Aki the Chosen

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Klaital » September 19th, 2014, 4:55 pm

Graven wrote:Ooh, you have a 2-pet team for Feasel? Mind sharing? Mine is less than optimal, requiring a 20+ carry pet and some RNG luck.

(sorry for hijacking your thread Ashlataar!)
What I use for Jeremy Feasel is Personal World Destroyer and Magical Crawdad (though really any pet with wish works)

Start with carry pet, do whatever, it just needs to survive the darkmoon curse which doesn't hit terribly hard, then switch to destroyer, earthquake, repair, earthquake, switch to crawdad, renewing mists, wish, switch to destroyer, earthquake, repair, earthquake, at this point only pet from feasel that should be left is the tonk, hit it with metal fist until the world destroyer dies, then switch to crawdad and do wish and then finish it off with your choice of snap or surge.

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Jerebear » September 19th, 2014, 7:07 pm

Mech AoE is really good vs Jeremy. I use Lil XT (not as common, but but another option):
Zap, Heartbroken, Tantrum, Zap until XT dies. Then I use little bling to finish off the tank (extra plating and usually 2-3 attacks), swap to the carry for the stun, swap to bling and kill the monkey in 1 attack (the AoE leaves him with around 500 HP).

I use to use a mech pand dragonling + bling as well with good success.

Jeremy is a bit trickier than most, but there are still quite a few good 2 pet teams against him.
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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Kpb321 » September 19th, 2014, 9:05 pm

Graven wrote:Ooh, you have a 2-pet team for Feasel? Mind sharing? Mine is less than optimal, requiring a 20+ carry pet and some RNG luck.

(sorry for hijacking your thread Ashlataar!)
I use the infinite whelpling + MPD listed at:

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Sibi » September 19th, 2014, 9:16 pm

I can carry two pets (although one is usually 17 or higher) through Aki using Anub Crush>Deflect>Sandstorm. Sandstorm the cricket take little to no damage. Deflect the dragon, sandstorm change the weather, crush...deflect if you must when the dragon gets crit buff. Deflect the submerge, sandstorm if you still have hp, crush til you die bring out your other pets. (I try to use a flyer for extra damage...takes some fine tuning.)

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Hootstwo » September 20th, 2014, 6:41 pm

Graven wrote:Ooh, you have a 2-pet team for Feasel? Mind sharing? Mine is less than optimal, requiring a 20+ carry pet and some RNG luck.

(sorry for hijacking your thread Ashlataar!)
If you've got the Blossoming Ancient, he can pretty much solo Feasel, so you can actually carry a level 1 pet through perfectly. I bring along a tonk just to obliterate the monkey more quickly, but the Ancient can actually solo.

Start with Photosynthesis, follow with Sunlight, then ironbark. Keep photosynthesis up and use sunlight on cooldown. This will chew all the way through the first two pets handily. As soon as the monkey comes in, send in your level 1 pet, it'll get stunned, bring in the tonk (or some other heavy hitter), and you're done. Pretty sweet deal actually.

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Ashlataar » September 21st, 2014, 7:21 am

Thanks for all the replies. I might try Stone Skin, but even so, it only takes about 4 hits from the Dragon's Tail Lash to kill the Idol, and even without Sandstorm my Crushes usually aren't enough to kill the dragon in time.

I played five matches today against Aki and finally managed to miss a Crush only once with the Idol, and thanks to a heavy crit of 900 damage, I destroyed the dragon. Idol died the next turn against Otter, but my Petrel sorted it out.

So it's possible, but at this rate it seems like a fairly low chance that Idol/Flying combination can defeat her.

As for other team types - I don't have half the pets that people have mentioned here, so it's not applicable to me :(

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Jerebear » September 21st, 2014, 9:11 am

Ashlataar wrote:Thanks for all the replies. I might try Stone Skin, but even so, it only takes about 4 hits from the Dragon's Tail Lash to kill the Idol, and even without Sandstorm my Crushes usually aren't enough to kill the dragon in time.
I used to solo Aki all the time with the idol. If you have stoneskin up and are getting killed in 4 hits, either some are crits or you are going into the Dragon without being a full health. Given that Crush misses, I usually went through 4-5 rounds on the dragon while stoneskin was up without dying. Remember you can stay with the cricket and regen your health to full. I normally popped stonesking on R1 of the cricket, swap to carry, swap to Idol, then Crush away (always making sure to have stoneskin refreshed the turn before I might kill the cricket because you don't want to have to refresh stoneskin at all while fighting the dragon).

The goal is to get to the dragon with stoneskin at 3-4 rounds left and full health. If you do those, then you should be able to last at least 5 rounds barring any crits.
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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Klaital » September 21st, 2014, 10:00 am

If you are going to the fight against the dragon at full health and stoneskin at 4 rounds left, and use deflection on the first round to avoid lightning storm, you need to miss crush three times for the idol to die before you kill the dragon, and it only takes three hits to kill the dragon, so you would need to be REALLY unlucky with rng for the idol to die before the dragon. I use Chi-Chi as my flying pet to back up in case the idol dies before the otter, and she can easily solo the otter from full health so its no issue even if the idol doesn't manage to solo it.

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Graven » September 22nd, 2014, 3:25 pm

Ashlataar wrote:So it's possible, but at this rate it seems like a fairly low chance that Idol/Flying combination can defeat her.
I don't mean to be rude, but you must be doing something wrong still. Read some of the detailed breakdowns people have posted; it's literally a guaranteed win. If you still think there is a "fairly low chance" of winning, then something is definitely wrong with your execution. :?

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Blytz » September 23rd, 2014, 1:49 am

As others have posted something seems amiss if you are having problems.

I start with Idol and stoneskin then reapply in time so I never take damage and have 3 charges for the dragon plus I'll be at 100% health. I don't deflect at all, just crush, so after 3 hits the dragon is dead and I'm at half health for the otter. Then it depends on your approach from there but as I kill off the Idol to swap in and then immediately out my carry pet, I tend to just crush. There have been times when i needed to pass a few rounds to kill off the idol............ After I've swapped out the carry pet I use a moth to whack the otter.

Idol is so powerful here and on the Burning Tamer that I have to deliberately be reckless to use the kill/swap technique. On occasions when I've been tired he's soloed the encounters.

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Echinacea » September 23rd, 2014, 4:49 pm

sand kitten S/S 1,2,1
anubisath idol H/H 1,2,1
imperial eagle chick S/S 1,1,2

its a breeze every time

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Jefra » September 24th, 2014, 5:45 pm

I never have any problems with this guy. What I use is an Idol with crush / sandstorm / deflection a level 1 carry pet and my pterrodox hatchling.

Idol starts off with sandstorm then I bring in the carry pet for 1 round and then finish off the cricket with the idol. Idol is always at full health for the next guy. For the next guy I use deflection on the lighting attack and then use sandstorm to change the weather. The idol is usually around 50% health depending on rng but I have never failed to kill the dragon with the idol and i have done the fight a lot. For the third guy do as much damage as you can with the idol before it dies then finish it off with the pterrodax hatchling. This is one of the easiest trainers to have a carry pet on so I always make sure to have a level 1 for this guy because he's just that easy.

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Zimmy910 » September 27th, 2014, 10:42 am

I start off with mr grubs and then as soon as the little dragon enters the field, switch to fell flame to take the damage of the first strike. First time I tried it, mr grubs got one shotted by it :p.
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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Maizing » September 27th, 2014, 1:04 pm

Ashlataar wrote:Hopefully I'm not reposting or anything - new to the forums here!

I'm having some trouble with Aki. I'm using Level 25 Anubisath Idol as everyone recommends, bringing it out first and dispatching the critter without much problem (usually have about 75% HP once it's dead).

When the dragon comes out I use Deflection to avoid the storm attack, and after that I start Crushing. The problem is, the dragon's attacks are so powerful that it only takes my Idol to miss once and the dragon kills me. I've played about 5 matches with Aki and had the same result, so I don't understand how people say they are soloing her with the Idol?

Does this happen to anyone else? Is there something I'm missing?
Ok, here is what I do...

Start with Sandstorm. If I have a pet to level, swap that in for one round, then back to the Idol.
Crushing Blow until the critter is dead (reapply Sandstorm as needed, sometimes passing a turn so Sandstorm is up when the dragonkin comes out).

When the dragonkin comes out, Deflect, then pop Sandstorm again. Crushing Blow until the dragon is dead.

When the otter comes out, I know that there is nothing I can do the first round as the otter Dives that round, so I usually just do Crushing Blow to get it over with. The round the otter surfaces, I Deflect, then use Sandstorm, followed by Crushing Blow. Repeat Crushing Blow until he Dives again, then Deflect, Sandstorm. Sometimes the otter kills the idol, sometimes the idol does the entire match solo. I have a flier in my third slot just in case the idol bites it.

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Voskres » September 29th, 2014, 8:38 am

Aki is one of my leveling Masters.

I use a fast version of Amethyst Hatchling spider first. Use brittle webbing, poison spit, leach life (BW, LL, PS, LL, repeat).

This should make you have completely or almost all full life at the end of the hopper's life. Stormlash will prob kill you in one blow, but the reason you bring the fast spider is you get a poison spit off before he kills you. If you happen to live more than a turn cast BW.

Idol can kill dragon quick just use main anti dragon ability. Do not use sandstorm yet.

Otter will come out and dive so you should pass then use deflector shield when he rises. Then you can sandstorm to hit him and continue using main crush ability.

When he gets below 600 HP, he is going to use his survival, so you can quick swap in a pet and immed swap out to avoid getting hit and letting a very low level get mass xp.

Just crush him down.

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Echinacea » September 29th, 2014, 8:53 am

ive been trying sandstorm instead of stoneskin the past few days and its actually easier

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Luciandk » September 29th, 2014, 8:56 am

Echinacea wrote:ive been trying sandstorm instead of stoneskin the past few days and its actually easier
I dont like Sandstorm on Anub when facing Aki the Chosen. Because you have much harder to outdamage the heals on the first pet, doubly so if you nail yourself with a miss. Stoneskin all the way.

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Digem » September 29th, 2014, 10:31 am

Luciandk wrote:
Echinacea wrote:ive been trying sandstorm instead of stoneskin the past few days and its actually easier
I dont like Sandstorm on Anub when facing Aki the Chosen. Because you have much harder to outdamage the heals on the first pet, doubly so if you nail yourself with a miss. Stoneskin all the way.

I use stone skin if the pet I am leveling is level 4 or above.
But this is the tamer fight I like to carry a level one in.
If I start with the level one the cricket kills it every time I just must have bad luck.
So instead I start with idol do sandstorm and switch in my carry pet then back to the idol.
Yes sometimes with misses it can take a bit to whittle it down but i always end this fight with the idol at full health.

In comes dragon do deflection the sandstorm again and the crush till dragon dead worst case scenerio idol is half life usually more.

Then comes otter deflect whenever it is about to resurface from dive.
Sandstorm is super effective so does big hit whenever up and crush till dead.
At worst case otter is half life usually dead or one life due to its dumb survive move.
Bring in flyer and dead.

This is bar none the easiest fight to carry a pet in. The one in the half hill area use to be almost as easy until the nerfed it and the sunflower actually attacks now before it never did.

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Re: Aki the Chosen

Post by Luciandk » September 29th, 2014, 12:05 pm

Hrm, I always open with my lvl 1 carry pet on Aki the Chosen. Virtually any lvl 1 pet, save undead, can survive the first hit of the bug. Then swapping to Anub and cleaning house.

Same for Courageous Yon. His first pet doesnt do enough damage to kill a lvl 1 in one hit.

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