Alright, so I just reached 372 max level pets, leaving 228 to go. And just typing that out is crazy intimidating. So far to sort of break up the tedium, I've been leveling pets by source, and I'm down to just two groups. Unfortunately, they're the two biggest groups: Pets Battle and Drops. I guess what I am trying to decide is whether I should bother breaking this down further and what other people's strategies are to level quickly and not be overwhelmed by the process of leveling pets.
What are people doing to break up the task of leveling all their pets before WoD?
As per my strategy for speed leveling, I've just been making alts that I think would be handy to have (Currently working on an Alliance Mage, who is at 72 almost exclusively through pet battles.) The problem is this has led to 17 level 90 toons, plus a couple more on the way to 90. I guess that's not a problem, so much as an annoyance to decide what to do with them all. I really do like leveling through pet battles though because I don't have to do the same quests over and over again. I've dealt with the rep issue by farming rep tokens on my main, those dinosaurs are stingy with their mounts though.
I've been putting toons as low as level one in valley of the four winds and making a circuit around the farms, because as long as you avoid the virmin in the middle there is little out there to kill even a level one toon. You do have to arrange to get a port to two moons and hitch a ride on someone's passenger mount. Not a big deal, there are a lot of nice people in this game. I'd be willing to do this for anyone horde side on my mage, just ask.
Right now my leveling team consists of:
<Whatever Pet I am Leveling>
[pet]Terrible Turnip[/pet]: [ability]Weakening Blow[/ability] [ability]Inspiring Song[/ability] [ability]Sunlight[/ability]
[pet]Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen[/pet]: [ability]Bite[/ability] [ability]Feed[/ability] [ability]Prowl[/ability]
The biggest issue I am running into is when [ability]Feed[/ability] misses. It usually doesn't happen often enough to really stop my progress, but it has failed in two battles in a row to the point where I do need to use a pet bandage instead of the eight minute heal. I don't know if I need a second critter killing team for after I get a level 1 pet through the first scary valley of the four winds battle or if that's making this too complex. I would like a pet with beast abilities that can heal. Something besides [ability]Devour[/ability] which can be easily thwarted by [ability]Survival[/ability]
Any suggestions? Alternative strategies? Alternative locations? Stories? General commiserating?