Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Faelar » August 26th, 2014, 8:08 pm

From what I understand you do not unlock the garrison pet dailies until level 100 which is when you get the quest in your garrison to build the pet menagerie. However I do have the Beta now so I have been checking out the various pet dailies. I'll put in some feedback as I do them.

Daily 8/26: King and Queen Floret. Really nice duo that uses Righteous Inspiration to boost their mate. The huge factor in this that differs from what we are used to is that the round they use RI on seems to be random. Sometimes it is round 2 for Queen Floret and sometimes she delays it to 3 or 4. King Florest however seemed to delay his RI for at least 3-5 rounds on the 10 or so attempts I gave it while I played around with pet teams. This can be VERY tricky to plan around so pets with a priority dodge move such as Deflection/Feign Death might be advisable. I went with Spwan of G'Nathus, Mr.Bigglesworth and Snarly. For this battle I opened with Thunderbolt and used dive in round 2 hoping that was when RI would go off. I'd use swallow you whole until Spawn died. I'd bring in Bigglesworth and would Ice Tomb, Pounce x2 and then Ice Barrier, if I timed it right King Floret would waste 2 rounds on the barrier and then be stunned. Since the stun forces a pet swap for them (despite no enemy trainer) I would not have to worry about his RI. I decided to switch out Biggs for Snarly to Rip/Blood in the Water and spam of Water Jet. I would almost win when Snarly died but Biggs could get the win by just being undead and living enough to pounce them to death. All in all a really enjoyable fight.

8/27- Kromli and Gromli, a humanoid pair who had attacks such as Dreadful Breath and Rupture. I started out with val'kyr to Curse of Doom and Haunt my target, I brought in a Restless Shadeling to Plague Blood and Death Coil. I used Shadow Shock if my health was fine. I killed my first target on my final undead round for the Shadeling. For the second pet who uses Stoneskin I just Curse of Doomed and spammed Shadow Shock until it fell over. I felt this daily was a little easier because of the strength of unead pets, and only one of the enemies had an attack that was really effective vs the Undead. I feel for Legendary pets this one might need to be tweaked slightly to give a bit more of a challenge.

8/28- Grubbles, Scrags and Stings a critter/beast/flyer team. Started with Bucktooth Flapper to counter the critter, First few rounds was easy with Gnaw, though the critters speed boost was better than my Screech so the flapper died with 10 hps left on the critter. I brought in Tranquil Mechanical Yeti and just metal fisted to kill the critter. When Scrags came in I got stunned on round one and just waited until I could act and used Call Lightning and Ion Cannon. I may have normally had to use a metal fist after the lightning but I crit with my lightning so it was a 2 round kill. My yeti died after 1 round with Metal fist on Stings and I brought in my Celestial Dragon who just used Moonfire and then Arcane Storm to end it. Decent difficulty challenge and I like facing 3 pets more than I do 1 or 2.

8/29- Jahan, Samm, Archimedes a triple flyer team. First round Jahan used Arcane storm for me (how nice) I opened with my Lil' Tarecgosa who spammed Arcane Explosion until dying. My next pet Chrominus spammed Arcane Explosion until he died and I ended the match with my Sprite Darter Hatchling only needing to cast 1 Arcane Blast. This one was way too easy thanks to Jahan settin up Arcane Storm for me.

8/30- Eleanor an undead that heals every time they deal damage. They used a predictable pattern and the first round was a charge up attack. So I debuffed with a Treasure Goblin putting Wild Magic on them, and the following round I used Portal which is a Feign Death, My hopling was brought in and I used Backflip just to do extra damage and delay their turn. On the following rounds I used Poison Lash and Tongue Lash until my pet died.I brought back the Treasure Goblin and reapplied Wild Magic and used Coin Toss to increase the damage Eleanor takes. I switch into a mouse and used Stampede which did very nice damage on the 2nd round. If the mouse was still alive after stampede I used Flurry. When the mouse was dead I just used Coin Toss to put Eleanor at 1 HP and activating the undead round. I just used Portal as a Feign and dodged the hit to win. I felt this one had a good difficulty and will require some specific strats to win due to the undead round and its healing.

8/31 Tirs and Fiero a pair of elementals, Fiero leads With Acid rain and followed it up with pump. I kept the same team I used yesterday and Wild Magic + Coin Toss + Portal into Poison Lash + Tongue Lash. When Fiero was in I used Wild Magic + Coin Toss + Stampede and then Flurry to finish. I felt this team would have lost though if Fiero hit with one of the attacks he used, I guess they do not have 100% accuracy. Fiero tries to mix up the pump a little bit so it isn't too predictable but such a move has its risks of course.

9/1 Rockbiter, Stonechewer, Acidtooth a triple humanoid team. Rockbiter is sneaky that he uses Nature's Ward and changes his type from humanoid to elemental, so my triple undead team wasn't quite as effective on the first enemy. I went with Val'kyr, Ghostly Skull, Landro's Lichling. I opened with Curse of Doom and then Haunt after Rockbiter used burrow. I brought in the Ghostly Skull and just used Siphon Life and Ghostly Bite and eventually Curse of Doom finished it off. Stonechewer has a VERY strong Shell Armor that reduces around 270 damage or so per hit. So Ghostly Bite was able to do some damage and Curse of Doom was a bit more but most of my other attacks hit for very little so it wore down my team quite a bit before going down. Acidtooth has some reflectie armor but no other really dangerous attacks so I was able to finish it off with the Val'kyr and Life Leech from the Ghostly Skull. A good fight that feels like it has a good sweet spot in difficulty, perhaps buffing Acidtooth would be the only thing I'd change.

9/2 Quintessence of Light a flying pet with a VERY annoying heal, fire quills and a buff it puts on itself that damage you when you hit with direct attacks. I tried a ton of teams on this one but due to the bosses 3k hps and 50% damage reduction ability the only team I saw that worked was someone else's team. The old howlbomb team, Open with Val'kyr with Curse of Doom and then Unholy Ascension. Next pet up is the Pandaren Water Spirit who uses Geyser then Whirpool. Switch to Chrominus and use Howl. The Quint will take a ton of damage and be stunned, use Surge of Power to finish it off. This pet team works cleanly but there needs to be other teams that can take it out, and so far I've had little luck with that. I think this one is a bit overtuned but hit the sweet spot in very tough as a challenge to figure out working teams.

9/3 Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803- a triple mech team with a bit of flavor. Blingtron has an active ability called Roboflague that you can see at the start of the fight. Basically this sometimes turns the mechs into critters for taking damage and I assume avoiding various CC. Bling was nothing special using Batter and Club and eventually killing himself with Armageddon. He didn't even wait to die once as a mech before using it. I used Fel flame to cast Scorched Earth then Immolation and spammed Burn until Bling killed himself. For the first Protectron I switched to Ruby Droplet who used Bubble, Drain Blood and Acid Touch to just wear down the bot as he used things like Reflective Shield and Metal Fist eventually using a round to Ion Cannon which put him in the recharging state for 2 rounds. Since my pets were Elementals these attacks didn't hit too hard. For the 2nd protectbot I switched to Jademist Dancer using Acid Rain and Rain Dance then spamming Steam Vent for 2 rounds until the bot used Ion cannon to kill the dancer, brought back in the Fel Flame and Scorched Earth and used Burn to win. I felt this fight was a touch too easy but had an interesting gimmick counting as critters, though that ability seemed to always be active. I feel if that ability was more random it would be far stronger, otherwise you just bring in elementals that might have attacks strong vs critters.

9/4 Stitches Jr. An undead with an interesting wrinkle. He has a buff always active that ignores attacks that do not hit for more than 500 damage. However since Stitches has over 5000 hitpoints it leaves him wide open to Trample attacks. So I just used 3 pets that had trample and spammed it until he died. Each hit was 561 damage and it made short work of him. Stitches has a Cleave attack which hits all pets (though not for much damage) he can enrage himself to make his next attack hit hard but he takes extra damage when its up and finally he has a large damage single target hit. Another fight with an interesting wrinkle but this one was a bit easier to get past.

9/5 Manos, Hatos, Fatos, a triple magic team. Pretty easy fight, I mostly found Dragonkin pets with Tail Sweep and just proceeded to bash away. The first round they use Arcane Storm to change the weather and I just counter with Scorched Earth and Tail swept until the first enemy was down. The other pets tried to use things like Invisibility which is just too slow when they are taking huge chunks of damage each round. I feel this team is a touch easy but should be a good challenge for people with smaller pet teams to work on.
Last edited by Faelar on September 5th, 2014, 12:50 pm, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Faelar » August 26th, 2014, 9:08 pm

Besides the daily in our garrison, what other dailies have people found? I imagine there will be one for each zone but I've only run in to a couple of them. Chibimage you posted a few of them, you've found 4?

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Dakaf » August 27th, 2014, 12:53 pm

Man, i really need to play in the beta again. Haven't touched it since the week that I got my invite!
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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Dakender » August 27th, 2014, 4:29 pm

Faelar wrote:Besides the daily in our garrison, what other dailies have people found? I imagine there will be one for each zone but I've only run in to a couple of them. Chibimage you posted a few of them, you've found 4?

Ashlei: Shadowmoon Valley
Cymre Brightblade: Gorgrond
Gargra: Frostfire Ridge
Taralune: Talador
Tarr the Terrible: Nagrand
Vesharr: Spires of Arak

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Amnon » August 30th, 2014, 5:47 am

Up against Eleanor the ghost goat today. She's tearing me up so far. Opens with a 2 round charge ability called Death Bleat that kills anything, then follows up with Chomp, which is a basic damage enemy/heal self ability. Having a hard time out-damaging the heal, avoiding the Death Bleat, and making a lot of progress on her.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Faelar » August 30th, 2014, 1:10 pm

I posted the strat I used when I edited my post at the top of page 3, but I imagine anything with a dodge on round 2 will be the main thing to avoid that attack.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Jerebear » August 30th, 2014, 5:58 pm

For Eleanor, I used two pets (kept a third on reserve for crits RNG

Infected Squirrel with Creeping Fungus and Stampede and a S/S Zandalari Toenibbler with black claw, primal cry, and flank

R1: Creeping Fungus
R2: Stampede
R3: (undead round) Stampede continues
R4: Black Claw
R5: Flank
R6: Outlast Eleanor's Undead round.

Worked pretty well. The S/S is pretty important to get at least two flanks in (that's all I needed to kill her). The nice thing is the infected squirrel tanks the Dark Bleat, takes the Rot Debuff, and leaves a DoT plus Shattered Defenses up for the Toenibbler to mop up with. Ran this around 10 times and it was pretty consistent. Just need a third pet to come in incase the Toenibbler takes a crit and dies on the undead round.
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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Faelar » August 30th, 2014, 8:36 pm

Yeah looks like a much more stable pet team choice than what I had, I haven't had a chance to go in depth testing multiple team setups yet.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Chibimage » August 30th, 2014, 9:36 pm

I've got videos of them already - as many as I've been able to record the videos for. Did Eleanor today (Gazelle folks. Just 1 pet her with a (probably broken) Nature's Ward) but didn't get a chance to record it yet.

[url=]Murloc Harbor[/url]

But I've also been... grudgingly giving some feedback via the in-game suggestion feature. In all honesty I am dearly loving how easybreezy they have been.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Faelar » August 31st, 2014, 10:28 am

I'm kind of sad that I haven't run into too many pet people on the beta yet, most of the people I know via bnet have not been on the beta so I get to talk very little about the experience and what feedback to give blizz.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Jerebear » August 31st, 2014, 2:43 pm

Are you in the Beta guilds? they aren't super packed, but I usually run into 1-2 peeps every day at some point. Also, watch LeCraft on twitter for updates/info. He's the pet guy for WoW. I ask him stuff on and off and usually get replies.
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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Faelar » August 31st, 2014, 9:06 pm

Nah I've not joined any guilds, I was mostly just messing around on my own to get the feel of things.

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