Addon Rematch

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » January 31st, 2014, 10:12 am

The plan for multiple leveling slots is that if you save a team with two different leveling pets, when you later load the team it will fetch the top two pets from the queue (that meet the team's criterea) to fill those two slots.

So for the first part of your scenerio, you could make a team with max leveling pet level of 10, saved with any two different leveling pets. When the team loads it will grab the first two pets in the queue from 1-10. When a pet levels to 11 it will swap out for another that's 1-10. Just like it does now when a pet reaches 25.

For the 11-20 pets, you could set a min hp to roughly level 11 (varies wildly true) and max level 20 and it will do the same for mid-levelled pets.

The multiple leveling pets bit will be relatively trivial. (It's technically possible to have three leveling pets now. Import this: All Leveling:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:) But it will likely wait until the queue is overhauled.

Also on auto load annoyance: Any thoughts on a 'Only Once' option? If you go to an NPC and a team auto loads, it will not auto load at that NPC until you encounter another NPC that auto loads.

So if you go to an NPC you get your team auto loaded. You can make changes all you want at that NPC, single slots, abilities or load whole teams, without fear of the team reverting to its saved version. Until you go elsewhere when auto load will kick in again. It won't help running back and forth from Wrathion to heal up pets in the celestial tournament. But outside that scenerio it would allow auto load to remain enabled and allow changing pets while at the target.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Kpb321 » January 31st, 2014, 6:20 pm

Gello wrote:Also on auto load annoyance: Any thoughts on a 'Only Once' option? If you go to an NPC and a team auto loads, it will not auto load at that NPC until you encounter another NPC that auto loads.

So if you go to an NPC you get your team auto loaded. You can make changes all you want at that NPC, single slots, abilities or load whole teams, without fear of the team reverting to its saved version. Until you go elsewhere when auto load will kick in again. It won't help running back and forth from Wrathion to heal up pets in the celestial tournament. But outside that scenerio it would allow auto load to remain enabled and allow changing pets while at the target.
I'd have to double checked it but I'm pretty sure that when it fails to load on the legendaries that it doesn't load them up after cancel out of the battle so I ended up hitting esc and targeting them before right clicking to reload the team. The once per npc would make that much more frustrating which is kinda my point. You can never plan for or correctly determine the right thing to do "automagically" so you need to keep automatic simple and predictable otherwise it's just confusing and even more frustrating.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Kpb321 » January 31st, 2014, 6:41 pm

Gello wrote:Perhaps the alternate team idea can be melded into the grouping idea.

Picture the team list like this:

+ General Teams <- undeletable group that has uncategorized teams
- Celestial Tournament
.... - Chi-Chi the whatsit
........ Snail Team 2
........ Magic Offense
.... Yulon the whatsit
.... + Lorewalker Cho
.... Blingtron 4000
- PVP Teams
.... Twin Tantrum
.... Elemental Team
+ Capture Teams

The - is a collapsable header expanded to its components. + is a collapsable header that's closed.
That was my immediate though on how to do groups in your addon based on the way things are currently done. It matches the way things are done in other areas of WoW like the stats panel and even in other programs so it shouldn't be hard to understand. Being able to create an autoload group for a particular NPC does lead pretty naturally to a priority for the teams.
There's overall groupings and then teams themselves can be groups.

Maybe a "Save" and "Advanced Save". "Save" will just do what it does now, except dump the team into the General group. "Advanced Save"(with a better name) will pop up a dialog asking for minimum hp and max level and where you want to save it.
I say KISS, Just have a Save and Save as button. People should be pretty used to a Save as button popping up a bunch of options for them. I'd even say that any time you save an autoload team you automatically make a category for that NPC and just make that the first team in the category. Sure it creates lots of categories and your list can get pretty big but most of the time you aren't going to be looking at it anyway so no harm.
An "Edit" can pop up the same window letting you choose where to move it in addition to changing other attributes like min hp and max level.

However, I think many teams will want to be used for multiple purposes. I use the turnip+exploding pets and the valkyr+pandaren water spirit+chrominius as backups in a lot of places. Is it sufficient that they sit in the general group?

Also, back to the auto load bit, if a team has alternates located within, if any pets are dead in the primary it will drop to the next alternate without a dead pet. And if the primary team and all alternates have a dead pet, then no auto load at all?

Too complicated? I suspect teams within teams may be too cumbersome to find again. And also prey to "forcing" a user to make duplicate turnip or chrominius teams peppered throughout the list making it much more cumbersome to scroll through.

As always open to suggestions. Specifically what a user would expect to do to manage teams with minimal fuss and no telepathy. Mark one team to be an alternate for many others? I can visualize the code/tables to do that, but I can't visualize the steps a user would go through to do that, given a potential for many dozens of teams.
My thought would be to steal windows method of doing things. Dragging and dropping a team moves it to the new location. Control Drag creates a copy of the team there that lets you edit it separately. Alt drag creates a "short cut" so that the same team can be used for multiple npcs or as a backup for multiple teams but you don't have to maintain it in several places. Add some small indicator to differentiate a short cut (icon, shading, etc) and I think it should all be pretty easy to understand for most people.

I will say that I am a lot less concerned about how many teams I create with rematch already as I'm not looking through a big list to find my teams so I've got multiple teams that are different mixes of raptors or of all mechanical pets for the different BoF where it was the same single team in PBT. It doesn't really matter how big the list is if I'm not frequently trying to look through it to find a particular time.
Also, scrapping the alternate team concept, we could go the alternate pets for slots route. That may be more doable, as long as it's not a huge list of alternates, and it's something the user defines, like dragging a backup snail into a backup slot beneath the main pet. Having a hard time visualizing this also but I'll think on it.
I'm not sure that Alternate teams and alternate pets are necessarily mutually exclusive or solving the exact same issue. Alternate teams can be a completely different strategy like your explode team or a valk/water/chromy team while an alternate pet is a functional equivalent for the current strategy. They could be a different breed of the same pet, a different pet that has the same move set (snail 123) or a different pet that just has enough similar enough ability or abilities to act as a substitute (Tranquil yeti subbing for a Darkmoon tonk or any pet that has Call lightning for my Xu-Fu team). I think the alternate teams is easier to implement and probably good enough so I'd work on that one first. Alternate pets could get pretty complex when you think about making sure you have the right abilities selected for each alt pet and when you start wanting to do things like any flying pet with Swarm and speed greater than 300 for example. Sure you could make the user just manually add the 3 pets that meet that criteria but that would be a hassle.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » February 7th, 2014, 10:20 pm

Sorry to bump this thread that hasn't had activity for a few days, but it's been a great source of suggestions.

If any are interested I'm looking for ideas on how the UI should be setup. It's over on [url=]wowinterface's comments[/url] but I can follow here too:

Throwing this out there for any feedback or suggestions: I'm presently experimenting with different UI setups. All of this won't happen at once, but they need to be considered with some room for changes/new ideas. I'm also open to scraping some ideas for simplicity's sake. The eventual goals:

- Integrate a pet browser into the addon, preferrably in a way that's not just glopped onto the side of the present window. This was the planned direction of the addon since October if any are rolling their eyes at the unnecessary feature. (It can be made load-on-demand entirely optional if there's an outcry)
- Get the teams into user-made groups with collapsable rows like the currency tab with potential controls for manipulating groups/teams. The list may be cramped if left in the space it's in now, especially if teams become expandable themselves with alternates.
- More organization of the leveling queue. Specifically, sorting and rotating. Will probably need to graduate to a bigger window, especially if you can mass import from the browser.
- Options window needs more room.
- Perhaps (not necessary) making the current pets stacked vertically, more like the pet journal, with strong preference to the horizontal view when collapsed. (I prefer to have the 3 pets up when flying around doing dailies)
- But still allowing a compact view of the 3 pets in a row (with selected team forming a second row) to keep on the screen as you fly around and do pet battles.

Some may have noticed that the Rename, Send and Export buttons disappeared from the side and went to a right-click menu on the team itself. I felt that the window was getting too tall in its expanded form (and was planning to stack pets vertically). But after moving bits around, I've found that:
- stacking pets vertically makes the window very tall in expanded form and also creates a lot of wasted space unless the window is narrowed substantially.
- the browser list feels like it should take up the same space as the team list; there shouldn't ever be a need to look at both lists at once. It looks much cleaner that way.
- it's looks very awkward to have the window collapse from a vertical view to a horizontal one, so perhaps the vertical view idea should be scrapped. (also an issue of whether to anchor from left or right when width changes going from narrow vertical to wide horizontal but that could be overcome)

I've considered making the pullout drawer pull out to the side (can be configured to left or right of main window) so it opens like a book, but that doesn't address the collapsed view, which isn't very collapsed if left vertical.

My current thought is to scrap the veritcal pets idea entirely, keep the general shape but widen the window a tiny amount to make more space between the current pets, make it a little taller than it is now (like back to what it was and put the list in the drawer both teams and pets you can switch with tabs on the side.

But why not throw it out to you guys: any strong feelings? Anyone have some ideas for how stuff should be laid out? Here's a discarded mockup to get an idea of what elements I want on the screen at once:


And here's what I was getting at with the narrow bit:


Here's with the browser glopped on the side (the card bit on the top right you can ignore--I'll be using the "tooltip" card for that. Clicking on a pet will lock it so you can mouseover abilities):


The hints window I'm thinking can go. It seemed a cool idea at the time but it's probably unnecessary if the space can be used more economically. At one point I tried moving the leveling slot there and the hints down into the pullout drawer but three pets with a 4th slot beside it, even with some distance, was confusing.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » February 7th, 2014, 10:45 pm

Personally, I have gotten used to the horizontal layout. However, that is mostly because I need to use both Rematch and the default Pet Window in order to do everything I need so finding space for rematch on the screen without it blocking other parts of my UI (chat windows, buffs, etc.). If I can assume that the Pet Browser will provide all the same functionality as the default plus your wonder extras, then the tallness of vertical (which takes up more screen space) is probably not an issue.

That said, if you do go vertical, there are options for all that extra space. You can show Strengths/Weaknesses for that team (like you do for the one below it), which helps in comparing the current team with the selected team. You could show pet EXP buffs (I'm not sure how useful that is, but just tossing out things). You could move some command buttons up there (again, nothing particular in mind...maybe save, send).

I know none of that was probably helpful...just thinking out off the cuff without much time put into it yet. Maybe after I sleep on this some, I can come up with something more concrete.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Kring » February 10th, 2014, 8:47 am

One problem I have at the moment is that the default view doesn't contain everything I need. I always have to have Rematch in the extended view to see the leveling queue, which is actually the most important information.

I think the interface could be improved by ordering it a bit more.

There are three workflows I see:
- Everything related to battle. The leveling queue. The current loaded pets.
- Everything related to work with teams. Groups, team list, send, edit.
- Creating/modifying a team.

I would start with the small default interface that includes the current loaded pets, the leveling queue and the most important buttons. (Heal, save, close, etc)
small.png (72.87KiB)Viewed 8352 times
Expanding this shows the saved teams. This window can now be bigger (because it's rarely needed because the leveling queue is no longer here) and show more teams and longer names. I've added buttons to the right side of the teams. These buttons would be groups. I think that saves more space then the expandable view, which might group the teams but still forces us to scroll to the end. (The WoW reputation pane is a good example of a terrible grouping interface.)
teams.png (224.6KiB)Viewed 8352 times
In the last example we would pop open the pet frame to create/modify teams.
all.jpg (168.62KiB)Viewed 8352 times

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » February 11th, 2014, 7:19 am

I agree the leveling slot should be up with current pets. Maybe have the queue pop out perpendicular to the window. At some point it will have controls in the queue so it will need its own space beyond the window.

I like the idea of grouping teams by tab buttons on the right. Having an icon tab like the guild bank and spellbook would be familiar too. But it may necessarily limit how many groups you can make because of the space for tabs. Is 6-8 groups enough, considering we may have different roles for teams with breeding stuff in WoD?

Great suggestions thanks!

There will be a minor update this week to mark leveling pets on the journal and other minor changes. Starting next week I'll have a lot more free time to do more.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Zíra » February 11th, 2014, 7:24 am

I tested this addon now several days and i have to say.... I love it! Works like a charm for my daily pet trainers tour and the celestial tournament.

@Gello keep up the great work.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Emmaleah » February 19th, 2014, 3:31 pm

More feedback for you :)

How about a modifier key [SHIFT or whatever] for when you don't want to autoload (altho I can see potential good with a check box on the main window). I was trying to use my Stinker to heal my pets at the celestial tournament and it kept auto-loading the team for that trainer instead. It was driving me nuts. How I solved it is target the the trainer Im going to use for healing, then load back the team I need to heal, then find and add stinker to the team, then start battle. It meant I had to keep searching for my pets reapeatedly since the one who needs healed may not necessarily be in the team (like replacing a dead one for a short term basis) However, it would nice if I could do it before and not discover that I have just loaded the wrong team for the 3rd time in a row...

More thoughts of the leveling queue. Can we have one more option, move down one slot (similar to move to end and move to start). Sometimes whatever is at the top is something I don't want to use right now, but I don't really want to send him all the way to the bottom to be neglected for the next week. :(

I saw a comment that the addon supports mailing pets teams. How does this work. I get that its an undocumented feature, but inquiring minds want to know! Can you click on the team and somehow it cages and mails them? (assuming they are cagable of course). Or am I doomed to disappointment and you meant mailing the exported text. BTW, what about a mass export or send? possible? I'm guessing not, but that would be what the mail would be useful for because you could export each team and paste it into the mail, then the receiver copies them out of the mail individually.

I would like to second the request for pet treats and if it was possible a tooltip reminding you to target a pet. (Digging thru my bags is a pain). While I was typing this... another nifty idea occurred to me. A flyout for pet stones too??? It would use the icon of the unmarked flawless, but would contain (on flyout) all the upgrade stones in your inventory, you target the intended pet, click on the intended stone and voila, less searching thru your bags!

Lastly, a thing I have always thought would be neat, but probably belongs in some other battle pet addon. When I capture a pet and its sitting there waiting for the battle to be finished. I wish the UI showed a cage. I tried to add a picture as an attachment... hopefully it works.
captured pet.jpg
sample of what I mean
captured pet.jpg (22.66KiB)Viewed 8310 times
Love your addon! Keep up the good work, I am really looking forward to your browser!

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Kpb321 » February 19th, 2014, 3:37 pm

Emmaleah wrote:More feedback for you :)

How about a modifier key [SHIFT or whatever] for when you don't want to autoload (altho I can see potential good with a check box on the main window).
With the current build there should be an option to only autoload the first time you target a specific npc until you target a different one. Might be off for you.
More thoughts of the leveling queue. Can we have one more option, move down one slot (similar to move to end and move to start). Sometimes whatever is at the top is something I don't want to use right now, but I don't really want to send him all the way to the bottom to be neglected for the next week. :(
Yeah that would be nice sometimes.
I saw a comment that the addon supports mailing pets teams. How does this work.
It just mails a string to import your pets and their moves as a team not the actual pets.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Ravnhawk » February 19th, 2014, 4:18 pm

Ok tonight is the night to load Rematch and start getting it set up.

1. How many pet battle teams can we have?
2. Is it best to delete Petbattleteams addon before we begin?
3. Any other addons do we need to delete as well?

I was hesitant to start this tonight with all the pet glitches Blizz has still on going with the current patch. But I just love some of the things this add on can do.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » February 19th, 2014, 5:40 pm

I have a lot of teams. I have not run into a limit yet. I would not delete pet battle teams. In fact, you can import all your PBT teams into Rematch to make things go quicker (/rematch import). I still run both as I test things. I haven't run into any addons having issues with Rematch yet.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Kring » February 19th, 2014, 5:53 pm

Emmaleah wrote:More thoughts of the leveling queue. Can we have one more option, move down one slot (similar to move to end and move to start). Sometimes whatever is at the top is something I don't want to use right now, but I don't really want to send him all the way to the bottom to be neglected for the next week. :(
Send the second one to the front of the queue. :-)

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » February 19th, 2014, 5:58 pm

Gello, in 2.2.8, is there a way to disable the part that makes rematch close during a pet battle? I haven't installed it yet, so I wanted to ask before I do.

EDIT: Also, I saw the discussion on wowinterface about whether to replace the journal or not and how that affects addons like PJE. I don't have an account there, so I couldn't comment, but any thoughts about discussing with the authors of some of the more mainstream addons like PetJournalEnhanced and PetBattleInfo about what can be done to either help Rematch and those addons coexist on a replaced journal or what they might like in terms of API if they wanted to attach their options to rematch in someway? I'm not sure if you would be for that or not, but I do like the idea of not having to manage two different pet lists if possible (if not, I'll work around it because I really like Rematch). I'm not sure what the right solution is for everyone. Just tossing out some thoughts.
Gello wrote:IIs 6-8 groups enough, considering we may have different roles for teams with breeding stuff in WoD?
If the tab names/icons are customizable, probably. I've never been a fan of the tabbed grouping myself. While I agree that the reputation pane is awful, we can't customize that. Collapsable/searchable expanding views work ok if they can be customized. That said, even tabbed grouping would be useful so I would welcome it if that is the consensus.

After more consideration, I will solidly choose horizontal layout over vertical for sure. I think it would work better. Also, if you plan for the queue to expand out left / right (you said perpendicular, so not sure if that is what you meant), it might be worth having an option to control which way it expands out. I keep my rematch in the bottom right corner, so if it expanded out to the right, it would go off the screen. I'm sure others use different placements.

Awesome job as always Gello!
Kring wrote:Send the second one to the front of the queue. :-)
This would be annoying to do the way I use rematch. I would have to pop open rematch, move it to the center of my screen so the tooltips don't cover the queue, and then work with the queue. For reference, currently all I have to do is right click on the levelling slot in the collapsed view to manage my queue pets. Aside from setting up the queue before I start, I work from the collapsed view exclusively while levelling, which doesn't give you queue options.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » February 19th, 2014, 10:46 pm

How about a modifier key [SHIFT or whatever] for when you don't want to autoload (altho I can see potential good with a check box on the main window).
If you go into options is Auto Load->Always Load checked? Uncheck that if so. Then it should only auto load on the first interaction with a target. After that you can change teams up as much as you want, until you move on to another saved target and auto load happens for that one. (While Always Load is checked, it will persistently autoload like it used to)

You can set a binding in the key binding interface to toggle Auto Load also. Tho key binds are a premium I understand how a modifier would be a better option.
More thoughts of the leveling queue. Can we have one more option, move down one slot (similar to move to end and move to start). Sometimes whatever is at the top is something I don't want to use right now, but I don't really want to send him all the way to the bottom to be neglected for the next week. :(
As others mention you can send the second one to the start. You can drag pets from within the queue also btw. Click on the second pet, drag it upward and let go.
I saw a comment that the addon supports mailing pets teams. How does this work.
It's probably more correct to say it supports caging pets. When you cage a pet that belongs to any team, it either replaces that pet with another copy of the same species, or if that was your only copy, it will remain the same species but greyed out. In the latter case, when you get the pet back and re-learn it, the pet ceases to be greyed out and it's just like it was before. If you had another pet that took its place while the caged one is gone, it won't automatically revert unless the 'Auto Upgrade' option is checked. That option may become standard behavior (or on by default). At the time it was added, I feared that going through and mucking up teams (even if only looking for the pet you just learned) whenever you learn a pet may not be ideal.
I would like to second the request for pet treats and if it was possible a tooltip reminding you to target a pet. (Digging thru my bags is a pain). While I was typing this... another nifty idea occurred to me. A flyout for pet stones too??? It would use the icon of the unmarked flawless, but would contain (on flyout) all the upgrade stones in your inventory, you target the intended pet, click on the intended stone and voila, less searching thru your bags!
Treats is definitely an intended goal with a timer showing duration left. I often wonder how much time is left on a buff during a battle.

For the flyouts, that may be beyond the scope of this addon but it can be considered for the UI overhaul. In the meantime, there's a very small (<100k) addon called Select that I use for flyouts all the time:

I use it for mounts, food, quest items, grouped spells, etc. If you make this macro:

/select Lesser Pet Treat, Pet Treat, item:Flawless

That macro will initially use a Lesser Pet Treat when clicked, or open a flyout on right-click with both treats and flawless stones and their number.
Lastly, a thing I have always thought would be neat, but probably belongs in some other battle pet addon. When I capture a pet and its sitting there waiting for the battle to be finished. I wish the UI showed a cage. I tried to add a picture as an attachment... hopefully it works.
That too is probably beyond the scope of this addon but it's a neat idea and would be relatively trivial to do. Someone will surely make one.
1. How many pet battle teams can we have?
2. Is it best to delete Petbattleteams addon before we begin?
3. Any other addons do we need to delete as well?
1. There's no limit.
2. As others said I don't recommend deleting PBT. In fact you may want to keep both running at least for the first run so you can /rematch import to copy all your PBT teams over.
3. It tries its best to play nice with other addons. For instance, before it places its button on the journal it looks to see if any other addons have stuff in that space and chooses an alternate location if so. Also PJE completely replaces the default pet journal list, so whenever this addon needs to interact with the journal it makes sure it interacts with PJE too. You shouldn't experience any issues with any other pet addon but it's not impossible for conflicts to happen. Keep them all enabled imho.
Send the second one to the front of the queue. :-)
I count at least three here watning it, I'll see about putting one in for a short-term update.
Gello, in 2.2.8, is there a way to disable the part that makes rematch close during a pet battle? I haven't installed it yet, so I wanted to ask before I do.
There is not in 2.2.8. But there will be in an update this weekend so you can hold off for a bit. It seemed logical that it should always disappear like the rest of the UI. But I find myself often bringing it back up after it's hidden to look at leveling pets' new abilities and stuff. Also when pet treat durations are on the window it will be useful to have it up also. I'll have this on a short-term update this week too.
Also, I saw the discussion on wowinterface about whether to replace the journal or not and how that affects addons like PJE. I don't have an account there, so I couldn't comment, but any thoughts about discussing with the authors of some of the more mainstream addons like PetJournalEnhanced and PetBattleInfo about what can be done to either help Rematch and those addons coexist on a replaced journal or what they might like in terms of API if they wanted to attach their options to rematch in someway?
Not a whole lot of thought has been given to this I'm afraid. It's a complicated issue I may revisit in the future. I'm not opposed to the idea. Simca has been receptive to supporting other addons and has opened up Battle Pet BreedID's data for other addons to use more freely (so the possible breeds of pets can be shown on the tooltip card).
This would be annoying to do the way I use rematch. I would have to pop open rematch, move it to the center of my screen so the tooltips don't cover the queue, and then work with the queue. For reference, currently all I have to do is right click on the levelling slot in the collapsed view to manage my queue pets. Aside from setting up the queue before I start, I work from the collapsed view exclusively while levelling, which doesn't give you queue options.
For a short-term solution I can make tooltips appear on the left if the window is close enough to the edge that they'd overlap. I would like to get the leveling slot/queue into the collapsed view too.

For the past few weeks I've been tinkering with different layouts, but I think it will create a long delay to do a big overhaul at once, so my current plan is three stages:
1. short-term fixes (2.2.9): make hiding during battle optional, right-click 'Swap with Next in Queue', smarter tooltip anchoring
2. mid-term (2.3.0): get browser attached even if not ideally integrated and find out in the context of the whole working addon what would be better workflows.
3. long-term (2.4 or 3.0 if a major rewrite): overhaul the UI. Specifically this is when team groups will be added and leveling queue options fleshed out. Probably not all at once. But the overhaul will take those into consideration.

The past few weeks were busy with work but I have lots of free time now so hopefully I can catch up to implementing the great suggestions here.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Kring » February 20th, 2014, 5:09 am

Gello wrote:I agree the leveling slot should be up with current pets. Maybe have the queue pop out perpendicular to the window. At some point it will have controls in the queue so it will need its own space beyond the window.
[url=]Get Perpendicular[/url]
Gello wrote:I like the idea of grouping teams by tab buttons on the right. Having an icon tab like the guild bank and spellbook would be familiar too. But it may necessarily limit how many groups you can make because of the space for tabs. Is 6-8 groups enough, considering we may have different roles for teams with breeding stuff in WoD?
That's the problem. There will always be someone who needs more groups. But I think it should be enough. (Trainer, PvP, PvP Test, Catch teams, level teams, ...?)

You could, of course, combine the ideas of the expandable groups (like reputation pane) and the tabs groups. Then we could e.g. use one tab for tamers and In that group, group them with the expandable groups for Pandaren, Azeroth, CT, etc. (Probably overkill)

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Kring » February 20th, 2014, 5:15 am

Emmaleah wrote:altho I can see potential good with a check box on the main window
That's a great idea. The checkbox for auto loading should be on the main windows instead of in the options. That's something we might like to change from fight to fight. It's not really a "configuration" option, it's more like changing a car from "Park" to "Drive" and back - something that can happen multiple times per day.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Iamwhatis » February 21st, 2014, 6:52 pm

I’d like to see folders. Similar to the way Microsoft Word works for saving documents. You could create a folder for the Celestial Tournament and inside that folder another folder for Chi Chi etc. You could also have a folder for Tamers and inside that folder have a folder for each tamer. You could have a PVP team’s folder and inside that folder have a Valk folder (for teams that mostly use the Valk advantage, and a folder named Murk (for teams that mostly use the Murk stuff) and a folder named Weather teams etc. User made user named and as deep as you want. You could choose whether you want to open to the folder with the name of the NPC. Inside that folder you could list (assign a ranking to the teams 1 through whatever) the teams such as 1 snail snail snail 2 moth raven crow 3 etc. and you could choose whether it would load the first team or let you pick a team. If you chose load the teams in order you would play team number one but on reload if any member of team 1 was damaged it would load team 2 etc. Of course all teams could be renamed on the fly and there should be a, confirm use this team button (make it optional if some people don’t want it) so you could confirm the team before the battle begins. If the user said no, to confirm the team, then the user could pick any team from any folder or create a new team to play.

Also besides being able to input a team name there should be an optional second line where you can input a description or whatever you want. If checked this optional input line would be a mouse over on the character in play. This would be great for remembering moves especially in things like the Celestial Tournament. For example you could label all the moves for a team playing a specific NPC. Each pet has 6 moves 1-6. Each team has 3 pets 1-3. In this optional line you could put 1= 1366t 2=3t 3=1135 and that could mean in this fight use the pets and skills like this: for pet 1 use 1 then 3 then 6 then 6 and then trade to pet 2 use 3 and then trade to pet 3 etc. I do this in pet journal now by just labeling my team Wise M1 1=33t 2=163 etc. and opening my pet journal and clicking change name so I can look at the whole name which includes my move layout and using the keyboard arrow keys to scroll right and left on the name/moves description. Of course I don’t change the name.
Last edited by Iamwhatis on February 21st, 2014, 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Kpb321 » February 21st, 2014, 7:03 pm

Iamwhatis wrote: I use the pet journal add on. I probably have about 300 teams in pet journal. I loaded Rematch through Curse some time ago. It interfered with the pet journal add on. It would over right teams and change team order in the pet journal. So I deleted this add on using Curse. After deleting it my computer would still pull up the team according to the name. I did a work around but it was annoying. For example I had several teams named Wise Mari. I had Wise Mari 1, Wise Mari 2 etc. I had to change all those names to Wise M or anything that was not the complete name. This was even after deleting Rematch. Has anyone had similar experiences? Do you know what is happening? Can it be fixed? Can you create a delete for Rematch that deletes the whole thing without interfering with pet journal?
I haven't had any problems with rematch interfering with any other pet addons and I've got several including pet journal enhanced. If you deleted the add on there is no way it could still be affecting your teams and automatically selecting them. Either you didn't delete Rematch or some other addon is doing that. I know Autosafari hat recently added an automatically select teams option for PBTs so it may be something like that occurring.

Joined:April 21st, 2013
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Iamwhatis » February 21st, 2014, 8:43 pm

Kpb321 wrote:I haven't had any problems with rematch interfering with any other pet addons and I've got several including pet journal enhanced. If you deleted the add on there is no way it could still be affecting your teams and automatically selecting them. Either you didn't delete Rematch or some other addon is doing that. I know Autosafari hat recently added an automatically select teams option for PBTs so it may be something like that occurring.
Thanks Kpb. I wrote the wrong add on name. So I deleted that part of my post and am reposting it correctly here. The conflict problem I had was with the add on Pet Battle Teams. Help is appreciated.

I use the pet battle teams add on. I probably have about 300 teams in pet battle teams. I loaded Rematch through Curse some time ago. It interfered with the pet battle teams add on. It would over right teams and change team order in the pet battle teams list. So I deleted this add on using Curse. After deleting it my computer would still pull up the team according to the name. I did a work around but it was annoying. For example I had several teams named Wise Mari. I had Wise Mari 1, Wise Mari 2 etc. I had to change all those names to Wise M or anything that was not the complete name. This was even after deleting Rematch. Has anyone had similar experiences? Do you know what is happening? Can it be fixed? Can you create a delete for Rematch that deletes the whole thing without interfering with pet battle teams?

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