist, Call Lightning, Ion Cannon)
- Clockwork Gnome (Metal Fist, Repair, Build Turret)
(Call Lightning removes it's healing capability entirely, making the fight easy)

Chi-Chi :

- Lil' Tarecgosa (Arcane Blast, Surge of Power, Arcane Storm)
- any combination of Mini Mindslayer, Arcane Eye, or Shimmering Wyrmling (all you need on these is Mana Surge)

All of these should easily be able to take on the Celestials. I have Chrominius and PWS as reserve in case needed.

Edit : I'll likely post my entire guide on warcraftpets.
Seems good to me :)

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Sanzul » September 2nd, 2013, 8:34 am

Ril wrote:one glance at synergy6's collection should be enough to see that he is, indeed, prepared in the sense that he has a huge number of level 25 pets.
66 pets isn't exactly a "huge" number. You need 75 to get the leveling achievement, and most serious pet battlers will be sitting on 100+. Of course, the most important thing is which pets you have at level 25 (pets with unusual abilities versus random pets you caught that were high level already).

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Synergy6 » September 2nd, 2013, 8:48 am

Sanzul wrote:
Ril wrote:one glance at synergy6's collection should be enough to see that he is, indeed, prepared in the sense that he has a huge number of level 25 pets.
66 pets isn't exactly a "huge" number. You need 75 to get the leveling achievement, and most serious pet battlers will be sitting on 100+. Of course, the most important thing is which pets you have at level 25 (pets with unusual abilities versus random pets you caught that were high level already).
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... 5120:a6582

Warcraftpets seems to miss a couple of pets thou.
Over 80 at max level.

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Dazer » September 3rd, 2013, 3:55 am

Other than the general guidance here and in other threads, do we have any kind of cohesive guide, or must-have pet lists?

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Sanzul » September 3rd, 2013, 6:12 am

Dazer wrote:Other than the general guidance here and in other threads, do we have any kind of cohesive guide, or must-have pet lists?
There aren't really any pets that you must have, just ones that are exceptionally useful. It mostly comes down to covering as many possibilities as you can, so what pets you need will depend on what pets you have. A certain dragon may be very useful, but if you already have a dozen max level dragons then your time may be better spent leveling something else instead. In my experience, the only pet that can't easily be replaced by something else is the Emerald Proto-Whelp (not counting its whelpling cousin).

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by GrosBonda » September 3rd, 2013, 10:45 am

Dazer wrote:Other than the general guidance here and in other threads, do we have any kind of cohesive guide, or must-have pet lists?
I am in the same boat.
I was focusion on other aspect of our sickness (pet battle lol) so i came to tournament very late ....
would appreciate a guide but i start with :

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Alfonzzo » September 3rd, 2013, 6:55 pm

I did extensive testing when it came out and w/ minimal tweaking oneshot it a few nights ago w/ thise setup.

Taran Zhu: Chromius, Amber Moth, Pterrodax Hatchling
Chen Stormstout: Zep, Crawdad, chuck
Wrathion: Anub, Hopling, Lil' Bad Wolf (strong)

Xu-Fu: Scalded Basilisk, Zep, Menagerie Custodian
Niuzao: Zandalari Ankle Render, Son of Animus, menagerie custodian
chi-chi: water spirit, water spirit, howl pet
Yu-La: sprite darter, clock'em, bad wolf s/s

Most of these pets are replaceable w/ similar abilities, but i used what i had which was a fairly wacky set of pets.

As far as good pets to level, the more the merrier, but here are some ideas
Darkmoon Zeppelin
Darkmoon Tonk or Menagerie Custodian
Zandalari XXX
Pandaren Water Spirit, Chromius, Ghostly Skull
Sprite Darter Hatchling
Magical Crawdad

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Ril » September 4th, 2013, 9:01 am

the patch is one week away so it's time to prepare! is anyone bored enough to have a look at my collection and give advice on what pets to level next, with the tournament in mind? :)

thanks in advance!

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Azrile » September 6th, 2013, 5:14 pm

Just remember that if you are following someone else´s pet advice, many times breed matters a lot, especially speed. You don´t always want to be faster.

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Luc80 » September 9th, 2013, 11:01 am

I think youre prepared

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Papazol » September 10th, 2013, 1:42 pm

So, who from you was prepared? :lol:

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Moritsume » September 10th, 2013, 4:06 pm

I just finished it...much tougher than I expected! Very fun.

The trainers weren't too bad, on my realm at least we had Lorewalker Cho, Pickles McLeary, and Dr. Ian Goldbloom. Pickles gave me the most trouble, with his undead racoon that has a critter-strong main attack and uses unholy ascension when he drops. The rabbit hit my moth for 700 (weak) with that @_@. I wish I could remember the teams I used here better but I just looked at what types they had and picked 3 hard counters until I won.

The celestials weren't bad at all. I threw 3 mechs at Xu-Fu, I think it was Tranquil Yeti/Darkmoon Tonk/Gnome (but I didn't get to the Gnome). His first move was Moonlight so having Call Lightning is a plus.

I tried to throw another 3 mechs at Zao, but because of his Wish, I used the Beast of Fable team of Unborn Valk/Water Spirit/Chrominius. My timing was off on Curse of Doom and it hit one turn before Geyser/Whirlwpool, but the combo still got him and seemed to ignore the "Boss Defense: May not deal more than 35% of their heal with one attack". That seems to be like the Magic Racial, so multi-hit moves are nice there.

Yu'la I used Idol with Smash/Stoneskin/Deflection, which got it down to roughly 35%. I then brought in a Kun-Lai Runt and Shatter-combo'd my way to an easy win.

For Chi-Chi, I noticed that he had an attack/dodge/hot, so I figured he'd be a giant pain in the ass. I used my 2nd valk (only level 19) and my Water Spirit/Chrom from Zao's fight (Spirit at 70% hp~, Chrom at 100%). I did Curse->Haunt(didn't have UA unlocked), and then the standard combo. I should mention that Chi-Chi killed Chrom the turn I had planned to use Surge of Power, but the combo killed Chi anyway.

All in all I think I used maybe 14 pets in all.

Very fun tournament! I wish everyone else good luck :)

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Poofah » September 10th, 2013, 5:27 pm

Has anyone been brave enough to include a leveling pet for any of the first 3 fights? I'm curious if they give similar XP to the other Pandaria tamers. I'm also curious what happens if you heal and have to do the fights again....

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Moritsume » September 10th, 2013, 5:39 pm

I didn't include a leveling pet but I was able to clear Lorewalker Cho with only 2 pets so you could definitely work them in there. Not sure what the exp would be like and I imagine if you could get trainer-level exp then leave and repeat it would be hotfixed extremely quickly.

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Re: Celestial Tournament - Reckon I'm prepared?

Post by Yalina » September 10th, 2013, 5:51 pm

Just finished the tournament. Took me almost an hour and a half, most of which was spent beating my head against Chi-Chi. Had 44 dead pets at the end, so used 50 pets total. Without knowing what to expect on some of the fights, some of those teams were there to learn and die, and if they succeeded, even better.

For Chi-Chi, the red crane, I ultimately got him with an Azure Whelpling (2,1,1) for Arcane Storm and the Ice Block, a Nether Faire Dragon (2,2,2) to bring him down with Arcane Blast and Life Exchange, and Chrominius (1,1,2) for the Howl and Surge of Power. There's probably better combos, but I was almost out of magic and dragonkin. Chrominius was pretty much my last shot.

Now off to level my Mini Mindslayer, Mana Wyrmling, Festival Lantern, Arcane Eye...

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