Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

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Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Opteron » June 2nd, 2014, 2:44 pm

Hello community,
I am reading lots of threads regarding Celestial Tournament strategies. There are some excellent posts like the Undercard Strategy and the Complete Celestial Walkthru threads.
Since, not everyone has tons of gold to spend on rare pets and breeds and/or the time to grind raid ones (myseld included) or just lack of pet battle skills (me again).
I am willing to propose a challenge to the lords and mistress of pet battles here, if you can write a detailed guide including at least 2 pet teams, breeds, spell set and sequence for each battle using only wild pets, I would like to reward the hard work of the first one to publish this strategy guide here with 3-months of gametime ($45 worth or 4 Blizz Store pets $40 worth your choice).
I think this guide can help the community including me. I will certainly use the guide since I did not start to battle the Celestials, just collecting pets atm (being away from Wow for the last 3 years and playing catch-up with pets till wod).
I do have lots of rare pets, but the purpose here is to provide a less gold-oriented guide to anyone who just started pet battles.
I think that besides wild pets, crafted ones and world-event rewarded pets are ok, but I am opened to suggetions.
EDIT: achievement pets included.
I really do not know if this is feasible, let's discuss and don't blame me if this is impossible to achieve, I am a noob just trying to enrich the community :)
Regards, Opteron
Last edited by Opteron on June 2nd, 2014, 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Envec » June 2nd, 2014, 2:56 pm

I would recommend including pets garnered from achievements as some of them are easy to do. Mr. Bigglesworth as an example, especially since he can solo one of the 4 Celestials.

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Opteron » June 2nd, 2014, 3:01 pm

Thanks Envec, included achievement pets in the challenge :)

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Kpb321 » June 2nd, 2014, 5:29 pm

I couldn't find it when I tried searching but I'm 99% sure someone has already posted a guide for the CT with 100% Wild pets. I think it only had 1 team per fight and might not have been as detailed as you were looking for but it would be a good starting point if someone could find it.

I was actually toying with something slightly different based on something I saw on Illidan H while on my pet vendor. Someone was selling a CT team with 25 lvl 25 pets. Obviously all of them were trade-able and I assume they were trying to avoid the really expensive pets otherwise it would get really hard to sell it for a profit. I know it's hard to draw a line with prices and availability of pets being very different across the servers but there are some pretty cheap pets that are really good in the tournament IMO that might be worth including. One good example is Mr. Grubbs. He can come pretty close to soloing Taran Zhu's entire team. I use a Mr Wiggles to get a hit or two on the first guy to make him swap and then bring in Mr Grubbs who usually finishes off the rest of his team. Almost any pet could replace Mr Wiggles as the first pet and still fill that role. Mr Grubbs is usually very cheap and not hard to farm yourself. Then again you could also replace him with any number of grubs or maggots and it would work well. Heck two of them should have no problems with that fight.

The following Wowhead guide is pretty good and has a variety of different teams for most fights.


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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Jerebear » June 2nd, 2014, 6:48 pm

I haven't tried out these teams myself, but just searching the forums netted:

Mostly wild pets:

I know this is outside your scope, but for those who have money, all pets cageable:

It might be good if at some point we had a compilation post of all the different CT strategies. There are a ton of threads just in this forum on how to do it.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Kpb321 » June 2nd, 2014, 6:54 pm

Another thought. Are you including the hard to capture wild pets such as the unborn val'kyre, scourged welpling, minfenral ,etc? What about pets that can be hard to capture as a rare of a specific breed such as a flayer youngling? It's available in 9 breeds and it can be very important for it to be a S/S build for it to be useful on some fights. Getting a rare S/S with out stoning it can be extremely tough.

Ultimately, I think there may be a more basic issue with the challenge. Not that you can't build a team only wild pets but that you are using wild pets as a proxy for "easy to obtain" pets which in actuality is something much more ambiguous and ultimately subjective. No pet is easier to get than one I already have. I hope you don't see this as being negative or trying to sabotage your goal but an honest attempt to have a discussion about the issue.

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Opteron » June 2nd, 2014, 7:42 pm

Yes, I spent some days looking after a Rare Valkyr and still camping felwood at Lightninghoof for a rare Minfernal.
So these ones are definetly included!
Just nees patience, not gold :)

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Peanutty » June 2nd, 2014, 8:08 pm

Someone did already do a "all wild pets" CT but looks like they only listed teams for 1 week: http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7540&p=57870

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Opteron » June 2nd, 2014, 8:37 pm

@jerebear and @peanuty
Yes, thats why I proposed the challenge!
There are lots of information but all scattered and some with little to none information about breeding spells etc.
Other than that, each fight must have at least one backup team due to bad rng, does everyone agrees on these terms?

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Awq » June 2nd, 2014, 9:33 pm

I think I would find this easy to do. It definitely is feasible.
I quite like making up tactics for people who only have 15 level 25's (and some lower levels as well). It however would take more than a week for me to do it (although luckily it is tuesday), because I would have to verify every tactic against each of the trainers. I however am horrible at writing guides :( And I would dislike getting a non in-game related reward.

I disagree with the rule set to include achievement related pets. Achievement pets can be very difficult to obtain.

Including a pet like the Stunted Direhorn or Venus would make this guide less accessible. This rule feels quite double if I am honest.
It is true that Mr Bigglesworth is useful for Yu'La, the same rules would not allow the Corefire Imp. I would consider the Corefire Imp to more useful overall, and this pet is a requirement to obtain Mr Bigglesworth. I feel that it is better for the nature of this guide to exclude rules that might reduce (to some extent) the accessibility. Adding achievement pets would make the guide more complex than it has to be.

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Tekulve2012 » June 3rd, 2014, 8:38 am

I complimented Opteron on this cool idea in game!

I don't want to complicate your conditions folks but what about the idea of sticking to pets that 50% of the WCP community owns? This might settle how rare or unobtainable a pet is and satisfy the majority at the same time.

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Opteron » June 3rd, 2014, 10:56 am

@Awq I agree that some achievement pets are really hard to get, I liked Tekulve idea to exclude those who are not in the collection of the majority of wcp community and to be honest I think that we can figure this out as a community and exclude those without debating too much.
As you mentioned, Stunted Direhorn, Venus, maybe Tito and some others that we can think as a group can be excluded from the challenge in no time. The main goal here is to provide a definitive celestial tournament guide that anyone can read and afford to build the teams to win the tournament.
Your post also brought me a question mark, if I will be able to gift Blizz Store stuff from an US account to an EU account.
I really don't know, if anyone here happen to have an account on both locations, please let me know, I would like to make a test about this.
@Tekulve thanks you very much for your support and ideas on this :)

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Awq » June 4th, 2014, 9:02 am

I tried to find better synergy between the only wild Wild Magic user (Nexus Whelpling) to replace my Corefire Imp strategies. I searched Corefire Imp with the search function on the WoW forums to find better wild pets. I found a guide that was amazing and that suits your purposes. This is quite an amazing guide: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/10195019513?page=1

The only change that I would make to this guide is that I would replace the Whelk (used in Chi-Chi) with a H/S or S/S Rabbit, the speed must be greater than 310.
1. Immolation
2. Wild Magic
3. Swap Rabbit
4. Stampede
5. Stampede
6. Stampede (dead Chi-Chi)

This change allows you to use the Rabbit (Scratch/Dodge/Burrow) on Yu'La. I find the pets that are used for Yu'La in this guide too uncommon. The Rabbit can get Yu'La below 50% by using it's avoidance moves in combination with scratch.

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Opteron » June 4th, 2014, 1:55 pm

Awq, I have been following your hard work finding the right teams, researching around this challenge and I want to thank you.
I myself researched before posting this challenge, and I was not able to find this thread at battle.net forum.
It is really a wonderful guide that you found! :)
Do you think that with your changes, everything else is ok?
I am going to level those pets and test the strat.
I will post my results here afterwards!
Best regards! Thanks again!

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Profane » June 4th, 2014, 2:00 pm

I'm currently leveling enough pets to complete the celestial tournament, but I accept this challenge! Hopefully I'll have it done by the end of the week :)

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Kpb321 » June 4th, 2014, 2:34 pm

Looking at the strats it all looks like it should work of hand but I haven't actually tried the strategies. The reuse of some of the pets seems like it might make it a little less reliable to me but it definitely limits the number of pets you have to have.

I started working on something last night and it was a nice challenge and fun to try to figure out something different. Currently only this weeks masters are really fleshed out but I have teams for all the Celestial's. I just need to take the time to write them up. The other weeks masters are only theoretical at this point but the teams I have filled in should work.

Wise Mari and Shademaster Kiryn took some playing around before I found teams I really liked but in the end I think both teams for both of them are pretty solid now. Admittedly I haven't tried them 10 times each to test them out but my first Wise Mari team did so well I didn't even need a third pet when I tested it.

I've got it as a google doc link included below if anyone wants to read it or contribute.


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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Profane » June 4th, 2014, 3:38 pm

I had a question about this now that I'm trying to get a line up in place before I try it out...

I was trying to do ONLY pets that are caught through finding it and capturing it through battle. This is starting to become slightly difficult only for the last 4 bosses. I was wondering if I could also use pets that are found in vendors (CHEAP, like under 100g) or from easy achievements (like the fables, or collecting achievements, or achievements in general- i.e. Perky Pug).

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Kpb321 » June 4th, 2014, 4:47 pm

It's entirely possible to do the 4 Celestials with just wild caught pets. Chi-Chi can be done with snails x3, Xu-fu can be done with a call lightning pet, a fast flyer with Flock or swarm and pretty much any mechanical unit. Zao can be done with a Fox and a Power spider. Yu'la can be done with 3 rabbits (or really 1 rabbit and most anything to finish Yu'la off).

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Profane » June 4th, 2014, 5:11 pm

I'm trying to do with where someone doesn't have to go back and get multiples of the same pet, too. To me, that's almost as frustrating as seeing all the guides where all they use is super rare or expensive pets....

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Re: Celestial Tournament Challenge with Wild Pets

Post by Kpb321 » June 4th, 2014, 5:37 pm

Fair enough but I just put those out there as an example. Since there are over a dozen rabbits in the game and almost half a dozen that can be caught at level 20+ I really don't have a problem with three rabbits on a team. Now if you put a team together that was 3 Cogblade Raptor or 3 S/S Flayer Younglings that would be a little unreasonable IMO.

The reality is also you could probably do a rabbit and a Kun-lai Runt with out any problem. A single good rabbit will take out at least half Yu'la's health. Then again the puzzle of limiting yourself to a particular set of pets and trying to find a team that works for you is part of the fun of this IMO.

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