Lilhottie wrote:Throwing up my current lineups where they differ so we can compare notes:
For Aki:
Lil' XT, carry pet, Bat P/P
stormlash is the only trainer that uses call lightning, so heartbreak + tympanic tantrum do massive damage. Most effective when Aki starts with stormlash.
Bat uses [1,1,1] and wrecks both chirrup and whiskers.
For Niishi, I use Tranquil Mechanical Yeti's Ion Cannon.
I'm also using XT and Emerald PW, for Mo'Ruk right now because I can force the beast first, and it dramatically speeds up the fight.
For Flowing, I use Bat P/P and Flayer Youngling [2,2,2]. Bat opens on Marley with a Reckless Strike, and then if it doesn't crit I swap in Flayer and use reflection and then swap back to bat and finish Marley with another Reckless. Then Bite/Screech/Bite tiptoe, and then swap to carry pet and then to flayer and triple snap and then reflect and then rampage. Super reliable, very fast.
For Zusshi, I use an ooze and finish with Yellow Moth who can finish off whatever 2nd pet and owns the strider.
For burning, I use a Shimmershell Snail H/P with [2,1,1]. He owns the Elemental and does big damage to the flyer. And finish with Emerald PW.
For Obalis, I again use XT because it speeds up the fight so much, and finish off with Emerald PW.
For Antari I use Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling with breath and decoy, and Shimmershell Snail.
Snail owns the elemental, and the MPD owns both of the others.
For completeness - I use Snarly and a P/P Yellow-Bellied Bullfrog to zip through Deadwind,
and Lil'Tarecgosa and Tranquil Mechanical Yeti for Trixxy.
If by "comparing notes" you were refering to my teams, here are my comments:
First off, there are of course a lot of viable teams around for the tamers. I haven't tried your teams, so I am not sure whether they are faster or not.
One question: Have you tailored your teams in a way that demands a certain tamer pet to start first, or do these teams work just as well no matter which pet you face first?
I have answered on the go, and might be digressing a bit. But I think that should be ok since you asked to “compare notes” implying a wider perspective to my reply

I don't use XT as I haven't got him, and most people don't have him and won't get him since he isn't obtainable ingame other than through spending big moneys.
Bat might be viable, but I kind of like the Spirit Crab and Yellow Moth (I used to use Jade Oozeling and Spawn of Onyxia, but I thought that was a little too much on the RNG side of things). With my setup, not having XT, I don’t think it is a good idea for me to switch my Yellow Moth with Bat.
The only footage I have seen of the XT is the powerleveling-technique on youtube concerning leveling pets in Kun-Lai Summit. Seems powerful. In 5.2 it would be interesting to delve further into team-damage abilities vs tamers.
Doesn’t really matter that much which backup pet you have for the Eternal Strider, as long as it is a mechanical, preferably with hard-hitting attacks to finish the battle as quick as possible. Tranquil Mechanical Yeti should be just as viable as the Tonk or Zeppelin.
Haven’t got XT, so I’m not going to comment on that. Emerald PW is of course a very solid pet, but my hopes would be to find a faster and less tedious pet for this fight. The new pets in 5.2 could be interesting.
I like bats. I never really liked Flayer Youngling that much, though. Don’t ask me why; I just don’t like him (probably because I haven’t tried him that much, but when I do I always go *bleh* after a few turns of trying team setups vs tamers).
What I like with Vampiric Batling is that it is very strong, reliable, it can soak a lot of damage without fear as it is guaranteed to hit with an attack the round it dies no matter if it goes first or not, and another attack is guaranteed the next round. If the bat gets killed, it won’t be able to attack the round it gets killed unless it goes first (not likely vs this tamer’s high speed pets). When Marley dives, you use Hawk Eye to buff yourself as opposed to passing or missing an attack because of the Dive.
It probably works well for you, but I just liked the reliability of the Vampiric Batling, and think it’s a fair trade to lose the relatively marginal difference in attack power compared to the Bat breed 4.
Finally: Switching in Flayer if you won’t get a crit on your first reckless strike seems to me to almost guarantee you having to switch more often than not. Vampiric Batling doesn’t have to switch out – it just soaks the damage and hammers on with damage.
Yellow moth vs Zusshi might be faster than using the Infinite whelpling as it has a very high damage output. The key to Zusshi is to have a pet that can easily and quickly take down the first two pets no matter which order they are fielded. The last pet is just to mop up the last pet, which is very easy to kill - especially because my pet of choice in this battle is Jade Oozeling which sometimes can kill the strider (good luck with those pump-nukes being capped at 40 % of 1400 hp and facing big Absorb-heals).
Haven’t tried snails that much. Something about them haven’t really appealed to me. Not to say that they aren’t good pets; I have my shimmershell snail at lvl 25 ready to go. I guess I just like Acidic Goo AND Corrosion to go with my Absorb, which leads me to Jade Oozeling. Dive can be effective and tactical, but I have tried to find alternatives to snails. I should perhaps try snails more, though
XT: probably a good pet (I have had it on my list of pets which I consider buying from the AH), but as I haven’t tried it out I have no comment
Emerald PW (and Anubisath for that matter) are boring. I use them because they are solid, but I really would like to use alternatives. I have spent most of my testing-time vs Obalis and Payne I think. Vs Obalis, I have tried both Emerald PW and Anubisath-setups, but I ended up with Infinite Whelpling + Anubisath. Not saying it is optimal though; Obalis and Payne have been annoying. They shouldn’t be that much of a concern in 5.2 though because of the nerfbat hitting the stats of those tamers’ pets.
I have tried a lot of different team setups vs Antari. Among which was the MechPanDrag. As stated earlier, snails haven’t been my cup of tea. Still, it should be a viable pet in this fight.
I loved the Peddlefeet-setup with the stun; it is a good feeling to control the battle with stuns to force pet swaps, combined with a free Shot Through The Heart charge-up.
Another setup I have recorded, and which I almost ended up with as my main Antari-team, is Pandaren Fire Spirit (1,1,2) and MechPanDrag (1,2,2). MPD takes care of the magic pet and the dragonkin easily. Jadefire is too much for MPD to handle though, hence why one starts out with Pandaren Fire Spirit. My notes are a little sparse concerning this team setup, but I believe I chose Pandaren Fire Spirit because it has just enough speed to go first at least vs Jadefire, while still having quite a bit of attackpower. I am open to switching out a pet at the start of the battle if the “wrong” pet starts, if I tailor a team that can survive such a switch while still being reliable and have a carry pet. It might be that I switched out Pandaren Fire Spirit to the MPD if the magic pet started. This was to ensure that Pandaren Fire Spirit would kill Jadefire so that MPD wouldn’t have to have a single round vs him.
Note that Decoy will be nerfed. In 5.1 it has a 5 round CD. In 5.2 it is going to be on a 7 round CD (if memory serves me right). I believe I simulated the 7 round CD whenever I tested teams vs tamers where MPD was one of the pets of the team.
The main reason I scrapped the Pandaren Fire Spirit-team was because the Conflagration nerf in 5.2. This would affect Jadefire as well of course, but I didn’t like to end up with a team after all that work, only to perhaps discover that it was broken post 5.2.
I think your team works out well, so well done

. I have come to like my team and think that Peddlefeet makes the execution of the fight elegant. But I might try your team when I have time (bit busy these days so it has been little ingame time for me).