Your favorite battle pet and why.

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Re: Your favorite battle pet and why.

Post by Renmiri » October 9th, 2012, 10:58 pm

Azure Whelpling has a one shot kill (usually) move that is the Surge of power. He can also attack all 3 enemy pets at once with his magic attack, while cleansing scourged earth or lightning environments. pretty handy. And does a low fixed damage, which helps me not kill the pets that need just one more hit so trap menu opens.

Celestial Dragon self heals and is good against a variety of types. Also love my fawn with the heal entire team. Ashenvale Lasher, the Crimson Lasher and others like it are also pretty handy. a strong 2 move attack, a 5 turn heal for the team and a 2-3 "slap attack"

Loved the Crabs and the snails of pandaria. Rapana Whelk is my "tank" that can survive pretty much anything and demolish opponents with his dive attack.

Twilight Fiendling is also pretty fast and strong and hits like a ton of bricks. He is great to have on a team of lowbies, to finish the job after the pet has been captured.

Just got my Wild Cloud Serpents, they seem amazing. Haven't used them in a battle but my entire team died capturing the little pests so i know they will be strong on a team :mrgreen:

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Re: Your favorite battle pet and why.

Post by Wynn » October 9th, 2012, 11:16 pm

Terrible Turnip Has
Weakening Blow
Requires Pet Level: 1
Unleashes a restrained attack, dealing 68 Elemental damage.

This attack cannot reduce the opponent's health below 1.
So it will never kill a pet you want for hitting it to hard.
Healer that loves Cheesecake, Taiboku - Nall - Ronfa

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Re: Your favorite battle pet and why.

Post by Renmiri » October 9th, 2012, 11:35 pm

Wynn wrote:Terrible Turnip Has
Weakening Blow
Requires Pet Level: 1
Unleashes a restrained attack, dealing 68 Elemental damage.

This attack cannot reduce the opponent's health below 1.
So it will never kill a pet you want for hitting it to hard.
:P Just what i need and just got terrible Turnip too :D

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Re: Your favorite battle pet and why.

Post by Gwenolyn » October 12th, 2012, 12:27 pm

I have one of each family now: Sporeling, Spawn of Ony, Shrine Fly, Bandicoon Kit (and Arctic Fox kit), Oily Slimeling, Water Waveling, Tiny Harverter, King Snake, Small Frog, and Restless Shadeling (all rare, or I wouldn't lvl them). I like to pain a big dsp (usu with a dodge) like King snake with a healer like the frog, shade, or sporling. Had lots of fun lvling them all to 25 and still tweaking the team which is the best part :)

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Re: Your favorite battle pet and why.

Post by Talmar » October 12th, 2012, 2:54 pm

Right now My favorite team is

Pandaren Monk - He hits like a truck.
Clockwork Gnome - I love that the turrets are able to hit enemy's when they fly or are burrowed.
Restless Shadling - His self healing is simply unmatched that I've seen. I can heal over 100hp's at 17 each round. I've taken entire teams of equal level with just him as long as they are not strong vs. undead.

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Re: Your favorite battle pet and why.

Post by Vhale » October 12th, 2012, 4:54 pm

Loving my molten hatchling. He's cute, glowy, has a heal on damage, can hit pets hiding in the back and wipe out clockwork gnome turrets. I had someone rebuild turrets 3 times probably thinking they were buggy and disappearing :3

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Re: Your favorite battle pet and why.

Post by Arames » October 15th, 2012, 2:28 am

Right now it's the darkmoon faire monkey, darkmoon faire zeppelin, and yellow moth. I've been tearing people up with those 3.

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Re: Your favorite battle pet and why.

Post by Bindibear » October 15th, 2012, 11:12 am

I'm about to settle on the Crimson Lasher (good hot and the seed hits super hard) and the Onyxia Whelpling (just op).

My third slot is bouncing between Mojo, Panderan Monk and the Lost of Lorderan. All pretty hitting and useful vs. various types. With a Strand Crab hanging several levels behind for when I need to have a pet not-die while I throw traps at something stubborn.

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Re: Your favorite battle pet and why.

Post by Hulfnar » October 15th, 2012, 12:08 pm

I'm still newbish (no pet to 10 yet) and I have been experimenting with a lot of different pets, learning the synergies that (at least to me) aren't obvious at first glance. Some pets I expected to love (e.g. Enchanted Broom) have disappointed, while others have been pleasant surprises.

The first (and currently my team leader at level 9) is the Sinister Squashling. Yes, I know it's weak against critters, but it's great for almost everything else. As I have learned the value of heals, I have come to appreciate the Plant ability (it took a few tries to figure out how to use it). Combined with Thorns for passive damage, it's great for drawing out battles.

Spiders have also been surprisingly effective, and I'm currently working out the best to use a pet with Nocturnal Strike to take advantage of Lil' Deathwing's Call Darkness.

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Re: Your favorite battle pet and why.

Post by Slambert » October 15th, 2012, 12:11 pm

Sprite Darter Hatchling!
life exchange was clutch against all the harder battle tamers!
I was only beat on speed by buffs and flying creatures, which i had a strong attack against anyways which means I almost always get two rounds out of evanescence :)

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Re: Your favorite battle pet and why.

Post by Maizing » October 15th, 2012, 12:44 pm

In my very first random PvP match, I went with Sam (my Imperial Eagle Chick), Tian Lung (my Celestial Dragon), and Silk (my Twilight Spider).

The match was very close, by the end, one of my pets was dead and another was so close that it would die if an opposing pet looked at it funny. Silk carried the day... that life leech ability was a life saver! I credit my win primarily to her.

For a second favorite, I would have to vote for Hank (my Darkmoon Tonk). I have been trying out all the various mechanical pets and am really liking this little guy. The damage he can dish out was enough for him to nearly solo a set of level 22 wild pets when he was only 19 as I was leveling him up in Dragonblight.

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Re: Your favorite battle pet and why.

Post by Gradivus » October 16th, 2012, 8:45 am

I have to say as of right now my favorite pet has to be Grunty


He is by far imo one of the neatest looking pets, Full out geared Murloc rocking a rifle just screams epic!

If you dare to belong to the Beast family Grunty's Lock-On spell is (in my experience) Guaranteed to one shot you.
Also his skill U-238 is pretty useful at times, When you go first and you get that 3 burst rifle shots off, can prove to be devastating, especially if once again against a creature from the Beast family tree.
Then there are the other two skills, Stimpack and Shield Block. Both of which can prove very useful.
I alternate between those depending on the encounter I am going into.
Some creatures have powerful skills that have a very "predictable" usage, just throw up a Shield Block and completely avoid it.
And when going against a Trainer or a strong Beast, throw in Stimpack to up those crits on already massive hitting shots.

Currently my main team consists of
Grunty (non replaceable)
Celestial Dragon (healer) (currently seeking a suitable replacement)
Kirin Tor Familiar (Uses the buff from Celestial Dragon) (currently seeking a suitable replacement)

- Gradivus

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