Celestial Tournament

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Re: Celestial Tournament

Post by Waynebrady » March 6th, 2014, 12:52 am

Here are my teams for all: http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/f ... 405#p78405

Here are just the legendary guys:


Team: Alpine Foxling, Zandalari Anklerender, Darkmoon Tonk

Start With: Alpine Foxling (Bite, Howl, Dazzling Dance)
• Dazzling Dance
• Bite
• Howl <Fox will die>
Next Pet: Zandalari Anklerender (Hunting Party, Leap, Black Claw)
• Black Claw
• Hunting Party <Zand will die>
Next Pet: Darkmoon Tonk (Missile, Shock and Awe, Lock-On)
• Missile until dead


Team: Wild Jade Hatchling, Clockwork Gnome, Zandalari Kneebiter

Start With: Wild Jade Hatchling (Tail Sweep, Call Lightning, Lift-off)
• Call Lightning <swap to Clockwork Gnome>
Next Pet: Clockwork Gnome (Metal Fist, Blitz, Build Turret)
• Build Turret <swap to Zandalari Kneebiter)
Next Pet: Zandalari Kneebiter (Hunting Party, Screech, Leap)
• Hunting Party (Zao will die)


Team: Pandaren Water Spirit, Arctic Fox Kit, Random Pet

Start With: Pandaren Water Spirit (Water Jet, Whirlpool, Geyser)
• Geyser
• Whirlpool (swap to Arctic Fox Kit)
Next Pet: Arctic Fox Kit (Flurry, Howl, Dazzling)
• Howl
• Dazzling Dance
• Flurry (Chi-Chi should die)


Team: Bonkers, Anubisath Idol, Harbinger of Flame (Team of Humanoids)

Start With: Bonkers (Jab, Dodge, Tornado)
• Tornado Punch
• Dodge
• Jab
• Jab (Jab until dead)
Next Pet: Anubisath Idol (Crush, Stoneskin, Deflection)
• Stoneskin
• Crush
• Crush
• Deflection
• Crush Till Dead
Next Pet: Harbinger of Flame (Jab, Immolate, Impale)
• Jab
• Immolate
• Jab
• Impale

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Re: Celestial Tournament

Post by Wolf13 » March 9th, 2014, 6:58 pm

Wolf13 wrote:previous post
To my list, I'd make some changes. Snails are to useful not to have ready to go, and crab was utilized again, these should have been in the top group. Wraithions group was by far the hardest i faced, and for the first time Xu Fu really messed me up, I actually had to restart the tourny after he wiped me. The fox/wolf/zep combo was totally useless this week and died twice. Taren Zhu was also a major problem, although the first time through was my fault for not properly using the snail/blighthawk/amber moth combo.

Chen was also a little bit of an issue, i actually had a little trouble with chirps and brewly. brewly should not be taken on with a snail I found, here again the crab earned his keep. Chirps shouldn't be a big deal, but none of the pets i used including little xu fu were really satisfying. Ended up using harbringer of flame that worked a lot better. Wrathion died easily to a frog/scourged whelpling/almost anything else will work combo (i used harbringer of flame again). Harbringer was a new one I had leveled for this week and he's a killer. I used him also as third pet on yu lon he was so effective.

Having done the full round now, my core list would be:

Pandaren Water spirit (will basically kill three of the four beasts with chrominus using the howl bomb)
Scourged whelping
Gillean Raven
nether Faerie dragon
Mac Frog (most frogs will do)
Amber Moth (other moths may do)
Skywisp moth
mechanical Pandaren dragonling
S/S alpine foxling
a spider with brittle webbing
kun lai runt
a snail (or two)
a crab

borderline needed:
Moon Moon/Fjord worg pup (another fox would have worked as well)

I've also needed so far that i recall, but may not be totally essential?:
Panderen fire spirit
darkmoon zepplin (very useful, but the dragonling and othe rmechs could probably be used as well)
Harbringer of flame (love this guy, but he is not totally needed and could be replaced I think)
blighthawk (i found and leveled this oen just for the fight. I t was worth it, but probably could be replaced with something else)
clockwork gnome (didn't have him the first two weeks, but he is very effective. I don't feel he is a make or break must have though but hes going to see a lot of use).

Basically, 14 core or 15 core pets will get you most of the way. The ones above plus menagerie custodian and idol make a very solid core for any PVE.

Some pets I have recently leveled I think will be useful as well are Crimson Geode and Anodized Robo Cub.

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Re: Celestial Tournament

Post by Mojogrow » March 12th, 2014, 8:51 am

OK, so I know this is cheesing it... but I just use Pandaren Water Spirit and Chommi on all 3 fights, save Yu'la. See, Yu'la is so nice, she doesn't even attack for 2 rounds on the start of the battle, allowing me to Start with Magical Crawfish/Lamp, Pop wish, Switch to Either pet and get healed to full every time. Rinse and repeat (Howlbomb Celestial, Heal up) and then Solo Yu'la with [pet]Clock'em[/pet], who solos the fight every time, unless he misses and does not critical afterwards.

If am I not feeling like a cheap Hobo, I use Snailmode on Chi, Sunreaver/Zanadalari Noodlebiter on Ox-Man, and triple ion cannons on Moon-Cat-Tiger-Thing... and THEN solo Yu'la with Clock'em cause I can.

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Re: Celestial Tournament

Post by Nytemayre » March 13th, 2014, 7:06 pm

The strategies in the wowhead guide suck. I've finished the tournament 1 time, the first week i tried it I one shotted it. The last 2 weeks I've tried probably 25 times total and have yet to win it again. Does anyone know where there is a GOOD guide for it?

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Re: Celestial Tournament

Post by Hootstwo » March 13th, 2014, 8:32 pm

I think the actual "guide" at wowhead isn't great, but if you look at the actual trainers listing and see the comments there, they're great. There are at least 4 or 5 viable strategies for each trainer listed in the comments at wowhead.

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Re: Celestial Tournament

Post by Ieana » March 16th, 2014, 7:33 pm

I started doing the Celestial Tournament the second I had 15 pets at level 25. Hah! What happened to me the first time I went in there redefines the phrase "Crushed like bug." It took me 3 weeks to finally defeat the Celestial Tournament the first time, mostly because every week... I couldn't get past the trainers and was leveling up new pets just to counter them. But in the two weeks after that, I beat it both weeks. So, I've defeated it 3 times total. I have a Xu-Fu and 2 coins at the moment.

So bear in mind I have only completed it three times, and take my strategy (Which I did not come up with myself... I got most of it from the internet.) with a grain of salt.

Mr. Bigglesworth and cast, in this exact order: Claw, Ice Tomb, Ice Barrier, pass, Claw, Claw
Repeat until you win. This has worked flawlessly every time. I cheer Mr. Bigglesworth on every time! "You go, Mr. Bigglesworth! Show that mighty Celestial what's what!"

Start with Pandaren Water Spirit, cast Geyser then Whirlpool.
Switch to Chrominius, cast Howl then Surge of Power.
Again, you must be precise in your execution. This has also worked 3 of 3 times.

Now it gets dicey... I've had to restart the scenario a couple of times when I died due to RNG issues on Xu-Fu. But for both Xu-Fu and Xao, I use:

Sunreaver Micro Sentry, cast Fel Immolate, Call Lightning, Fel Immolate.
If you were lucky, you got the second Fel Immolate in before he dies. Otherwise switch him out.
Zandalari Anklerender cast Black Claw, Hunting Party, Hunting Party.
If he dies before the second Hunting Party, pull out another Zandalari and cast Hunting Party until someone dies.

There are 4 Zandalari mini-dinos. For this purpose, they are basically the same. You only need two abilities from them, Black Claw and Hunting Party. They come in three flavors, Strong, Fast, and balanced. I have 4, 2 strong and 2 fast. (Two are Zandalari Anklerenders and 2 are Zandalari Kneebiters) At least I think... I consider all four types as the same. I got 2 from a bud, then bought the other 2 from the AH for about 400 gold each. Just to be safe, I have 2 Sunreaver Micro Sentries as well.

I haven't figured out the optimum breed of Zandalari to use here, but with Lil'Oondasta (The Timeless Isle daily off Little Tommy Newcomer) you want the strong ones. For that, you use:
Sunreaver Micro Sentry, cast Call Lightning.
Zandalari, cast Black Claw, Hunting Party. (If you're lucky you'll get the Hunting Party in... he hits like a Freight train.)
Zandalari, cast Hunting Party, Hunting Party

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