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Re: Mechanics thread

Posted: June 16th, 2015, 10:21 pm
by Vevy
I've had a few questions eating at me.

1. How do Darkness + Nocturnal Strike interact with blindness. For instance, if I blind a Bone Serpent with a Death Adder Hatchling while darkness is the weather, should his nocturnal strike be able to hit given the general game mechanics?

In practice, I learned tonight, that Noc Strike can hit in this state. So the 100% chance to hit when darkness is present seems to override the 100% miss that a blind usually causes. Did my opponent get lucky or does he maintain a 100% hit chance due to the darkness? Does this mesh with any other mechanics?

2. Certain attacks occur on the same round that you cast a Feign Death but they happen after the Feign Death. For instance, if Chi-Chi is my last remaining pet and a Darkmoon Zeppelin casts Bombing Run, if I Feign Death on the turn that the bomb drops (three turns after its cast), my Chi-Chi will dodge any attack cast that round, but will get hit by the bomb.

3. Some pets avoid damage when lifting off and some don't. Is there a rational/consistency to this? My Bronze Whelping always avoids damage whereas my Junglebeak never does.

Re: Mechanics thread

Posted: June 17th, 2015, 1:12 am
by Myon
Vevy wrote:I've had a few questions eating at me.

1. How do Darkness + Nocturnal Strike interact with blindness. For instance, if I blind a Bone Serpent with a Death Adder Hatchling while darkness is the weather, should his nocturnal strike be able to hit given the general game mechanics?

In practice, I learned tonight, that Noc Strike can hit in this state. So the 100% chance to hit when darkness is present seems to override the 100% miss that a blind usually causes. Did my opponent get lucky or does he maintain a 100% hit chance due to the darkness? Does this mesh with any other mechanics?

2. Certain attacks occur on the same round that you cast a Feign Death but they happen after the Feign Death. For instance, if Chi-Chi is my last remaining pet and a Darkmoon Zeppelin casts Bombing Run, if I Feign Death on the turn that the bomb drops (three turns after its cast), my Chi-Chi will dodge any attack cast that round, but will get hit by the bomb.

3. Some pets avoid damage when lifting off and some don't. Is there a rational/consistency to this? My Bronze Whelping always avoids damage whereas my Junglebeak never does.
1. Nocturnal Strike's hitchance in darkness is kind of special I believe. When it says 100%, it doesn't simply move the chance to hit to 100% as a value which can be further modified (through blinds or other miss chance effects) It's 100% as in "This is going to hit no matter what" 100%.

Only exception is elementals who cause this accuracy bonus to fail as Darkness does not apply to them, you only have a 40% chance to land Nocturnal Strike at night compared to 50% in the day.

3.Do you remember what kind of attacks are landing on them? There is actually some consistency in this area, where for example a pet that is in a lifted off state can be hit by the lift-off attack from another pet (because they're both flying or something). Similarly, you can hit a burrowed pet with burrow yourself, and even something like earthquake from lil'XT.

There are some odd moves that hit where you wouldn't expect also. In particular, I remember life exchange being able to apply through cocoon strike's blocking effect, acting as if it weren't there at all.

Re: Mechanics thread

Posted: June 17th, 2015, 1:23 am
by Vevy
Myon wrote:3.Do you remember what kind of attacks are landing on them? There is actually some consistency in this area, where for example a pet that is in a lifted off state can be hit by the lift-off attack from another pet (because they're both flying or something). Similarly, you can hit a burrowed pet with burrow yourself, and even something like earthquake from lil'XT.
Yes, this is helpful. I remember Lift Off on the Junglebeak failing to dodge the landing of another flyer or dragon. This is consistent across any family with Lift Off?

I've seen the same thing happen with Burrow but I had never put the two together...meeting in the air/meeting underground.

Re: Mechanics thread

Posted: June 17th, 2015, 1:57 am
by Myon
Yeah, it should be consistent across all pets that use moves like that. I don't think there'll be any situation where, for example, your Junglebeak gets hit while lifted off, but your Bronze Whelpling manages to dodge it.

Re: Mechanics thread

Posted: June 17th, 2015, 4:07 pm
by Kpb321
Nocturnal Strike seems to always hit the opponent if they are blinded. It doesn't hit against elementals not because elementals have some special affect on nocturnal strike but because they are immune to the negative aspects of weather so don't get blinded by darkness. They could be blinded by flash of light or blinding poison and Nocturnal Strike would hit them.

End of turn effects like Bombing or mines exploding on expiring can be odd. If I had to guess multiple effects that happen at the end of turn happen in the same order normal attacks would happen so the Feign Death voiding and should swap to another pet if there was one happens first then the bombing run hits. If there was some way to setup a scenario where the other pet was faster then I bet that the end of turn damage would be dodged.

Avoiding damage when lifting off should boil down to just being faster than the opponent. If you go first you should dodge it but remember this move always goes first attacks will mess with that. Also a myron said the dodge from Lift off/Burrow come from being "above ground" or "below ground" and you can still be hit by something else that is at that same level that deals damage. For example another pet that used lift off that is on it's second round will hit a pet that is in the air from lift off. Burrow and dive are both "below ground" so can hit each other too.

Re: Mechanics thread

Posted: June 18th, 2015, 3:34 am
by Vevy
Thanks for all the clarifications.

Here's another one: interaction between traps and battlefield clearing spells.

When you cast a spell that removes all objects from the battlefield--Magma Wave, etc.--onto a trap (Lil' Rag and Curious Wolvar Pup), what happens? I seem to always get stunned from a procced trap. I don't think I've ever successfully removed a trap with a battlefield clear.

Re: Mechanics thread

Posted: June 18th, 2015, 3:49 am
by Myon
Vevy wrote:Thanks for all the clarifications.

Here's another one: interaction between traps and battlefield clearing spells.

When you cast a spell that removes all objects from the battlefield--Magma Wave, etc.--onto a trap (Lil' Rag and Curious Wolvar Pup), what happens? I seem to always get stunned from a procced trap. I don't think I've ever successfully removed a trap with a battlefield clear.
The only trap or object that I've seen get removed without going off is Minefield. For things like Magma Trap/Snap Trap, removing them means triggering them as well, which is at least useful for choosing which turn you want to be stunned on.

Re: Mechanics thread

Posted: June 18th, 2015, 10:42 am
by Kpb321
Traps are odd. Clearing them does trigger them. Minefield, decoy, turrets, other things like that get cleared pretty effectively but against traps it is basically just setting them off early. As far as I can tell you are better off just ignoring them and hoping you win before they trigger.