Help me understand Breed number please

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Help me understand Breed number please

Post by Onska » December 5th, 2012, 12:17 am

I gather that breed number is very important but Im still confused about it. From what I gather a pet can be common, uncommon, or rare. In addition to that it can have a breed number that determines how stats are allocated. Some can be faster, some hit harder, some more health, and some more rounded. So how do I tell which one my pet is? Is it possible they would be none of those? Could I have a rare pet that has no extra boost? What are generally the most desirable? Please help.

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Re: Help me understand Breed number please

Post by Quintessence » December 5th, 2012, 3:03 am

There are many users here that are very knowledgeable about breeds and breed IDs, so hopefully they will provide you with detailed information, but in the meantime you can learn about breeds [url=]here[/url]!
Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog:

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Re: Help me understand Breed number please

Post by Darkke » December 5th, 2012, 11:12 am

Ok, I'm going to take a stab at the basics of Breed ID's.

Breed ID is basically a number representing the stat allocation. All wild pets* have a set of breed ID's that they can have, based on their specific type. The breed ID's are divided into two sets, that are exactly the same, EXCEPT that one set indicates male, and the other indicates female.

Male ID's are 3-12
Female ID's are 13-22

Some breed ID's are popular for their focus in one stat in particular. Sometimes folks will just refer to the male ID#, as opposed to the male and female #'s. There is no difference, stats wise. For example the breed ID 4 is known for having the highest attack at lvl 25. Breed ID 5 is the highest speed. These Id's are shown on the "Battle" tab for any pet listed on this site. You can see a relative comparison, shown by this graph on the right side of the Battle tab:

This is the graphical representation of the Breed ID 12/22

You also mentioned quality (as in poor, common, uncommon and rare). Think of the quality as a multiplier on the stats of the pet. The higher the quality of the pet, the better multiplier you get.

The stat allocation for the pet is determined by the Breed ID and the quality acts as a multiplier.

*Wild pets will (to my knowledge) have the same stats if they have the same breed ID and quality. However, pets obtained by other means are not consistent. For example, [pet]Lil' Ragnaros[/pet] has a higher attack than wild pets who share his Breed ID 4.

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Re: Help me understand Breed number please

Post by Darkke » December 5th, 2012, 11:26 am

To answer the second part of your question, "How can I tell which breed ID my pet has?" you can use this site as a tool.

1st. Look up the pet you want to check on this site, and go to their "battle info" tab

2nd. Input the quality of your pet (The drop down menu is right next to the dice)

3rd. Drag the sliding bar to the level of your pet

If the stats generated match the stats of your pet, that's the right breed ID. You can turn the level all the way up to 25 to see what stats your pet will have at that level.
If the stats don't match, arrow over on the little green graph and recheck until you find your breed ID.

This can also be used while you are battling a pet, if there is a specific breed ID you want.

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Re: Help me understand Breed number please

Post by Baner » December 5th, 2012, 11:33 am

Overall stats are modified by the pet and family, as well.

Some pets that are type 4 will have much higher atk than another type 4 pet.

You have the "base" pet (say, a rabbit). The breed then adds modifiers- 2 to one stat for a 4/5/6 pet, 0.9 to two stats for a 7/8/9, or 0.4 to two stats and 0.9 to one stat for a 10/11/12, 0.5 to each stat for a 3 pet.

Then the rarity acts as a multiplier on a per-level basis.

So if you want, say, a faster-than-average pet, you could either look for a "speed" breed of a pet, or you might be able to get the HP/power breed from a faster pet type.

As an example, I have a type 5 roach, and a type 5 golden beetle. The roach has 8.5/7/8.5 as starting stats, vs the beetle with 8/8.5/7.5 starting stats, giving the beetle less speed and a little less health in exchange for more attack.

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Re: Help me understand Breed number please

Post by Zaelo » December 5th, 2012, 3:36 pm

Thanks for all the info guys, very complete! :P

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Re: Help me understand Breed number please

Post by Onska » December 6th, 2012, 12:16 pm

Holy crap guys that really helped a lot. Can we make a stickied guide on this? Im sure im not the only one that didnt understand all that before.

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Re: Help me understand Breed number please

Post by Breanni » December 6th, 2012, 12:26 pm

We have this information permanently available as part of our Guide to Pet Battles:

Some of the info noted by other members above may help clarify what we already have in this guide. If so, please let us know what you found most useful and we'd be happy to add it and/or update this section of our guide. :-)

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Re: Help me understand Breed number please

Post by Zaelo » December 6th, 2012, 2:32 pm

Damn you guys!!

Now that I know how to check my breed IDs and fully realize the differences /potential of each Breed... I feel the need to release a bunch of my 25's and get myself different breeds of them and relevel them! I knew this would happen.. lol!

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Re: Help me understand Breed number please

Post by Darkke » December 6th, 2012, 2:38 pm

I hadn't actually looked at that guide before Breanni, and the information and graphics you have in there are the best guide I've seen so far! It is DEFINITELY worth reading/bookmarking if anybody has questions concerning the mechanics.

I really didn't answer your third question Onska, but this board has a lot of great ideas and strategies on pet battling, ability combos, and the pets that make the best use of these abilities. Some posts focus on battling pet trainers and using them to level, while others focus on the pvp side of things. It's not a bad place to just start exploring, figuring out strategies, experimenting, etc. The community here is very friendly and will often reply with feedback and suggestions. Good luck!

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