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Re: ever find that one team...?

Posted: May 7th, 2015, 3:11 am
by Vevy
To weigh in on MPD, I find it to be double edged in that it both encourages creativity (using a counter pet that you might not otherwise use) but sometimes has you using a pet is suboptimal against other popular teams.

Right now, I am using an infected squirrel. Some idiot keeps running a triple MPD team. My team has an S/S rabbit and a squirrel but I've found that given the right amount of anticipation on my part, I can almost solo all three with the infected squirrel. This requires dropping an infected fungus on a turn where they do not decoy, and then using Stampede to clear the decoy and double the damage.

The squirrel can be so-so in other MUs as I find the third skill option to not be as complimentary as I would like. I'm using an H/P right now. The P/B might be more effective in other MUs.

I can't help being competitive in this game and to echo an earlier poster, I get most unnerved when people stack the same pet. Those teams are arguably the weakest IF the opponent knows what is coming. Yet with a battle queue like we have, you usually don't know what you are going to face. In other words, these types of teams are designed to exploit the format.

Pet peeve number two: teams that stack pets that have long animation sequences. The Weebom, imo, is the worst offender as far as this is concerned. It's humiliating enough to lose to triple Weebom--having to sit through the damned efforts of each one to run into the back line at a labored pace really unnerves me.

This thread is really informative. I am glad to see people sharing pet teams.

And to the @ss who plays triple MPD, at least have the courtesy to not go AFK when you are losing to me.

Re: ever find that one team...?

Posted: May 7th, 2015, 10:35 am
by Myon
I never really understood the hate toward triple same-pet teams. I don't run them myself, but only because I don't believe any of them are candidates for best team in the metagame.

It runs counter to wanting to be competitive and objective about these things if you're going to have caveats like "But triple teams are cheap" or "But healing teams are unfair". A win is a win, it's just reality.

Not being able to know what comp you're going to queue into is the whole point of the queue, if you knew what you were going to face you could just put a counter team together after all. Being able to deal with curveball and outlier strategies you might run into is the mark of a truly well balanced team.

Re: ever find that one team...?

Posted: May 7th, 2015, 5:34 pm
by Melfice
Great thread and I love some of the teams being used here. I have a weekly PvP Pet Battle video on a YouTube channel, that I'm part of and I'll give a few of these teams a try (make videos) :)

One of my episodes, I did find "that one team" haha I went 4-0 or something like that. Good times, good times indeed.

I'll post some of my teams that I really do well with, and have a lot of fun with too.

Re: ever find that one team...?

Posted: May 8th, 2015, 10:55 am
by Skavenged
Sinistra03 wrote:
Skavenged wrote:
Drudatz wrote:PS: Skavenged is there a reaon you didnt post your team yet?
LOL! Honestly, I didnt put it out here because I don't want to end up facing it myself :)

However, since other people are sharing, I'll share one of my other go-to teams:

S/S Fiendish Imp (Burn, Immolate, Nether Gate)
Ghastly Kid

I just start with the imp. If I don't like what I'm facing, I gate them out. Otherwise, I use immolate and THEN gate them. (For MPD, I start with burn first). Swap to the Kid for haunt, and then Kovok for Black Claw and a poison dot. For those struggling with the MPD, this team is a hard counter to it.
Do you use Pheromones or Digest Brains? Ethereal I presume? How do you track the duration of immolation aura (I can't always count rounds when tired!) Thanks!
I use digest brains. Especially helpful against heal teams. As for the goat, I use consume magic. Again, useful against heal times, but the biggest benefit is removing mines, traps, dots, etc. This team does a lot of swapping, so minefield can be brutal if you can't clear it. I generally try to avoid bringing the imp back out until time for sweeping up, due to his low health. The original 9 rounds is usually enough to kill the first two pets and put a serious hurting on the third.