Family Familiar -- 150/150 Battles

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Re: Family Familiar -- 98/150 Battles

Post by Cluey » December 14th, 2016, 2:47 am

While this is a heap of work and a comprehensive list I question as to whether its needed or should be encouraged.

If you're collecting and levelling pets you should be able to work these out by yourself, it isn't like it's hard and you should feel a lot better about it working it out yourself.

If you're collecting and levelling you're probably using Gello's amazing addon Rematch already so it becomes even easier. If you're persisting with the default Pet Journal I suggest you have a look at better options like this one.

Just in case there are people who haven't worked this out I'll add what I do but it's nothing special, far from rocket science.
First choose the family you're working on:
Filter_1.jpg (120.72KiB)Viewed 3204 times
Second have a look at what the tamers team is and use the "Strong vs" option:
Filter_2.jpg (195.66KiB)Viewed 3204 times
You'll have to have a think about what he does and what abilities get used in what order.
I chose Korvok as my first pet here as I thought I could put Black Claw on the murloc and then use Pheromones to hit him in the back line while having Body Slam to hit the dragon.
As it turned out he brought the bird in first and the Black Claw didn't add to damage, or expire, in the back row!
So I winged it and won first go anyway.

Most of these battles aren't all that hard although running triple critter against triple beast has been interesting, luckily those beast teams don't exclusively use beast attacks.

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Re: Family Familiar -- 120/150 Battles

Post by Shirel » January 12th, 2017, 9:21 am

Just finished Master Tamer Flummox with a critter combo

1) Blind Rat
1 2 2
2) Mr Wiggles
2 1 1
3) Stone Armadillo
- 2 1

Start with Blind rat and cast darkness.
Follow up with a Lullaby.
Swap to Mr Wiggles.
Use Uncanny Luck whilst he is still asleep.
Spam diseased bite until dead or you have the damage reduction. On the damage reduction use crouch. (This will make you just survive later on for an extra attack).
When dead swap to blind rat.
Use darkness then Lullaby again.
Swap to Stone Armadillo.
Buff damage with Roar then spam Infected Claw till dead.
Cast Sleep on blind rat.
Cast Darkness.
Cast Sneak Attack.
Master Tamer Flummox should die to the sneak attack.

Note - this is somewhat RNG as there are misses and bad crits from Mr wiggles. As a guide he should be ca. 1k HP or lower when Mr Wiggles is done to get it down.

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Re: Family Familiar -- 123/150 Battles

Post by Paladance » January 23rd, 2017, 7:24 am

I'm glad I can write something in this original thread, even if I slightly repeat a certain thing. :)

My attempt at Trapper Jarrun: Humanoid was similar to that one presented here, but with some easier (I guess) to get pets. :)

[pet]Hopling[/pet] ([ability]Tongue Lash[/ability], [ability]Poison Lash[/ability], [ability]Backflip[/ability])
[pet]Terky[/pet] ([ability]Flank[/ability], [ability]Lucky Dance[/ability], [ability]Stampede[/ability])
[pet]Crusher[/pet] ([ability]Acid Touch[/ability], [ability]Shell Armor[/ability], [ability]Body Slam[/ability])
  • Repeat Tongue Lash until Mist Wraith resurrects itself
  • Backflip to block the last Wraith's attack (so basically like in the OP)
    Crawdead comes in
  • Tongue Lash until Hopling dies
    Bring in your Terky
  • Lucky Dance
  • Flank until Crawdead resurrects itself
  • Lucky Dance -- Crawdead dies, Gnaw comes in.
    Perhaps Terky dies here too (if not, use Stampede), then bring in your Crusher
  • Shell Armor –- may be the second round instead to make use of the buffs with Acid Touch ^^
  • Acid Touch
  • Body Slam
  • Acid Touch if necessary

I have compiled community knowledge & data about pet battle abilities!

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Re: Family Familiar -- 123/150 Battles

Post by Valianya » January 25th, 2017, 1:11 am

For Flummonx dragonkin fight, if you don't have Yu'la, a Nether Faerie Dragon(2,2,1) will work as a substitute. Moonfire then Life Exchange, then swap to Sprite Darter. Both faerie dragons died, but Chrom finished him off with Howl-Surge.

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