That was unfair....

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That was unfair....

Post by Denarian » March 12th, 2014, 9:21 pm

Sorry to whomever I just pet battled. I had a Crawling Claw, Magical Crawdad and Infinite Whelping.

You were down to your Pandaren Water Spirit, and I literally chain slept you five times in a row with my Infinite, who only had 500 health left. You were at full.

Sorry, but that move needs to be nerfed.
Last edited by Denarian on March 13th, 2014, 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: That was unfair....

Post by Ligre » March 13th, 2014, 10:08 am

The move is fine...but the Resiliency buff needs to be applied as soon as the Sleep hits, so the chain can't happen. The same thing goes for Frog Kiss. If you win like that, then I hate to say it...but you're kinda cheesing the system.

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Re: That was unfair....

Post by Denarian » March 13th, 2014, 10:45 am

The argument can be made, that since the move skips the Resiliency buff, that it is the move, and not the Resiliency at fault. But you would argue that it is the Resiliency instead. A game programmer could probably establish the correct culprit, but for now, we will say it's an interaction between the two.

But you're wrong about someone winning that way. It's not "cheesing the system," any more than using any other move in the game. Yes, one might get a lucky string of crits, or misses, but that is not "cheesing the system." I simply picked up a ramp up damage type move, that has a chance to sleep the opponent. It's not my fault the game chain slept him. As I originally posted, I felt bad for it.

He would not have won anyway, though, because even though his pet had full health, I had two of mine at full health when I engaged his last, including my Magical Crawdad.

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Re: That was unfair....

Post by Kpb321 » March 13th, 2014, 11:10 am

As far as I can tell the key bug is that the resiliency buff is only applied when the sleep breaks on it's own not when it is broken early. In these two examples that will almost never happen when you are repeatedly using those attacks because your next attack will break it early which makes the chain sleeps possible. It's really easy to reproduce this with soothe, not that you can chain it, but you can see that resiliency buff isn't applied when it is broken early.

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Re: That was unfair....

Post by Vek » March 13th, 2014, 11:23 am

It can happen with any two kind of stuns but it's most promiminent with Sleeping Gas and Frog Kiss when 25% proccs. You can get the same effect using a delayed stun, like ice tomb, and another stun.

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Re: That was unfair....

Post by Ligre » March 14th, 2014, 12:54 am

It's not my fault the game chain slept him. As I originally posted, I felt bad for it.
It was not my intent to be offensive or combative. Plain and simple, chain CC'ing of any kind is pretty unfair, when it comes down to it, in pet battles. There's no way (other than sheer avoidance or being a critter) to counter it, and while having a ramp up ability is all good in itself, one that can cause a chain Sleep at the same time? You say you felt bad about it...and I believe you...but how in good conscience can you not consider that to be "cheesy"? Especially if it happened to you over and over one fine day. Just sayin'.

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Re: That was unfair....

Post by Digem » March 14th, 2014, 6:01 am

I was wondering why lately I have seen a dragon spam sleeping gas and why some frogs all they do is kiss.
One time I was frogged chained by kiss and thought it just was a bug did not know that was the intention of spamming kiss.
How is this not "Cheesing" the design of this move?
One is suppose to get the two round immunity so they can't be chained locked.
Whole reason direhorns got nerf.
Guess this will have to be next nerf.

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Re: That was unfair....

Post by Maleric » March 14th, 2014, 8:30 am

This is a known issue, and it's pretty obviously a bug. Using a pet with sleeping gas or frog kiss isn't any different than spamming demolish used to be before they fixed that.

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Re: That was unfair....

Post by Alfonzzo » March 14th, 2014, 9:42 am

Denarian wrote:It's not "cheesing the system," any more than using any other move in the game. Yes, one might get a lucky string of crits, or misses, but that is not "cheesing the system."
If you know it's broken, and do it anyway is that "cheesing the system", or just making the most of game mechanics?

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Re: That was unfair....

Post by Iamwhatis » March 14th, 2014, 3:19 pm

Alfonzzo wrote:
Denarian wrote:It's not "cheesing the system," any more than using any other move in the game. Yes, one might get a lucky string of crits, or misses, but that is not "cheesing the system."
If you know it's broken, and do it anyway is that "cheesing the system", or just making the most of game mechanics?

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Re: That was unfair....

Post by Denarian » March 17th, 2014, 11:01 am

'Cheesing the system" would be using the move for the sole intention of taking advantage of it's bug.

The main reason I use Infinite Whelping is when I start to run in to a lot of Magical Crawdads. With it's ramp up damage move, healing debuff move and the chance to sleep, it's an awesome counter to it. Most of the time, a sleep proc never occurs. And when it does, it doesn't occur more than once in a row. So while chain sleep does happen, it is very rare in my experience, so much that I wouldn't depend on it happening.

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Re: That was unfair....

Post by Simmias » March 17th, 2014, 7:40 pm

frog kiss is beyond annoying.

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