Addon Rematch

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Maizing » March 18th, 2014, 10:58 pm

Gello wrote:
some people want the reverse of what I want in this regard. Just another example of how each pet battler has different needs.

Would a queue sort do what you wanted? Sort the queue by descending level (and keep in mind level will be partials also: level 23 with 1400/1920 xp will be level 23.73 and a level 23 with 0/1920 will be 23.00 for sorting purposes). So the pets closest to 25 are at the top. As they hit 25 they leave the queue.
Yes, I think it would... at least for that part of what I want.

...and my needs have changed. I now have no pets under level 24.

So what would suit me best at this time, is some way to reserve critters for the Pandaren Earth Spirit, then sort my pet leveling queue so those which need the least xp to level are at the top of the queue when I go against the Outlands tamers and at the bottom of the queue when I go against the tamers in Pandaria. Of course, once I have only critters left to level, they will just go into the main queue for all tamers.

I am currently going through my pet list manually and removing/adding the pets to the queue as I find ones that look to me like what I want for a particular tamer. The main pet journal entry only seems to have options to add to the queue (either at the top or bottom of the list) and to remove pets from the queue. I tried going through the button for the leveling slot on the rematch panel itself, but that was just too frustrating. It is one thing to send the top pet to the end of the list, and quite another to sort through each pet in the queue, looking for that one pet I want to level next. It has been awhile since I last updated the add on though.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » March 28th, 2014, 8:29 pm

Gello, I can't post this on wowinterface, but one of the people posting in your comments section has a signature that is occasionally throwing up a virus alert from Avast. It's not every day so I assume the signature loads different images each day. I couldn't find a way to report it on the wowinterface site.

The signature in question comes up as: http // (I added a space after http and took out the colon so it wouldn't show up as a link). If you search the page source it comes right after the post from nickyjean, so I am guessing that user's sig, but I am not able to physically see the signature to verify that.

Avast lists it as "JS:ScriptIP-inf [Trj]"
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » March 28th, 2014, 9:57 pm

I'll have the wowinterface folks look into it, thanks!

edit: Dolby over at wowinterface has already looked into it. It looks like a false positive but he's censored the domain that was probably causing the alert. Let me know if it pops up again.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » March 29th, 2014, 8:50 am

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » May 24th, 2014, 1:27 pm


I really like all the new additions to Rematch. The upgrades to the journal are very awesome...especially being able to search by stats. Some questions:

1. Any thoughts on normalizing the search patterns? Right now you do stats as "speed>=300" vs level searches as "=24". Any thoughts on changing the level searching to "level=23" style like the stats and adding ranges to the stats. Examples:


2. Any thoughts on having multiple search criteria? You can have them comma separated:

or if mixing text and stat searches is hard out of the box: speed>325,health>1400,text=bleed

3. I know you have covered this before, but with PetJournalEnhanced no longer being supported/updated, any thoughts on expanding the sort/filter options in the menu? I know you don't want to bloat up Rematch, but maybe a plugin that can be added on top of rematch for those who don't mind the memory an optional extra feature?

Excellent job on this addon. Definitely my favorite.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » May 24th, 2014, 4:46 pm

1. Any thoughts on normalizing the search patterns? Right now you do stats as "speed>=300" vs level searches as "=24". Any thoughts on changing the level searching to "level=23" style like the stats and adding ranges to the stats. Examples:

Yeah it will make sense to make it standard. I'll definitely put this on the short list.

Hopefully the expanded help plates (may not be next update, but one after) will help explain what can be typed into search.

edit: btw it's funny but I never considered speed=300-357. I wanted to do ranges but figured the "range operator" 300-357 was already taken up by level ranges. So thanks!
2. Any thoughts on having multiple search criteria? You can have them comma separated:

or if mixing text and stat searches is hard out of the box: speed>325,health>1400,text=bleed
That's doable with the standardized style. Probably "speed>325 health>1400 bleed" or "speed>325 bleed health>1400" would be more intuitive. I can lift out the matching stat/level strings easily and use the rest as search text. "bleed health>1400 speed>325" would be the same as "health>1400 bleed speed>325".

Doing potentially all three stats at once is doable but will require a little extra but I'll mark it on the todo list.
3. I know you have covered this before, but with PetJournalEnhanced no longer being supported/updated, any thoughts on expanding the sort/filter options in the menu? I know you don't want to bloat up Rematch, but maybe a plugin that can be added on top of rematch for those who don't mind the memory an optional extra feature?
Doh I didn't hear it was no longer being supported. That's unfortunate.

Yeah absolutely. Being able to do an arbitrary sort is a major goal still I've been putting off. But I saw someone looking for 'tradable pets' and 'pets you have multiple of' somewhere (official forums?). Those type of filters would be trivial to add with a few lines. I'll fire up PJE this weekend and see what other filters look handy. Let me know of any you feel really useful too.

Also while I'm here, earlier in this thread there was a discussion about saving alternate teams for targets. A post on curse has sparked an interesting concept: individual understudy pets. You drag a pet to a slot on another pet's card and that pet you dropped is now an understudy for the pet you're looking at. An icon will show on the card showing the understudy pet if it has one. When it goes to load a team, it will load the understudy if the primary pet is dead. There's an issue with saving abilities but this can probably be worked out. Would that be an acceptable alternative to alternate teams? I like this because it'd require no extra team management or teams saved to a team. Or is the need for an alternate team greater than the need for alternate individual pets? This may want for the team organization anyway. It's past time to get working on that.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » May 24th, 2014, 6:18 pm

Gello wrote: Doh I didn't hear it was no longer being supported. That's unfortunate.

Yeah absolutely. Being able to do an arbitrary sort is a major goal still I've been putting off. But I saw someone looking for 'tradable pets' and 'pets you have multiple of' somewhere (official forums?). Those type of filters would be trivial to add with a few lines. I'll fire up PJE this weekend and see what other filters look handy. Let me know of any you feel really useful too.
Well, I am mostly speculating. There wasn't an announcement that it ended, but it hasn't been updated since November and doesn't work with some of the new pets. In addition, some of the tickets on the project site haven't even been reviewed by the author. Perhaps the author could be on an extended hiatus.
Gello wrote: Also while I'm here, earlier in this thread there was a discussion about saving alternate teams for targets. A post on curse has sparked an interesting concept: individual understudy pets. You drag a pet to a slot on another pet's card and that pet you dropped is now an understudy for the pet you're looking at. An icon will show on the card showing the understudy pet if it has one. When it goes to load a team, it will load the understudy if the primary pet is dead. There's an issue with saving abilities but this can probably be worked out. Would that be an acceptable alternative to alternate teams? I like this because it'd require no extra team management or teams saved to a team. Or is the need for an alternate team greater than the need for alternate individual pets? This may want for the team organization anyway. It's past time to get working on that.
Kinda torn on this. Both methods have their use:

Understudies are really handy on teams where RNG can screw you in the Celestial Tournament. Take my Xu-Fu strat. I use a Fox to get Dazzling Dance and Howl up for my spiders. IF Xu-fu crit kills the fox early, I would leave the battle and drop in a new Fox. This is a great place where the understudy option would definitely shine. I whole heartily support that type of option.

That said, normally, if I am swapping out a completely different pet for one that is dead, I am swapping out at least another pet in my team. Unless the pet I am swapping in has a similar moveset, chances are I am using a different strategy. Take the Thundering spirit for example. My primary team is the Snail + Darkmoon Zepp. If I mess up and the snail dies, I would swap in a speed>300 rabbit. However, it won't work well with the Zepp because the strategy completely changes with a rabbit, so I'll also swap the Zepp with a Senjin Fetish to pair with my bunny.

That said, I have come accustomed to planning out my "healing" as I fly from trainer to trainer so lacking an option to swap in an alternate team isn't usually an issue. I also don't use the "on mouseover" option either, so changing to an alternate team isn't horrible for me. I could imagine "on mouseover" users suffer more from manual team change than I do.

For me personally, alternate teams come up more than understudies. However, I am just one person. I could definitely imagine an understudy system would be great for a lot of new players.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » May 24th, 2014, 9:18 pm

Maybe both is an option. I'll put the understudy idea in the team UI overhaul category.

Speaking of which, I'd like to reduce the amount of UI this addon puts in the user's face. The number of scrollable lists and buttons on screen at once is getting kinda overwhelming to look at. Is there any opposition from anyone to having teams and browser taking up the same space? There'd be two tabs at the top of a common window: Pets and Teams. The teams list will need a lot more room to have groups. The leveling queue will need to be separate so you can drag pets from the browser to the queue.

The level=24 speed=250-350 bit should be in next update. The 2.4.2 version posted tonight was stuff I'd been working on over the past week.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » May 24th, 2014, 9:55 pm

I personally don't have any issues with having them share the same space as long as:

1. I can still drag pets from the browser to the current team (I don't want to have to use the ingame default journal to drag pets into Rematch teams).

2. There is no auto switching to the teams tab if I target an auto loading NPC. Since I manually change teams sometimes, if the tabs auto swapped, it would get annoying trying to do that. I know you didn't mention doing that, but just wanted to toss it out there as something to avoid.

That said, so far I haven't felt like the current UI is too busy. I keep it in small window mode, so that may be why it doesn't bother me. Perhaps some others will provide feedback on it.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » May 26th, 2014, 5:50 pm

1. Yeah now that every major component is in place there will never be a need to have the default journal up to do anything in Rematch. I'll assume it can be up since more people are familiar with it. But it will never be necessary.

2. There wouldn't be but that's noted!

Your search suggestions worked out great I think. It's in 2.4.3 posted to wowinterface and curse (curse one will take a few hours to approve). I like the internal code much better too. Much cleaner to treat level as just another stat.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » May 26th, 2014, 6:41 pm

I'll check it out tonight.

BTW, is there an option to not have the rematch window disappear when I enter combat? I leave it up in my bottom right corner normally, but when I enter combat it disappears so I have to reload it. I think I remember there being an option for that, but for some reason I can't find it.

EDIT: though it looks like the revision notes for this new version might cover my issue's like you are reading my mind!

EDIT2: Looks like the window now comes back up after combat ends with the new build. So nevermind about that. I did notice that the option to not show pets that don't battle doesn't appear to work. Checking it and applying doesn't remove the balloons, etc. I tried doing a search and cancelling it and the balloons remain. Not a big deal though.

Aside from that, I like the new changes!
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Kring » May 27th, 2014, 12:20 am

I just want to mention that I finally got the newest version (didn't know there was one) and the queue sorting was exactly the thing I was looking for. Thanks!

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » May 27th, 2014, 8:40 am

Really liking the changes as I play with them.

Minor bug:
Remember way back when when I reported how the Text anchor at the top of the Rematch window wasn't dragging properly (collision detection)? You fixed it great. I just noticed today however, that when in the options menus, the collision detection fix doesn't work anymore. You might check it out. I don't know if it applies under any other conditions. Just noticed it under the options menu.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gimdolian » June 6th, 2014, 10:01 pm

I heard about this addon from a guildee and decided to give it a try. I was immediately impressed with the interface and the ease of use, also loved the Queue function. Set myself up a queue of about 16 pets to level and started leveling. First pet made level 25 and next one slides in great, 2nd pet made level 25 and third one slid into place, but I went to start a pet battle and interface said "Failed to create Pet Battle". I exited game, came back in, thought that may help, again same issue, went into Rematch and selected a team, started a pet battle and my leveling team came in, finished the battle and said my pet made level 8, but no experience took. Went to do next battle and again, "Failed to create pet battle"

I have deactivated the addon and am able to pet battle again with ease. This all took place within 2 hours of time irl and in game. Was on a pet leveling kick. Just some info for Gello. First pet I leveled was level 21 to start, second was level 19 to start and third was level 6. Was on TI battling to level, if any of that helps.



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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » June 7th, 2014, 6:31 am

Thanks for the report Gim. Has anyone else experienced a "Failed to create a pet battle" that persisted until disabling the addon?

And to Gim a few questions if you remember:
- Do you remember any funkiness about the pets loading prior to getting that error. Like any of them greyed out or any not loading?
- After your pet hit level 8 and you went to a next battle, do you recall if you had a different team saved for the next battle?
- Was "Auto load on target" enabled?
- Was "On mouseover too" enabled too (if auto load was)?

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gimdolian » June 7th, 2014, 5:23 pm


Auto load on target may have been selected I don't remember, I know mouseover was not selected. Don't remember anything going wrong when I was using it, none were greyed out, but I do remember having an issue, so I chose a team I had imported from PBT and then went into a pet battle and my leveling team still there, came out of the battle and their status was same as when I went in for levels and health and the screen had said I had leveled a pet already level 25 to level 8. My pet leveling team is Xu Fu and Clockwork Gnome with whatever pet I am leveling.

Hope this answers your questions.


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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » June 8th, 2014, 1:34 pm

Gello, question:

When sorting the queue is the intent for the queue to auto update as pet level's change? As an example, as a test, I set the queue to sort ascending. When the pet I had currently at the top of the queue levelled higher than the next pet in the queue, my gut feeling was that the queue would swap out the pets and put my previous queue pet in the appropriate place in the queue while the new queue pet would get loaded into my teams. However, it just kept the pet at the top of the queue even thought it was now higher level than the second pet in my queue. That make sense?

I chatted with Gimdolian last night in game and checked a couple of simple things:

1. I checked to see if Gim had two of the same carry pet, hoping the issue was that a lower level pet was interfering with the higher level one for some weird reason and causing the auto load to fail and mess up the battle starting. Kind of a stretch, but was just thinking off the cuff. However, Gim only had one version of the carry pet in question.

2. I checked to see if Gim had accidentally created a saved team to the wild pets on Timeless Isle (Gim was using Rematch there to level against the wild pet battles). My hope here was that Gim was clicking on them and Rematch couldn't load the teams fast enough and some race condition was causing the error. However, Gim did not have any teams named Skywisp Moth, Ashwing Moth, or Flamewing Moth, which are the typical wild pets that spawn out there, so nothing there.

I realize those two ideas were a stretch, but was just trying to think outside the box.

My other thought is maybe another addon is incompatible with Rematch now and Gim has it installed perhaps? I went around with version 2.4.7 levelling pets and was unable to break pet battles in any way. I levelled 6 pets with no issues.

Also, thanks for fixing the collision detection but on the options pane. I know it is a minor thing, so I do thank you for taking the time when you are definitely busy with other parts of the addon.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » June 8th, 2014, 2:57 pm

When sorting the queue is the intent for the queue to auto update as pet level's change? As an example, as a test, I set the queue to sort ascending. When the pet I had currently at the top of the queue levelled higher than the next pet in the queue, my gut feeling was that the queue would swap out the pets and put my previous queue pet in the appropriate place in the queue while the new queue pet would get loaded into my teams. However, it just kept the pet at the top of the queue even thought it was now higher level than the second pet in my queue. That make sense?
Oops. It's supposed to sort the queue as pets gain levels (but still keep the current leveling pet unless auto rotate is enabled). I'll check on this tonight. Will be an easy fix if it's not doing it for the cause I suspect. I'm waiting for the deDE (German) localization to get done so I may hold off posting a day or two to minimize the number of updates.
I chatted with Gimdolian last night in game and checked a couple of simple things:

1. I checked to see if Gim had two of the same carry pet, hoping the issue was that a lower level pet was interfering with the higher level one for some weird reason and causing the auto load to fail and mess up the battle starting. Kind of a stretch, but was just thinking off the cuff. However, Gim only had one version of the carry pet in question.

2. I checked to see if Gim had accidentally created a saved team to the wild pets on Timeless Isle (Gim was using Rematch there to level against the wild pet battles). My hope here was that Gim was clicking on them and Rematch couldn't load the teams fast enough and some race condition was causing the error. However, Gim did not have any teams named Skywisp Moth, Ashwing Moth, or Flamewing Moth, which are the typical wild pets that spawn out there, so nothing there.

I realize those two ideas were a stretch, but was just trying to think outside the box.
Wow you went above and beyond, thanks! Those were precisely areas I would've checked.

The followup answered another question I had to confirm whether teams were able to load okay after he started getting the error, which it sounds like they were.

Did you guys have it enabled again and try it out? Was it still having the problem?
My other thought is maybe another addon is incompatible with Rematch now and Gim has it installed perhaps? I went around with version 2.4.7 levelling pets and was unable to break pet battles in any way. I levelled 6 pets with no issues.
It's a head scratcher. If another addon had conflicts I expect the load process to fail more than the battle itself. Searching google for the error led to many threads about trial accounts, which I know wasn't an issue here since he was leveling multiple pets to 25 in a short period of time so he's been pet battling for a while.

I'm going to do more research.
Also, thanks for fixing the collision detection but on the options pane. I know it is a minor thing, so I do thank you for taking the time when you are definitely busy with other parts of the addon.
No problem at all and I appreciate you pointing it out. Details matter a lot.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » June 8th, 2014, 7:13 pm

Gello wrote: Oops. It's supposed to sort the queue as pets gain levels (but still keep the current leveling pet unless auto rotate is enabled). I'll check on this tonight. Will be an easy fix if it's not doing it for the cause I suspect. I'm waiting for the deDE (German) localization to get done so I may hold off posting a day or two to minimize the number of updates.
I didn't have any options checked (but couldn't find an auto rotate). What I am looking for is for the current levelling pet to swap as it levels. That way, if I set it to median, I am guaranteed to always have the pet closest to 10.5 and as each pet levels, it moves down the queue and a new "current" levelling pet gets chosen. Is that a doable thing in the current version? It might not be a bug so much as me not doing it right in the settings.
Gello wrote: The followup answered another question I had to confirm whether teams were able to load okay after he started getting the error, which it sounds like they were.
I don't know if Gim was able to when the addon first messed up or not off hand.
Gello wrote: Did you guys have it enabled again and try it out? Was it still having the problem?
As far as I know from convos with Gim, the addon is enabled and acting ok now.

Hopefully Gim will see these responses and give ya an update!
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » June 8th, 2014, 7:16 pm

Gello wrote:
When sorting the queue is the intent for the queue to auto update as pet level's change? As an example, as a test, I set the queue to sort ascending. When the pet I had currently at the top of the queue levelled higher than the next pet in the queue, my gut feeling was that the queue would swap out the pets and put my previous queue pet in the appropriate place in the queue while the new queue pet would get loaded into my teams. However, it just kept the pet at the top of the queue even thought it was now higher level than the second pet in my queue. That make sense?
Oops. It's supposed to sort the queue as pets gain levels (but still keep the current leveling pet unless auto rotate is enabled). I'll check on this tonight. Will be an easy fix if it's not doing it for the cause I suspect. I'm waiting for the deDE (German) localization to get done so I may hold off posting a day or two to minimize the number of updates.
Actually testing this seems to behave as expected.

After rereading your post, maybe the behavior you're expecting is the Auto Rotate button to the right of the sorts?

There's three sorts: Ascending, Descending and Median.
To the right of that is a standalone button: Auto Rotate.

If Auto Rotate is not enabled, whatever leveling pet is loaded will remain loaded until it can no longer level or you pick a new leveling pet. You can double-click a pet in the queue to change to a new pet without changing the order. Or you can drag a pet from the queue to the leveling slot. You can drag a pet deeper in the queue to the top of the queue and it will also make it the current leveling pet.

The idea is to make any pet in the queue able to be a leveling pet without changing the queue order. For instance if you've got an order set up and have a sudden need for another pet with Explode, you can double-click a pet deeper in the queue and level it out of order without needing to mess with the queue.

However, if Auto Rotate is enabled, after a pet gain xp, the leveling pet will change to the top-most pet in the queue for Ascending and Median sorts, and to the next pet in Descending and Unsorted sorts (the top-most pet would never change in descending/unsorted order as the leveling pet gains xp).

If that doesn't answer the question or there's still an issue let me know.

After playing around with it a bit more, I think I may make turning on Auto Rotate immediately swap to the top-most pet for any sort order (including unsorted).

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