Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Cerwin » July 30th, 2014, 7:49 am

On the level 100 realm, you can boost your garrison to level 3, the Menagerie shows up with a quest. The normal leveling realm garrisons are currently bugged and stuck at level one.

Pets Versus Pests

This is the quest to 'open' that up. I tested this both Alliance and Horde side, seems identical to quest and pets. Remember, being Beta ANY of this is still subject to change.

At your Menagerie, there is also a pet battle ring. So far, it looks like one set of pets shows up each day, and these were the same across all my characters, so that may be set - with set teams. Not completed that yet so I don't know if it's a daily account wide or not. I suspect the charms you buy purple stones with are earned there, the vendor is right there. So far the purple stones tooltip says they will increase pet level by one. Not sure if that's to a max 25, or it gives the ability to break the level cap to 26.

As for Pets Vs. Pests, these seem to randomly spawn between level 23 - 25. These are all 'bosses" so they have the standard boss 'cheats', reduced damage, etc.

Gorefu (23) - Aquatic - 1987 Health 526 Attack 254 Speed
Gorefu(24) - Aquatic - 2070 Health 549 Attack 266 Speed
Gorefu(25) - Aquatic - 2153 Health 572 Attack 277 Speed
Abilities: Deep Bite/Mudslide/Feed

Carrotus Maximus (23) - Elemental - 1864 Health - 569 Attack - 267 Speed
Carrotus Maximus (24) - Elemental - 1864 Health - 594 Attack - 279 Speed
Carrotus Maximus(25) - Elemental - 1938 Health - 619 Attack - 291 Speed
Abilities: Iron Bark/Aged Yolk/Leech Seed

Gnawface (23) - Critter - 1790 Health 569 Attack 285 Speed
Gnawface (24) - Critter - 1864 Health 594 Attack 297 Speed
Gnawface(25) - Critter - 1938 Health 619 Attack 309 Speed
Abilities: Sneaky Bite/Crouch/Call Darkness

Today's pet battle ring for me was two humanoids.

Kromli - Humanoid - 2678 health 394 Attack 281 Speed
Comeback/Rupture/Dreadful Breath

Gromli - Humanoid - 2350 Health 413 Attack 272 Speed

I've seen at least two other teams but didn't capture the information. One was a double boar team, one was a triple magic team.

Posting this here in case anyone wants a heads up to possible team combinations to do battle based on abilities.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Speew » July 30th, 2014, 12:49 pm

IMO, the first 3 pets might scare away those that are just starting. Gnawface requires a shattered defences team to kill. His crouch ability stacks additively with the boss buff giving him 100% reduction for 3 rounds on a 4 round cd. I'm thinking that might get changed. The other pets are also much easier if you have the right teams for them.

Also of note, the boss buff has been changed from "Elite" to "Boss", "Reduces all damage taken by 50%. Boss pets cannot be dealt more than 35% of their maximum health in one attack."

Previous daily teams have included



Here is a list of what are likely candidates for dailies, (sorry for the formatting) wod . wowhead . com/petspecies?filter=cr=4:11:9;crs=6:2:1;crv=0:0:0#petspecies

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Kpb321 » July 30th, 2014, 1:22 pm

They've already tweeted that it will be changed to comeback instead of crouch but even so I didn't find him all that difficult. Granted I did know a head of time about the boss/crouch combo and used a raptor against him to counter that.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Dakender » July 30th, 2014, 5:44 pm

I'm not really sure what lvl garrison I have.. Pretty sure it's lvl 3 :) It has a number 3 on it but is flashing with the green glow and an up arrow that says "UPGRADE", and I do have all the dailies and have been doing them, Menagerie is lvl 2.

Anyway.... I'm not sure I'm what you would call a theroycrafter, but I do keep trying over and over till I find a team that will do the job..

Also, I know this is beta and they want us to test the quests and leveling and all..... BUT, I am using it to test BATTLE PETS :) hhehehe, so I said to heck with the leveling crap and went over to the realm "Level 100 Pve". You don't have to level. Instant lvl 3 garrison, and all the plans you need. I got my Menagerie up to lvl 2 within the first 30 min. This is also where both guilds are, both Horde and Alliance side. I am testing both and doing dailies on both factions to see if there is a difference. Just a thought :) If you don't want to waste time leveling and jump right into the fire, come on over, join the guild and we can talk about things................

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Papazol » July 30th, 2014, 6:36 pm

Got today garrison for lvl 3 and found this quest for defeating 3 legendary pets. It is a little dump, cose you can heal between fights, so you just need 2 suicide pets like h/h [pet]minfernal[/pet] and someone to finish it. Also they change lvl after you log, so you may defeat them all on 23 lvl.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Cerwin » July 30th, 2014, 8:09 pm

Got my menagerie unlocked.

FINALLY got through the two humanoids today with an unborn valk, then a crow and trisfall batling dark combo. That's a daily.

Got 4 purple beast stones as a reward. Well, they don't give you a purple pet >,<, it would add a level I suppose - can't be used on a 25, so that answers that question. I guess it's ok, but not something I really need at all. I guess I was expecting something more from a purple stone. Also got something called a Mark of Pet Mastery that is called a quest item and I can't find in any currency list, currently nothing seems to be on the vendor that uses it as a currency.

The only visual difference between a level one and 2 menagerie seems to be a few pets on display - some tameable.

As to the original quest, I found the rat the hardest. Carrotus gave me fits until I threw 3 frogs at him :P with kiss.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Quintessence » July 30th, 2014, 8:19 pm

In regards to the quest that finishes building the menagerie: I'm not sure it will stick. Compared to all the other plot quests, battling the 3 legendaries is an unnaturally steep requirement. Especially for those that don't really pet battle at all. The other profession quests can be completed by those who aren't super proficient in said profession, yet the menagerie requires in-depth knowledge of battling and a semi-large/varied selection of pets to complete.

If they leave it as is, those that don't battle will have an incomplete garrison forever, or until they take a more active part in pet battles. Just seems a little forced upon people and doesn't really make sense if it's supposed to be "play how you want".

Cerwin wrote:The only visual difference between a level one and 2 menagerie seems to be a few pets on display - some tameable.
The tameable pets in your garrison is a bug. Wild pets on your favorites list will show up with a paw print above their heads, and you can attack them with player spells/abilities like any wild pet out in the world. You can't actually capture them, though. Technically they're already yours. :)
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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Cerwin » July 30th, 2014, 9:38 pm

Yeah, they have a paw, but aren't tameable, wondered if that was a bug.

It would be a lot faster way for someone to try to complete their collection if they were tameable, they are random - but I could invite someone to my garrison and let them tame away :P

The opening quest is tough, but I'm wondering what the menagerie is actually for if you have a pretty complete collection already. If nothing else comes out of it - like say maybe some unique pets only earned that way, I don't think I'd bother.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Betelgeux » July 31st, 2014, 5:28 am

My collection just arrived on beta on a pre-made character.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Quaras » July 31st, 2014, 7:36 am

I finished the Menagerie quest. The legendaries were definitely not cake walks. The daily was 3 mechanicals with roboflauge which marked them as critters. It was tough until I tried 2gilnean ravens and a dragon for clean up. It awarded 4 beast battle stones which granted one level each.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Jerebear » August 1st, 2014, 7:23 am

I wasn't able to get the daily a second time. Is this normal for others? I did it the day before yesterday, but yesterday, no daily available. I could still fight the pets (the robotic ones that take damage like critters), but just no quest. I'll check again later today to see if I still can't.

I've already done the quest with the 3 boss pets, so I don't think that is it.
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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Quintessence » August 1st, 2014, 8:41 am

Jerebear wrote:I wasn't able to get the daily a second time. Is this normal for others? I did it the day before yesterday, but yesterday, no daily available. I could still fight the pets (the robotic ones that take damage like critters), but just no quest. I'll check again later today to see if I still can't.

I've already done the quest with the 3 boss pets, so I don't think that is it.
I think that's happening for everyone. The timezone on the beta is a little odd, and there might be some issue with dailies rolling over. It will reset later in the day, though. I usually find it available again some time in the afternoon (PST).
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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Quaras » August 1st, 2014, 10:40 am

The daily quest did not reset for me either. It might later in the day, but as of 8:30AM server time, it had not reset despite the dailies resetting.

The second set of visitors to my garrison were Brutus and Rukus -- two boars that looked like Pumbaa from the Lion King. They were buffed with "Hearty Meal" which allowed them to self heal and they also could frequently self heal. I could not beat them even with a Clockwork Gnome/turret/Darkmoon Tonk/Dragon Kite combination. They simply healed too quickly. I will try again later in the day, but they seem to need massive burst damage and even that did not really dent their 2500K +hp. For me, this was one of the toughest fights I have had include the Celestial Tournament pre-guides.

I will continue to post here for feedback and if folks want to look me up on beta, I am Quaras there as well on Beta Levelling One.

PS I did not realize that Quintessence had already posted on this in a different thread and on her blog. Still happy to record my impressions, but she has done a much more fulsome and complete job.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Quintessence » August 1st, 2014, 2:18 pm

Quaras wrote:PS I did not realize that Quintessence had already posted on this in a different thread and on her blog. Still happy to record my impressions, but she has done a much more fulsome and complete job.
This thread was to mainly get the word out that the developers would like some input on each of the pet battles in the garrison. Did you enjoy it? Was it a challenge? Did any of the pet AI seem too strong or too weak? Were there bugs? And so on. The more feedback they get, the better the pet content will be come expansion release. Or at least that's the hope. ;)

You're still welcome to post your thoughts/ideas/feedback on any of the garrison pet battle challenges in either thread, though! Anything I write up is just an initial preview for the curious; I'm not really a strategist or anything. So feel free to continue hashing out teams and strats!
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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Jerebear » August 1st, 2014, 7:01 pm

Quintessence wrote: I think that's happening for everyone. The timezone on the beta is a little odd, and there might be some issue with dailies rolling over. It will reset later in the day, though. I usually find it available again some time in the afternoon (PST).
I hope so. The last time I was able to do a daily was two nights ago. It's been nearly 48 hours but no reset on the daily.
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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Adumbledore » August 1st, 2014, 8:30 pm

I wish they would stick something in where you could practice your teams on various tamers without having done the actual dailies. Then we could come up with more of a variety when it comes to team comps.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Quaras » August 5th, 2014, 5:32 am

Post patch, the quest for dailies is greyed out at 96 and does not appear to be obtainable. Lio the Lioness still allows healing and sale of "pet stuff" but the actual quest seems to be greyed out by level.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Daniboone » August 22nd, 2014, 12:02 pm

Carrotus Maximus is easily beaten with frogs spamming kiss. I only needed one frog who just kept himself healed and spammed kiss.

Gorefu was beaten with a Plump Turkey (food coma) and peck plus a red moth using moth dust and slicing wind. I had another moth that I didn't use.

Gnawface hits like a truck. The team I liked best was 3 snakes, hiss, burrow and bite.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Daniboone » August 22nd, 2014, 1:20 pm

Battle Pet Roundup daily:
Deebs, magic: Used Proto Drake Whelp and easily defeated him with breath, ancient blessing, and proto strike.
Tyri, human: His Omnislash targets all pets. Killed my Proto Drake Whelp, crawling claw, and Ghostly Skull. Spider with Sticky Web, Leech, Strike killed him.
Puzzle: working on him.

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Re: Beta testers: feedback wanted (garrison pet dailies)

Post by Chibimage » August 23rd, 2014, 8:45 am

I *just* got the beta a couple days ago. Already level 2 Garrison ( does not open the Menagerie quest) and almost level 94

But I did find a daily pet trainer out in the wild;

Cymre Brightblade!

Will be making How-To Defeat videos for all the Trainers (at least for the beta) when I get to them. I plan on making 100 and a level 3 Garrison as soon as possible as well. Thanks for this thread!

Update: Here is my video channel on YouTube - four trainers up now [url=]Warlords of Draenor Daily Pet Battle Tamers[/url]

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