Just curious

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Joined:August 1st, 2013
Pet Score:13864
Re: Just curious

Post by Digem » April 3rd, 2014, 11:18 am

Kendrah wrote:
Skavenged wrote:Actually, Digem, I did go 40-0 (43-0 to be exact, since I finally ran into someone in week 5 that changed comps to beat me). I used a Valk/DAH/Rabbit team. Like I said in my original post, no one was changing their comp to face me.
There's a reason why that team is so strong. It has really nothing to do with you nor others, to be honest. It's just the nature of that team. That's why everyone calls Valk/DAH teams OPed -- OPed enough that the third pet hardly matters. If no one is changing their comp, perhaps its because you're one of the few in your battle group that are using that team. You do ten games a week, right? You can win rather fast with that team so why would anyone change their comp up if you're doing PVP for maybe an hour each week? I know I don't. I find people who use that combo to be boring (sense it's so rote now it's boring.) I just grin and bare it, then move on to more interesting teams.

Instead of complaining, why not change up your team if it bothers you enough to make a thread on it? :roll:

I wasn't going to be as blunt as this poster is but I am thinking the same thing .
I have seen many person upset that they won't get the direhorn pet because they either don't have the stomach for or feel they are so bad at pvp battling.
You come on here and post complaining you won 40 matches in a row( I know thanks 43).
Way to make some people to feel great and then say the opponents so bad RNG played no roll against you.
I would be praising the heavens for 43 matches that RNG played no role.
I will give you 2 examples that happened to me yesterday.
Every day I battle till I at least get 10 wins(stupid 5000 achievement ) and yesterday did my usual 10-4 run with 2 losses coming like this.
Was using my valk,adder,flayer team for one of my classic RNG adventures.
Was up against an idol,crawdad, frog team.
Flayer took out crawdad and most of frog.
Adder finished up frog was about 2/3rds life left blinded idol brought in valk.
Idol did sandstorm missed on doom.
Missed on haunt second haunt hit him valk still at more than half heal.
Brought in adder blinded idol.
Idol did sandstorm still did damage to my adder even though blinded.
Hit his shield thought it was coming so only did poison bite missed.
Did poison bite again missed he hits me with demolish adder almost dead and somehow he hit thru sandstorm.
Ticks of haunt end but my valk doesn't come back to life tried poison bite again miss he hits with demolish adder dead I lose.

Second time running my darkness team against same team this time took out idol and frog all they have left is crawdad and I have my ss crow left at full health.
It is already darkness cast by one of my other pets do nocturnal strike miss crawdad surges and critically hits me.
Do alpha strike again miss they did surge so I don't get second hit chance and surge crits me again now lose flying speed boost.
Do darkness barely hurts them they do wish .
Do alpha again I miss surge hit me again though .
Now wish hits them full health nocturnal strike hits this time now they about half life.
They surge again and crit I die.

These are but a few of the RNG fun I have.
Be thankful you had such a good run.

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