Your favourite PVP teams

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Malignus » December 28th, 2013, 1:55 pm

Malignus wrote:
Berenzen wrote:Fungal Abomination (1,1,2)
Infected Squirrel (2,2,2)
Nether Faerie Dragon (2,1,1)

Lead with an S/S Faerie Dragon and get Moonlight going. Then spore up and root opponents and stampede. Repeat.
I tried this one, but with a [pet]Sprite Darter Hatchling[/pet] (he's a bit more durable and still fast enough). It doesn't seem to work that well against most teams I got put up against. Humanoids, critters and aquatics pose a great threat. Not to mention the weather changers (Sandstorm makes this team unplayable). The [pet]Fungal Abomination[/pet] is not a good pet by a long shot. I'm tempted to try switching it with a [pet]Sporeling Sprout[/pet] or a [pet]Tiny Sporebat[/pet]. Both don't seem that good though...
I can confirm the team works *much* better with a P/P [pet]Sporeling Sprout[/pet] (1, 1, 2). This little guy can pack a punch and he's quite durable.
Malignus wrote: - [pet]Ghostly Skull[/pet] H/P (1, 1, 2)
- [pet]Lil' XT[/pet] (1, 2, 2)
- [pet]Fossilized Hatchling[/pet] (1, 1, 2)
And I swapped [pet]Lil' XT[/pet] out with [pet]Spawn of G'nathus[/pet] (1, 1, 1) and the team seems to work much better as well.

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Sellys » December 29th, 2013, 7:16 pm

I've gotten really tired of all the damn valks, so I've been using

Emperor Crab
Mountain Panda
Fiendish Imp

The crab can absorb a large beating from any undead, and the mountain panda murderizes undead with scratch and mudslide.

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Astraldr0p » December 30th, 2013, 12:45 am

These two are not always the first that I play but they usually do get the job done. I am trying to get my stunted direhorn and just aiming for 5 wins a day. I could try to win more but I tend to lose a lot xD (I need ideas for teams -_-;)

Any case:

Thundering Serpent Hatchling (tail sweep, call lightning, cyclone)
P/S Jademist Dancer (steam vent, rain dance, acid rain)
S/S Death Adder Hatchling (poison fang, puncture wound, blinding poison)

start with thundering - cyclone and call lightning and tail sweep, switch to jademist for rain dance, steam vent - when lightning falls off, switch to acid rain. Finish off with death adder.

Unborn Valkyr (shadow shock, CoD, Haunt)
Warbot (Missile, Minefield, Extra Plating)
Fiendish Imp (Burn, Immolation, Nether Gate)

Start with Unborn unless they have something to stun or dodge the two dots. CoD + Haunt, switch to Warbot to lay down the minefield, switch to Fiendish Imp to immolate and then cast nethergate.

Since I usually play these two, I am looking for other suggestions xDI tend to try out some of discodoggy's teams but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. Oh well.

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Tuatha » December 31st, 2013, 7:52 pm

I'll give up a few secrets here, since I've been seeing them around elsewhere.

The most successful team I have this patch:

Unborn Val'kyr (b/b because that's all I can find) 1,2,1
Crow (p/s) 2,2,2
Alpine Hare (s/s) 2,2,1

The timing between the rabbit and the val'kyr is amazing. I generally will only use CoD on mechanicals or monstrous tanky pets (1700+ health), then haunt. In comes the rabbit to dodge, attack, burrow. At that point the CoD goes off if it was applied, and the next round, when the rabbit re-emerges, the valk hits the back ranks again. Swap for the valk and repeat unless the rabbit can one-shot the other guy. I've had matches where the crow isn't even used--but he's extremely important to counter aquatics with shell shield and to go toe to toe with other flyers and guys faster than my rabbit. An amazing team. I saw Snow post an identical team on the WoW forums the other day, so figured it was finally time to bring it up here. I've only ever run into one mirror match, and that was a h/h valk, so mine was faster and haunted first, his died when it tried to haunt the same round. b/b has its advantages.

Occasionally I'll run into someone with a good counter, like an emperor crab with shell shield and a magic attack pet like a dragon or broom. That combo can give the above a really hard time. Or more valks than you can shake a stick at, which can be extremely interesting, but at the same time, I just want my wins. Team B is

Death Adder Hatchling (s/s) 1,1,2
Emperor Crab (p/p) 2,2,1
Lil' Tarecgosa 1,1,2 (Thanks again to Deal With It on Shadowmoon)

This team is fairly strong, but it really shines when the meta has put up counters to the valk team above. The crab takes like 5 pts damage from haunt and can easily out heal most incoming damage. That guy alone will wreck a valk team that has no flyers. And if they do, the dragon will counter flyers even when they're in the back ranks, and hurts magic pets hard. Surge tears apart elementals, and the DAH is just op, so why not? Again, I see the most success with this team when there are a lot of valks and magic pets queuing up. It's far from perfect, but when every team has a valk on it, it wins a lot.

My other teams I play for variety's sake that are still competitive are

Crow (p/s) 2,2,2
Searing Scorchling 2,2,1
Ghostly Skull (h/p) 1,2,2)

Harbinger of Flame 1,2,2
Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling (s/s) 2,2,2 (a throwback to the FFF days)
Searing Scorchling 2,2,1

Other teams with reasonable but not top tier win records are

Bling Dancer
Unborn Val'kyr (b/b) 1,2,1
Jademist Dancer (s/s) 1,2,1
Lil' Bling 1,1,1

Fungal Abomination 1,1,1
Nether Faerie Dragon (p/p) 2,1,1
Xu-Fu, 1,1,2)

And the 5.3 terror that is still pretty effective, Change-Up
Fiendish Imp (s/s) 1,1,2
Giant Bone Spider 1,2,2
Stunted Direhorn 1,1,1 (sometimes I'll throw the Enchanted Broom in for the Direhorn and make them all changers)).

All of these teams are pretty strong against my battle group. ymmv.

*edit: penguin, crab, same thing, right?
Last edited by Tuatha on January 8th, 2014, 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Se5s » December 31st, 2013, 11:30 pm

my two most winning teams:
i call this one "wtf? O.o" cuz it wins so much, it's just O.o
-unborn val'kyr, xufu, pandaren monk

my less winning combo i call "sizzler." it's really slow, really awkward, really annoying, and super hilarious when i beat you with it lol
-corfire imp, fiendish imp, chi chi

i'm sure u can see the synergy with immolation + wild magic and chi chi's fire quills. plus a gate and feign death, asses will be womped...tho slowly and awkwardly lol. the first team is a lot less understood...even by me...i really don't see how it works so well, but it does. i go on 7-12 game winning streaks at random times of days and only the most strong teams with some of the newest opashell pets, pets that i'm not familiar with or if someone uses a pet in a very odd way that i don't expect will beat that team.

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Melmo » January 1st, 2014, 6:58 am

I hope the Direhorn is the only PvP pet we ever have to play for, I hate all forms of PvP, lol. Even when I win it's not fun, it's just another tick mark towards my Direhorn. I started using the fossilized hatchling for the first time... she's very impressive and she's been in my main leveling team ever since. I'm glad people are mentioning the P/S crows, I don't have one yet but will soon!

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Vek » January 1st, 2014, 8:38 am

This team I'm trying out is starting to grow on me.
Grell - love the dodge. 289 speed is decent, would have been even better if faster. and Cauterize. Makes this guy survive long, and with dodge you can always annoy undead for a turn and then switch.
Puffer - 325 str aquatic with surge/heal/pump. Survives pesky undead and hits for a lot with pump and almost 300 hits with surge.
Broom - for useful switches, hurt birds(hits for 700 or so) and remove cyclones/turrets/sons with clean-up. Also useful to switch in when a big hit is coming your way, due to magic racial.

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Liopleurodon » January 1st, 2014, 9:55 am

Right now I'm running Scourged Whelp 2/2/1 Clockwork Gnome 1/1/1 (the middle slot might be served better with 2, but he's usually my last pet standing and needs extra survivability) Zandarlari Kneebiter 2/2/2. The kneebiter got a bit of a nerf but I still find it fun to play. I used to run with a lightning storm in the 3rd slot, but I got a ton of bizarro lag every time the lightning hits and the matches lasted an eternity. Now I'm both glad and sad when I get a lightning team, because I'm almost certainly going to win, but the match is going to last like 20+ mins, lol.

I have been noticing that my win rate depends really heavily on which server I queue from though. On the server I usually play, which generally works with a lot of burst and some small healing, it wipes the floor. If I swap to a newer battlegroup I've been enjoying, they run mostly turtling sunflowers and the like, and I just get whittled down to nothing. I've been working on a monk/raven combo for that one.
xoxo, Your Pet Battling BFF, Tamer Liopleurodon.

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by 3wd » January 2nd, 2014, 5:09 pm

Sellys wrote:I've gotten really tired of all the damn valks, so I've been using

Emperor Crab
Mountain Panda
Fiendish Imp

The crab can absorb a large beating from any undead, and the mountain panda murderizes undead with scratch and mudslide.
The problem is : a single Idol can completely destroy your team with demo & sandstorm.

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Iamwhatis » January 2nd, 2014, 5:23 pm

Se5s wrote:my two most winning teams:
i call this one "wtf? O.o" cuz it wins so much, it's just O.o
-unborn val'kyr, xufu, pandaren monk
Which moves do you use?

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Skavenged » January 4th, 2014, 9:28 am

My go-to team for ages was Valk, Clockwork Gnome, Zandalari toenibbler. Most people prefer the other raptors for Hunting Party, but I prefer Flank, since I'm not committing multiple rounds but still hit for 500-750 (1000-1500 vs undead) depending on RNG. Just gives me more leeway to alter my plan if I need to.

As a general rule, I start with Valk, CoD then haunt. Bring in the Gnome to drop turret, and then raptor for Black Claw. Can usually burn the first pet down on the next round and still Black Claw again before the raptor drops. Bring in Valk to haunt again, and another turret and then a Blitz spam. Usually leaves them with one pet to face my Valk and Gnome, both at 1/2 to 3/4 health and a death failsafe.

The only teams that really give me trouble are Rags with Magma Trap/Sons, and Minefield teams

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Malignus » January 6th, 2014, 5:57 am

OK, time for another team from me:

- [pet]Wild Golden Hatchling[/pet] (1, 1, 1)
- [pet]Lil' XT[/pet] (1, 2, 2)
- [pet]Nordrassil Wisp[/pet] (2, 1, 2)

You start with [ability]Cyclone[/ability] followed by [ability]Call Lightning[/ability]. Then you switch to the robot and use [ability]Heartbroken[/ability] along with [ability]Tympanic Tantrum[/ability]. This is a "high risk, high reward" team. Half of the times the robot will get smashed before the third turn of Tantrum. Other times it's a sheer pleasure watching the the enemy backline pets' health halved. The wisp and the serpent finish them off nicely. Weather changers (especially with Sanstorm) and multi-hitters are your worst enemies (since they benefit from Call Lightning as much as you). Pets with blinds and stuns may also hurt you.

You can use a P/P [pet]Pocket Reaver[/pet] or a [pet]Personal World Destroyer[/pet] instead of Lil' XT.
Hepburn wrote:Anubasath Idol (1,1,1) - I'm currently running "Crush," but I have seen a number of Idols have success with "Demolish." I'm not sure which one is correct.
Unborn Val'kyr H/H (2,2,1)
Magical Crawdad (2,1,2) - "Snap" is probably better. Actually... now that I think about it, it's definitely better. I'll have to change that!
I recently had a dubious pleasure of fighting against this team multiple times. It's really strong and counters most of my teams. I'd try it myself, but I'm just too bored with the Idol, because I use him so much in PVE...

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Vek » January 6th, 2014, 8:27 am

Trying another team with good success rate.
Nether Faerie Dragon S/S. 2/1/2. Sometimes i miss the heal from life exchange but dodge with 325 speed is nice. Cyclone in last slot to handle shields/decoy and stuff like that.
Purple Puffer, yea I'm beginning to love that one. 2/2/2. There are others with same move set I use, but this one got 325 power. Surge,Heal,Pump. Very versatile. Go first or hit hard. Takes a lot less damage from undead and can easily heal that back up. Very useful even against stuff like Direhorns(where you can easily juke their Horn Attack stun with Surge) and against fast Death Adders.
Bligth Hawk. P/S. 1/1/1. Nice to be faster than 260 range pets. 85% hit chance can sometimes screw you. I usually count on at least one miss, but can usually also handle two misses, especially if you make good use of Consume Corpse. Lift-Off for some protection and take a bite out of any Crawdads coming your way, but with 80% hit count it more as a bonus damange to your avoid-move than your go-to attack.

Seems to be able to handle many types of opponents, but of course you can never truly handle all opposing teams. There seems to be a magical way of someone having just the pet or combination of pets to make you pull your hair. :D

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Sellys » January 6th, 2014, 2:39 pm

3wd wrote:
Sellys wrote:I've gotten really tired of all the damn valks, so I've been using

Emperor Crab
Mountain Panda
Fiendish Imp

The crab can absorb a large beating from any undead, and the mountain panda murderizes undead with scratch and mudslide.
The problem is : a single Idol can completely destroy your team with demo & sandstorm.
It could, but it usually doesn't. I just have to be aware and have the mountain panda's mudslide ability available to change the weather. Plus a lot of idols still seem to use crush instead of demolish in which case the mountain panda is in an even better situation.

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Skavenged » January 8th, 2014, 12:26 pm

LOL, The joys of telling the world your favorite teams. I'm seeing these suggested teams more and more in PvP. Two of them especially: Tuatha's Valk/rabbit/crow team, and my own Valk/Gnome/Toenibbler team. Luckily, my current team counters the Valk/Gnome/Nibbler very well, but Tuatha's team gives me fits, since I have no counter to the rabbit.

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Tuatha » January 8th, 2014, 1:59 pm

Skavenged wrote:LOL, The joys of telling the world your favorite teams. I'm seeing these suggested teams more and more in PvP. Two of them especially: Tuatha's Valk/rabbit/crow team, and my own Valk/Gnome/Toenibbler team. Luckily, my current team counters the Valk/Gnome/Nibbler very well, but Tuatha's team gives me fits, since I have no counter to the rabbit.
Good! I hope it brings more Stunted Direhorns and Trainer titles into the world :)

Do you use Leap or Primal Cry? And if it's Primal Cry, is there a specific reason? I could see Leap spam causing a fast rabbit extreme difficulties--just know to anticipate the Burrow and use Flank so you don't get that speed boost the round he goes under, then you'll attack 2nd the round he emerges.

Against your Valk/Gnome/Nibbler team I would pit my crow against your toe nibbler, anyway. Not sure what your current setup is tho.

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Skavenged » January 8th, 2014, 2:21 pm

I use Primal cry. There aren't a lot of rabbits out there right now, and at 341 speed, my raptor is faster than pretty much anything it comes up against. That means I don't need the speed boost, and the AOE is an added bonus. What usually happens is that I black claw, and then flank. If the opponent is still up at that point, they are usually under 250 health, and that is the perfect opportunity to take them down with primal cry, while also tacking 100 or so damage on their back row pets.

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Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Se5s » January 19th, 2014, 12:44 am

Iamwhatis wrote:
Se5s wrote:my two most winning teams:
i call this one "wtf? O.o" cuz it wins so much, it's just O.o
-unborn val'kyr, xufu, pandaren monk
Which moves do you use?
val'kyr: shock, CoD, haunt
xufu: claws, feed, prowl
monk: takedown, staggered steps, blackout kick


Re: Your favourite PVP teams

Post by Komalsharma1122 » January 20th, 2014, 6:22 am

I have some good results with the following team:

Spawn of G'nathus (1, 1, 2)
Unborn Val'Kyr (1, 2, 1)
Guardian Cub (2, 2, 2)

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