Guide to All 6 WOD Grand Masters and Pet Charm Dailys

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Guide to All 6 WOD Grand Masters and Pet Charm Dailys

Post by Elfuego » December 10th, 2014, 11:38 am

Hey guys, did a walkthrough of all the Warlords of Draenor Grand Masters, the pet teams to use, the strategies, flightpaths, and locations for all of the daily pet charms. All the strats use 2 teams and allow you to power level a pet off each. The pet can also be Swapped for the plushie to complete that part of the achievement!

All 6 WOD Grand Masters Video :

As always I look forward to reading your thoughts and the strats you guys used!

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Re: Guide to All 6 WOD Grand Masters and Pet Charm Dailys

Post by Jerebear » December 10th, 2014, 12:27 pm

Great video. I use a different strat on Gargra:

Pet Bombling (Batter, Minefield, Explode)
DM Tonk (Missle, Shock and Awe, Ion Cannon) - Can use Menagerie Custodian or Mechanical Yet in place of this...Just need a big 2 hit mechanical combo

Batter until first enemy dies
Explode to kill the second enemy
Select Carry pet
Immediately swap to Tonk
Shock and Awe
Ion Cannon
Takes 9-10 rounds, but all the pets are pretty easy to get.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: Guide to All 6 WOD Grand Masters and Pet Charm Dailys

Post by Finnelis » December 11th, 2014, 8:48 am

I don't mean to sound ungrateful as I appreciate the work and the intention, but video guides just suck and especially so as far as pet battles are concerned.

Information that can be held in 3 lines of text and that is therefore processed in a matter of seconds takes minutes to be delivered in video format making for a very inefficient and frustrating way to acquire informaiton.

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Re: Guide to All 6 WOD Grand Masters and Pet Charm Dailys

Post by Elfuego » December 11th, 2014, 4:17 pm

Finnelis wrote:I don't mean to sound ungrateful as I appreciate the work and the intention, but video guides just suck and especially so as far as pet battles are concerned.

Information that can be held in 3 lines of text and that is therefore processed in a matter of seconds takes minutes to be delivered in video format making for a very inefficient and frustrating way to acquire informaiton.
I don't take offense at all, some people can assimilate information just by reading. Others feel more comfortable by seeing it in motion. Most of my posts include both the lines of text and the video. I appreciate the feedback.


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Re: Guide to All 6 WOD Grand Masters and Pet Charm Dailys

Post by Rendigar » December 12th, 2014, 9:00 am

While I agree in some respects (after all, my guide will never have videos to go with it), there are many people who also need to SEE that something works and not just have some "expert" tell them it does. The one thing I *do* like about videos, especially for strategies that DON'T work, is it makes it easier to know WHY the strat fails when I'm testing it. I've seen a number of videos where the fights go beautifully, but that is because the enemy pet never gets a 3-hit flurry, or the friendly pet always rolls a high hit, etc.

Some people can run a strat a dozen times and swear by it, yet it still doesn't work when I test it 5 out of 6 times. It's all about that evil RNG - and while almost no strat is safe from enemy crits (especially on big hit abilities), many don't compensate for the RNG intrinsic in things like high/low and multi-hit abilities in the commentary/description.

All I can say is if you are doing a guide/video don't just use your results to justify belief in a strat (other than ignoring crits on fights where the enemy doesn't have a crit buff). Look at your and the enemy abilities and see if there is something like a damage range or multi-hit ability involved. Channel a little Jerebear and do a little number crunching on it, and if you would have died if they did a high hit or gotten that 3rd quill in your face, or the enemy would have survived if you didn't always get the 3rd flurry hit each time, make a note of it.

Because when something is 50/50 that's not good odds when you have dozens of people trying out your strategy.

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Re: Guide to All 6 WOD Grand Masters and Pet Charm Dailys

Post by Awq » December 12th, 2014, 4:29 pm

Great video. I use a different strat on Gargra:
I use my Waterfly to solo Gargra.

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Re: Guide to All 6 WOD Grand Masters and Pet Charm Dailys

Post by Topaz » December 13th, 2014, 4:39 am

Awq wrote:
Great video. I use a different strat on Gargra:
I use my Waterfly to solo Gargra.
chi-chi can also solo her quite easily

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Re: Guide to All 6 WOD Grand Masters and Pet Charm Dailys

Post by Echinacea » December 15th, 2014, 9:51 am

Finnelis wrote:I don't mean to sound ungrateful as I appreciate the work and the intention, but video guides just suck and especially so as far as pet battles are concerned.

Information that can be held in 3 lines of text and that is therefore processed in a matter of seconds takes minutes to be delivered in video format making for a very inefficient and frustrating way to acquire informaiton.

i never watch video guides because its much easier to alt+tab over to a webpage than to either remember everything in a video or stop/start it a lot

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Re: Guide to All 6 WOD Grand Masters and Pet Charm Dailys

Post by Jerebear » December 15th, 2014, 10:07 am

I'll counter that thought though and say that for me (and I assume some others), video guides work better than text guides. I have a lot of difficulty reading things and getting what I need out of it. If I can see what is going on, however, then I more quickly understand. I'm a more visual learner though and not everyone is the same.

One other nice thing about video guides is that they help understand some complex strategies better. What you'll find here often is someone posts a team and moveset to kill battle X. Someone else comes along and says "I can't get that to work". A lot of times it is simply because someone didn't read the strat thoroughly and are either doing the moves in the wrong order, using a different breed pet, or the wrong pet altogether. A video is a great way to verify that kind of stuff (well maybe not the breed unless the video displays that...but the moveset primarily). The video doesn't 100% verify the team will work or that it is solid, but it does provide a means to look into the strat and see "why" it worked. Did the opposing team miss an attack? Did the attacking team crit a few times? Did the attacking team get all 3 flank hits each time? All of that and more are a means to understand the team. It's a great way to get a person thinking about the "why" and "how" a team works so if they don't have a pet mentioned, they might better understand how to try to substitute and at the same time understand the impacts and risks of that substitution. Sometimes (not always) that type of information is difficult to type out in a meaningful and understandable way. Videos go a long way for some in helping bridge that gap.

I think there is good room for both videos and typed out strats (even combinations of both) and that they service a diverse pet battling community. Having just one or the other might leave some out in the cold. I think there is room for both types of guides to coexist.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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